Legendary AdventureGuide!
*runs into the thread* hurray for updates! *starts reading* EDIT: quote:
To find Ivanur now planted in he stomach. Mordred had somehow pulled off teleportation, a study of magic not yet discovered. He seemed to embrace his biological father as he fell into his arms, a silent moan escaping his lips. However, he quickly grabbed and snatched the Amulet at the dying elf's neck, and dropped him down to the ground, where his blood began to pool. Knowing that Mortimer was in no condition to heal himself, Mordred began to stride out of the room. But before he left with his army, he placed a ward on the chamber, so that no magic could be cast to heal the writhing form on the floor. And thus passed away the final Elder... Dam! Thats just...... thats just cold. I like it though, and how he became a god? Wow. Just wow.
< Message edited by Mritha -- 1/19/2011 17:07:45 >