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RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes)

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5/22/2010 20:20:59   

Congrats, HEY HAY :D

So, who one day went up to you and said, hey hay, you're an AK now!
Elnaith. Though he insisted on saying 'Hello Hay'. Bah. :P

So, i have this cookie... you like it?
Mm, nonexistent cookies are so full of win.

If a guy walked up to you and offered you cake, would you take it?

If i walked up to you and offered you cake, would you take it?

The cake is a lie >:D

No. Cakes are lies, only spelt differently.

Serously now, how does it feel to be a AK?
It feels like being AFK, only without the 'F'.

Who do you think will be the next AK?
No idea. :P

What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
42, 1337, over 9000. Take your pick.

So, i herd joo liek mudkipz, do joo?
Apparently so.

Oh, did you know that while i was asking you these questions i had a monkey still all your tacos?
When in doubt, nod. *nods*

And for the final question, DO YOU LIKE WAFFLES?
Yes! But pancakes are better.

Thats all, and congrats again!

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 4:36:05 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 26
5/22/2010 20:22:51   

Hey, hey, Hay!

So, how's the AK ship going? You gonna hit the "hay" after? xD
It's pretty good, slowly learning the ropes. :3 Oh gawd, another pun. xD

Sorry for the hayness (no hayt), I just can't get it out of my head. xD
A common problem, it seems. :P

Hope you do a good job and be promoted to a mod! Bye!
Thanks, hopefully I won't be the straw that breaks the horse's back. AMG, you people are making me pun myself too now. >.>

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 4:39:17 >


I am Gold, for I am many.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 27
5/22/2010 20:23:17   

Hi Hay!

You iz AK nao?

How big would your cage be: [] or [ ]?
My cage isn't ready yet, bunking in the Trojan Horse for now. I hope it's the latter though! :D

Are you still a creature of the void?
*checks equipment* Nope.

Void cookies/cupcakes or normal cookies/cupcakes?
Void. More of a challenge to eat those.

I will all you cupcakes nao >:D
You have the skill to take on the Void Cupcake?

Bye and congratz on the AK!

Thanks! Bye!

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 4:43:17 >


AQW  Post #: 28
5/22/2010 20:27:34   

Hey Hay

Does your name stand for the spanish word Hay

Or just the yellow type of hay in a barn?
Not, but it's popular belief. Delusions!

Or does it stand for something completely unique?
Something other than the two listed above? Yes. Unique? Not sure.

Anyway, congrats on becoming AK.
Thanks! =D

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 4:44:49 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 29
5/22/2010 20:30:23   
Jonzee Boy

Page 2 already
Ikr? I leave and when I return to the thread, I see three pages.

Bring your own rhymes.
I'm good for now.

Right now I'm doing my Italian project.
Tres bien. (Yes, I am aware that what I said was in French xD)

It's ticking me off it's due tomorrow
Procrastinator? :o Good luck getting it in.

Even though I am Italian...Can you do my Italian project :D?

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 4:46:38 >
DF  Post #: 30
5/22/2010 20:43:28   
Blake Don

Hey, Hay! :D
Hey there ^^

Hey, how ya doin', Hay?
Pretty good. Coffee is making me drowsy though.

Gratz on the promotion. :D

Can I askz you some questionz? *No. :3*
You've already asked. :P

Iz your AQWorlds username Vampiric?
Yep, that's me.

If it iz, I've met you once. :3
Coolio. Just randomly or in my Drudgen parties? :P

Do you like cookiez?

Some Doom Cookiez, yes? *Boom.*
Those are quite popular in the land of Lore, yes? *samples*

How about cerealz? I gots HER-O's! :D *Om nom nom*
Cereal :o I so want to try Count Chocula. xD

BarkShait? *Gurgle*
I always read that as Sharkbait. I stared the first time I saw it. :P

Oh, and by the way, thank you very much for your Drudgey. 'Was lookin' for one for about 30 minutes. o.e
No problem. ^^

Hey, here's a little gift for ya. Hope youz likez it az I do! :D *Rawr* *Gnaw*
'Tis very awesome. :o

If ya want another one, I gots a Radioactive Egg. :D
Oo la la.

Aaaaaanywayz, Gratz on the promotion.
Thanks again!

Good luck Ak...ing! :D

Blake wuz heer....?
I wuv Owange. :3

EDIT: Zomg, my posts and Gammarai's posts are always side by side. Griffin Powerz! :O

< Message edited by Blake Don -- 5/23/2010 4:54:25 >


AQW  Post #: 31
5/22/2010 20:43:57   

Ey there Vampy :) Gratz on AK-ship
Ello. Thanks :)

You know, we met a few times before.
I was AFK, wasn't I? :P

Do you remember me?
I remember you in the Tercessuinotlim thread, if that counts? :D

Its okay if you dont remember me... T_T
OOG... I remember thou.

