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=DF= Mogloween War 2010

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10/25/2010 15:10:18   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Here is where you can post your War Stories. Have fun and please...PLEASE remember the rules in both AE forums and my own L&L rules.

A couple of rules to make this easiest to read.

1) One post per person. If you have an ongoing story, please just edit your post to continue it. Do not make a new post to add to your story.

2) Please do not comment on the stories in this thread. If you want to comment on the stories, please go =DF= Mogloween War 2010 Commentary

< Message edited by Eukara Vox -- 10/25/2010 15:19:35 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
10/25/2010 22:44:48   

We Were Lore

Deep within a part of Doomwood, a group of Zardbies is hunting a hero. The group comes to a river side and the leader halts them. He raises his head and sniffs the air. His eyes narrow and he pulls up his katana, a second too late. The hero emerges from the river, an insane smile spread on his skeletal face. The first zardbie is cut down almost immediately, the second and third follow swiftly.

"Muhahahahehehehehe, this is too easy." The hero exclaims.

Slowly a zardbie climes the tree behind the hero and is set to pounce. As the hero turns to cut another foe down the zardbie leaps, katana poised to kill.

As the blade descends upon the hero he lets out a wicked laugh. "Muhahahahehehehehe!" In a flash the hero turns cutting the Zardbie down with one blow. Slowly the hero raises his blade. For the first time the laughter leaves his eyes and the smile leaves his face.

“If only there was another way." He thinks out loud.

His thought is interrupted as another wave of zardbies crash into the clearing and once again a smile envelopes his face and laughter fills the air. "MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!"

As the last infected falls at the heroes feet he spins, sensing danger behind him. A large Infected, mutated beyond all recognition, emerges through the woods. "At Last!!!! A foe worth fighting! MUHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHE!!!! wait...."

In the infected's left hand, its Katana. In its right hand he clutches a teddy bear. Again the smile disappears from the heroes face. "Im sorry kid.... its for your own good."

The Infected raises its head and lets out a blood shattering scream....

The Reapers axe buries deep into the infected’s face. "Shut up...hehehe..Hahahaha... Muahahahahahahahehehehee...."

The hero walks over and pulls out the axe with a sickening crack. He looks over to the left of the clearing and sees smoke over the tree tops. With out even a second thought the hero begins to head that way. After about ten minutes the hero comes across and small hut. “Hello? Any one home? hehehehe..." Then without warning the hero feels the tip of an arrow on his temple.

"Freeze. I wont hesitate to kill you." says the unknown person.

"Muahahahahaahhehehehehe... Kill me?"

"Shut up!" the attacker orders.

"Where are your friends? Hhhhmmmmmm? Looks like your all alone out in the wood surrounded by the infected.. hahahaha... if you kill me you’ll die for sure."

"I Said SHUT UP!" The knight screams.

The hero spins hitting the knights bow to the side. The released arrow flies over the heroes head burrowing its self into an infected’s skull.

"Nice Shot.. muahahahahaha.."

"Wh...ho a..a..are yyyyyyou? the night stammers.

"Me? Well my name is Imaru...hehehehe Imaru the Insane MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHEH...."

Slowly the two continued the trek towards the smoke. Each keeping to themselves, each lost in his own dark thoughts. I don’t like this… this killing isn’t fun… I knew that boy… I gave him that bear…

“Lets set up camp here. At least for now… We both need a rest”

“I agree completely” the night admits as he passes out.

I knew that boy…

The villagers were hesitant at first to let Imaru enter the village, but the security he could bring out-weighed his insanity. He stayed for three days and nights before leaving and protected the town from many waves of zardbies. As he reached the gate to depart a little boy ran to him. “Don’t go!” the boy cried, “We wont be safe…”

Imaru reached into his pack and handed the boy a bear. “Listen to me kid… as long as you hold that bear you’ll always be safe.” He turns his head and looks at the boy.

“I promise.”

I Promise… As the Imaru clenches his fist a single tear hit’s the ground.

As Imaru wakes from sleep he knows something is wrong. As he gets up he is unable to see the knight he was with. Almost instantly he feels a sharp pain in his arm. Without even looking he knows. The knight was infected. The knight bit him. The transformation is beginning. Great. The pain is in my left forearm. Sigh…. What to do….I ….MUST….EAT!

As Imaru wandered aimlessly in pain he collapsed at the base of a hill, the sounds of battle not far off. His sight became dim and his heart slowed. He was dying and he knew it. He barely saw the trio cross over the hill, and didn’t even see the tart fly into his mouth. He began to chew at once, however, and immediately felt better. He opened his eyes to see a hero looking at him with a smile.

“Are you alright?” she asked.

"Thank you, And I’ve had better days."

Slowly Imaru rises and picks up his blade, only to fall to his knees. As he stands again, four arrows plunge into his back. He spins around looking at the party with wild eyes and sees the real threat coming over the hill.

"I was planning on leaving but how about we part ways... after the battle hhhhmmmm??"

As another arrow flies through the air Imaru swats it harmlessly away. "MUAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!! Let the fun begin"

After the battle Imaru learned the heroes name. Dornalca and him exchanged tales and before her party departed she left him some of the cure. After resting for a moment more Imaru reached over his shoulder and ripped off his cape leaving the arrows in place. Im lucky the arrows didn’t pierce my armor… well I better get moving. Slowly he sets off moving along an unused path. The sounds of a battle commencing makes him pause.

“Who are you?” an unknown voice asks.

“My NaMe iS AaRoN…” replied the unmistakable voice of an infected hero.

“Im sorry my friend you must die!” replies the unknown voice.

As Imaru comes around the corner he hears the heroes reply to a question.

“Me? My name is Chisagen. It was a pleasure.” As he turns he runs into Imaru.

“Oh, hello my name is-”

“Chisagen. I heard… I didn’t know they could talk…”

“ They do. If you see one wearing a red ribbon take it out first. it’s the party captain. He’s stronger and smarter then the others…. I would love to stay and chat but I need to go get my fish.”

“Your Fish???”

“Yes I love fish.” replies Chisagen with a smile before running off into the woods.

The ocean? How did I end up here? Imaru thinks to himself. He looks around at his surroundings only to see Doomwood behind him and the ocean in front.

“Hello there Pumpkin Lord!”

Imaru turns to the voice and sees a Kathool Adept. “Hello My name is Imaru the Insane.. Hehehehehehe.”

“Hello Imaru, You can call me Hunter. My number is 001 so either one is fine.”

“Your Number?” Imaru ask curiously.

“Im part of a defense organization known as-”

Hunter 001 is tackled by Imaru as an axe flies over his head. “Sorry it’ll have to wait. We’ve got company.”

Both heroes look over towards Doomwood and see a large number of Zardbies. A smile envelopes Imaru’s face, as hunter merely laughs. Before Imaru takes a single step there’s a flash. Every single zardbie lies dead.
“What did you just do?” Imaru asks
“What the Hunter Organization does best.. I eliminated the target.”

As Imaru parted ways with Hunter 001 he started to travel along the coast to find a path back into doomwood. The zardbies seem to be trying to take doomwood before they advance further he thinks to him self. As the hero turns around a bend another arrow flies at him. This one is intercepted by a mechanical gryphon. The gryphon crashes into the group of on coming zardbies and begins to fight them, dispatching of the threat easily.

“What the?”

“Cyclon come here.” says the voice of a child.

Imaru turns and sees a boy no older than fifteen. “My name is Imaru, what’s a boy like you fighting for?”

“My name is Bill. Im a tecnomancer. That’s Cyclon he’s my friend. And im fighting because these zardbies destroyed my home.”

“Good reason kid. Don’t die.”

Don’t worry Cyclon wont let me.” he replies with a grin.

“Take care boy.” Imaru says as the boy flies away. He hears the buzzing before he seas the cause. As Imaru turns around he sees the Beez approaching. And once again the Wicked smile swallows his face as he cuts his foes down.

As Imaru makes his way back into doomwood he runs across a camp. Sitting by the fire is a Dragonlord. This one however feels different. Most Dragonlords Imaru’s dealt with have had a holy presence, this on feels like doom.

“Greetings Pumpkin lord, My name is Guinea. Im a -”

“Doom Dragonlord. I know. But there’s something-”

“Different about me? I used to be fully infected. But I value my Doom powers far to much to through my life away for this Red Queen.”

“Red Queen?”

“Yes. She runs the infected army.”

“Are those yours?” Imaru asks pointing at some undead.

“No they’ve been following you.” she replies.

“Muahahahahahehehehehe… don’t let me have all of the fun.” he says with a grin.

The two begin to fight side by side cutting down the infected. When the fighting is done Guinea is nowhere to be seen. And more infected rush the camp.

Once again Imaru is alone as the zardbies rush camp. With each swoop of his blade another foe falls only to be replaced by two more. But this is the type of fighting he loves. This is what he became a hero for, the never ending battle and bloodshed. “This is what I crave. MUHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHE…” he screams as he cuts down four more. As more zardbies gather more fall and Imaru takes more damage. But it doesn’t matter to him. If he fell dead right now the smile would still be present. As the battle drags on the only sounds in the air are the clashing of blade against blade and the manicle laughter of a complete lunatic. But this is what he needs.

Finally the onslaught is at an end. Imaru badly beaten and bruised is the only survivor, barely. “What a pity….. It ended…Muhaahahahaheheheheheee….. Oh well.” he says with a sigh. As Imaru moves the pain kicks in and he falls to the ground. He’s not turning, for he took the tarts, he’s dying. Loss of blood from the cuts and bites is what’s doing it. There’s a war going on and im gona miss the exciting part He thinks to himself. He starts to cough, coughing up blood.

“I will not die out here….” he says as he stands up. He begins to move into the heart of Doomwood into the heart of the war. He makes it only about fifteen meters before he passes out, with a smile on his face.

As Imaru regains consciousness he surveys his surroundings. He’s in the back of a wagon. He hears horses and he sees two people at the end of the wagon. “Where am I” he asks the pair.

“Your in a convoy headed to Moonridge. Im San Robin, This here is Grrral. We saw you along side the trail and picked you up.”

“We also found the mass of zardbies you slaughtered” ads Grrral with distaste. “You know they were like us once.”

Imaru sits up. “Was that a question Grrral? Or did you think I should have joined them?”

“I don’t think they should be slaughtered. And the Red Queen means well-”

“Means Well?!?!?!” Imaru’s yelling. “She killed one boys family and had her zardbies transform another one beyond all recognition. If you think she means well then go and join her!”


“Grrral? What’s so funny?” asks San Robin

Grrral looks Imaru dead in the eyes and states “I already have”

In a flash San Robin is thrown from the wagon and Imaru has his blade up in time to block a deadly blow form Grrral’s katana. Imaru tackles Grrral and they both fall out of the wagon, hitting the ground hard. “Give up Grrral its two against one” San Robin states.

“No fool,” Grrral begins as he and Imaru stand, “Its two thousand against two..Muhahahahahahhaahah!!!!” He laughs as a horde of Zardbies descends upon them. “Kill them my brothers, the Red Queen wishes to speak with me” orders Grrral as he sinks into the ground.

“Hey San Robin, wanna play a game” Imaru asks with a crazy grin.

“Oh Ill win.” San Robin replies with a smile as the Horde reaches them.

So this is Moonridge eh? Imaru thinks silently. After the battle on the trail with Grrral , He and San Robin ran into a Deathknight named Dagon. At first San Robin tried to kill the Deathknight but with Imaru’s intervention no one died. It turns out Dagon took on his role as a Deathknight willingly so that he could forever fight for the land he loved. Grrral had passed him, even tried to kill him when he refused to join, and was headed towards Moonridge. They parted ways leaving the deathknight to kill a small group of Zards and Lizardmen. As Imaru started to walk through the town he hears a large number of explosions and heads towards the source.


“Reload the Sponges!” yells the commander.

“Excuse me.. What is this?” Imaru asks.

“These?” the commander gestures towards the catapults. “These are our Artillery.”


“My names Thomizicix. it’s a pleasure to meat you. RELOAD THE SPONGES!”

“Its nice to meat you as well…. What are you firing?”

“Oh its nitroglycerin sponges provided by Cycero. FIRE” KKAAAAAABBOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!

“We’ve taken out thousands with these catapults. What’s a better way too show off my accuracy then being Commander of the Moonridge Catapults eh?”

“MUHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHE……I cant agree more…..” replies Imaru with a grin.

As the day drags on Imaru grows impatient. He sets out on a horse and heads towards the north. After riding for about 4 hours he comes across two men surrounded by Infected. In the front, Grrral. Imaru’s eyes narrow and he rushes forward.

“Join us or die. The choice is simple.” says Grrral.

“Your right.” replies the Mage.

“The choice is simple.” finishes the rouge as he disappears. Simultaneously the mage sends a blast at Grrral. Grrral goes to dodge but is held in place by Imaru.

“GOT YA!!!!MUHAHAHAHEHEHEHE” cries Imaru with glee.

“You fool,” Grrral cries, “The blast will hit us both!”

But all Imaru does is laugh as the blast collides with them. Even though Imaru was hit the rouge and mage make quick work of the remaining foes.

“Are you ok?” asks the rouge.

“That was my most powerful blast.” adds the mage.

“Im fine. So you’re a destruction mage?” replies an injured Imaru. “Where’s Grrral?”

“No, I specialize in restoration and illusion but a powerful attack is also good to have. It can prove as a very good distraction. Grrral? He must have escaped after you both got

“What are your names?” inquires Imaru.

“Im Shadowmaster Razen and this is-” starts the rouge.

“High Mage Zazith and you?”

“Im Imaru. Come we’ve much to discuss.” states Imaru as he begins to rise.

While staying in Moonridge Imaru’s rage and hatred for Grrral became an obsession. No matter how many Zardbies he killed he could never get Grrral out of his head. One night while on patrol he saw a house being attacked. A group of zardbies were attacking the house but were locked out. As Imaru grew closer he noticed that Grrral was leading them.

“GRRRAL!!!!” Imaru roared. “Im coming for you!”

As Imaru approached, Grrral lit a torch. He casually dodges Imaru’s blade swings and thrusts.

“Pick Imaru, ME” he then tosses the torch into the house which ignites instantly “Or THEM?” he finishes.

“I’ll kill you before this war is over Grrral.”

“ I look forward to our next meeting” he says as he sinks into the ground, a large smile dancing on his lips. Imaru then breaks through the door, only to find that there was no one
there to begin with. That in fact he had been played.


As the days passed Imaru grew impatient. Since his last encounter with Grrral, Imaru hasn’t seen him since. One night as Imaru dreams he sees Grrral and they stare at each other. They mimic each others moves perfectly. Then Imaru sees the mirror. And Grrral smiles wickedly before plunging his blade in Imaru’s throat.

Imaru wakes with a start. These nightmare have been plaguing him constantly. He knew what he must do, and he knew he couldn’t do it here. I need to kill Grrral. He silently thinks as he walks out of the Inn door. The four arrows remain in his armor but he has a new blade. Crafted for the exclusive purpose of slaying Zards this blade is perfect for this war. Making his way to the stables only one thought fills his head. I need to kill Grrral.

As Imaru left the gates of Moonridge the moon had barely reached its peak. Traveling on horseback Imaru was making good time, however his destination was unknown, even to him. He heard the arrow before it plunged into his horses throat and he dismounted seconds before. As a second and third arrow fly towards him Imaru located his target. A shadowy figure running between trees continues to fire volley after volley, but Imaru cuts each one harmlessly away.

The closer he gets the more confused he becomes. That isn’t a Zardbie, it’s a human. When Imaru reaches about fifteen feet from the attacker he sees him drop his bow as he pulls out a Zardbie Katana. This stops Imaru in his tracks. “Who are you. Give me your name.” Imaru orders.

