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RE: The famous Meet the ArchKnight thread.

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3/18/2010 16:40:17   

Oooh a New AK.... not 47, sadly D:

Anyways, Hiya! I have a few questions for you.

1. How many ----s can you supply me within the next five minutes? *<.< >.>*This is a friendly reminder that this is a family oriented forum, and as such the listed question was not deemed by this Ak to be family-friendly, thus why the dashes. Please remember in the future to ask questions that will be family-friendly. Thank you. To answer the question, zero.

2. What do you think of my Username? It be Hancok. Heros like playing cards, come in all varieties.

3. COOOKIES!!!! What flavours do you have? The only flavor I have is vanilla cocoa bean peanut butter chip.

4. Can I Transform Ya into a cookie and eat you? you can try, but I believe that dragons possess more magical talent and knowledge.
5. What does my name mean? O_o that you are both cold as ice and hot, hot, hot at the same time?

6. What is the square root of a cookie?cookies are round not squared.

7. Who ate all the pies? I believe that would have been The legendary hero.

8. Who ate all the cookies? And that answer goes to the Baron.

9. Who ate all the questions? And that answer would be Dogear.

10. Is this the last question? funny, yes it is.

11. Is it really?

No more questions! >:O Nice to meet you Dragonnightwolf, been a pleasure doing business with you. peace. dnw

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 3/19/2010 5:45:04 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 51
3/22/2010 8:09:06   

Hey dragonnightwolf!!!!
1. Do you play AE games often?
2. What is your favorite sport?
3. Do you want to be a moderator for aqw?
4. Have you ever blown up a cake?
5. How many fingers am I holding up?
6. Do you like soup?
7. And last but not least,Do you like pie?

Greetings. 1. Yes I do, I play at least two ae games once every night.

2. I enjoy both Football and Baseball equally, however I also enjoy the horse races once in a blue moon.

3. Do I want to be a moderator for Aqw? At this time it is too early to say a yes or no response on this question because I'm still figuring things out.

4. I have never blown up a cake.

5. Seven <<how did you know?

6. Yes I quite enjoy bowls of soup.

7. Yep, Dutch apple, oreo and Key lime are among my favorites.

Peace. Dnw

< Message edited by goomba1 -- 3/31/2010 9:09:57 >
Post #: 52
3/22/2010 9:02:24   

I only have one question can you say Unoe right?
Greetings Nubes.

I believe the correct spelling for the game is Uno. Take care, Dnw.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 3/22/2010 20:14:01 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 53
3/23/2010 8:53:26   
Knight of the Dragon

We meet once more Wolf! Since you do remember me here come my questions.

Q: We met a long time ago and became friends. How can you say on those small meetings that we had before?

A:What? we aren't still friends? Hah, just kidding! Our battles together were indeed memorable.

Q: Can I call you Wolf? (Because I'm Dragon) If not then what should I call you?

A:You may call me wolf, or Ace

Q: Do you have a favorite joke? If so what is it?

A:Hmm a favorite joke....Okay, what did the apple say to the banana? You're very A-peeling.

Q: Are Knights of the Dragon and Dragon Shamans the same thing?

A:No. Dragon Shamans actually heal.

Q: What's your favorite kind of candy?

A:Besides the reese's cups? Butterscotch drops.

Q: Do you like chocolate? I like chocolate! I eat chocolate for breakfast! I feed my Dragon chocolate! *heads spins around* Oh a BUNNY!! *Runs*

A:Chocolate? eh...I think it depends on the variety.

Q: If you were suddenly turned into a drink that is to be carbon-copied and sold worldwide, what drink would you choose to be and why?

A:I would choose to be a natural spring water. It's good for your health depending on where it comes from.

Q: Did you expect that you would become an ArchKnight out of all your hard work?

A: Actually I wasn't looking out for anything. I was just being myself.

Q: Do you have any advice or tips for those who want to become ArchKnights?

A:"as i'm sure you know, there's no secret method to becoming an ArchKnight. you just have to be active and be yourself, and if we see characteristics we like, you might get asked. but trying to act differently to be what you think we want does more harm then good to yoru cause. and constantly askign how to be an AK is usually the kiss of death" Quote comes from SeaHawk./color]

Q: What can you say about yourself when you wore Templars of Light and Blue Draconian Wings before?

A:I don't recall wearing a templar of light. I do remember the blue wings though, they were rather nifty back then.

Q: If you could change history, what would you do?

A:Please define history, otherwise I cannot answer the question. Do we mean world history, lore history etc?

Q: What is your favorite time of the day?

A: That'd be around one when the weather becomes all nice and sunny.