Knowing how bizarre answers are expected in these threads, a window.

Window is the corrct answer, you wrong <____>
Haha! I got it! xD

Anywhoo, how DOES one become AK? Or Constructively friendly?
It's a natural phenomenon. :D

Just asking... I'd rather be Debate-able rather than Friendly :)
Oo, debating.

So, how ya been?
Good, good.

AK-ship being fine for you? Hows the shackles?
Mhm, it's good so far. :P The shackles are periodically checked so they're tight right now. :P

Pink or Green?

Im out of questions.... Till the next time >:D
Oh noes. Bye!



And, no, you weren't AFK when we met a few times. You were happily conversing with Saidre.

< Message edited by oneandonlygammarai -- 5/23/2010 5:35:18 >


MQ  Post #: 32
5/22/2010 20:53:03   

Second page and already the puns are getting old. The fate of this thread is uncertain.

*gasps* you used your AK powerz without making this thread first? Blasphemy!
Defying convention is fun. >:)

Have you got a signature title yet?
Me thinks so. No one notices it, everyone is fixated on the whole 'Hay' thing. xD

Has you named your Drudgen yet?
Drudgen refuses to approve a name change. My Bad Luck Kitten is called Cruiser though!

Have you made any fancy one-line locks?
Maybe, though it's probably only fancy in my mind. Haven't used it yet. Probably never will after writing this. x3

Do you intend to make up big fancy words and use them in edits? Like superawesometastic.

Once again, gratz.

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 5:38:10 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 33
5/22/2010 20:56:53   

OHaydar, Hay! :D
xD Hai!

Welcome to the farmteam!
*pokes* Be careful not to let the delusions sneak up on you :o But thanks!

How are you enjoying them shackles?
I don't think they like me.

What color are they?
They change depending on my outfit's colour. So magical.

How's the axe-polishing going? ;)
*hands you a perfect, nice, shiny axe* You can thank eBay All done! :D

Who's your favorite AQW GD? Me, right? :D
You're an AQWorlds General Discussion? :o One person discussion?! Lock!

Well I'm glad you're on the team, and congratulations, again! (:
Aw, thanks! ^^


< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 5:42:54 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 34
5/22/2010 21:06:39   

Zomg Zomg I don't even know what this stands for but it looks cool when I'm typing it ZOMG!
Yeah... What exactly does the 'Z' stand for? e.e

Welcome........... And Congrats Vampire cupcake person!
I am not a cupcake! But thanks :D

Do you like Cookies?

Or are cupcakes better?
Cupcakes are better. Vampiric cupcakes are even better.

Cupcakes, Chocolate or Vanilla?

Sprinkles or Het? (Het is No is Russian)
Sprinkles! (No sparkles for the vampiric cupcakes though, thanks)

Хотите картофель с пожать? (Would you like fries with that shake? In Russian)

До свидания друг! (Good bye Friend! In Russian)

The Russians are coming........ (It's a great movie, watch it!)
Never heard of it.

What should I do now?
Read this.

(This is a statement not a question) Oh, I have reached 10 questions, none more for you!

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 5:45:46 >


I Own You. Kthx.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 35
5/22/2010 21:09:56   

Back again
Welcome back.

And still nothing to say.
I swear you said something last time. o.O

I think i'll see you on the next page hay.
Alright then.

See ya until i get thay-re.
Yet another one. :P

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 5:46:49 >
Post #: 36
5/22/2010 21:11:03   
Handsome Devil!

Hey, Hay!

Please don't drain my body of fluids, I like them. ._.
The question is... do they like you? :o I'm sure your blood would be fine with me >.> I'm already quite a capable soul Guardian.

That is so win! How did you find it/make it? Trust me, I even searched 'Vampiric Hay' and 'Vampire Hay' (Yes, I actually did that.)

Goodbye Hay, have fun, and see you around!
Thanks, see you around!

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 5:50:01 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 37
5/22/2010 21:22:31   

Evening Hay. Shrimphy here, we'll be quick.
Evening. :)

Congratulations on AKship, and Fiend of Miltonius too!
Thanks x2! Tercessuinotlim fan? x3

Cupcakes, falcons and vampires - why so colourful?
The 'peregrine' in my title is no reference to falcons. :P

Do you play any other AE games?
Yep. Occasionally: AQ, MQ. Hardly ever: WF, ED. I do play DragonFable though.