“My name is of no concern. How ever Ill take all of the gold you possess. Or you can die.” he replies coldly.

“Muhahahahehehehehe.” laughs Imaru, “I like empty threats.”

The assailant disappears and reappears behind Imaru. “Wha-” Imaru is interrupted as the Katana plunges into his back.

“I don’t make empty threats.” The assailant whispers.

As Imaru falls to his knees his eyes meet the attackers. “What…… side are…. you on?” Imaru barely gets out.

A smile crosses the attackers face. “The same side your on Imaru. My own.”

Imaru’s vision blurs and he falls face first into the ground, the Katana still in his back.

Its been hours since the conflict. Imaru knows this as soon as he opens his eyes. The sun dances through the tree top sending rays of light all around the clearing. Its amazing he’s still alive. The assailant saved him really. An hour after Imaru passed out a group of zardbies crashed into the clearing. They approached Imaru’s body ready to kill, but as soon as they laid eyes on the katana they continued on. It was one of there’s after all.

Imaru rises slowly, every muscle in his body crying out in agony. Slowly he reaches behind him and wraps his hand around the blade. Gritting his teeth he pulls the katana out of his back. Great now I’ve got two to kill. Imaru looks at the trail and begins to travel that way. The Infected’s Katana locked in his hand. What the attacker said last night still plays in his head.
“What…… side are…. you on?” Imaru barely gets out.
A smile crosses the attackers face. “The same side your on Imaru. My own.”

“I cant join you Grrral” says a familiar voice.
“You cant, or you wont?” asks Grrral.
Imaru peaks through the brush and sees Grrral speaking with the assailant form last night.
“Your right, I wont. And you know why. Im on MY side in this war. Not there’s and not hers.”
“ But Mordred-”
“Silence. I said no, now leave or I’ll kill you like I killed that hero last night.”

At this point Imaru steps through the bush. “You mean my Mordred?”
Mordred’s eyes narrow as Grrral whips around.
“You!” Grrral sneers. Mordred starts to disappear but Imaru launches the katana into his arm. At the same time he pulls out his blade and places it on Grrral’s throat.
“What do you want Imaru?” Grrral asks.
“Your head on a platter.” Imaru replies.
As the two talked Mordred appeared behind Grrral and plunged a Katana through him. As Grrral turns the look of dismay is on his face.
“Who’s side are you on again?” Imaru asks as Grrral falls to his knees.
“My ow-” Mordred begins, nut is interrupted as Grrral drags him into the earth, and his wicked laughter fills the air.
The only trace of the two was the Katana lying on the ground. Imaru walked over and picked it up.
"I'll keep this one" Imaru says to himself.

Imaru wanders aimlessly for the next few days. He begins to grow tied, and decides to stop for a drink. As Imaru walks over towards the river he sees a shadow behind him. He spins, Katana drawn, his eyes searching for the enemy. He turns, and bends down towards the river. As his lips touch the cool water hands reach out and pull him in. He begins to slash his blade wildly trying to cut the unseen enemy. As he breaks the surface he gasps in air. The hands wrap around his ankle and pulls him under. Imaru tries to fight the unknown force but its futile. The harder he tries, the more water he swallows. As Imaru stops moving his thoughts a clouded. Two hands reach into the river and pull him out.

As Imaru came to, he felt the Knights presence. How could he not. The power radiating off of him was tremendous, and dark.
“What happened.” Imaru asks the stranger.
“What no time for introductions Imaru?” the stranger replies. This makes Imaru tense. The last person who knew his name had tried to kill him. Slowly Imaru pulls out his own katana.
“That wont be necessary Imaru, I mean you no harm.” the strangers says without looking.
“How do you know my name?” Imaru asks.
“I’ve been watching you since your arrival in Moonridge.”
“You’ve been watching me-” Imaru starts.
“ Quiet. I’ve noticed that your skilled and very powerful. However you seek more power. I can help you with that.” the stranger states no emotion on his face.
“More power?… but how?” Imaru asks, tempted by this thought. “ Who are you?”
“My name is Eric Ravenwing, Im a Doomknight.”

Imaru trained with Eric for days, maybe even weeks. Time mattered little to him as he trained. All he could think about was the power he was gaining. All he could think about was how easy it would be to kill Grrral. Eric, it turns out was a Doomknight that did not work for sepulture.
“ I left his forces with only two allies,” Eric recalls, “ A ninja named Mordred and a Knight named Grrral.”
“ You were their friends?” Imaru asks, “You realize that im trying to kill Grrral right.”
Eric’s eyes glaze over as he looks into his past. “we were more than friends, we were brothers.”

“Sepulture had been recruiting thieves, murderers, and any other low life he could find to be part of his army. He set aside a special task force. We were part of that in fact there were only four of us that were there. Mordred, Grrral, and I, I cannot recall the fourths face. Nor his name.” As Imaru listens its as if he’s there, seeing, hearing, feeling the story.

“We had been assigned to kill a large group of opposing villagers. When we arrived we started to do just that. We swept from house to house , I would break the door, Mordred would search for people, and Grrral... he would cut down and kill everyone, that is until the fourth had enough. The fourth member turned on us. He said we needed to stop. That this type of killing wasn’t fun anymore, that it wasn’t necessary. Grrral laughed and he warned us that if we didn’t stop, he would kill us. Mordred smiled and said “I like empty threats”. Then they attacked him. But he held them at bay. He fought so hard to protect the town, only to die as Grrral plunged his sword through his back.”

“They continued to kill the villagers. When we returned to gather his body he was gone. All that was left was his doom armor. And his Katana. Mordred seized that up instantly, his love for katana being so. I soon broke off not liking what I had saw that night. After a while the others separated from the army and broke off completely as well. The doom armor was a different matter. I had decided to carry it with me. When a doom armor is made it is said to “pick” its wearer. Once a doom armor has chosen that individual, no one else can wear it. No one.” Eric leaves a pause before he finishes. “Imaru, the armor your wearing, its the same Armor.”

As Eric lets his words sink in, Imaru looks back into his past. All he remembers is waking up with a large gash in his back. The woman who nursed him back to life told him that he fought some undead and was left to die. He had believed her. After he was back to full strength he set off, traveling from town to town, and killing all threats. Its true, he cant remember anything that happened before waking up. He also is exceptionally well at killing, and he hates pointless murders.

“I remember,” Imaru begins “ I remember the fight, but that doesn’t explain why Grrral doesn’t recognize me.”
“Oh! But he does, and that’s why he tried to kill you. Now I must leave. The Red Queen wishes to speak with me.” Eric says as he stands.
“The Red Queen? Why-”
“She wants to speak with you as well. Lets hear her out, shall we?” Eric interrupts him as he begins to walk away.

As Imaru enters the complex he’s unexplainably calm. Even when Grrral meats them at the door, Imaru resists the urge to kill him.
“Greetings Eric, I see you’ve brought Him.” he says with distaste.
“ I would say the same of you friend but… So what does your Red Queen want hmmm?”
“I think she had better tell you.” Grrral replies as he leads the two down a hall.
“My Red Queen, your visitors-”
“Have Arrived. Thank You Grrral. Now Bring Me Mordred.” She orders, as Grrral exit’s the room.

“ Eric Ravenwing, I’ve Heard Much About You,” she begins “ Almost as much as I’ve heard about you Imaru.” This brings a smile across his face.
“Here is the traitor.” States Grrral as he brings Mordred in. Mordred has been beaten, this much is evident, and is thrown on to the ground in front of the Red Queen.
“Have you decided to join me yet?” she asks. Mordred’s reply is to spit at her feet.
“Execute him Grrral.”
“ Grrral don’t do it..” Eric begins but stops seeing that words are futile. Slowly Grrral lifts his blade over his head. “Im sorry my friend” he whispers as he swings full force towards Mordred’s exposed neck.

The blade collides with flesh as a manicle laughter fills the air.
As the blood begins to hit the ground the shock is present on every ones face. Not even the red queen expected this. Imaru locks eyes with Mordred, no words pass between them, and he hands him the Katana. As Imaru stands he places his hands on the blade, now embedded deep into his shoulder.
“Grrral, I told you I would kill you before this war was over..”

Grrral snarls with rage as he tries to rip his blade out of Imaru’s shoulder. But the effort is futile. Imaru spins ripping Grrral’s hands of off the blade, and while doing so ripping the blade out, and stares at Grrral. He then tosses Grrral the blade and summons a Scythe into his hands. Grrral catches the blade while drawing out a second one at the same time. For a mere second the two meet each others gaze, the they charge. Blade strikes scythe, scythe strikes blade, and the song of battle is played.

Mordred and Eric both rise and together they begin to fight the infected that are Charging into the room. Each flawlessly backing the other one, each working together in harmony. Then a different Zardbie enters, making both Mordred and Eric pause.

“Prius” Grrral yells, “Kill the two heroes.” Prius looks, and sees Eric, a long lost friend.
“I…. must.” as Prius strides forward there is an explosion in the upper levels of the mansion. Dornalca has brought a small force of mercenaries with her. Among the group is Lady Ravenwing, Chisagen, Chainsword, and Josh. As the group enters the mansion they are immediately attacked by a large group of Zards, which get blown away by a powerful blast from Dornalca. Chisagen and his Fishyblade, slap foe after foe, rendering them incapacitated. Chainsword Slices through foe after foe leaving none to remain.

Seeing this group also makes Prius hesitate.
“Prius, I order you to kill them.” the Red Queen orders.
“I… no …. Yes…” Prius falls to a knee.
“Kill them.” The Red Queen repeats.
As Prius rises only on word is audible. “NO.” There’s a flash of light and where the once infected Prius stands, a now human form rises. As more infected charge the room, Prius begins to swing his mighty pole axe, cutting down all foes.
"I fight for you no Longer!" Prius yells in rage.

As the battle commences more zardbies fall, and the heroes are gaining more and more ground. The fight between Imaru and Grrral has moved beyond the war room, and is in a larger room of the mansion. Each combatant is wounded, each refuses to die. Grrral lunges , his left hand leading. Imaru easily dodges the attack, and parries the following right thrust. Imaru swings his scythe and Grrral leaps away as the scythe collides where he was just standing. Then Imaru drops the scythe pulling out two Zardbie Katana. The two rush at each other, each one fighting as a mirror image of the other. Each ones hatred for the other equally the same. As the two continue this death dance, they forget all about the war. For Imaru its never been about the war, its been about finding an equal opponent.

The two don’t hear the rushing of feet as the party of heroes approach, nor do they hear the gasps of amazement as they make parry after parry, as they move each one striking at the other with blinding speed. They have moved past the War into there own world, and in it, only one can survive. Their blades collide time after time, throwing sparks into the air. No one moves to interfere, no one says a word. Each warrior is fighting with there all, and this is what they have desired this whole time. There is a sicken thud as Imaru and Grrral’s blades collide with the others soldier. Then they separate, each one with a sever wound in the shoulder, but the separation only lasts for a second.
The two lunge at each other and once again, as blade collides with blade, deaths wail sings out. Eric looks at the combatants, Looks as the two collides sending multicolored sparks into the air. He then turns and begins to leave.
"Where are you going Eric?" Lady Ravenwing asks.
"To finish this." Eric states.
"Ill come with you." Lady Ravenwing says as she follows her husband out of the room.

Imaru and Grrral separate, each breathing heavily.
"You’ve gotten better." Grrral says.
" Not good enough." Imaru replies.
The two lunge and again the sparks fly, then there’s a snap and a gasp. The two separate. Imaru’s blades are broken. He smiles and rushes forward As his fist collides with Grrral’s face, Grrral’s blade pierces his armor.

Eric and Lady Ravenwing enter the control room and the Red queen appears before them.
"What do you think your doing in here?" she asks as the pair begin to unload nitroglycerin sponges out of a bag. They put the sponges on every major computer system in the room.
"STOP THIS AT ONCE!" the red queen screams.
After three bags of sponges are placed the Couple makes a line leaving the control room and leading back to the side room.

As the blade drives through Imaru’s body he smiles, and continues to through punch after punch. Each one making contact with Grrral, each swing killing himself more. Finally Imaru drops to his knee.
"I win Imaru, give up." Grrral states flatly.
"Never. You don’t win. You lost the moment you gave yourself to that pitiful excuse of a "Queen". the moment you gave up your soul, you lost." Slowly Imaru grabs the blade and begins to pull it out. Grrral lunges forward and lifts Imaru into the air by the blade.
"You know nothing. The moment I killed one of my own I knew there was no going back." he screams as he twists the blade. " The moment I felt the teeth in my arm I knew there was no going back."
"MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Pitiful." Imaru interrupts him. " You gave up, and so you lost. I may die here but you still lost."

Grrral notices that everyone except Eric have left he then notices the sponges. Eric looks at Imaru and all Imaru does is smile. Eric understands and leaves. Grrral hears Imaru light the torch and drops him. He starts to run and feels the cold steel of a blade enters his foot all of the way to the hilt.

Eric gets out side just as the torch hits the firs sponge. The explosion sends him flying. Lady Ravenwing helps him to his feet.
"What of Imaru?" she asks.
All Eric does is shake his head as he begins to walk away.
"So its finally over?" Dornalca asks.
"Its finally over." Mordred states.

A few hours later Grrral rises up out of the rubble and fades in with the shadows as a lunatics laughter fills the air. Off in the distance a shdowy figure stands on the hill top. The wind billowing his robes around him. He reaches up and pulls down his hood. As he surveys the mansion he sees Imaru crawl out of the rubble and slowly rise. ?he lets out a wicked laugh and stumbles off into the woods.

“So ThE ReD qUeEn FaIlEd?’ sighs the man on the hill. “iT’s A pItTy.” He says as he spreads his wings. “ BuT tHiS ArCh AnGeL iS dEtErMiNeD. HeHeHeHeHe…” he says as he flies into the night.

< Message edited by saber1001 -- 11/4/2010 16:23:06 >
AQ DF  Post #: 2
10/25/2010 23:26:27   

The three figures stood on the edge of the field, watching the forest before them. They had only to step forwards and they would enter it and join the fray as the heroes of Lore battled the terrible minions of the Red Queen.
"We who are about to die, salute you," said Artares, a Warrior and the youngest, gloomily.
"Cheer up," said Dornalca, the eldest and a Mage. "We should be fine if we watch each others backs and use the TARTS we were given." She patted him on the shoulder. "We've been through much worse than this," she reminded him.
"True," Artares said, brightening up. The third figure smiled but said nothing. Nersalca rarely spoke. They strode into the forest, the warrior taking the front.
A Zard leaped from the shadows but Nersalca was already there and sliced expertly through the exposed neck. Thunder clapped from behind her and she turned to see Dornalca blasting large holes in the Beez that swarmed at her. Artares was in a cloud of dust and fire caused by his sword's properties and the large group of Zards attacking. Nersalca hurled a dagger into the throat of one and then dove into the fray. Dornalca laughed at the Beez and Zards as she hurled lightning and fire into them. The ground around her was littered with countless dead when the attack finally ceased and she smiled. Artares and Nersalca walked up, Artares eating a TART and shuddering.
"That was close," he said and took in the clearing around her. "Wasn't there more trees?" he asked mildly. Dornalca shrugged and looked at Nersalca. She received a faint smile and nod in return.
"Ooops?" Dornalca said and then turned to see a peculiar sight. It was a zombie, but with an odd mutation to it. "You would be a Zardbie," she said quietly and looked around. They were completely surrounded. She tightened her grip on her staff.
"Join us," said the Zardbie and smiled a horrible rictus. "Or die." It shrugged and the Zards began to step forward. "Or both," it added as an afterthought. Dornalca didn't bother answering with words, simply hurled a bolt from her staff into the Zardbie. It was thrown back and she leveled the stave on the creatures.
"Bring it on," she said and grinned madly. The power that erupted from her staff almost outshone the sun and a gaping hole appeared in the circle of evil. Nersalca grabbed her as she slumped and almost carried her forwards, tearing through the enemy like a hot knife through butter. Artares followed and they were free of the encircling trap, but the Zards were still dangerous. Dornalca had recovered herself and smiled as she turned to face the enemy, only to see the same Zardbie leading them.
"You can't stop me that easily, old friend," he said and Dornalca recognized him with a shudder. It was Grrral. "Take them down," he said and Dornalca gripped her staff tightly as the Zards swarmed towards them. This would not be easy.

