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RE: Armors

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10/30/2011 9:21:08   


Guardian Straightjacket's entry has wrong link to Straightjacket, as it links to Guardian Straightjacket (same Armor). Here is the correct code:
Fixed thanks. ~Aces

< Message edited by BlackAces -- 10/30/2011 21:55:45 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 201
11/1/2011 7:24:56   
Memory of a Nightmare


The same mistake has been done in the entry of Straightjacket. The link to Guardian Straightjacket leads to the very same page (Straightjacket) but it should link to Guardian Straightjacket.
So it would seem I copied the wrong links into both entries :S. Thanks for pointing it out! ~Aces

< Message edited by BlackAces -- 11/1/2011 8:43:58 >
AQ DF  Post #: 202
11/1/2011 11:00:26   


Straighjacket Z's links are in the wrong order; (normal) and G link to G and (normal). Again xD
Sigh so it would seem I was linking the wrongs ones :P. ~Aces

< Message edited by BlackAces -- 11/1/2011 19:33:48 >
Post #: 203
11/2/2011 17:42:02   
big E


Morningstar Plate Z

Also see other Morningstar Mastercraft items:
  • Weapons: Morningstar Flail Z, Morningstar Flail
  • Armors: Morningstar Plate
  • Pets: Eye Spy Z, Eye Spy
  • Misc: Morningstar Helm Z, Morningstar Helm
    (Links to be added)

    Level: 11
    Power Level: 45, Mastercraft
    Price: 715 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 644 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 358 Z-Tokens
    Location: Today's Event: Morningstar set! (Link and permanent location to be added)
    Element: Earth

    Melee: 34
    Ranged: 37
    Magic: 34

    Fire: 97%
    Water: 97%
    Wind: 97%
    Ice: 97%
    Earth: 75%
    Energy: 97%
    Light: 97%
    Darkness: 86%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 117.6% Base, 117.6% Random and 198.4% Stats each
    BTH: +5 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 117.6% Base, 117.6% Random and 198.4% Stats each
    BTH: +5 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    When you land a successful hit with the armor, the next hit will do 106% of the listed Base, Random and Stat damage. This only applies to normal attacks (not weapon specials). This does not stack with itself, but continues between battles.

    The armor of the Beaumont clan feeds some of the power of a successful hit into the next attack! With the Flail and Helm, it can unleash a massive dazing boulder attack!

    Image thanks to UltraGuy. Numbers thanks to Aelthai and In Media Res. Write-up thanks to big E.

    Morningstar Plate

    Also see other Morningstar Mastercraft items:
  • Weapons: Morningstar Flail Z, Morningstar Flail
  • Armors: Morningstar Plate Z
  • Pets: Eye Spy Z, Eye Spy
  • Misc: Morningstar Helm Z, Morningstar Helm
    (Links to be added)

    Level: 45
    Power Level: 45, Mastercraft
    Price: 12 870 Gold
    Sellback: 6 435 Gold
    Location: Today's Event: Morningstar set! (Link and permanent location to be added)
    Element: Earth

    Melee: 34
    Ranged: 37
    Magic: 34

    Fire: 97%
    Water: 97%
    Wind: 97%
    Ice: 97%
    Earth: 75%
    Energy: 97%
    Light: 97%
    Darkness: 86%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 117.6% Base, 117.6% Random and 198.4% Stats each
    BTH: +5 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 117.6% Base, 117.6% Random and 198.4% Stats each
    BTH: +5 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    When you land a successful hit with the armor, the next hit will do 106% of the listed Base, Random and Stat damage. This only applies to normal attacks (not weapon specials). This does not stack with itself, but continues between battles.

    The armor of the Beaumont clan feeds some of the power of a successful hit into the next attack! With the Flail and Helm, it can unleash a massive dazing boulder attack!

    Image thanks to UltraGuy. Numbers thanks to Aelthai and In Media Res. Write-up thanks to big E.

    Morningstar Plate

    Also see other Morningstar Mastercraft items:
  • Weapons: Morningstar Flail Z, Morningstar Flail
  • Armors: Morningstar Plate Z
  • Pets: Eye Spy Z, Eye Spy
  • Misc: Morningstar Helm Z, Morningstar Helm
    (Links to be added)

    Level: 60
    Power Level: 60, Mastercraft
    Price: 40 370 Gold
    Sellback: 20 185 Gold
    Location: Today's Event: Morningstar set! (Link and permanent location to be added)
    Element: Earth

    Melee: 37
    Ranged: 40
    Magic: 37

    Fire: 95%
    Water: 95%
    Wind: 95%
    Ice: 95%
    Earth: 67%
    Energy: 95%
    Light: 95%
    Darkness: 82%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 140% Base, 140% Random and 248% Stats each
    BTH: +7 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 140% Base, 140% Random and 248% Stats each
    BTH: +7 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    When you land a successful hit with the armor, the next hit will do 106% of the listed Base, Random and Stat damage. This only applies to normal attacks (not weapon specials). This does not stack with itself, but continues between battles.

    The armor of the Beaumont clan feeds some of the power of a successful hit into the next attack! With the Flail and Helm, it can unleash a massive dazing boulder attack!

    Image thanks to UltraGuy. Numbers thanks to Aelthai and In Media Res. Write-up thanks to big E.