Drudgen or Crag and Bamboozle and why.
I can't choose both? Drudgen's good for sharing, Crag is good for quests. :P

Will there ever be too much Miltonius in AQW?
Yep. But we all need a bit more Miltonius in our Lorian lives, aye? :P

Why 'Vampiric', but with a Primal Dread Saw?
I blame my r10 factions. When you get factions to r10, the faction requirements for items no longer show up. I bought PD Saw not knowing it was a lycan weapon.

Thanks and congrats again.
Thanks again to you too. :)

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 5:59:34 >
MQ  Post #: 38
5/22/2010 21:29:51   

WARNING: This post may contain crazy questions!
'Tis a common element of MtAK threads. :P

Hiya Hay! Oh wait! Isn't that for horses? xD
Why does everyone make the automatic assumption that my name is a reference to horse feed? D: ... Treat that as rhetorical. :P

Do you like the Kathool Atchoo Armor? P.S. I ALMOST pwned Drakath in that thing!
The whaa? Ohh, that Kraken/Octopus in DF? I haven't seen the armor. :o

I got a jar of dirt! I got a jar of dirt! I got a jar of dirt! I got a jar of dirt! :D
... And guess what's inside it? :D

Who would win in mortal combat? Twilly or Zorbak or Twig
Twig. Just that no one ever notices him. :c

Wolfblade, Runehawk, or Mystraven?
Mystraven, even though I initially joined Wolfblade. :P

Do you like Dane Cooke's Burger King joke? It's on YouTube.
I'll have to go check.

Let's start a riot! That's a song by Three Days Grace.
Mhm. Quite a few bands have songs with the same title. :P

What color underwear am I wearing?! /me smacks Hay.
>.> ... Black?

Are you with or against pink? I'm a double agent with pink.
Pink is awesome. Really depends on the shade though.

Do you like/Have you ever seen Two and a Half Men?
Haha, it's funny. Haven't seen it in ages though.

If yes, who do you think is the funniest? Alan, Jake, Charlie, or Berta? If no and you don't like it, then that's ok. If no and you haven't seen it, it comes on FOX Monday-Fridays at 7:00-8:00.
My opinion changes constantly. I easily get Alan's Spaghetti and Meatballs Song stuck in my head though.

It's Mogloween and you got three costumes to scare kids for their candy. Which would you choose?

a) Jason Voorhes
b) Freddy Kruger
c) Michael Jackson*
d) A tree

Well it looks like I hit the question limit...

/me goes over the question limit! >:D
That's not a question >:)

Well, bye!
Bye now!



< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 6:07:53 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 39
5/22/2010 21:46:34   

Gratz bud. ;o
Thanks ^^

Don't have any questions for ya - people who posted right above me asked loads o' them. ._.
Haha, it's fine.

Okay, okay, here's one:

Pai or Caik? :3

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 6:08:37 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 40
5/22/2010 21:52:03   

Oh hai Hay!
Yo Beo!

I remember when you was a normal forumite like me *wipes tear*
The memories, the memories...

How did you come up with your name?
Hay? An actual nickname of mine irl. Minus the puns.

Who dragged you off from us?
Ely. OvO

Cookie, cupcake, or cookie cake made cupcake?
Hmm... Cupcake.

Does your cell have hey in it?
I don't have a cell yet! :D



< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 6:12:17 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 41
5/22/2010 21:56:19   

Hi thar! You're a new addition :O Congrats.
:D Thanks!

Are you related to Dr. Suess since he likes to rhyme?
If you were green would you be a lime?
I make rhymes in such a small time, its gets annoying to the peeping ears and eyes.
Thats getting annoying to even me, and i can bare almost anything.

If I was green, then I would most certainly be punned about being "grass" when my name is 'Hay'.

Wow im an idiot. :D
Naw. x3

Back to zeh questions >:D

2)If you were colored blind what color would white be 0.o
Uhh... black? Nonexistent?

3) Have you seen me around zeh forums?

4) Do you like waffles?
Yep, to an extent. Sometimes they have odd aftertastes.

5) would you like to forcefully receive (i spelled that round in a spelling bee v.v) a cupcake?
*shifty eyes* I don't trust forceful cupcakes.

6) (you might've seen this question..) If a mutated rabies infected chinchilla (Chongo :D) was chasing all you AKs which would you trip to get away and why?
x.x *is confused*

4+3) *is out of cupcakes* * ._. * what is the weirdest smiley you can create on a computer?
Well, apparently this one: (>;.;)> ... It's a vampire hug. :D

8) <_< smiley o.e....Umm...err.....ummm.........._. how many periods are there in this question? 0.o
How many 'N's are in this? MMMNMMMMMMMNMMMMMMMNMMMM.

9) Who made you part of the Ak side?