Part 2
The ground around the two combatants was cracked and steaming from the spells. Dornalca's staff was warped and bent from the power that had pulsed through it, sending so many Zards to their doom. But still they came, aiding the Zardbie as he tried to breach her defenses. She grinned mirthlessly.
"Is that all you can do?" she asked mockingly. "All you can do is throw wall fodder at me?" She laughed and hurled a blast of power at him. His katana parried it but he was forced back by the force.
"Hardly wall fodder," he replied. "The ones who came with me are the elite of the Zards, the strongest. Unfortunately for you, they can and are being revived as we speak." He smiled back at her. "Can you stand against them all, time after time?" Dornalca's response was a spell that broke the ground under him and dropped him down into a pit. He jumped and caught the edge, even as the pit closed around him. Only his head was left above the soil.
"You really shouldn't accuse me of your Red Queen's tactics," she said with a grin. "I've always been inventive about war." She looked around to see her two friends leaning against trees in exhaustion. "Let's get back to the camp," she said and looked at Grrral. "Apparently, you aren't so above it after all," she said and waved a hand. The ground began to sink around him. "Be seeing you," she said as he sank. He glared at her.
"Count on it," he said, before his mouth sank into the ground. Dornalca nodded and used the last of her magic to create a portal. A thunderclap heralded their departure, just as a figure stepped out of the forest. He looked around and then down. The ground before him buckled upwards and Grrral erupted out, his katana at the ready, only to find the clearing empty. A chuckle came from behind and he whirled to see another Zardbie.
"I thought as much," he said with amusement. "Our Queen may be powerful but there are limits."
"I almost had them," Grrral said sourly. "I wasn't expecting her to run. Fat lot of help you were, I might add."
"Next time, I will help," said the Zardbie and shrugged. "It's better to examine your foe before fighting. Something you should bear in mind," he added pointedly. "The three of them will return and then they shall join us, one way or another." They disappeared into the forest.

Part 3
The Mage stood on the battlefield and hurled her power into the oncoming creatures.
"They don't go easy, do they?" she muttered and then saw a Zardbie. Unlike most, this one seemed cautious and was staying outside her range. She hurled a bolt of lightning into a group of Zards and peered closely at him, realizing his identity almost immediately "Why so cautious, Grrral? Surely you aren't afraid of me, are you?"
"I know how powerful you are," Grrral said and his eyes flicked sideways to her left. Dornalca took a quick step back and the energy blast just missed her. She looked to see a Zard gape open for another shot. She blew it apart with a fireball and then slammed her staff into the ground. A pillar of energy blasted upwards around the mass of Zards and she smiled. The smile faded as she saw Grrral untouched and another Zardbie entering the clearing.
"How very unimpressive," said the newcomer. "Grrral, you disapoint me. This was the best trap you could manage?"
"It worked," Grrral said and began to walk towards Dornalca, who smiled and brought her staff up. "She is cut off from escape and allies and weakened."
"But so inelegant," said the Zardbie and then he looked Dornalca full in the face. "Hello, old friend."
"Hello Prius," Dornalca said with a sinking heart. Prius was far stronger than Grrral. She knew because they had been friends and allies since first meeting. "You intend to kill me?" she asked with a mocking smile. Prius hesitated and shuddered.
"Yes," said Grrral, who did not seem to notice Prius's hesitation. "And you will rise infected and another loyal servant to our Queen." He lashed out with his katana but the Blade of Destiny parried it easily. Dornalca held out her hand and lightning crackled through Grrral's katana, hurling him back. She felt her power ebbing and fading, but Prius did not take advantage of that. She looked at him curiously.
"Surrender," he said and smiled faintly. "The odds are very unfavorable for you, even without me."
"I've had much worse," Dornalca replied and her armor shifted to form the gear-studded armor of a Technomancer. Grrral's strike was blocked by her mechanical arm and her return cut deep into his flesh. He snarled a word of power and she was thrown back across the clearing. She rolled and stood up with a powerful magical blast that tore through the center of his chest. He glared and then his eyes began to glow.
"Now taste the power of the Red Queen!" he shouted and tendrils of darkness erupted from his body. Dornalca blinked in surprise but her armor shifted and became the gleaming armor of a Paladin. The darkness paused and then strove forwards against her. Prius looked on and Dornalca saw him clutch his head. "Assist me, Prius!" shouted Grrral.
"Yes..no, never," Prius said and began to shudder again. Dornalca shot out her hand and spikes of light tore at Grrral's darkness.
"She doesn't stand alone," said a voice from behind Grrral. His mouth widened in horror as a greater darkness attacked him, emanating from the armored figure who stepped from the woods. Dornalca saw her chance and light flashed from her hand to strike at Grrral, their positions suddenly reversed. For a moment, Grrral nearly collapsed, but then his shadow strengthened and he turned to face the Doomknight with a cold smile.
"So, the accursed one seeks to atone?" he said mockingly. "Thank you for coming here to my own ground." The Red Queen laughed through Grrral and portals appeared around the clearing. Zardbies, corrupted heroes, stepped out and looked at the two heroes with the same cold smile.
"I didn't come alone," Eric Ravenwing said and the shadow behind him thinned and revealed Lady Ravenwing and Fire of the Century. Before they could move, the air crackled with the sudden powerful discharge of magic, sending Zardbies flying as Dornalca unleashed her Mage's fury upon them. Prius looked at the assembled heroes and his shaking grew worse as Eric saw him and smiled welcomingly. "Hello, little brother," he said.
"You cannot win," said Grrral angrily and looked at Prius sharply. "Destroy them!"
"What?" Prius said. "But I can't....I must...No!" He shuddered and Dornalca hurled a spear of Light at Grrral.
"Leave my friend alone!" she shouted and her eyes glowed murderously. "Both of them, Red Queen."
"Yes, begone from this place," Eric said and a cage of shadows surrounded Grrral. "You have no power here, your army is all but destroyed. Begone!" His power crackled through the air and the Red Queen screamed in rage and pain. The Zardbies fell to their knees from the aftershock.
"Kill him, Prius, or suffer my wrath!" she said through Grrral. Prius stood up and smiled.
"No," he said quietly. "Not this time. I am not yours, anymore." The rotted flesh began to melt away. "I am Prius, and I defy you!" he shouted and an explosion of light sent everyone to the ground, except Eric. As Dornalca stood up, she saw Prius standing face-to-face with Grrral, who snarled and lunged. Prius sidestepped and knocked him to the ground and then seemed to notice himself for the first time. The armor that held him was the mechanical armor of a Technomancer, but he still held the katana in his hand.
"Hold onto that," Eric said with a smile. "As a weapon, it is quite impressive, little brother. Welcome back."
"Yes, welcome back," said Dornalca and looked at Grrral. He seemed comatose. "What happened to him?"
"His brain was torn into by the Zard that infected him," Prius said and looked at Eric. "I'm-," he began but Eric waved him off.
"Let's go kill some Zards, shall we?" he said and Prius nodded. Eric turned and helped Lady Ravenwing to her feet. The others were standing as well and administering the cure to the Zardbies.
"Sounds like a plan," Dornalca said and took a deep drink from her mana potion. "Let's go to work."
Part 4
The battle was almost over. The last of the Zard and Zardbies were mounting a desperate defense but were slowly being driven back. Dornalca parried a katana and hurled a TART into the gaping mouth that tried to bite her. The Zardbie bit down and slumped to the ground as the corruption vanished.
"Almost to the Red Queen," Eric Ravenwing said as he chopped through a Zard with ease. "Let's clear the road."
"Sounds like fun," Prius said. He picked up a Protozard and dumped the cure into its mouth, then dropped it. It was a Sneevil before it hit the ground.
"Your king is back there," Dornalca said and blasted two Zards in quick succession. The Sneevils had been too vulnerable to the venom to assist until the permanent cure was made but now they were hunting through the forest for the last of their kin to cure them.
"Odd to be helping the Sneevils," Fire of the Century said with a laugh. "Still, we owe them a lot for Popsprocket." Everyone who had fought there nodded at the memories. Dornalca blasted a Zard and looked for another target, only to find her field of view empty. She looked around and saw the others do the same.
"Is that all?" Prius wondered aloud. "Have we won?" Eric shook his head.
"Not yet," he said and pointed towards the wall. "Not until the Red Queen is dead." Darkness leapt from his hand and shattered against the wall without effect. He looked at it in surprise and then nodded to himself. "She's sealed it shut."
"We'll just have to open it then," Lady Ravenwing said grimly. She slammed her daggers into the wall and it was echoed loudly.
"Time for Science," Prius said and walked up to the wall. His Laser Screwdriver glowed and the wall began to melt around it. He traced the outline of a door in the wall and then stood back. "Now then, there is probably a trap behind this wall, so I'll need to remove this," he said and then kicked it. The wall shook and toppled over onto several trackers that had been lurking nearby.
"Effective," Dornalca said dryly. Her armor blurred and morphed into the glowing armor of a Paladin as she drew the Blade of Destiny. Eric smiled and stepped through after Prius.
"Very. Chisagen, I'd like you to take point," he added as the others stepped through. "We'll need to stay together, so no wandering off."
"I'll try not to," Prius said and then stopped suddenly and kicked the ground in front of him. It opened into a pit. "Tempting Fate is interesting when you know what to do," he said and stepped over the pit.
"Zorbak said that the Red Queen's core was at the very last floor," Lady Ravenwing said and looked doubtfully at the elevator.
"If she can overide that, it would be a deathtrap," Prius said and pulled open the control panel. His screwdriver buzzed once and then he stood up."There. That should seal her off from it and I can handle her attemptd." He smiled. "Science!" Dornalca rolled her eyes and opened the door.
There was no elevator. They stared at the space where it should be. It remained absent. Eric looked at Prius quizzically.
"Is there supposed to be a wait for it?" he asked. Prius shook his head.
"That was clever," he said grimly. "She stalled the elevator. If I was inside it, I could restart it," he said and looked at the smooth sides of the shaft. The elevator car was hidden in the gloom. "I could jump."
"Unless it is above us," Chisagen pointed out. "I don't see the top either."
"Here's some light," Dornalca said and sent a spear of light down the shaft. The darkness was peeled back to show the top of the car and creatures moving on it. Prius nodded and jumped towards the light. He landed on a Zard and smashed another one against the wall with the Zardslayer Blade he held. The last of them was killed by Lady Ravenwing's thrown dagger and Prius began working on the roof panels, prying them up and dropping in. The elevator car was empty and he easily hotwired it, sending it up to the level.
"Nice ride," Chisagen said as the doors opened. "I don't see any bloodstains, even." He shouldered his fish and peered up at the hole in the roof. "A bit drafty, though."
"What if the Red Queen shuts down the elevator?" Chainsword asked. Prius grinned and inspected the panel.
"I almost hope she tries," he said and chuckled darkly. "I can backtrack her signal if she does and then she'll have something to worry about."
"Vindictive," Dornalca said. Her tone was approving. "Let me know if I can help."
"What is that music?" Fire asked curiously. There was a tinny sound coming from the walls. Prius shrugged.
"I asked Yix and he says that the same music is built into every elevator everywhere," he said. "He didn't know why."
"Odd," Eric said and then the doors opened. The hall was empty.
"I think I remember this story," Dornalca said grimly. "Where the creature jumps out at the hapless people." She grinned and walked out. Immediately there was a roar of rage and a creature that closely resembled a Moglinster leapt out at her. It met the combined blast of every single elemental power from the assembled heroes. It didn't so much die, as evaporate from the blow. "Always glad to be the bait," Dornalca said and looked at the sealed door. It shattered and they walked through.
"It was unlocked, I noticed," Prius noted. "Just saying."
"Where's the fun in that?" Chisagen said before she could respond, though that had been her main reason, truthfully.
"Is that her?" Eric asked and pointed towards the large pentagon shape in the center. Prius looked at it and his normal pleasant look vanished briefly, replaced by pure hate.
"That's her," he said and smiled. It was a smile that fish might see coming from the depths. It had teeth. "Let's go say hello."
"Oh yes," Chainsword said and stepped forwards. There was a clang from the walls, but Prius was already moving, sending laser bolts into several opening hatches and tapping in a swift sequence on the wall's pattern. The noise faded.
"You really shouldn't keep things the same," he said with a smile. He held his laser screwdriver to the walls and the hatches sprang open fully.
"Such power you could have," came a whisper from the core. "I could increase your magic a thousandfold. I could alter your bodies to be able to move at speeds faster than sound, and all you ask could be yours." Eric cocked his head to one side, sensing a confident tone in the voice. She was defeated and alone - or was she?
"Even if you could make us like the Elemental Lords themselves, we would still defy you," he said.
"You cannot begin to imagine what power you could have as my servants," said the Red Queen.
"And you cannot imagine how little that matters to us," Dornalca said and her eyes narrowed. All of them were aware that the Queen had one more surprise for them.
"My powers are only limited by my mind and so would yours be," the Queen said, ignoring them.
"You failed to bind me," said Prius. "Your power is nothing but smoke and mirrors, Queen of blood and carnage." He strode forwards. "It's time to end this."
"Then I shall show you my powers," she said and laughed. The core quivered and then irised open. A Zardbie stepped forth, but this one seemed oddly distorted. Prius stopped and stared at the apparition.
"Stephen?" he said hesitantly. The Zardbie smiled and then lashed out. Prius caught the blow but was hurled away by the force.
"Allow me," Dornalca said and a Spear of Light slammed into the corrupted hero. It shrugged it off and whirled the katana in a swift series of movements that drove the Paladin back and then lashed out at Eric. The Doomknight knocked the katana aside with his hand and his sword tore through the Zardbie easily. Stephen grinned and riposted, his wound healing easily. "He's drawing directly from the Red Queen!" Dornalca shouted and drew her Vanilla Ice Katana, wielding the two swords against the Zardbie.
"That won't help," he said and laughed, even as he was hurled across the room. His wounds barely showed before they healed and he stood up.
"So you aren't weak against Light?" Dornalca said and smiled. Her armor rippled and became elegant blood-red robes. Her next attack mixed the two powers in the swords and Stephen screamed in pain as it struck. "Then face a DragonMage!"
"And you shall face me, Red Queen," Prius said and his fingers danced over the keyboard. "Shall we dance?"
"You shall not harm her!" shouted Stephen and turned. A blast of dark energy sent him to the floor. All around the room, the last of the Zardbies were climbing from their concealment and lunging forwards. The sides were equal.
"Stephen Nix," said a calm and level voice. Dornalca strode forwards, the Pristine Dragonstaff of Destiny glowing like a nova in her hand. "You allied willingly with the Queen. Now face the consequences. I shall be your opponent." Stephen stood and picked up his katana.
"So be it," he said and lunged. The opponents met with a clash that echoed in the room. Prius smiled as his friends held them back.
"You made several mistakes," he said as his fingers blurred over the controls. "One was to think you could defeat us. Another was to think that we would allow your corruption to infect us. But your biggest, quite simply, was this: You made an enemy of a Technomancer." His smile would have graced that of a Great White shark. "And now, I destroy you."
"I could make you so strong." The Red Queen sounded desperate. "I could teach you so much."
"I had a good teacher," Prius said. "Several, in fact. But I was taught Technomancy by Yix, leader of Popsprocket and Science by Lim himself. There is nothing I have yet to learn, except one thing. I should try to learn more mercy." His smile vanished and a murderous glare replaced it. "But not today."
Dornalca smiled as the Zardbie looked over suddenly at Prius. Her hand shot out and a ball of ice struck Stephen, encasing him briefly and then sinking in.
"Is that supposed to slow me?" Stephen asked contemptuously. Then he saw the flame in her hand and his eyes widened as he realized her plan.
"You really should keep your cool better," she said and hurled the flame. It struck his shoulder as he tried to dodge and the spell reacted explosively with the ice. The Zardbie shuddered and then simply slumped to the ground, his body desperately trying to recover. It took only brief seconds but by then it was too late. Dornalca had come prepared and the caramel became hoplessly stuck in his mouth as he bit down. His body shuddered and then began to alter. Dornalca nodded and then was struck from the side. She rolled and blasted the Zardbie across the room, realizing too late that it was already unconscious. Eric nodded apologetically to her and they looked at Prius.
"They suddenly lost most of their power," Eric said with a smile. Prius nodded wearily.
"I isolated her. Now we need to remove her." He looked around to see a former Zardbie stand up. "Craze?" he asked. He received a nod.
"She's isolated in there?" Craze asked and received another nod. He nodded and brought his hand up. Prius blinked and dodged automatically, only to see that he was not the target. Craze's blast tore into the core and exploded. Eric brought up his sword as he turned towards him but relaxed.
"Craze," he said and smiled. "So you were serious about your plan?"
"Dead serious," Craze said and leaned heavily on the wall. "That was fun," he added. Everyone still conscious nodded in agreement.
"A pity we only get together for wars and the like," Dornalca said and walked over to help Stephen up. "Let's get back to the camp, supper is waiting, and candies if we're lucky."
"Let's hurry then," Eric said and then saluted the room. "Well done, all of you. I am proud to have fought beside everyone here."
"The feeling is mutual," Dornalca and Prius said in unision. They saluted, then turned and walked towards the exit.
"I hope we get to do this again soon," Chainsword said, holstering the large Chainsword. '
"Oh, I'm sure you will," said the voice of Rolith, echoing through the walls. "I'll be sure to make it even more fun for you. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

