8) a)"How do I get my signature working?" First, make sure it's a valid image type -- .jpg, .gif, or .png. Second, make sure you're using the proper tags: [image][/image], or [img][/img] - NOT [IMG][/IMG] in capitals, that won't work. You can upload that image to something like Photobucket or Imageshack and use the URL from there. If you want to know how to make a signature, or want to ask someone to make one for you, check out the Signature and Art requests forum. The sig experts there can help you out -- just be sure you read the rules there first. For more information on sigs, this is a good guide: Forum Commands (screenshots, images, links, colors, signatures) Taken from the =AE= Frequently Asked Questions Next time try posting this question in the Forum Support thread. Hope this helped, if you need more help feel free to PM me. I'll be glad to help.