10) Which is your favorite? Doomknight, Dragonlord, Guardian, Starlord, or Beta Berserker?
Haven't tested out all of them, but I'll go with BB. Rare and strong.

It appears as if i am out of questions...darn :( Bye bye!
Aw. See you!

The wild Shynk fled! (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH SHINX >:O)
... That sounds like a Pokemon reference. Am I right?

Yeah....people get my name "Shynk" mixed up with "Shinx". v.v and it makes me mad =.=

< Message edited by Shynk -- 5/23/2010 18:36:20 >
Post #: 42
5/22/2010 21:56:24   

Heyoooo Hay

Pirate Or Ninja class why?
I would say Ninjas because they're so mysterious, but pirates have got that swashbuckling awesomeness. Plus they're so free to roam.

for now that's all good luck Arch-Knighting

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 6:20:45 >
Post #: 43
5/22/2010 21:58:56   

congrats vampiric! have fun with your new AK abbilities!


Sulheya! ^^

why hay on the forums, not vampiric.
Not sure. :P

and how do you feel about us vampires losing vampires verse lycans?
Vampires will conquer!

Is not over 9,000.

6 layer banana split on a bead of strawberries?


Edit 2:

ima back and, ely? as in elydria? as in trys Gf?
Ely = Elnaith.

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 6:22:37 >
Post #: 44
5/22/2010 22:00:42   

Oheya Hay!
Hey Ana ^^

Hah! I persuaded you!
Say whut? ._.

Or did I?

I'll ask of your tags later.
Your tags are everywhere. Dx


Have you heard of the saying: "Make hay while the sun shines"?
I vaguely remember it, yes.

What is a coherent persons point in life?
To make sense of the incoherent things in life.

Too many.

You know that rein of vampiric cupcakes earlier on?
We found out it who it was.

Who be the culprit?

Define transparent.
See through.

What does hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia mean?
The fear of long words. No, I didn't Google it. I remember seeing you ask this question in another MtAK. >:)

If I am Anastaysiya, you are Hay, who is the above poster?
A Ninja!

What is a seven?
The seventh number.

Treble clef?
Bass clef, please.

Gratz, Vampi.
Thanks :)



< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 6:27:20 >
Post #: 45
5/22/2010 22:01:07   

Congratz on the ak-ness.
Thanks. :)

1) Is your cupcake avvy a vampire??
It is! :D

2) What is the square root of pi?
Not circular.

3) What is the square root of hay?
Not hay.

4) Here. I got you some ak-cookies.

5) Can I have one?
Why do you need another one? You already stole two from the baking tray. :P

That's it. :P
Alrighty. ^^

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 6:29:07 >


Post #: 46
5/22/2010 22:13:17   
The Braken Bard

Hey, hey, a new AK! :D You're an AK now? Wow, oh-wow. (See the bad rhyming there?) Congratz :D
Haha, thanks. ^^

A few questions around the theme of words that rhyme with 'ey'

Do you know, "Hey, hey, it's Saturday?"
Yup. It lives again!

Think it's weird how it's on Wednesday? :/
That was my first reaction. :P

Do you know any characters that use, "Hey hey..." as one of their sayings?
None that I can think of right now.

That's all. Congratz again :D
Thanks again!

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 6:30:18 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 47
5/22/2010 22:14:17   

Amg, arrow bullet points.

◄►Why is the rum gone?
Because of the global financial crisis.

◄►You lost The Game.
I'm having a serious losing streak here.

◄►Who am I?
The Black Mage with the green glowy flame.

◄►What is your name?
Hay or Vampiric?

◄►What is your quest?
To be continued...

◄►What is your favorite color?
It's been blue for as long as I remember.

◄►What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Is 1,295 numbers smaller than 1,337.

◄►They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!

◄►Meme's are fun, no?

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 6:36:12 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 48
5/22/2010 22:22:01   
Battle On!

Hi Vampiric!
Ohai Skyline!

Do I call you Hay or Vampiric?
Either or.

This is my first post in a MtAK thread, do you feel special?
Aww, yes. :3

Probably not.
Surprise, surprise.

If there's one favor you'd like to ask of me, what would it be?
Hmm... intriguing question. Change Enchanted Spirit back to its original form? :P Naw, keep up the nice artwork on the weapons ^^

That's all, congratulations and good luck!

Thanks! ^^

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 6:39:31 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 49
5/22/2010 22:31:10   

HeHeHe another AK to send me private messages that say me violation the rules. Trust me i don't make it easy for Arch knights i don't try to break rules. Anyways welcome to...to...um...well...the forums.

Hmmm *watches you* :P Thanks ^^

< Message edited by Hay -- 5/23/2010 6:40:05 >
Post #: 50
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