I hope you like it.

< Message edited by Dornalca -- 11/9/2010 2:23:19 >
DF  Post #: 3
10/27/2010 14:53:32   
Highlord Sendai

Death of the Sneevils?:

Oh! Box Loving Race,
It seems you have a bad destiny to Face,
The infected Approach,
Their numbers spreading like the Cockroach,
I will remember the race of Green,
The one with the hobby that wasn't that mean,
I recall that amazing green hair,
Oh! Box Loving Race, it's just not fair.

A Fishy Situation:
Chisagen decides to be a hero.


*Chisagen looks at Sendai*

Chisagen: I'll save you, weird green elf.
Chisagen: This is a perfect oppor-tuna-ty to use my brand new weapon...
Chisagen: ...The Blueberry Krill!!!

*Chisagen runs into battle, swinging his fish and singing...*

Chisagen: Cod This Be Love...

*Zard eats top half of fish*

Chisagen: Aw man, elf person! I NEED KELP!
Chisagen: They were right, maybe this will be my Final Fintasy.

*Highlord Sendai starts fighting the Zard. Dodging and going to hide under his box every time the Zard tries to fight back. Meanwhile, Chisagen is looking through his backpack. A few seconds later, Chisagen pulls a Fish Carcass out of his backpack*

Chisagen: Aha, watch out Zards. I'll take you out with this Jurrasic Karp.

*Zard is killed and carcass falls apart*

Highlord Sendai: Thank you, human! I shall pay you with a box.
Chisagen: No Prawnblem, and you keep your box.
Chisagen: Because when I attack a enemy. They know their going Deep Sea Dying.
Chisagen: Anyway, I had a whale of a time.

*Sendai walks off. Chisagen sniffs the Zard*

Chisagen: Smells like pure, Sea Wee.

*Chisagen turns to look at his bag, twig is eating fish out of this bag*


*Twig runs away all hyper*

Chisagen: Aw man. He ate all my fish. I'll have to rely on my backup diet.
Chisagen: The SEE-FOOD diet. I see food and then I eat it.

<Quest completed>

Waiting For Release:

Sung to the tune of Frere Jacques

Zards are dying, Zards are dying,
Trackers are too, Trackers are too,
We want the release, We want the release,
Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong.

< Message edited by Highlord Sendai -- 10/30/2010 10:30:59 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
10/27/2010 18:08:45   
Acient J

I don't really have a title for this, so...yeah. Enjoy! I'll write chapter 2 based on the winning side and boss fight.

Chapter 1

The call to arms came so quickly that many of Moonridge’s poor citizens had no idea what was going on. Captain Viamat sounded the alarm for invasion, and panic took the city. Doors and windows were locked, farewells were said, and the men prepared to fight. Taylor was one of them.

He looked at the fountain sadly, recognizing that he would most likely die fighting. But how was he supposed to wish his children farewell without upsetting them? He wanted them to grow up with good memories of him, ones of playing in the town square, of relaxing family nights in the inn, not of, “Sorry, kids, but I’m going to die in this war.” Not even eleven-year-old Joe, his eldest one, would be ready for that.

He felt tears coming on. Don’t cry, you baby! he thought to himself, but the tears came nonetheless. The salty dispatch mingled with the crystal pure water of Aone Fountain. When Taylor was quite finished blubbering, he filled a glass bottle with water from the fountain, his original task, and was off to his house one last time.

He arrived at dusk and presented Esther with the gift. It was all she could do to keep from crying in front of the children. She knew what it meant. Taylor had filled the bottle that he had hand-crafted, the one that bore his family crest, the one success in a million failures. He cherished it, and he would not have given it to her unless he knew he would not need it anymore.

Taylor left with the other men, with a sword as his weapon and only a bronze shield for defense. He was placed, along with the other regular citizens, under the command of a capable DragonLord. The man seemed not to like the position, for he continuously looked up at the sky longingly, where a dozen or so dragons were headed out to scout for recruits. When asked, he simply barked out an order to keep quiet and follow instructions.

They met with a large group of zards in the middle of the night. The appearance of these armed men seemed to frighten them, and the attackers seemed to have the upper hand for a moment. To their dismay, however, they were ambushed from behind by a collection of lizardmen. There was something different about them, though. It was noticed that they fought without weapons, very uncharacteristic of their race, and they were much more ferocious.

As they fought, their numbers became less and less, but they saw no bodies. Were the men fleeing? No, they were surrounded. Were they being eaten? The creatures seemed to be using their mouths quite a lot. It wasn’t until the newly-created zombies started attacking that they realized their fate. The zards and lizardmen were making zombies of their victims!

“Retreat!” shouted their DragonLord at the top of his voice. Angered by the loud noise, a frighteningly large spider jumped from an overhanging tree onto his head. The poor man was very quickly transformed into a brain-hungry carcass. Taylor looked around him. All hope seemed lost.

He fought. He slashed for all his life, but he could not use his sword to re-kill his old friends. It was mental. No, his arms wouldn’t let him do it. No, it was both. Why was it so confusing? A sharp pain in his arm. They were everywhere. They were enemies. They needed to be killed. Who were they? The zards. The zombies. No, they were not attacking him. The people? They were attacking. He needed to defend himself.

Use your mouth, said his mind, his instinct. You have power. You do not need to kill your friends. They can fight with you. There were very few of them left. They were trying to get away, but his new friends were holding them off.

“Mom! Mom! Something’s happening to Dad’s vase!”

Something was holding him back.

“Look! It’s glowing!”

The bottle! His tears! The Fountain!

“Hey, the Fountain is glowing, too!”

Everyone was a zombie. There was no hope left. But why did he feel different?

“I’ve never seen it do that before.”

He had power. Real power! The Fountain was his and his alone.

“The water is rising!”

“It’ll flood the city!”

“No, no, it’s rising. Floating in midair!”

“Well, I never...”

The water was propelled by an invisible force, led to the desperate men, now zombies, but specifically to Taylor. He was free. The mystic water of Aone Fountain soaked him. He felt a change. His instincts, no longer those of an infectious freak, were replaced by the need to get his friends back.

At his word, by the tears still flowing through the magic water, everyone and everything was soaked. They were recovered. Not just the people, either. The zards, lizardmen, and spiders were all given their natural form back. The latter two, enemies, quickly fled, while the poor sneevils scurried off to their fort.

“Taylor! You’ve done it!” cried the now jolly men. They remembered vaguely their time as brain-devourers.

“Quick!” replied Taylor urgently. “We must bottle up as much of this water as we can! It’s our only weapon now.” The men did so, and soon there was a good deal of the water among them. Taylor lost concentration, and the rest of it soaked into the ground.

It was soon noticed that the DragonLord who had been leading them was missing. Going through their blurred memory of the battle, they were able to piece together that a dragon--probably the companion of the man--had flown down in distress, feeling that its bond was broken. The two had flown off quickly.

The men, wary of the possibly infected dragon somewhere near, continued the battle, armed with flasks of water. They searched, they paused, they searched some more, but they could not find any more of the infected creatures. They set up camp for the night.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
10/27/2010 21:35:01   
Lantern Man