Q: Ooh! A cat!

A:Ooh A chibi pet tiger!

Q: What do you do when you don't play AE games?

A:Read, play on the ps2, play drums, and do homework.

Q: What special phenomenon happens in the C-Directional Alpha B Minor of the Outer Rim Delta-R Area 4 Sector 900 Sub-sector 8 of the Gamma H Omega Q Beta Y within the space and Time continuum?

A:I'd probably have to confer with LoneWulfy on that question, I'm not a science major in the space/time discussions, I do have some knowledge of space and time, but that is like super-duper advanced.

Q: What do think about my username Knight of the Dragon?

A:What about it?

Q: Do you like Pi? If so what flavor?

A:Pi by itself is a mathematical formula. Pie, on the other hand is quite delicious.

Q: Am I asking TOO many questions?

A:Yep, fifteens the limit. I only answer fifteen..

Q: Any words you would like to say for everybody in AQW, like something inspiring or something sentence since you are a new ArchKnight?

A:Yes I have 2 actually. Battle on! and Holy Mackeral.

Q: Is this the most questions you've received in this thread?

A:Yes it is.

Q: Can you go on a pogo stick while washing the dishes, jumping through a hoop of fire, brush your teeth and do 1,000,000 backflips all at the same time?

A:Dragons can fly, why do all that other stuff?
Q: This is my last. Drum roll please!!! *sees a drum roll by* -.-
Do you want to meet with me on AQW? You know, to remember the old times.

A: I'm always willing to join the players for some fun, if and when I have the time to do so that is. Lately I've been extremely busy with homework though.
Anyway, nice meeting you again Dragonnightwolf! Sorry if sorta caused your brain to explode on that ONE question. Well, good luck with your ArchKnight life!

~Knight of the Dragon

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 3/23/2010 23:20:31 >


DF AQW Epic  Post #: 54
3/23/2010 12:21:29   

Hey Dragonnightwolf is me again remember with my 2 previous post 6 question again

1.Do you know i changed from wolf to vampire i lvoe vampire cause of the outfit and the eye custom can you defat me with you teeth?If I were equipped with that transforming armor, maybe.
2.Are you a knight or mage why?Mage. In a lot of the games I've played over ae(with the exception of warpforce and mech quest) I have selected the mage because of the unique skills the mage gets.
3.Are you a dragonlord or dragon why if you are a dragonlord or dragon why are you get summon by your master or
why do you chosoe to be a dragon?dragon. I suppose you could say it's a partnership.
4.Are you going to aim for another a kship again like ak of AQW GD , ART , QA?It is too soon to tell.
5.When you become a wolf night or can you transform to human form when i slay you? You could slay me but that wouldn't be very nice now would it?
6.How do you feel about the AQW ST patrick day?Ah, I love the green scenery and bless me barnacles look at all the Shinies!
Gtg now again see ya later on.


< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 3/23/2010 23:24:21 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 55
3/23/2010 13:32:20   

Greetings Dragonnightwolf, congratz to the new ak now i have some questions for u: Welcome to the you ask I answer column, todays guest is Drakath569 :D
1. What do u like Evil or Good?As Voltaire so famously says it in his song. "And it's good when you're evil!"
2. Do u like chaos to take over the lore? No. I find chaos to constantly surprise me though.
3. How do u become an archknight?I was taught some famous words a long time ago, if you have to ask, you aren't ready.
4. Am i nice? You seem to be.
5. If u would be given a chance to be a chaos lord, what will u be as a chaos lord (eg: mage,yokai spirit, dragonlord)? Theoretically if I was to be a chaos lord, I'd probably take after Milotonius and his wonderful powers of damage.
Thats All xD

Take care, dnw.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 3/23/2010 23:29:27 >
DF AQW  Post #: 56
3/23/2010 15:10:30   

Hi, im back with more questions.

Do you hope to reach forum moderator status (like apparition) one day?

Do you have a favorite server you like to go on in aqw?

What do you think of Miltonius's new area?

Do you have a favorite saying/quote, if so what is it?

Well, thats all I can come up with for now, hope to see you around in aqw or on the forums sometime.

1. As the winds blow, so too shall I always go where I am needed.
2. Yep, It's called Nytheria.
3. Awesome, until you get majorly lost than you need a map to go through it. The monsters were really tough though.
4. Yep, 2. "There is no knowledge that is not power." and "holy mackeral."
Peace. Dnw.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 3/23/2010 23:44:20 >
Post #: 57
3/24/2010 15:56:24   
dungeon master

i have 3 more questions

halo or gears of war?I haven't played either, but I have seen videos of both. Halo.

if you won 64 million would you do lump sump or annual? Annual, lump sum takes away more by taxes.

