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Z-Token Sale during Black Friday 2020 Discussion & Wishlist

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10/3/2020 14:12:00   
Bu Kek Siansu

Z-Token Sale during Black Friday 2020 Discussion & Wishlist

Black Friday in the United States: Friday, November 27, 2020.

Feel free to discuss and/or to post your Wishlist.


Limited-Time Shop:
The Z-finity Gauntlet series also returns! Each gauntlet in the Z-finity series offers various elemental protection, coupled with a powerful ability.


  • Hollow, would it be possible to let the Z-finity Gauntlet series stay until during Black Friday 2020 as listed above?

    Otherwise, would it be possible to let us know in advance when the Z-finity Gauntlet series will be leaving the LTS?

    Thanks in advance.

    < Message edited by DragonUltraMaster -- 10/5/2020 13:32:42 >
  • Post #: 1
    10/3/2020 15:02:31   

    My wishlist is basically just a Housing release for more estate items preferably before/during Black Friday as it seems to be the perfect time to gear your Estate.
    And Yes a Z-Token Sale during the Black Friday would also be great. Kinda like that Mega Sale they did once on Black Friday with ALL packages getting 50% more tokens and prices 50% off.
    AQ  Post #: 2
    10/3/2020 15:12:39   
    Silver Horn

    I'll second that. I have 2 empty spaces on my estate and nothing to put there. Also this is more of a QoL change, but it would nice if Miscs stayed equipped in-between battles.

    Also hope they bring back Discount Mogloween Candy Bag, Infinita Staff, Prime Chaos Orb, Summon Dread Fiend of Nulgath and Siphon to GGBs.

    < Message edited by Silver Horn -- 10/3/2020 16:23:55 >
    Post #: 3
    10/4/2020 11:06:04   

    I agree with Bu Kek Siansu. I'd greatly appreciate it if the gauntlets could stay for black friday.

    I'd also appreciate it if the arcane cutlasses could stay for black friday.

    I'd also like to see prime chaos orb added to golden giftboxes for black friday.

    < Message edited by Tigrim -- 10/5/2020 6:12:14 >
    Post #: 4
    10/4/2020 11:18:37   
    Macho Man

    +2 For the gauntlets! I've bought a few packages and those gauntlets are interesting,
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
    10/4/2020 19:08:35   
    Bu Kek Siansu

    Z-finity Gauntlet series http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22360427

    Power: Resists Energy and boosts Melee blocking.
    1/battle skill costs 120% Melee in SP and heals player for 10% of their max HP. Skill is valued at 200% Melee in SP, *1.1 due to it being non-elemental, -100% due to the skill being 1/battle.
    Other skill costs 55% Melee in SP, and attempts to inflict a universal EleVuln on the foe. 50% Melee value, *1.1 cost due to being non-elemental, 50% save (inflict with highest of player's STR/DEX/INT for majour and player's LUK for minor, vs foe's END/LUK), so it's a base value of 100% Melee. EleVuln ends up being +25% damage for 4 turns.

    Time: Resists Ice and boosts Ranged blocking.
    1/battle skill costs 30.9% Melee in SP and inflicts 1 turn of Paralyse on the foe. This has no save whatsoever, but does still get blocked by immunities. Base value of a monster turn is 140% Melee * 0.85 hit rate, so 119%, *1.1 for non elemental puts it at 130.9% Melee, -100% for the 1/battle freebie for 30.9% Melee.
    Other skill costs 55% Melee in SP, and attempts to inflict Blind and universal DefLoss on the foe, 50% Melee base cost, *1.1 for non-elemental. 25% Melee goes toward the Blind, so that's -7.5 BtH Blind for 4 turns with a 50% save, same stat saves as above for infliction, mob resists with INT/LUK. Other 25% Melee goes toward the DefLoss, this covers all elements. 5% Melee is worth +4.25 BtH, so with a 50% save this is worth 50% Melee, so that's a total of +42.5 BtH. Split it among 4 turns so it's a -10.625 MRM DefLoss. These are attempted separately so you can potentially get both, one, or neither to land.

    Space: Resists Earth and boosts Ranged blocking.
    1/battle skill costs 10% Melee in SP and gives you a massive +60 MRM for 1 turn. Similar to Time's Blind, 25% Melee is worth +15 MRM for 1 turn, so 100% Melee is worth +84 MRM, *1.1 cost due to being non-elemental, and -100% due to it being once per battle.
    Other skill costs 70% Melee in SP and gives you a 50% damage resistance universal EleShield for 1 turn.