A hero limps back to the TART base, fighting off the z-virus infection. Following him is a swarm of zards and other infected creature. After throwing off all of his armor and ditching his sword he finally reaches the TART base. When he arrives there, Aria is waiting with the box of zardbie cure, but when she opens it, it's empty. The hero attempts to fight the z-virus for more time, but he has lost control and attacks Aria. Luckily, Irwin was in the way to intercept and knocks the armor less infected hero to the ground. Soon, the rest of the tart team joins in fight and defeats that hero, but were is the cure, is it stolen, or worse, destroyed.
At the same time as the former hero falls to the z-virus another "hero" and his dragon are running away from the base. The "hero" has a belt full of the cure and the dragon is carrying a bagful of the cure. The thought-to-be traitor and his dragon are spotted by Trouble and the rest of the TART team is instantly informed. A batch of knights is sent to stop this traitor. Planning to flank him from both sides. The plan almost worked out but the knights were ambushed by a swarm of zardbies. A ferocious battle is fought, but the zardbies are overwhelming. The knights' screams are heard through doomwood and as the traitor looks to were the screams are coming from, a hint of sadness is in his eyes. The only thing going through his mind at that moment was "this had better work".
After seeing the zardbies defeated by the knights the traitor and his dragon charge farther into doomwood, straight into the heart of the battle. By this time, almost all the heros had learned about the traitor who had stolen the cure. Even in the midst of the battle, the heros were all looking for him. Then one knight who was making sure that the zardbies did not attempt a flanking maneuver spotted the traitor. A group of hero was dipatched to stop him and get back the cure. When the traitor got spotted he thought "I know they think I'm a traitor but this has to work. We are winning this war but the amount of people dying or getting infected is too high. I have to end the war. I should have told someone my plan, but I don't think anybody would agree with it. They would say it is too risky and if it fails, it might get us all killed. They are right, but that is why it must succeed."
As the "traitor" charged into the clearing that was the battle field, many of the worst things that could have happened, happened. First, his dragon got a magic bolt in the face. Next, some knights launched a barrage of arrows at his arm. Then he was hit in the back of the head by the hilt of a scythe. Finally, after hitting the ground, someone rips off his belt. When the traitor turns over, he sees a hero standing over him with a axe ready to kill. The last thing said before the axe went down was " I'm sorry I have to do this, but you brought it on yourself."
As the axe fell for the kill, the traitor gathered all of his strength and rolled out of the. He got up almost immediately and made a frantic run for his life. The axe bearing hero was almost apon him when he got to the edge of the battle field. When the traitor had gotten to the woods and out of the clearing, he was out of breath. He kept running for his life but he was tired, and angry. He had failed. He had almost caused all of the zardbie cure to destroyed and now he might die for his mistake. Deeper into the forest he ran but soon the axe baring hero was apon him. He was going to die. He turned around to see the blade of the axe descend upon him again. This time he could not get away. This time, he was sure he was going to die.
Suddenly, out of nowhere a flash of light came. It distracted both the hero and the traitor and stopped the axes descent. Then, in less than a second, a group of skeletons popped out of the and attacked the hero, and a blunt metal bashed the traitors head knocking him out. The traitor woke up a short time later to a large amount of zardbie screeches. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was flying, and quickly. When he started to look around, he got hit by the blunt metal object again and became unconscious. This happened multiple times, but in some of the later times, the screeches of the zardbies were gone. Eventually, the woke up on solid ground. He carefully got up and looked around. Then a voice came from behind him. "You should rest." the voice said. The traitor whipped around to see a necromancer holding a lantern. The traitor reached for his staff but it wasn't on his back. "It's on the ground next to you," said the necromancer. Sure enough, when the traitor looked on the ground, there was his staff. " By the way, who are you and why did you steal the cure." said the necromancer.
"My name is...is I forget, but I know why I stole the cure." replied the traitor.
"Must have been a concussion from all the times I hit you with my lantern...well why did you steal the cure." the necromancer said impatiently
"A plan. My plan was to use my magic to send the like a wave into the zardbies, uninfecting most of them, and the rest would be killed by the amount of soldiers and the fact that they were surrounded." claimed the not-so-traitor-but-really-a-mage.
"Good plan, but why didn't you tell anyone about it." replied the necromancer
"I knew nobody would except it." the mage said sadly
"Oh, but we should get a move on." the necromancer said worriedly. As they stated to move out the mage started to wonder something.
"Wait, why did you save me and who are you." asked the mage.
"My name is unimportant, and the reason I saved you is because I didn't want to kill you." replied the necromancer
"That's not a very good reason." the mage murmured.
"Do you want to die." demanded the necromancer. The mage made no comment so continued to move on. For our they walked toward the TART base, but they got lost many times. Because they were behind enemy lines, they got lost all the time. Eventually, though they heard the cracking of a branch from somewhere. Both the mage and the necromancer looked around cautiously. When the two spotted a group of zardbies, the necromancer pulled out a thick cloth out of his armor and covered his lantern. As the zardbie started to get closer, the two broke into a frantic run/hover. The zardbies pursued, and more kept coming. Eventually they reached the ocean and were trapped. The zardbie attacks were relentless, but skeletons, a lantern, and magic bolts held them back. Even with many zardbies being defeated and many others thrown into the ocean, the zardbies still pushed and sometimes got a bite or a scratch on the cornered two. In the midst of the battle, a zardbie jumped over the two hero's defense and tackled the necromancer and his mostly destroyed armor. The necromancer and the zardbie fell over the edge of the cliff that rest above the ocean. Looked in mortal combat the zardbie and necromancer fought fiercly. The necromancer used his lantern to stop most of the blows and the only blow that got past the lantern got reflected by the remains of the necromancer's armor. Halfway through the descent, when the struggling two were almost right next to the wall of land, a group of skeletal hands grabbed both the zardbie and the necromancer. Using the opportunity, the necromancer drew a dager from his belt and stabbed the zardbie. Then, having control of the skeleton hands, he let the zardbie fall into the zardbie-body-infested-ocean and used the skeletal hands to bring him up. When the necromancer was almost to the top, he noticed that it was completely silent. The screams of the zardbies had faded away and there wasn't even a panting or breath that would be heard from the mage. When he reached the top of the cliff he saw that the only thing there were the motionless bodies of dead zardbies. The mage was gone. Even though the necromancer only knew him for a short time, despair filled his heart. Even though he was weak, tired, and hungry; the necromancer charged into the forest in hope of finding his companion.
For days he searched without seeing a single creature. Eating almost anything he found and scarcely drinking from a flask of water. Eventually, he saw a small group of knights. He was weak, though, and he thought that his eyes might be deceiving him. The necromancer crept up to them slowly and quietly, using the skills he obtained from being a dragon rouge, and pulled out a dagger and pressed on the throat of one of the surprised knights. "Tell me who you are, why your here, and if your real or not or he dies", the necromancer demanded. The knight looked at each in surprise and then looked at their friend with a dagger on his throat. "We do exist first of all, second of all, we are an elite group of knights whose job is to sneak behind enemy lines and do reconnaissance missions and flanking maneuvers", said the only knight on horseback.
"So your a bunch of idiots that they wanted to get rid of", said the necromancer," but anyways, do you have spare supplies."
"We are not idiots, but we do have spare supplies", said the knight
"Good", said the necromancer as he pushed away the knight that had a dagger on his throat," then your willing to share with a poor hero in need, right."
"Um...okay." replied the knight, so the knights and necromancer sat, ate, and shared stories. Eventually the knights slept, but the necromancer stayed awake, still haunted by the fate that might have come to his lost companion. He stayed awake during the night, and kept watch. During the middle of the night he heard some rustling of branches and other sounds of movement. The necromancer swung his lantern to the direction of the sound and saw a group of zardbies prepared to attack. "WAKE UP", the necromancer yelled, waking the knights. When the knights saw the zardbies, they instantly jumped to their weapons, but they were too late. The zardbies were apon them. The zardbies were about to attack the necromancer to when they top. Two other zardbies, who looked more powerful than the other zardbies. One of the two special zardbies looked slightly familiar to the necromancer, but he couldn't figure out why. Then the female zradbie of the two special zardbie spoke. " Is he the one", she asked the other zardbie. The other zardbie nodded. "Then let me introduce myself", said the female zardbie," I am Craze, and my partner here, you should know." The necromancer then recognized the other zardbie, it was the mage. Anger went strait through his body. I go through all this trough all this trouble to save him, and find that he is infected, the necromancer thought. But the necromancer still stayed calm and spoke to Craze and the mage. "Your quite polite for an evil group of brainless flesh-bags", said the necromancer
"Silence fool." the mage demanded.
"Make me", replied the necromancer. Suddenly, out of the mage's katana, a magic bolt flew out. The necromancer dodged it, but barely. The tree behind the necromancer got utterly destroyed. The necromancer looked at the tree, then at the mage in shock. "How...what...I thought...oh no", the necromancer stuttered.
"That magic bolt, oh it was an 'accident' that happened during my infection." said the mage. Turning to Craze, he said ,"He won't accept the Red queen like I did, I know heros like him, they're all stubborn and stupid."
"WHAT", yelled the necromancer,"YOU JOINED THEM, YOU TRAITOR. I SAVE YOUR LIFE AND THEM YOU BACKSTAB ME AND JOIN THEM." The necromancer charged forward, anger absorbed his mind. Before he could reach the mage, he got kicked straight in the stomach by a powerful foot. He looked up, and saw Craze. "Your right, we should infect him with force." said Craze and the mage and her walked away. The zardbies all jumped at the necromancer, who ran like crazy. He ran like he had never ran before, adrenaline ran through his body. The necromancer ran through almost the whole forest. When he finally stopped he collapsed to the ground. Then he felt a smooth sharp object on his head. When he looked up, he saw a warrior standing above him. "Are you a hero", asked the necromancer.
"Yes", replied the hero, then, looking at the condition of the necromancer he asked,"are you hurt."
"Yes, who are you." replied the necromancer.
"My name is Blink Chronodragon, I am hero to assist a stupid group of knights on a 'reconnaissance' mission, even though there is no information to obtain", replied Blink.
"I believe that I have some information that might interest you", the necromancer said
"What", Blink asked anxiously
"There is a zardbie, who can use magic. I saw him and his partner, her name is Craze. They are both traitors who joined the zardbies willingly. Somehow, the mage found a way to transfer his powers to his zardbie form when he got infected", said the necromancer.
"Interesting, we have to stop him, but you need rest first, I have a camp not far off, I'll keep watch", Blink said. The two went back to Blink's camp and the necromancer ate a little and then collapsed out of exhaustion. When he woke up, Blink was standing on the outskirts of the camp. The necromancer was well rested and was ready to move out. The two of them traveled together for awhile, fighting small packs of zardbies, but never seeing Craze or the mage. Eventually, they came across a living thing that wasn't infected. At first they thought it was an illusion, but when the necromancer cast his lantern on the figure, they saw that the figure was a doomknight holding a zardbie katana. Blink backed away slowly. "What's wrong", asked the necromancer.
"Him, if he is who I think he is, then we can be in deep trouble", replied Blink.
"And who do you think it is", asked the necromancer
"Mordred", said Blink.
"And who is Mordred", asked the necromancer.
"You've never heard of Mordred", asked Blink
"No", replied the necromancer
"Mordred is a doomknight who is neutral in this war. He fights both heros and zardbies and is considered one of the most powerful person/thing in this war", replied Blink, still backing up.
"Sounds like a good ally", said the necromancer
"Are you crazy", said Blink, stopping were he was,"You'll get yourself killed". But the necromancer didn't listen and walked toward Mordred. When Mordred and the necromancer were about a meter apart they both stopped. "Are you Mordred", asked the necromancer.
"Yes", replied Mordred," What do you want".
"Your help", said the necromancer.
"You know I am neutral, right", asked Mordred.
"Yes", the necromancer said,"and I was hoping you would take a bribe".
"How", said Mordred.
"Do you want food."
"What kind of weapons."
The necromancer thought a moment and then replied,"A magical zardbie katana."
"Magical?" asked Mordred.
"Yes, it can cast spells", replied the necromancer.
"Prove to me that this katana exists, then I will think about it", Mordred said. So Mordred, Blink, and the necromancer continued on. They met up with small groups of zardbies every-once-in-a-while, but none of the groups had the mage or Craze in them and Mordred did not help Blink or the necromancer(who used mainly a dagger and his lantern to fight instead of using undead) in battle. Eventually, they came across a small army of zardbies marching forward, presumably toward the battle field. Leading the army were Craze and the mage. The necromancer's plan was lure the army to them and make the mage use his magic to convince Mordred. The plan worked. The army, the mage, and Craze all went to Mordred, Blink, and the necromancer. The zardbies surrounded the three of them and Craze and the mage stepped out of the group. "So Mordred, you finally chose your side", said Craze.
"No", replied Mordred,"I'm here for a katana that these two say can cast spells, so if you have, just give it to me and I'll be on my way."
"I won't give it to you", the mage said.
"What?" Mordred replied.
"I said I won't give it to you", the mage said again.
"And who might you be", asked Mordred.
"Your worst nightmare", the mage said as he flung a magic bolt at Mordred. Mordred deflected it with ease and said "Look, give me the katana now and you don't die, don't give me the katana and you do die."
Then Craze stepped between the mage and Mordred and told the mage "Don't waste your energy", and then to the zardbies,"kill them all", and walked away with the mage.
"Wait", said Mordred, but the zardbies had already started to close in on the three uninfected and started to attack. Blink and the necromancer covered each others backs while Mordred killed any zardbie that got near him. The three of them defeated most of the zardbie army, and when there were only a few left, the necromancer used the undead to pin the rest of the zardbies down, making them easy kills. At the end of the battle, Mordred went up to Blink and the necromancer and said ,"so what do you want me to do".
"I want you to help us kill the infected mage." the necromancer responded.
" Okay, but I get the katana, and I'll only kill infected that get in the way of the mage and the mage, I won't go of trying to save some trapped fools."
"That's good enough for me". said the necromancer, and then looking at Blink, he said, "looks like we have a new ally." Before Blink could say anything, the necromancer and Mordred charged off into the direction they thought the mage and Craze were heading.
The three of them traveled for days, fighting groups of zardbies and becoming very well acquainted with each other. Through the journey, Mordred kept being mainly neutral, even though Blink tried to convince him to join the uninfected. Every night that the three stopped, one of them would keep watch. One dreadful night though, when the necromancer was taking watch, something went dreadfully wrong. The necromancer fell asleep. He woke up to screams of zardbies, the clashing of swords and katanas, and the yell of Blink and Mordred saying "Wake up you idiot necromancer." When the necromancer opened his eyes, he saw that their camp was being attacked by zardbies. Blink and Mordred were doing well, but the zardbies were getting around them and taking supplies, and some of them went off to attack the necromancer. Still in utter shock at what happened the necromancer was barely able to get his lantern before the zardbies were apon him. The necromancer quickly lost ground and had to run. He ran like he ran when he had first seen the infected mage and Craze. He ran until he heard a large amount of screams. When he looked to see what it was, he saw a large army of sneevils on togs being attacked by a small group of zards, and the zards were winning. The necromancer knew he had to help the sneevils. Then he saw a box lying on the ground. He pulled out a extremely secure piece of a nitroglycerin sponge and carefully but it in the box. Then he yelled out "Hey zards, who wants a glowing box." The zards turned around, and because they were still partly sneevil, the all charged at the necromancer. When they were almost apon him, he threw the box at the middle of the pack of zards, pulled out from sunglasses from nowhere, and watched the explosion. When the explosion had finished, he put away the sunglasses and walked toward the sneevils. The sneevils looked at the necromancer in awe, then the sneevil that looked like a general (he had a bigger box helmet than the rest of the sneevils) went foreword and spoke. "Do you have any more glowing boxes." the sneevil general said.
"No", replied the necromancer,"but who are you and what are doing out here."
"Me general Sterd and me soilders are main calvary of sneevil army, here to assist noninfected things and get boxes." replied general Sterd
"You seem pretty pathetic." said the necromancer.
"We strong when we have many boxes." complained general Snerd.
The necromancer slapped his head on his hands and shook his head. Then, looking up, he said,"I think you guys need some help training.". General Snerd accepted his help, and they to start training.
Meanwhile, Blink and Mordred had been convinced that the necromancer had betrayed them. In search of revenge, they went off to search for him. After weeks of searching, they found the mage and Craze leading a much army. When the army saw Blink and Mordred, they surrounded them and Craze and the mage stepped out "Oh, it looks the necromancer is gone, what a pity."
"We know you know were he is Craze, now let him come out and fight him." said Mordred.
"That would be hard, I never could tell the difference between zardbies, except the special ones like me." said Craze
"So is that what you do to your helpers, infect them into pitiful zardbies when they are useless." said Blink
"What are you talking about." said the mage.
"Wait, are telling me that the necromancer was not a traitor, and that Blink and I wasted our time trying to get revenge." said Mordred.
"If he is a traitor, then we had nothing to do with it, but we'll kill you anyways." said the mage.
So the large army of zardbies and zards attacked Blink and Mordred, but this time, Craze and the mage joined the battle. Mordred and Blink fought hard, but the zardbies, Craze, and the mage were overpowering them. Many zardbies and zards lay at the feet of Mordred and Blink, but many more kept coming. Mordred went for the mage and his katana (his real goal) for all of the battle. The battle seemed hopeless.
In the meantime, the necromancer was training the sneevils like they had never been trained before. He but them through the toughest conditions (no boxes!), had them fight deadly and dangerous opponents (some mice), and overworked them to the extreme (10 minutes of training a day). By the end of the training, the sneevils were lean, mean, fighting machines (two of them could beat one baby mouse!). Then the sneevils, togs, and necromancer (who was riding a tamed hyperzard the sneevils got from the south and armed with a spear/scythe and his lantern) charged. They charged straight through doomwood, and straight to were Mordred and Blink's battle was being fought. When the sneevils and the necromancer spotted the army of zards and zardbies, they released a cry heard across doomwood. A cry so powerful that it put fear in the hearts of some. A cry that represented the sneevil "empire". The exact words of the cry was "ALL YOUR BOXES BELONG TO UUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSS!" The cry of the sneevils and the thunder that there charge made scared the willies out of the zardbie and zard army. Craze slipped out of the army and retreated back to the Red Queen. The mage attempted to escape, but when he got the edge of the army, he felt a devastating pain in his chest. He looked down to see a zardbie katana in his chest. When he turned around, he saw Mordred pulling out another katana, then lunge at him, then nothingness. The sneevil charge utterly decimated the army without suffering a single casualty (except a few boxes which fell off of their sneevil owners head and were trampled by a tog). At the end of the charge, only one person was left in the battlefield. It was Blink. Seizing the opportunity, Blink started stabbing every dead body on the battlefield so it looked like he had defeated the whole army with a little help from Mordred and then the sneevils came. The sneevils charged until they reached the TART base, where they were rewarded with hundreds of boxes. Mordred went on his way with his newly acquired magical katana. The necromancer went and rejoined the battle. So everybody continued on with their not so happy lives, except everybody/thing that died (poor baby mice).

< Message edited by Lantern Man -- 10/30/2010 22:06:27 >
DF  Post #: 6
10/28/2010 8:03:52   
  San Robin

The Infected attack us all
Eric is to sick to answer our call!
So we have to defeat the infected on our own
Luckily we are not alone!
We slay the Infected before they have a feast!
and take the katana of the beast!

Battle on!



All the infected attacked at once.
They didnt show mercy!
To arms the defenders yelled!
Lets Stop them with all our might the hero's shouted!
Everyone even woman and children fought the infected
One by one the infected fell!
No one shall ever defeat us!
if you look very close to the above story you will notice something special
Song : ninja sneevil

Ninja sneevil get up get boxes
Ninja sneevil gets in fight
Ninja sneevil fights against hero
The hero fights for the "right"

The hero owns the Ninja Sneevil hard
and takes his box..
That box was everything to the sneevil
how can he live without?

Ninja Sneevil think maybe he should train some more to get the box back himself!
Ninja Sneevil trains real hard
Ninja Sneevil dont want tart

Ninja Sneevil likes boxes
Ninja Sneevil not like the bigger locks
Ninja Sneevil is box obsessed
Big box hidden in his fort
Ninja Sneevil likes box.
- ninja sneevil like box

Ninja sneevil is training hard now
He training against mice.
Ninja Sneevil Sometimes fight a rat
He even fails at that.
its been a month since started training
And he stil cant win!
But he does not give up so easily
So another month

Ninja sneevil has long walk back to Tree fort
He lies down and tries to sleep
Ninja Sneevil not getting much sleep
Ninja Sneevil starting to weep

Ninja Sneevil likes boxes
Ninja Sneevil not like the bigger locks
Ninja Sneevil is box obsessed
Big box hidden in his fort
Ninja Sneevil likes box.
- ninja sneevil like box

Ninja Sneevil has enough reason to get out this place
Ninja sneevil just keep on training
to prevent kick in the face
much rather grow and kick the hero first!
And then give smack!
This training will make Ninja sneevil strong.
so he get box back

Ninja sneevil thinks it is time for payback now
And he will steal box from you!
suddenly a Bee flies in
And gives ninja sneevil a sting!

Ninja zard likes killing
Ninja zard dont care about weight he gains
Ninja zard is seing red
Big warm fuzzy fur at back!
Ninja zard wants your brains!
- ninja zard wants your brains!
^guess what song that is :P

< Message edited by San Robin -- 10/29/2010 4:15:57 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 7
10/28/2010 9:44:37   

Night is red tonight...

Part I

It had been fifth night in Moonridge, when night was red and moon bigger than disco guy's hair...
And it was fifth night, when green guys had been eating and terrorizing citizens. These eaters were called with many
different names...Some called them Zombies, some called them zardbies, some called them barbies and one little girl
with blond hair even called one of them Daddy and other one Mommy.