1984 ford mustang or 2010 ford mustang? nah, try a 1964 ford Fairlane. Now that's fun.

i know there all random but....also i will take all the hay u dont want i have horses lol Horses? cool! Horses are very gentle, very sweet creatures with high intelligence. Dnw.


< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 3/24/2010 18:24:29 >
Post #: 58
3/24/2010 17:02:05   

hmmm how will i torture.........i mean interogate.........i mean ask you questions?

Q) will you join my dealer gang? Define "gang" because there's two varieties, one is the eh sorta acceptable kind that we call clans and the other is the kind that does not belong on the family friendly forums.

Kirby) if i were the ace of spades, what ace would you be? The ace of hearts.

potato) if you've noticed im against using standard numbers you've been hypnotized. do you understand? Hypnotization does not work on those of us who walk the waters of the earth.

surfing bird) do you know that if you hug an ostrich hard enough it sounds just like gary coleman? Did you know that Gary Coleman once had a cartoon show of his very own?

dave chapell) how do you spell his name correctly? Dave Chappelle

dane cook) do you know about those kool-aid commercials? "Oh yeah!"

utada hikaru) "when you walk away, do you hear me say........." fill in the blank or be annihalated The song is Simple and clean. And the answer is. "When you walk away, you don't hear me say please."

obvious) if you've noticed taht the way i number my questions relates to my question, then you might be an undead This Dragon is not undead, just knowledgeable.

peter) do you know the word? Word, W.O.R.D. Word :)

largelyrandomnumberedquestion) what is the square root of cysero's sock? Cysero's sock? hmmm. I'm guessing 3.14

epic) if jesus and chuck norris began to fight, who would win the lotto?Ah, Chuck Norris. He is masterfully gifted. As for the question itself, the answer is, Brandon Lee would win the lottery.

13) yes i will begin using numbers, and since this is the 13th, how many items do u have from the past friday the 13th live events?Oh that's an easy one. 6.

14) what would you do for a klondike bar That depends on the Flavor of the klondike bar.

15) have u noticed that i've numbered this 15 when there are 14 numbered questions? well the very top 1 was also a question, my question is this, are you feeling lucky? well are ya, punk?Been watching a famous line from Clint Eastwood? yep I saw the movie too.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 3/24/2010 18:41:33 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 59
3/24/2010 17:30:59   

Congrates dude. Thank you very much :)


Opinon 1. Who do you think will win the Lycan v.s. Vamp war? While I'm hoping and rooting, for werewolves, it's anyones call.

Opinon 2. Which is better a dog or a cat? Well you would first have to delve into the histories of both animals. Cats are known historically through Egyptian times of old and were honored highly. Dogs, come from generations of wolves and are intelligent and have keen senses. There are a few breeds of dog that still closely follow in the wolf's paws. The Samoyed who are usually loving and sweet, and the Husky, whom are used in the Klondike idago races.

Opinon 3. Werepyre, lycan, dracopyre, vamp which do you think is the coolest?While the story of the werepyre is indeed interesting, the lycan has my vote.

Something 4. what is 3000000*40576473? [:D10E+14

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 3/24/2010 18:47:06 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 60
4/7/2010 19:44:17   

Rawr! =D
Sorry but Rawr in incorrect the correct spelling is "Roar"
Isn't this color MANLY? =3
You'll notice I took out your color. It was hurting my eyes.

Your name takes too long to type out, so would you mind if I gave you a silly title, Mr. Lone Wolf of the Dragon-NightKnights? =PYeah I can handle that name.
What would you do if I had more than three text-smilies in my post? =O Ak or not, you like everyone else, would be reminded that 3 smilies are the limit.
Describe yourself using three and a half words! Gentle, understanding, kind.
What did you do to become so famous? That's a question left for a irc conversation.
Well, I'll talk to ya later! ^.^
S'long bud.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 4/7/2010 20:09:52 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 61
4/7/2010 19:57:58   

