The deal is that the staff can't work on all suggestions the player make, so you might see some that are really good but that won't be added because the staff has no plans to add suggestion at the time. However, that doesn't mean the staff never adds suggestions to the game: The AQW Player Suggestion Shops is updated from time to time, while Quibble had a shop entirely made of player items last month, while AQ frequently updates with suggestions, from new monsters to weapons. It's not a matter of the quality of suggestions, but time and plans to implement them. Regarding petition threads, they are not allowed because they end up imposing ideas to the staff, and in most cases they don't add the suggested ideas because they simply can't. An example would be trading on AQW: Everyone would make petition threads for it, but it wouldn't be implemented because the staff expressed they don't want it to be added. Even with a list of what shouldn't be asked, it would end up being a "Most requested idea" thing, which would take a good part of the GD and is already covered by the suggestion board. When the staff feels a player idea is important to the game, they ask it on the DNs, which defeats the purpose of making petition threads in first place. Now, if you meant using them to imput feedback to the new things added, that's the function of the Gameplay Feedback thread (for AQW) and the DN threads.