But zardbies weren't only ones, who wasn't normal on Moonridge's streets and roads. On Cobblestone streets there
were running and fighting many different kind of heroes. One child asked from his granny, what they all do here.
And her granny answered, that there is going on war between these heroes and these wicked green guys, who are
crawling on streets of his hometown. And this war is very important in designing future of this town. It shows us,
will this town be humans or zardbie's city afterward the war.

After many battles with zardbies, hero, who was called Surm XX, sat on grass, what after killings looked more like
bloodily red than naturally green. It was past already 3 or 4 days, when he had been fighting from dawn to twilight
with these strange green guys, who at the first impression were more looking like zombies than their nearest
relatives zards and beez, and with zards and protozards, who weren't anywhere else in Lore, what this hero knew
and had been visited in his past.

On the free time, when he sat on the ground, he thought about his wife's letter, what he got yesterday, when he
was healing his battle injuries. This letter was his wife's impression of showing, how much she wanted to see her
husband returning to their home.

After hour or two thinking, hero decided to return from battlefield to hometown's farmlands by going through
Doomwood and past great city called Falconreach. He packed his gear and started to walk.

He was walking in forest, where in every side was firs, firs and firs and in shadows of those firs, there were
evil eyes watching over hero, whose walking didn't show his fear inside of his body and mind. He was stepping his
next steps in this scary wood, when suddenly strangely familiar guy jumped out from shadows. Hero knew that because
of his green skin and moving, what looked more like crawling, was that strange guy probably a zombie or a zardbie.
But something made hero restless about this approaching strange guy's identity and origin. Suddenly, when moons
light let hero to more clearly see, he saw that this armor belongs or belonged to his friend, Oaklore knights
chieftain Rolith.

Sadly this thought made Surm XX unable to kill Rolith-zardbie with his Spirit of the Forest sword, what he himself
designed to Serenity's Suggestion Shop. When he prayed to Zeuster in his mind, Rolith-zardbie jumped at hero and
bited hero's neck.

"HrgggGhhhhrrarz!!!" said zardbie, with evil smile on his face.

At the same time when Rolith-zardbie said so, hero who got bitten by zardbie started to transform and his skin
started to change color from light purple to green. Because the nearest place, where to get cured from Z-virus was
far away in Moonridge town, hero knew that these moment below the red sky and dark creepy firs, will be his last.
After thinking so, world around the hero started to darkening, when suddenly it was fully dark nothingness. Only
pain and sorrow of loosing his closest ones were left in this half-death zardbiefied mind.

Part II

Rolith looked at hero, who was changed to same kind as he is. He smiled because he knew down below inside of him,
that bigger number of zardbies is better than smaller number. But emotions dosen't feed hungriness and it dosen't
make infected number bigger. So he decided to go to same direction as this hero was going. Down below in is shadows
of mind he knew that there is many humans in one place, but how this place was called, he didn't knew anymore, but
this wasen't important to half dead Rolith anyway.

It was night in Falconreach. Below the light purple clouds there were houses and in one house, what was most
brightly lighted up house of them all, were gathered together many important and famouse persons of Falconreach...

"We are gathered here to..." said man with periwinkle blue hat and aqua beard, when he stared beuty of lilac-purple
haired lady "...celebrate our dear alchemic, Alina's birthday"

Alina dug Mayor Ralf and whispered: "You know yourself, that I am already taken." and she showed again to mayor
her beautiful ring, what she got from sweet and friendly Rolith...

In the streets of Falconreach crawled Rolith, who wasn't so friendly anymore and whose mouth was full with fresh
forest animals blood, what even dripped out from his mouth. He wasn't crawling to random construction of this humans
locations, he was going toward to brightest humans nest in his sight, where was moving many shadows. This nest
was strangely familiar, but this didn't matter to Rolith, who more looked and acted like a beast than human being.

"...And so he said that that he want to marry me. I even didn't care about togs in my potion shop. I just wanted to
say as many yeses as I was able to do." said Alina to guests with sad note in her tone. "Sad that he didn't find
time today to come to my birthday, because he had been hurry with helping his friend in Moonridge war. But these
are consequence of being beloved by captain of Pactagonal Table knights"

"Don't worry so much about idea, that he isn't sometimes with you, even then, when you have important moment in
your life, take for example first birthday with you new name today." said Annalissa with burst with happiness in
her eyes to Alina for making her mood happier. "Take for example my lover Loren, who always is fighting in wars
without finding pause or break for week or two and when he finds time to visit me after months or even years of
waiting him, he always start to gabble at the dinner table about war and how..."

Rolith was leaning on cold walls of human nest and heard voice from inside. It reminded to weak mind of zardbie
memorize of happy colleen with brown skin and with crimson roses in palms of her hands. He didn't knew what this
thought meant, but he guessed that pink dress, what she wore in this memorize, meant that girl is with good quality
of meat and is very very edible. Suddenly he stepped with metal footwear onto dried-up bought, what made too noisy
sound, what ruined his plans of quiet prowling and creeping inside to humans nest.

"Aah. Was that noise made by metal boot," said Aria.

"I think I know, who made this sound...it was made by my dear Rolith." said Alina.

"I don't think so. I think it was made by my jumbo dumbo paladin, Loren. Ohhh Loren..." said Annalissa.

After saying so, both ladies raised from their chairs and started to race from back of a dinner table, what was
covered with big chocolate cake and with some pumpkins and other birthday and mogloween dishes, to exterior door.
But because Annalissa was faster, Alina stopped running some meters before the door and let Annaliisa to win.

"My love muf...fff.. AAAAAAAgh zombie..."

At the moment, when Annalissa screamed like she had been bitten by rapid tog, all guests already knew that it
wasn't surprise visitor, who was stepped on branch with metal boot back of a front door, but more an mad monster...

Rolith, who started angering more and more because of increasing headache what was caused by humans screaming,
jumped to brown skinned girl, who he remembered little bit before, and started to eat her juicy and fresh meat.

Alina, who was running around the house like other guests of her suddenly saw what monster was doing with young
Annlissa. Because she didn't think clearly at this moment, she didn't see that monster was her husband, Rolith.
Because of anger of seeing monster acting and will to face her fear, he grabbed silver knife from dinner table
and jumped against the mad monster, who was ruining her beautiful day of birthday. Monster, who was bowing over
almost eaten Annalissa, suddenly raised his head and looked eye to eye to angry lady, with lilac hair. But when
their eyes met each other, both knew that they knew each other already. Alina, who faced her zardbiefied husband,
changed unmoving. She dropped her silver knife and she hoped that her dying will satisfy Rolith's hunger and he
let other guests to leave.

"It isn't anymore my happiest day, but my worst and also last day of my life" thought Alina by herself before the
moments of sacrificing her to safety of others in this room to men, who she loved, but now was turned to some kind
of zombie or something like that.

Part III

Deep in Doomwood, Surm XX was crawling around forest with mind, where only instincts where left to him. Hero, who
had money more than 100k ate forest animals and drank muddy water below pines. He felt how freshening was to feel
blood and water pour out from his mouth, but it was almost only feeling what he felt.

He had crawling around the wood hour, two or maybe more, when suddenly he saw human, walking food in deep forest,
far away from nearest town or village. It was a man, who wore mud color clothes and mud color cap on his coal
black hair. Because of zardbie's never-ending hungriness, he located capture's location, waited little bit and then
jumped like a wild animal over bushes and stumps toward to the human being.

Suddenly, when Surm XX had almost capture helpless traveler for second supper, jumped out from black currant bush
second guy with mace and light armor and hit confused monster with his weapon Surm XX's head. Because of strong
power of this hit, it made zardbie dizzy and he felt to sleep.

When Surm XX came to yourself, it felt like he had rescued from sinking. He felt dizzy but at the same time he felt
happiness of feeling air's freshness and full stomach, but the last feeling didn't last very long, because it
reminded how he ate raw forest animals meat and drank impure water. Because of that he puked out almost everything,
what he ate before. He felt how pieces of raw meat and muddy water came out from his precious breadbasket. He
even felt something sticky coming out, what was probably hotchpotch, what he ate for breakfast.

After puking Surm XX felt how strong hand clapped on the back. Hero looked man, who clapped, and saw that he was same
guy, who almost would have finished his way of life as a second supper. But this man was different from before, he
didn't look helpless anymore...specially because he wore armor and his sitting position on old oak's stump was so
strong that it would have scared away even bravest enemies.

"Welcome back to humans realm, hero." said man, who sat on stump. "I'm Grenedith, hero and healer of Silvepine."


"It's little village in this Doomwood...And this guy next to me, who is leaning on fir, is Brandor, who have very
great skills of handling maces... I think I don't need prove it to you anymore, especially judging over this big
bump on your forehead." said Grenedith with big trys of holding back laughing.

"Grenedith, job first and then entertainment," said Brandor."Sorry, he acts sometime strangely."

"No harm made, so it doesn't bother me..."

"Okei. Now to more important task...I wanted to ask you, did you saw what kind this zardbie looked like and where
he planned to go??? I know by myself that there isn't very much individuality in their look, but at least try to
remember something."

"I remember it very well, it was zardbiefied Rolith. He was nice guy but now..."

When Surm XX mentioned that got bit by Rolith both guys watch hero open-mouthed.

"No way, Rolith and zardbie...But ou well, in wars we may need to sacrify someone from among us, like it was in Fire
war, when we lost Galanoth's best pal Demento. But to you know, what way he went?"

"I don't remember it very well, because I was zardbie after all, but I think he went to same direction than I was
going before he bit me."

"And it was?" said both like from one mouth.

"To Falconreach..."

"Ou noo, and I thought that zardbie-Rolith was worst news from you..." said Brandon.

"We must act quickly, Brandon. And you hero, you must go to separate way from us."

"Arrivederci Hero, whose name we even didn't asked, maybe we meet again in future." said Brandon to Surm XX.

After saying goodbye, both packed their stuff by big hurry and left hero laying on a blanket next to aches of
campfire, what reminded good company, who just left him to nowhere. Only firs where left to be with our friend
in this dark and murky night.

"Do I need to go and help them." thought hero. "I think they need little help from me."

Hero looked, does he still have his Forest Spirit sword maintained. Happily it was safely on his belt and not in deeps
of this dark and creepy forest.

Hero left blanket on the ground and aches of fire smoking and he jogged toward to the way, where two guys had went.

Part IV

(I hope this will be my last one...)

< Message edited by margus20000 -- 10/29/2010 15:28:05 >
DF  Post #: 8
10/28/2010 12:25:01   

Heres what i have so far :) ill update this when i finish a bit :D
This is a story im making and i figured i would post what i had so far in the hopes of receiving some good feedback and suggestions from fellow players.

Our story begins on the path to Moonridge the sky is pitch black and a foul wind blows through the decaying trees, the full moon is the only source of light save a lone lantern propped upon one of the many boulders that litter the path. Wolfencreek sits alone atop the largest of the boulders his baby dragon Gax sits beside him.
“Moon Rider what’s our current position?” Wolfencreek directed the question toward a man leaning against a tree his body was covered by technomancer armour and he was holding up with what looked like a map.
“According to the map were fairly close to Moonridge it looks like we just have to follow the path east and we should arrive close to where the zard attacks have been taking place” The technomancer looked up from the map his hair was orange and he had a small beard goggles covered his eyes and he seemed to mutter the word “science” under his breath every time he made an interesting discovery.

Once the party were ready they set off again they had a small band of sneevil along for the journey they were escorting a sneevil high lord to Moonridge so that he could be protected from the infection Wolfen didn’t mind the sneevils they were a good race at heart and had never had trouble when trading with them he especially liked the fact that he could trade them boxes for weapons.
“High Lord Sendai how are you doing back there?” Wolfen had organised the party into a convoy he and Moon Rider were riding on horseback at the front while High Lord Sendai and his sneevil guard were sat in a wooden couch in the middle of the convoy. As the party moved further into Doomwood Wolfen could sense the evil resonating from the forest his paladin axe gripped tight he gave the order to halt as up ahead he could see the road blocked by several large tree.
“Moon go get Chain and Chisagen looks like we have some wood to chop” Wolfen yelled to Moon Rider who walked off towards the back of the convoy. Meanwhile Wolfen began swinging his axe into one of the fallen tree’s Gax sat to his left using his claws to scratch into the tree. After around ten minutes Moon Rider returned with two men one an orange haired warrior and the other a black haired technomancer the strangest thing about the pair was that the warrior was holding a mackerel.
“Chisagen you realise were going to be chopping wood right…” Wolfen Sighed Chisagen loved to use a fish to fight it was this that had earned him the title of Fish Knight.

After an hour of intense chopping and fish swinging the fallen logs were cleared and the convoy moved on. Soon after the convoy reached a small clearing where it was decided they should set camp for the night. As Wolfen was pitching his tent he heard Chisagen shout something.
“Hey Wolfen come over here it looks like we have company” As Wolfen rushed over to Chisagen he pointed to the ground and a set of tracks in the ground.
“What do you think?” Wolfen asked Chisagen
“They’re definitely zard” Chisagen replied with a worried look on his face
“I thought zard’s usually travel in packs”
“They do but one must have got separated from the rest”
Wolfen and Chisagen Continued there discussion as they walked back to the center of the camp where Wolfen made an announcement.
“Alright we’ve discovered zard tracks around camp i want half of you to patrol camp and half of you to guard High Lord Sendai” Wolfen knew that protected the sneevils was a high priority. The less the virus is able to spread the better.

Wolfen sat by the fire he had sent a scout ahead to Moonridge to tell them of there progress he had also requested that a small band of warriors be sent to meet with them on the path to Moonridge Wolfen was worried that there might be a lot more than just one zard on the path to Moonridge. Not soon after the group split the scout returned along with a small group of mercenaries.
“It’s been a long time Wolfen” A blonde haired man led the mercenaries into the camp
Eric Ravenwing had arrived.
“When I sent for some help I didn’t think they would send you to tell you the truth im not even sure there’s a…”Wolfen was interrupted by a small army of zard’s charging into the camp.
“By the creator this is madness” Wolfen shouted halfway through slicing a zard in two.
“It’s eating my fish!” Wolfencreek Sighed as Chisagen ran around the camp running away from a zard that was trying to eat his mackerel sword.
“Eric think you and your friends can give us some help” Wolfen shouted in the direction of Eric Ravenwing.
“Sure you go protect your sneevil friend we’ll handle these freaks” For a moment Wolfen was wondering if he was talking about the zard’s but then lee saw zardbies among there rank.
“Eric try and capture one Moon Rider has been wanting one to study” After pushing back a small horde of zard’s Wolfen and Gax headed for the sneevil High Lords temporary box tent.

Wolfencreek arrived at the small mountain of boxes his dragon led the way into a small box filled tent in the back he could see lord Sendai and his sneevil guard
“Wolfen the lizards are coming to steal my boxes heeeeeeelp” Cried the sneevil
“Don’t worry Sendai Im here to protect you” Just as Wolfen uttered those word’s several of Eric’s friends ran into the tent.
“You must be Wolfencreek Eric’s sent you a present” Together the three warriors dragged in a large metal cage containing a zardbies
“According to the inscription on his armour his name is Rainion” Said one of the three warriors.
“Alright get him on the back of the cart and once we’ve dealt with the remains of the zard’s here we can take him to Moonridge for treatment” Wolfen walked out of the tent and checked the coast was clear and then signalled for the warriors and sneevils to follow him as he made his way to the middle of the clearing where he could hear the last of the zard’s struggling to survive.
“Wolfen there you are I’ve been looking for you everywhere” Wolfencreek’s best friend Mechajin walked towards him just as he rounded the corner
“Mechajin my friend its been too long I don’t mean to sound pushy but we have to keep moving zard’s have infiltrated the camp”
“I know I’ve just had to blast a few of them i met with Moon and Chisagen there getting everybody ready to move on your closer to Moonridge than you think” Mechajin guided the group to the others and once everybody was together the convoy got moving again Wolfencreek took out his dragon amulet.
“Time to take this too the next level”

< Message edited by wolfencreek -- 10/29/2010 13:44:13 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
10/28/2010 16:00:11   

Moonridge Nights

When Moonridge finally has to rest
and the heros start to snore
the zardies keep marching on
true to zombie form

So why do they not shamble in
and feast on resting brains?
just listen to this song and
it'll be in the next refrain

If you wake up, just turn over
and then go back to sleep!
Cause the deathnights are on the line
and we're kicking them in the teeth!
If the infected reach Moonridge, they better stay away,
'Cause if the deathknights see them with their lives they'll pay.

