/me wonders back and notices the ticket missing No wayy! You're 3333 off my color! =O Someone must've got it >.> <.< Thieves, I tell ya! THIEVES! Nuu waaay, your color is white!?..... Wait, Did I even see the white lotus? O.o Don't worry, bud. I can be a little color-blinded too. O.o *Continues purple flower story* And was called the Violet rose. I am that rose, And that rose has thorns. The question is, will I use it? Prickly Flowers!...PURPLE! Ookay, who turned you into a lotus? D:< /stern Shhhh! Tired of accepting cookies? *Shot VEEEERY hard* Never! *Noms all the cookies* *Looks if someone is looking* /me loosens Ash's chains :O!! Angry Badger iz angry. Angry Badger haz a chair, What will he do? Ahh! Run!!! Am I weird? (Do not attempt to look at the next question) *Looks*..Aw, I ruined it for myself. v.v If you say "Yes" Then thankz >:D I said "YES!" What do I win? :D Did you meet Kimberly in real life =O No *Becomes crazy* I liek Cereal!!!! *Explodes like a nuke* I liek creal too! *waits to implode like a nuke* ...Aw, I failz. Remember you said you like foxes? I have a red one, I mean in real life >:D =O Gimme!! /me tries the Mission Impossible exit, but sees something SHIIINYYYY!!! Shinyyy!! *Runs off to the Shiny object* RACE YA THERE!!! *Trips him* Ahaah! VICTORY IS MINE!!!!
< Message edited by Ashluv -- 6/28/2010 16:14:24 >