I aim to change your opinion of him over time. He's managed to keep his sanity(or rather, lack thereof) under wraps, but it'll totally explode and mess the hell outta everything around him. See, near the beginning of the recent events, Tumultu has been a calm, collected, nigh emotionless being that is willing to sacrifice anything for his cause. Yet his mind's been changing, his morality becoming... messier. It doesn't really begin to happen until he feels forced to destroy Mrithandril. And then, there'll be that one scene in the future that makes even me almost squeeee due to adorable-ness. I hope it has a similar effect on you gaiz, but that largely depends on how I present it. 'Course, there'll be parts where he's absolutely deplorable, and makes you question whether you hate his guts, or whether his goodness makes up for it. Like, srsly messed up. The way he'll screw Taran's mind without even invading it or anything... Inside, part of my cries, while another part laughs sadistically. There's some sort of sick pleasure in writing, and being able to control everyone and everything. But there's also great sadness too, especially when you have to put down you favorites. My personal favorite is Tumultu, but that's 'cuz I know stuff. to finally finish his story...I don't know, mayne. the guy who wrote Toy Story 3? He cried after finishing it, because he was the only person in the world who knew Toy Story had come to an end in the long-run. tldr; Mordred's a very dynamic character, constantly shifting in subtle ways.