If you wake up way too early,
and you see a flash of purple light,
that would be the infected
getting read their rights!

The deathknights are cursed, you know,
so we never have to sleep!
and if you hear an explosion,
that'd probably be me.

If you wake up, just turn over
and then go back to sleep!
Cause the deathnights are on the line
and we're kicking them in the teeth!
If the infected reach Moonridge, they better stay away,
'Cause if the deathknights see them with their lives they'll pay.

The deathnights will stand guard,
all through the night,
and when you wake up in the morning,
you'll be ready for the fight.

If you wake up, just turn over
and then go back to sleep!
Cause the deathnights are on the line
and we're kicking them in the teeth!
If the infected reach Moonridge, they better stay away,
'Cause if the deathknights see them with their lives they'll pay.

Red Queen SALL-IE
(Sung to the tune of Robber Baron, by Voltaire)

Of all the things malign
an ambush of the battle line, today
the zards bit him to the bone
but what are we to expect from
those mindless creatures, we're told

Look into the woods!
see the angry horde of
wardens and beez,
and those zardies
What cold heartless AI
could just stand by
and watch her hordes,
through the orbs,
sweepings through the moors?

Red Queen SALL-IE
in the Beehive
counting on her luck
she knows that if
we just keep fighting,
never wavering,
She's going to give,
She has to break,
She's going to give up!

Marching on the path,
Heros of Lore come with dagger, sword, and staff,
the, beez will sting and zards will bite,
but we, will not give up the fight!
Eric and Lady Ravenwing,
Chisagen, Dornalca,
and many more, I cannot name,
some may turn on us
but we will fight without a fuss
keeping time, through the lines
to the rythm of this ryhme!

Red Queen SALL-IE
in the Complex
Depending on the mods,
she knows that if
we just keep fighting,
never wavering,
She's going to give,
She has to break,
She's going to give up!

Red Queen SALL-IE
in the Beehive
counting on her luck
she knows that if
we just keep fighting,
never wavering,
Who will win?
Who will fall?
Heros will alwyas defend the weak...
DF  Post #: 10
10/29/2010 11:52:00   
  Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

Ok Here's my ending cutscene....I hope you enjoy it, especially the people that wrote to my their character details!!!! This is my very first story, hope you all enjoy it!

The Battlefield...

~SilverSheWolf~: Ok top of the hour kills, we're still pushing the zards back at 99.9% and it looks like me and Odgne are going to have to...

Hears a zard cut up....by Dornalca

Dornalca: Oh, come on there can't be too many left, seriously this wars getting old! My Dragonstaff of Destiny is starting to have an effect on my social life! Well at least the Sneevils can be thankful I'm doing this for them!!! If it weren't for them in Popsprocket, we'd be toast! Now, lets kick some zard butt!
chisagen: I hear that! CHARGGGGGGE!

~SilverSheWolf~: What is he doing?
Dornalca: I was going to ask you the same thing!

*Both shake their heads*

~SilverSheWolf~: Men.
Dornalca: Men.

Near the CORP gate...

dragonman66: Ok I can do this, I'm a dragonmage who's been training for years with my own keen! Points at zards.......Unsheathes his Save Our Sneevils Sign
dragonman66: To extinguish the dreaded Red Queen!

Charges with chisagen who's not far behind

At The BeeHive.....

Nix and a Zardbie are arm wrestling........

Stephen Nix: .....good gravy will you ever give up?
Zardbie: NO, NEVER!


Stephen Nix: That didn't sound good.
Zardbie: There's a hole in my arm!
Stephen Nix: Really, where?

Zardbie shows Nix.....as they both look Nix takes this time to throw down the Zardbie's hand and win the match but takes his whole arm off


Stephen Nix: *Rolls Eyes*
Stephen Nix: Walk with me Zardbie!
Zardbie: Arggoooohhhhhhh....cough* I mean ok bossy man!

They get to the window and watch out in the stars

Stephen Nix: Ah, nothing like a chilling war filled with infected zards roaming around the campus.
Zardbie: *Shakes head up and down*
Stephen Nix: Look at them out there......they have no idea what we have in store for them!....*looks down*
Stephen Nix: Good god, are my zards being pummeled by a warrior with a...a....A FISH!??? Who let this guy get through this far without one scratch?

*On the battlefield*

chisagen: FISH POWER!!!!!!

smacks a zard and another and another

chisagen: You take fish, you eat your daily fish, you here's a slap of fish power!
dragonman66: Are you always on?
chisagen: *Puts head down*
dragonman66: Quiet you, stand back! *Summons a vortex from the dragonman lineage*

Trackers start getting sucked into the vortex

dragonman66: That should do it for those guys!

While fighting a beez Dornalca talks on her mic

Dornalca: Hey, you guys done with those Trackers?
dragonman66: .....not....yet.....

Slashes a Tracker off its feet

dragonman66: That's all of them! Lets move in and finish this.

The squad moves onto the door and looks back at the battlefield

~SilverSheWolf~: Look at all the destruction.... they didn't mean to do this.......but why did they give into the infection?
dragonman66: I'm gonna tear Zorbak a new one, when I'm done with him!

2 Spinners make their way slowly down the side of the tower getting ready to attack on the unsuspecting heroes.

dragonman66: They made their choice.
~SilverSheWolf~: May the Lord's of Light forgive them, or at least hope they never get near me.
~SilverSheWolf~: "Heck hath no fury like a woman scorned"

Everyone: ...

~SilverSheWolf~: Sorry I just hate people who betray their loyalty to some hologram!

Spinners creep in on Dornalca

Dornalca: Hey, has anyone seen Mordred?

Mordred swings through in his Ninja form and slashes his Katana right through the spinners which are now dead

Dornalca: MORDRED!!! Thanks for that, I was almost Spider bait!

Mordred: *Snarls* Yeah, whatever....just don't let me get in your pose's way, I'll escort myself.
chisagen: But you can fight with us, together we can win this thing!
Mordred: No thanks, as the war is mostly over! Not to mention sense the first day I met you guys...... I'm on no one's side!

Mordred in the next second uses a smoke bomb to escape the scene

~SilverSheWolf~: Ok, well that was weird let's get in this place!

chisagen takes his hand and places it on her shoulder

chisagen: Allow me *Uses his Holier Smackerel to bash the door in*
~SilverSheWolf~: Your lucky your just a kid or I'd smack you!

After the door breaks in.....

chisagen: Go ahead.... ladies first, dragonman.
dragonman66: *Rolls eyes*

back at the top of the Tower

Stephen Nix: *Stares at Zardbie in penguin anger* ARE YOU STILL HERE, GET OUTTA MY FACE!

Zardbie sprints out to the elevator as a penguin waddles in

Penguin: Umm..... sir we have a problem!
Stephen Nix: Which is?
Penguin: You haven't been looking at the war results lately have you?
Stephen Nix: Should I be concerned? I just saw a guy fighting people with a fish, next thing you know they'll make a penguin sword *shivers in fear*
Penguin: Well considering that the heroes have taken the fight to our very doorstep....yeah why not.
Stephen Nix: *Big eyes* WHAT?!?!?!

Nix summons Megakyle

Megakyle: Yeah, what's up Penguin head?
Stephen Nix: *stares in confusion*
Stephen Nix: Nevermind......anyways, did you know about the low battle records on our infected Zardbie's side?
Megakyle: Well....you see......I was....

The window in the war room shatters with Eric and Lady Ravenwing making a dramatic entrance!

Eric: Did someone order a Zard-burger, with extra crisp?

All glance at the Ravenwings as the Penguin slips out of the way!

Stephen Nix: .....YOU AGAIN! I thought I lost you two at the Moonridge Inn!?
Lady: Guess again Flipper Face! Where's the Red thing?
Stephen Nix: Long gone.....as is Zorbak, he told me if I plan on getting paid I have to eliminate the competition!
Eric: Well you just found it!
Stephen Nix: *erupts in anger* Get the girl Kyle...and leave me with Eric! *Takes his skull-staff out*

Megakyle looks at Nix in disgust

Megakyle: Stop telling me what to do. I'm not on your side....I'M ON MY OWN SIDE! *Unsheathes his Hybrid Hammer*

Eric: *looks at Raven* You can do this, I believe in you!
Lady: For Lore!!!

To Battle!

*The Fight*

(Raven's Fight)


Kyle is on his knees...hammer aside from him

Megakyle: Arrggg....(breathes hard).....you'll pay for this Ravenwing....*falls*
Lady: *Places her Twin Blades of Destiny back in her weapon's holster* You never had a chance, Kyle!

(Eric's Fight)

Eric takes his Zardbie Katana and drives it through Nix to finish the fight

Stephen Nix: .......Gulps Stands and starts walking backwards slowly ....Takes a deep breathe How....HOW DID YOU WIN!!!??????
Eric: Because... I fight for what's right...and your time is up again, Nix!
Stephen Nix: Rrrrrrrr.......*freezes the back window and points his staff at the window as it shatters into a million pieces!*

Cold breeze starts flowing through the window

Eric happy to see Lady leaps to her side

Lady: .....What's he doing?
Eric: Serious answer or funny answer?

Preparing to jump...

Stephen Nix: We'll meet again heroes! I guarantee it! And that is the day my penguin army will take control of the winning war!.....Catch you later losers!

Nix jumps into the woods and waddles quickly away...as Eric and Lady run towards the window

Eric: Well we got one of them... *points at Kyle*
Lady: But Nix gets away again!
Eric: *Stares into the moonlight* Don't worry...our paths will cross again! But at least for now our village can heal from the destruction he and his boss created. Not to mention he'll pick his feet up and join another war and it happens all over again!

Points out the main door and then the others come rushing in!

dragonman66: Ah, nuts did we miss the fun?
Lady: 'fraid so!
Dornalca: You and your stupid fish costed us a chance to smack around Nix a little!
chisagen: Hey, where is he?
Eric: Fled away to his Ice Tower in the Arctic, awaiting for the chance to fight against us again!
Eric: Now let's get outta here!
Lady: After you, Eric!

Everyone leaves as Megakyle picks himself up

Megakyle: ......ow where am I?
Zorbak: In a better place! MEHEHHEEHHEHEHHEHEE!!!!

Completes Quest

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! How did you like this and of course the music? Leave me a post here in the commentary thread on your opinions...I'd love to hear them!

< Message edited by Stephen Nix -- 3/11/2012 20:25:02 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
10/29/2010 18:44:27   
Angel of Grief

Once upon a weekend so dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious tome of old-time Lore,
While I nodded, badly lagging, suddenly there came a beeping,
As of some one gently swinging, swinging at my inventor(y).
"Tis some monster" I muttered, "swinging at my inventor'-
Only this, and nothing more."

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak October,
And each separate dying wave wrought their infection upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of lag - sorrow for the lost Alina -
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Alina -
Nameless here for evermore.

And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each Doom Cloak
Thrilled me - filled me with fantastic stats never felt before;
So that now, to still the lagging of my computer, I stood repeating
"'Tis some visitor swinging at my inventor -
Some late visitor swinging at my inventor; -
This it is, and nothing more,"

Presently my lag grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
`Sir,' said I, `or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was lagging, and so gently you came swinging,
And so faintly you came swinging, swinging at my inventor,
That I scarce was sure I heard you' - here I opened wide my bag; -
DC's there, and nothing more.

Deep into that bagspace peering, long I stood there lagging, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no (True) mortal ever dared to dream before;
But my bag was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, `Alina!'
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, `Alina!'
Merely this and nothing more.

Back into the battlefield turning, all my soul within me lagging,
Soon again I heard a swinging somewhat louder than before.
`Surely,' said I, `surely that is something at my Forum Inbox;
Let me see then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore -
Let my lag be gone a moment and this mystery explore; -
'Tis a random and nothing more!'

Open here I opened the inbox, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stately Tomix of the saintly days of yore.
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my inventor -
Perched upon a bust of Rolith just above my inventor -
Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

Then this white-haired man beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
`Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,' I said, `art sure no craven.
Ghastly grim and ancient soulweaver wandering from the nightly shore -
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Falconreach's Northern shore!'
Quoth the man, `Nevermore.'

Much I marvelled this ungainly man to hear discourse so plainly,
Though his answer little meaning - little relevancy bore;
For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being
Ever yet was blessed with seeing man above his inventor -
man or beast above the sculptured bust above his inventor,
With such name as `Nevermore.'

But Sir Tomix, sitting lonely on the Rolith bust, spoke only,
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing further then he uttered - not a lock of hair then he fluttered -
Till I scarcely more than muttered `Other friends have flown before -
On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before.'
Then the man said, `Nevermore.'

Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,
`Doubtless,' said I, `what it utters is its only stock and store,
Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful disaster
Followed fast and followed faster till his souls one burden bore -
Till the dirges of his hope that melancholy burden bore
Of "Never-nevermore."'

But that man still beguiling all my sad soul into smiling,
Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of man and bust and inventor;
Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking
Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous man of Lore -
What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous man of Lore
Meant in croaking `Nevermore.'

This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing
To the man whose orangey eyes now burned into my Doomie's core;
This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining
On the cushion's velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o'er,
But whose velvet violet lining with the lamp-light gloating o'er,
She shall press, ah, nevermore!

Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer
Swung by Mad Scientists whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.
`Wretch,' I cried, `thy Artix hath lent thee - by these angels he has sent thee
Respite - respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Alina!
Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe, and forget this lost Alina!'
Quoth Sir Tomix, `Nevermore.'

`Prophet!' said I, `thing of evil! - prophet still, if man or devil! -
Whether tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,
Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted -
On this home by horror haunted - tell me truly, I implore -
Is there - is there balm in Falconreach? - tell me - tell me, I implore!'
Quoth Sir Tomix, `Nevermore.'

`Prophet!' said I, `thing of evil! - prophet still, if man or devil!
By that Heaven that bends above us - by that Artix we both adore -
Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,
It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels named Alina -
Clasp a rare and radiant maiden, whom the angels named Alina?'
Quoth the man, `Nevermore.'

'Be that word our sign of parting, man or fiend!' I shrieked upstarting -
`Get thee back into the tempest and the Falconreach's Northern shore!
Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!
Leave my lagliness unbroken! - quit the bust above my door!
Take thy dagger from out my heart, and take thy form from off my inventor!'
Quoth the man, `Nevermore.'

And that man, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Rolith just above my inventor;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a sneevil's that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted - nevermore!

AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
11/1/2010 3:14:16   

It 'twas a dark and brooding week for Mordred, yet again. The week went along the lines of this recollection of events...

On the first day of the Uprising, Oct 22, 8005...

A lone samurai was meditating inside the Moonridge Inn that day. He often contemplated the meanings of life, reasons to fight, ways to fight, and other ethical matters. Often, he could not find clear-cut answers either. He was not in battle armor, but his simple kimono, which he wore outside of combat situations. He had his crimson armor traditional of the samurai arranged on his bed, and the rack for his katana was empty. He had misplaced it some time ago on Sho Nuff Island. Or some pirate snuck something in his tea and made off with it. I digress.

