Lord Lee
@SlyCooperFan1: I'm glad I was able to impart some help with regards to the Survival Challenges. Thank you for crediting me in your guide and for correcting some of my idiosyncrasies so that it was easier to follow. Could you please also add the little tidbit about the use of the Mercenary to maintain shield stamina, something a little bit like this: Mercenary/Maintain Shield Stamina Technique: In battles, when a heal is not necessary the Mercenary should be used towards the end of battle when your shield stamina is low. This effectively interrupts the attack of the monster while you are waiting for the magic cooldown period. Ideally, this will ensure that there is still adequate shield stamina for blocking as you cast one final spell to defeat the monster. Also just a minor correction to the Ice Strike Technique section instead of: Ice Strike Technique: Ice Strike, with its built in stun, is useful to ensure that the monster gets few hits between your magic's cooldown and your shield's cooldown. In later battles, when the bosses have a lot of HP, you can take advantage of Ice Strike by inflicting a few hits with your sword while the opponent is stunned before defending again. I've changed the bold section as it wasn't quite what I meant to the paragraph below: Ice Strike Technique: Ice Strike, with its built in stun, is useful to ensure that the monster gets few hits between the magic cooldown. Ultimately this will ensure that you have more shield stamina and can stay safely shielded for longer. In later battles, when the bosses have a lot of HP, you can take advantage of Ice Strike by inflicting a few hits with your sword while the opponent is stunned before defending again. Thanks again for incorporating this into your guide. Hope you can incorporate my current suggestions too.