Commesurative salutations and congratz Dragonnightwolf!
thank you Hogo.
My fav MtAK question: How come there have been more people on the moon than the deepest place on earth(which is in the sea)?
For one thing The diving suit and the Astronaught's suit are different and I believe the A.S can handle more pressure than a diving suit can. secondly, in space they have more ways to recharge oxygen. In the ocean? all you have is your oxygen tanks. Once those are gone, time for air increases. Plus it takes a great deal of effort to swim back to the transport than it would to float to the shuttle.
From where do you hail?
That question leans towards the personal side. So I'll leave it vague. I live in a very dry, hot climate.
Do you believe in life after death?
Yes I do.
If you could get one thing in this world, only one, what would it be?
A German Shepard
If you could date any one celebrity, only one, who would it be?
That's a tough call, I'd either want to date Lucy Lawless or Kate Beckinsale.
Is the moon made out of cheese?
The moon is not made out of cheese.
Tom or Jerry?
If you had the choice, which person, dead or alive, would you want to meet?
Jim belushi
Where is Pandora's Box?
Pandora's box is not for your knowledge.
What's your AQW screen name? (If not secret, if secret please create a screen name that you think is funny)
Would you like a cookie sundae?
No thanks.
With fish topping?
your talking about twig.
Is Elvis really dead?
Favourite dog type?
German Shepard
Favourite animal?

That is all! ... for now!!!!! Muahahahahha :P
You do realize penguins aren't scary to a dragon right?

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 4/7/2010 20:22:41 >
AQ DF  Post #: 62
4/7/2010 23:12:04   
lawrence the osl


Can you be a mod?That is up to Circe.

Can you get speacil items?I can't say much on that topic.

Are you more famous then other players like xyo and kk kwl kid etc...?No. All players are equal and are therefore not more famous than others.

Who are your freinds in the game? eeny meeny miney and moe :)

Who are the people that work for AE and you know including arch knights?I can't say much on that topic.

How did you become and arcknight?I was chosen by skydrite

Can you help other players be like you?That is up to moderators.

What spieces are you in the game?a hero, just like everyone else.

Do you care for people like in this thread?There are many different levels of care, but yes I do care for each and every forum member of this community.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 4/9/2010 2:08:20 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 63
4/10/2010 0:46:45   

You smell of freshness. *sniffs* Did you eat your guards?Guards? What guards? I didn't receive a memo about any guards. Oh. You must mean those slightly useful toothpicks I used that were machines.

Or are you unchained and uncaged? If so, then you are a rarity, as most AKs complain of shackles. Actually I share a cell with Technomancer. and my shackles are more of a Chained collar variety. It's made of adamantium
Do you play Neopets?While I own 1 count that. one neopet plushie. I have not played the game.
Or read the comic Life and Death? I don't recall ever reading that title before.
How much do you like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups? Or Snickers?Well that's a good question, we have delicious Reese's cups, we have the ice cream, and than of course we have snickers and the ice cream bars. I'll take both. I'm a fan of both flavors actually.
What kind of dragon are you? A black dragon. So that at night I can blend into the dark skies.
*runs away* Running away so soon? okay, have a good day. Dnw

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 4/10/2010 2:31:09 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 64
4/10/2010 7:32:38   

This is still here?!? :O:O:O: Yes this is still here.
Wow ... most MTAKs last a week.

Want a sticker for longest MTAK I have seen? :o Thank you.
I'll give you on regardless. xD

/me tightens DNW's shackles

/me tightens them some more

/me tightens them to the full extent

How do the feel now? Oooh, the left one could be tightened some more.

/me tightens I'm afraid that won't work well. You see the only shackle I have is the one around my neck. And you probably don't want to get that close to my head.
Well, bye! :D


< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 4/10/2010 14:38:01 >
Post #: 65
4/10/2010 8:09:03   

Hey dragonnightwolf is me again
6 question
1.Did you face the wolfwing today and what do you thin kabout him is his helm part of lycan and his wing part of vampire
is he very hard to defeat?
2.How do you feel that as you like dragon your clan have been defeated?
3.Who promoted you?
4.Do you have cartoon channel at home which cartoon did you loke to watch?
5.What is your favourite food do you like to eat lemon or apple better which do you prefer if let you choose?
6.Did you saw a wolf over there will you willing to destroy him if you are a hunter now and you have a silver and
silver arrow?

Gtg now again see ya!


Hello again Yun.
1. I am a free player and I have not faced wolf wing at all.
2. ? If we're talking the lorian dragons? I'm cool if they've been bending the laws of lore.
3. Skydrite
4. Yes I do, my most favorite shows to watch on it are ed, edd n eddy, tom and jerry, and the mis-adventures of Flapjack.
5. I prefer pears over either.
6. Did I see a wolf over where? You're going to have to specify location otherwise I cannot provide a proper answer.

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 4/10/2010 14:44:06 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 66
4/10/2010 11:21:36   

hi there :D! congrats, thats all i gotta say

Thank you very much. Have a nice Day. Dnw

< Message edited by Dragonnightwolf -- 4/10/2010 14:44:45 >


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