"Good with Customization" Has 2 meanings. Meaning #1: There is one or more very very good thing(s) about the mecha, which stays when it is customized *glares at golden nubertron*, but the rest of the weapons suck. An example, would be the ice armor, its head PWNZ, but the rest of it sucks. Meaning #2: The mecha sucks, with nothing good about it, but if you replace all of its weapons besides the body, and don't use the body, it will be able to kill most things (as in everything besides Piotr/Myracyrina). For example, this mecha if you don't like its name. This mech is a combination of both. It is an example of meaning #1, in the fact that it is named steve. Some people like that name, and if you customize it, it is still named steve. It is an example of meaning #2, in the fact that it sucks.