DragonYugi's BBCode Questions 1. BBCodes are rather fun. You can play with them and enchance your posts a lot. Don't you agree? 2. The UCaG is rather fun. But with the small variety of game types it gets rather repetitive, doesn't it? 3. How did you become an ArchKnight? 4. Is "Game of the Month" going to re-appear? It was a nice touch to the UCaG and kept game owners active and something to make the game fun for. 5. You are probably going to tell me as a reason for not restarting it something about low interest in such a contest. No, the interest can be high. The UCaG has grown. Why don't you try again? What do you have to lose? 6. Regardless, being an ArchKnight must be rather hard, doesn't it? Lots of PMs daily, you must take care of the section of the forum you are entitled to AND you have the duty to log in at least... how much; 5 times a week or so? On a scale of 1 to 10, how stressful and/or hard is your daily AKship? 7. This question might have been said a million times but, what is your favourite music genre? 8. What about game genre? 9. What would you do if you were elected to candidate for president and would win? 10. I am ashamed to ask this question but... Are you a male or a female?