That would bring... EVEM MOAR FARMING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, for every mech you get, you have to level it up. @Kais If we can customize the effects, that would be an excellent idea. The only problem, would be balancing it. First, the aesthetics, you pick weapons from a list. (does not affect gameplay, just how it loks) Then, you get a certain amount of points. Then, you use those points to decide the HP, EP, Regen, and default buffs. You could customize it so that it had more HP or EP, or less, and more buffs. Then, when you are done with that, on to the specials. Again, you get points. You can spend points to decrease a weapons cooldown (all start with 3. You can also gain points by increasing CD), or to give it an effect, or better damage. Also, you spend points to make the effects last longer, and to have higher activation rates. To make an effect infinite (99 turns) costs a lot of points. Then, I give a mecha a body with a CD of 0, Uber damage, an infinite DoT, and HoT, and EP DoT, and Healing equal to damage done, and +900 to all my stats, and -900 to all your stats, guaranteed, on hit or miss, and make the other weapons heal you (they do negative damage), and have 99999999999999999999999999999999999 turn cooldowns. In theory it is good, but in practice, either it will suck, or it will be possible to abuse it. Or, no points system, you choose from specific weapons, with specific specials, oh wait, we already have that. It is called customization. Also, it would probably be extremely hard to implement.