    Mind: Resists Water and boosts Magic blocking.
    1/battle skill costs 37.5% Melee in SP and heals 125% Melee in MP for the player (basically enough for 1 spell casts of the item's PowLv). 125% Melee * 1.1 for it being non-elemental means 137.5% Melee, -100% due to it being once per battle.
    Other skill costs 137.5% Melee in HP (= to 6.875% of your max HP if you have 0 END), this heals 125% Melee in MP for the player, same as the 1/battle skill. The cost of this skill goes up by *1.25 each time it gets used in a single battle (second use costs 171.875% Melee in HP, or 8.59375% of your max HP if you have 0 END, third use costs 214.84375% Melee in HP, or 10.7421875% of your max HP if you have 0 END, and so on and so forth), this is there as a balancing mechanic to avoid heal loops and the like.

    Soul: Resists Light and boosts Melee blocking.
    1/battle skill is completely free, and heals 90% Melee in SP for the player. Starts as 100% Melee in value, -100% for cost, so *0.9 for effectiveness.
    Other skill is a mirror of Mind's second skill, except it restores 125% Melee in SP each time it's used. Has the same *1.25 cost increase each time it's used in a single battle.

    < Message edited by Bu Kek Siansu -- 10/6/2020 9:23:34 >
    Post #: 6
    10/5/2020 6:17:21   

    I agree with the soul gauntlet changes since there are good alternatives to it so it probably won't be used as much. However, one problem I see with the changes is that if it can be used unlimited times per turn then it won't fit the theme of the other gauntlets being used only once per turn. Maybe instead just increasing the efficiency of hp to sp or increase the amount of sp healed per turn.
    Post #: 7
    10/5/2020 7:49:51   

    No, I hate the purposed changes on the Soul gauntlet. The only reason I got it as it requires fewer clicks than the alternatives. If that gets changed, then I want a refund.
    Post #: 8
    10/5/2020 18:53:14   

    @Broccoli is correct. Once per battle effects are considered every 10 turns, which is worth 5*10 = 50% melee. Assuming 392 SP = 100% melee...

    392*0.5*0.9 = ~176sp (0.9 is always useful penalty).

    Using 16th Birthday Cupcake to justify your argument is not valid, for two reasons
    1). They are not equivalent. The cupcake requires your character to be a certain age, whereas soul makes no such stipulation, and...
    2). Whilst cupcake was released in 2018, the gauntlets were nerfed in 2019.

    As has already said, if anything should be tweaked, it's the cupcake.

    With regards to your second suggestion, essence orb is another poor metric for comparison, given it's high on the list of items to nerf. Both ideas are clearly intended to increase player power without first considering balance.
    AQ  Post #: 9
    10/6/2020 0:36:01   

    I'm hoping for a housing update, myself. Like others, I still have 2 plots available and nothing to put in them, and it is kinda annoying. Not sure we need anything like another guard tower, my estate hasn't been invaded in years, but maybe something else. Not sure what would qualify as balanced, though.
    AQ  Post #: 10
    10/6/2020 9:29:04   
    Bu Kek Siansu


    Both ideas are clearly intended to increase player power without first considering balance.

    Removed both ideas and deleted my previous post, I'm sorry for without first considering balance.

    Thanks for your time and help.

    Post #: 11
    10/6/2020 10:49:13   

    If the cupcake and essence orb are nerfed then soul doesn't need to be buffed. However, soul needs to be reworked to give more sp per turn while keeping the efficiency the same. For example, if it were to heal 400 sp for 200 hp then make it heal 600 sp for 300 hp. This is because as it stands currently, power, time and mind (if you're a mage) are a lot higher in priority than soul.
    Post #: 12
    10/6/2020 11:14:41   

    I do find it weird that the Reality Gem never ended up getting a Zfinity Gauntlet equivalent.

    Maybe the next time we get a MCU movie there could be a new, sixth Zfinity gauntlet?
    AQ  Post #: 13
    10/6/2020 15:34:06   

    As a marvel fan I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't realise that an infinity stone was missing.

    My ideas for effects would be:

    Your next attack is guaranteed to hit or gives you a bth boost or lowers monster's mrm.

    Gives you backlash.

    Gives you status potence.

    Gives you resistance from monster statuses.

    < Message edited by Tigrim -- 10/7/2020 7:01:05 >
    Post #: 14
    10/6/2020 16:33:39   
    Lv 1000

    Reality Gem is likely missing to keep it within what is considered a "parody" and out of copyright violation waters. Could be wrong but it's possible.
    Post #: 15
    10/6/2020 16:47:07   

    Though having more house-related updates would be great, even if they won't accrue interest. Also have missing guards of void monsters, would be nice.
    Post #: 16
    10/9/2020 6:49:15   

    +1 I'd also like to see prime chaos orb added to golden giftboxes for black friday.

    Also, I want twisted version of Hollowborn Evoker and Conjuror Sets.

    < Message edited by rai0kakashi -- 10/9/2020 6:55:40 >
    Post #: 17
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