Before the Sweep, I was using Wizard/Necromancer/Paladin a decent amount. I eventually traded in my normal Wizard for Pyromancer. After the sweep, I started using Dragonlsayer more. For a time I prefered Mage, but I've outgrown it in my opinion. My most useful full class is Assassin, but I tend to stick to my Graceful Dracopire. Once I got Assassin it was my main until I got the mini-class. I find the mini-class to be the most useful armor I have at the moment. Massive Basic attack, a 'cheap' double attack, a decent double attack w/ heal chance, a 'rechargeable' 'spell', minor regeneration, and Level 90 defenses. If you know what you're doing, Lycanthropic Vampiric Half-Dragon is the way to go.