The samurai was interrupted by the loud thumping of armored fists against his room's door.

"Mordred!", Captain Viamat cried out from beyond the flimsy wooden door. "We need you right away!"

Mordred got up from his meditation and got up to the door in an exasperated fashion. "What is it now?", he said gruffly, opening the door to the fully armored DragonLord.

"It is war, Mordred!"

"War? I'll be on my way. Where shall we convene?"

"The watchtower. From there, you can see the approaching army."

"Very well. Go in peace." Mordred bowed respectively, placing a gentle fist against his open palm in a sign of respect.

"I'll end up in pieces with my luck...", the captain grumbled to himself. With that, he stormed off haughtily to go yell at whoever let an army get this close to the town.

Minutes later, Mordred was stalking his way to the tower in silence. He was now fully armored, and wore a broad-brimmed straw hat that concealed his face when he gazed down at the ground in thought. Thus, one would almost never see his face. He was quite the surreal character, actually. Garbed in an armor of antiquity, practically faceless, with long, sleek, black hair running down his tattered cloak the color of dried blood like water all the way down to his waist. More intriguing was his lack of a katana. As a replacement, he used a unique broadsword commished by the Avatar of Wind, Kahzri. The ethereal substance within seemed to burn with a fiery passion around reptiles and amphibeans.

Soon, Mordred joined Viamat upon his lofty perch, along with a few other heroes. Gathered there were Eric Ravenwing, a plucky Doom Knight, Dornalca, an experienced paladin and battle-poet, Bryon, an odd MageKnight, (Stephan) Nix, a... penguin(?), Chisagen, a strange DragonLord who bore a... fish as his weapon of choice, Grrral, a warrior new to the business, and Aaron, also a DragonLord.

"Viamat, can you guarentee us that the undead can't interfere?", Eric questioned. He was asking this because he was worried for the town. As much as the imposing Doom Knight reveled in war, he doubted that the heroes could take on two armies, especially one that's virtually endless.

"Yes, Ravenwing, I'm sure our Knights can hold them off, so long as you can stave off the... mutants.", the captain retorted.

"What, no undead?", Dornalca whined. "I will be sad today, for there are no undead to slay...", she sang in a melancholy tune.

"Take heart, my friend!", Mordred greeted warmly. "These woods hold plenty for your insatiable appetite for exorcism!"

"Mordred!". Bryon called out. "What'cha been up to lately?"

"I've been meditating, as usual.", the samurai replied. "So, have you convinced anyone that defense is superior to offense?"

"Not yet..." the MageKnight said wearily. "But I've got Aaron here almost swayed! And you?"

"I'm still going to strike for where it will take the greatest effect, Bryon. I'll perfect the art, and never deviate from it, no matter how hard you try!" Mordred turned to Aaron. "And you! It's been a while since we've been able to see each other! When was it, that Zard War?"

"Sure was!", Aaron said heartily. "And this year, I'll best you yet!"

"We'll see, my friend."

"Hey, what about me?", Nix called out, brandishing his blade of ice.

"Ah, Nix, despite your appearence, none could overlook you! How have the Northlands been for you?", Mordred said, turning to his odd friend.

"Cold...", Nix replied curtly, shivering a little.

"Have you made any friends with the linus up there? Or what about the killguins?"

"Nope, not yet. The linus are few and far between, and the killguin are too brutish for my tastes."

"Suit yourself.", the samurai said bluntly. He turned to Grrral. "And you, my friend! This is your chance to make a name for yourself!"

"Thanks for reminding me...", Grrral growled.

"Something the matter?", Eric asked.

"Hmmm? What, oh no!", Grrral said quickly. "I just wish you guys wouldn't underestimate me."

"I'm a penguin...", Nix said flatly. "How could I underestimate anybody?"

Bryon quickly intervened. "Please, guys! If you can't even speak defensively with each other, how will you ever fight defensively?"

There was silence at that. "Well...", Viamat started, before Dornalca interrupted him.

"We'll get back to you on that, Bryon. So, who's ready to kick some mutant butt?"

Cheers errupted from the gathered heroes at the prospect of war.

"Yes, let us bring ourselves honor on the battlefield!" Mordred called out.

"Hold the blood-lust, you guys!", Viamat shouted above idle banter. "All the other heroes are already at the mansion. You should get down there and talk with the wierdo and those strange sisters in ninja costumes. Pheh, kids these days. thinking ninjas are better than pirates." However, by the time he said "get down there", the heroes had rushed off.

After the day of battle, most were exhausted by the day. Even Eric had to lie down for a bit, due to cheast pain. Mordred suspected said chest-pain was the darkness of his Doom items gnawing away at his heart.

"Grah, I'm sick of these TARTs.", Dornalca grumbled groggily. "I've had to eat so many today..."

"For what? To stave off the infection?", Mordred asked cynically.

"What's wrong, Mordred?", Bryon questioned.

"This war is self-destructive. It only serves as a distraction from the true threat, while thinning our numbers."

"Whatever do you mean?", Dornalca asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Take a look around us, Dorn!", Mordred shouted, no longer in his calm reverie. He gestured with his arms around their camp. "Look among us, and tell me who's missing!"

Eric, Bryon, Chisagen, and Dornalca all looked around them, unsure of what they were looking for.

"Um, could it be Grrral, Aaron, and Nix by any chance?", Eric guessed.

"Of course." Mordred shot out.

"They're probably off fighting, Mordred...", Bryon said in his own reverie.

"They are... for the zardbies...", Mordred said dryly.

"What?", Chisagen shouted, spitting out his moglinberry juice. "Samuraisaywhatnao?"

"You're crazy.", Eric said, shrugging it off. "You've had a bit too much Barry's tea, I suspect."

"No, I've not had enough." Mordred's right temple was pulsing, and went unseen from underneath his hat. "You all fail to realize that these zardbies you've been slaying are in fact heroes. You kill them without a thought, and they could be one of your friends! It just boggles my mind! I've made sure that I only incapacitated them, but you've been killing left and right!"

"Calm down, Mordred.", Eric said soothingly. "They've all made their choice. The didn't want to eat their TART, so they'll pay the price."

"These are our friends. They made one bad choice, or couldn't get back to camp in time, and you turn your backs on them? Right now, Aaron, Nix, and Grrral are all competing for the Red Queen's favor. They're her, its, slaves now. And you'd kill them for it?"

"We do as we must...", Dornalca said calmly.

"I can't believe this..." Mordred stormed off, barging out of their shared tent and into the cold night.

"Wait, how does a penguin become a zardbie anyways?", Bryon asked his remaining three companions.

Day three of the Uprising, Oct. 25, 8005.

Mordred was sitting quietly in the tent he had prepared in the middle of the battlefield, sipping on golden Barry's tea and munching on pumpkin cake. He now had a new katana, taken froma zardbie. He had to pay Cysero to fix it up, including ridding it of the Z-Virus. It worked marvelously, though. Great reach. As he was sipping some tea, Bryon strode into his tent.

"I see you still won't return to the camp.", he commented.

"Of course not.", Mordred replied curtly between sips of his tea. "Care for some?"

"No, I prefer mineral water."

"How sad."

"I would like some of that pumpkin cake, though..." Bryon said, reaching over with his gloved hand. This was met with a sheathed katana, quite literally. Mordred had rapped it against Bryon's outstretched hand. "Ooooowwww! Overreaction much?"

"No. This is my pumpkin cake."

"Fine. Well, I only came over here expecting you to not come back." Bryon got up to leave and return to battle.

"Wait, I have a question to ask of you. Why do you fight for the heroes?"

Bryon thought about this before speaking. "Hmmmmm... Mostly, I'm neutral like you, but I fight with the heroes to defend myself and Lore from the Virus."

Mordred nodded politely. "'T'is a decent cause to fight for."

"And what of you?"

"... I don't know what I fight for..."

"I'll get back to you on that, then." With that, Bryon left Mordred to ponder that great question.

Later that day, Aaron the zardbie stumbled upon Mordred's tent. He had already "fed", so he was tame enough to have a conversation with. As soon as Mordred saw the shambling creature, he drew his blade. "Who goes there? Speak!"

"...Morrrrr... dreddddd..." , the creature moaned.

The samurai quickly recognized the creature's hair as Aaron's. "Aaron! Come in, come in, care for a drink? Some cake?"

The creature plodded its way into the tent before plopping itself down. "Nuuuuu... thank youuuuu. No... TARTTTTT?"

"Now, I'm beyond trying to shove those wretched things down your throats."

"That makes... Aaron... happeh..." The creature then attempted to smile without a lower jaw. The result was not good, to say the least.

"Why do you fight for the Red Queen, Aaron?"

"Red Queeeeen give powah... Red give neeeeew!"

"I see. Anything deeper?"

The creature cocked his head, puzzled by the question. "Nuuuuu?", it said, more asking itself than answering Mordred.

"Aaron, I want you to know that you must do as you will. Let no one sway you. Let no one govern your actions. Now, with that knowledge, you should be off, before Eric comes and kills us both." As he said this, he shoved Aaron out of his tent and into the evening air.

The sixth day of the Uprising, Oct. 28, 8005.
The war was nearly won. Yet the zardbies still fought back hard, despite imminent defeat. That night, in fact, Mordred would get a surprise visit.

Mordred was preparing for bed, about to remove his armor, when he heard rustling outside. He grabbed his katana, and went out to investigate. He searched around, and eventually found a rustling bush. He was wiser than to look at it from closer than five feet. He could tell a hungry zardbie was about to pounce. And pounce it did.

Over the dark ground it leaped, claws stretched out in an attempt to claw Mordred's face. Mordred would have none of that. He quickly brandished his blade, and struck down the creature with the flat of his blade.

Unceremoniously downed, it stumbled back up to its feet, pulling out a bone from it's leg in the process. It quickly figured out what to do with it, and threw it at Mordred, who was smacked in the face.

Enraged, Mordred took his blade to the creature, and gave it a good smacking with the flat of his blade again and again. However, the zardbie flipped backwards after taking four hits, uppercutting Mordred solidly. It gave a final roar before retreating back into the shadows.

Ugh, who was that? Could it have been... Grrral? Mordred thought to himself, before picking himself up and going to bed sore.

The final day of the Uprising, Oct. 29, 8005.

Mordred had gathered at the gates of the mansion, where the heroes had cornered the last zardbie, Nix. He was kind of adorable, in his zardbie/penguin(zardbiguin?) way.

"Who would dare fight against me, the greatest of all the Red Queen's servants?", the creature asked the heroes, "Who can summon the courage to face me in battle?"

"Why don't we all gang up on you instead?", chisagen asked. It was no idle threat.

"What honor is there in that?", Mordred questioned chillingly. "Should we forsake honor, and thus, what makes you heroes in the first place? Would you become the likes of Zorbak, or Noxus, who stoop so low as to be devoid of all my repect? I shall not stand by an army of 'heroes' that know not of what they fight for."

There were whispers among some of the newer heroes, who had just taken up weapons only recently. "Who is this nut?", one murmered.

"What the heck is this honor thing?", another interrogated, deadly serious. Mordred's mind roiled in anger at this.

Has our society already permeated the young minds of up-and-coming adventurers? Do they really know naught of why we, I, fight? Or at least how we fight?

"You make a good point, Mordred.", Chisagen conceded. "I may have plenty of fish(until Pie ate it all), but no one has as much honor as you."

Many others agreed to this. "C'mon, Mordred!", Dornalca cheered. "You could trash this mutated traveler of the north!"

"So, you choose the samurai?", Nix inquired. "The only man with the sense to remain neutral, and fight for both?"

"I may not agree with Mordred's choices, penguin," Eric began. "But he is loyal, and remains steadfast against evil. I will consent to this duel, as it seems to be general agreement among us here to nominate Mordred."

The heroes gathered there began to cheer. Maybe it was the thought of seeing two warriors duke it out. Maybe it was just the craze that war often has on us mortals. Who can say?

Mordred began taking slow steps foward from the group, drawing closer to his old friend, and temporary foe. He could feel his sandals resisting his movements, trying to stay embedded in the mud. Soon, the crowd was chanting "Mordred, Mordred, Mordred" in time with his steps. As they did, a rain begain to build up to the point where it was a steady, heavy downpour. Mordred didn't notice; his hat was broad enough that he wouldn't even notice if he wasn't so focused on Nix.

When he stood only fifteen feet from his foe, Mordred stopped abruptly, and reached for the katana hanging on his left hip. Grasping the handle firmly, he slowly drew the worn blade from its sheath, and took it up in a battle stance. However, unseen by most, he played his fingers along the blade, casting a spell on it often used by samurai for sparring. The spell essentially made it impossible to do more than bruise with the weapon in question. Mordred saw no need to kill the infected penguin.

"Now, take up your weapon, Nix."

The penguin merely scoffed at first. "Oh, look at you, using one of our weapons! What do you think you'll do with that?"


"Ouch. Well, you may have your honor, but I have the power that the Red Queen's given me." Saying this, the innocent looking Emperor penguin took on a terrible transformation. He doubled over, grunting in effort, gowing exponentially in size. His white feathers slowly turned a mottled green, his beak protruded to a decent foot away from his face, and horns of bone grew from his back. worst was the horrible purple glow his eyes took. "Now, GET IN MAH BELLEH!!!" Nix then proceded to waddle towards Mordred at an uncomfortable speed.

Not caring to be squashed under a ten foot tall freak of "nature", Mordred dodged to the side, narrowly missing being impaled by a horn on one of Nix's elbows.

"Nix!", Mordred called out to the lumbering beast. "I understand why you'd side with the Red Queen." He was soon interrupted by deadly flippers bearing down on him. Again, he was forced to dodge, narrowly avoiding being driven into the ground like a stake. Nix's downward blow rent the very earth itself.

"She offers you power, that's obvious. That appeals to you because-" Mordred cut himself off to get in a few strikes at the penguin's back.

"You've always been belittled for your appearance." Again, he was cut off, this time by the rampaging monster. Nix was again bearing down on him, this time trying to crush him under a body slam.

After dodging that, and making a quick, ineffectual counterattack, the samurai continued. "However, this is not the way to show people that you're worthy of their respect."

Nix cocked his horrible head, considering Mordred's words. He then shrugged them off, and made a lunge at Mordred, trying to bite down and devour the warrior.

Of course, Mordred could not stop the attack of such a beast, and rolled ahead, underneath Nix's extended flipper. Bouncing to his feet, he turned to see Nix rising. "If you won't listen to reason, then I'll have to end this." He then ran up to the monster's back, and using his spiked tail as leverage, he leaped up high into the air, and brought down his katana on Nix's head with such strength that the penguin monster was downed with a heavy crash.

Mordred, recollecting his senses from the ensuing collision, got up calmly, sheathing his weapon. He turned to see Nix attempt to rise with his flippers' strength, but he blacked out. Eric then quickly ran up to him and shoved a TART down his throat.

"That should do it!", he said triumphantly. "Mordred, that was a great display! I hope to never end up against you in battle. Nix will return to normal soon, just like Aaron and Grrral did."

"Now, we bring down those doors with fish!", Chisagen yelled, bringing their minds back to the true threat. With that, he ran up to the sealed doors, and beat it mercilessly with a fish for an hour, at which point the doors collapsed. The heroes quickly flooded into the the building, leaving Mordred to ponder over his actions and their consequences.

What do I fight for? I fight niether for the immediate threat, nor for power... He continued rolling it in his mind, trying to philosophically find the answer. Nothing could come to mind...

< Message edited by Mordred -- 11/3/2010 1:52:07 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 13
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