    Morningstar Plate

    Also see other Morningstar Mastercraft items:
  • Weapons: Morningstar Flail Z, Morningstar Flail
  • Armors: Morningstar Plate Z
  • Pets: Eye Spy Z, Eye Spy
  • Misc: Morningstar Helm Z, Morningstar Helm
    (Links to be added)

    Level: 75
    Power Level: 75, Mastercraft
    Price: 125 510 Gold
    Sellback: 62 755 Gold
    Location: Today's Event: Morningstar set! (Link and permanent location to be added)
    Element: Earth

    Melee: 39
    Ranged: 42
    Magic: 39

    Fire: 94%
    Water: 94%
    Wind: 94%
    Ice: 94%
    Earth: 62%
    Energy: 94%
    Light: 94%
    Darkness: 80%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 162.4% Base, 162.4% Random and 297.6% Stats each
    BTH: +9 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 162.4% Base, 162.4% Random and 297.6% Stats each
    BTH: +9 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    When you land a successful hit with the armor, the next hit will do 106% of the listed Base, Random and Stat damage. This only applies to normal attacks (not weapon specials). This does not stack with itself, but continues between battles.

    The armor of the Beaumont clan feeds some of the power of a successful hit into the next attack! With the Flail and Helm, it can unleash a massive dazing boulder attack!

    Image thanks to UltraGuy. Numbers thanks to Aelthai and In Media Res. Write-up thanks to big E.

    Morningstar Plate

    Also see other Morningstar Mastercraft items:
  • Weapons: Morningstar Flail Z, Morningstar Flail
  • Armors: Morningstar Plate Z
  • Pets: Eye Spy Z, Eye Spy
  • Misc: Morningstar Helm Z, Morningstar Helm
    (Links to be added)

    Level: 90
    Power Level: 90, Mastercraft
    Price: 269 940 Gold
    Sellback: 134 970 Gold
    Location: Today's Event: Morningstar set! (Link and permanent location to be added)
    Element: Earth

    Melee: 41
    Ranged: 45
    Magic: 41

    Fire: 94%
    Water: 94%
    Wind: 94%
    Ice: 94%
    Earth: 58%
    Energy: 94%
    Light: 94%
    Darkness: 79%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 185.2% Base, 185.2% Random and 347.2% Stats each
    BTH: +11 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 185.2% Base, 185.2% Random and 347.2% Stats each
    BTH: +11 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    When you land a successful hit with the armor, the next hit will do 106% of the listed Base, Random and Stat damage. This only applies to normal attacks (not weapon specials). This does not stack with itself, but continues between battles.

    The armor of the Beaumont clan feeds some of the power of a successful hit into the next attack! With the Flail and Helm, it can unleash a massive dazing boulder attack!

    Image thanks to UltraGuy. Numbers thanks to Aelthai and In Media Res. Write-up thanks to big E.

    Morningstar Plate

    Also see other Morningstar Mastercraft items:
  • Weapons: Morningstar Flail Z, Morningstar Flail
  • Armors: Morningstar Plate Z
  • Pets: Eye Spy Z, Eye Spy
  • Misc: Morningstar Helm Z, Morningstar Helm
    (Links to be added)

    Level: 105
    Power Level: 105, Mastercraft
    Price: 553 190 Gold
    Sellback: 276 959 Gold
    Location: Today's Event: Morningstar set! (Link and permanent location to be added)
    Element: Earth

    Melee: 43
    Ranged: 47
    Magic: 43

    Fire: 93%
    Water: 93%
    Wind: 93%
    Ice: 93%
    Earth: 53%
    Energy: 93%
    Light: 93%
    Darkness: 77%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 207.6% Base, 207.6% Random and 396.4% Stats each
    BTH: +13 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 207.6% Base, 207.6% Random and 396.4% Stats each
    BTH: +13 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    When you land a successful hit with the armor, the next hit will do 106% of the listed Base, Random and Stat damage. This only applies to normal attacks (not weapon specials). This does not stack with itself, but continues between battles.

    The armor of the Beaumont clan feeds some of the power of a successful hit into the next attack! With the Flail and Helm, it can unleash a massive dazing boulder attack!

    Image thanks to UltraGuy. Numbers thanks to Aelthai and In Media Res. Write-up thanks to big E.

    Morningstar Plate

    Also see other Morningstar Mastercraft items:
  • Weapons: Morningstar Flail Z, Morningstar Flail
  • Armors: Morningstar Plate Z
  • Pets: Eye Spy Z, Eye Spy
  • Misc: Morningstar Helm Z, Morningstar Helm
    (Links to be added)

    Level: 120
    Power Level: 120, Mastercraft
    Price: 1 160 170 Gold
    Sellback: 580 085 Gold
    Location: Today's Event: Morningstar set! (Link and permanent location to be added)
    Element: Earth

    Melee: 45
    Ranged: 50
    Magic: 45

    Fire: 93%
    Water: 93%
    Wind: 93%
    Ice: 93%
    Earth: 51%
    Energy: 93%
    Light: 93%
    Darkness: 75%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 230% Base, 230% Random and 446% Stats each
    BTH: +15 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 230% Base, 230% Random and 446% Stats each
    BTH: +15 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    When you land a successful hit with the armor, the next hit will do 106% of the listed Base, Random and Stat damage. This only applies to normal attacks (not weapon specials). This does not stack with itself, but continues between battles.

    The armor of the Beaumont clan feeds some of the power of a successful hit into the next attack! With the Flail and Helm, it can unleash a massive dazing boulder attack!

    Image thanks to UltraGuy. Numbers thanks to Aelthai and In Media Res. Write-up thanks to big E.

    Morningstar Plate

    Also see other Morningstar Mastercraft items:
  • Weapons: Morningstar Flail Z, Morningstar Flail
  • Armors: Morningstar Plate Z
  • Pets: Eye Spy Z, Eye Spy
  • Misc: Morningstar Helm Z, Morningstar Helm
    (Links to be added)

    Level: 135
    Power Level: 135, Mastercraft
    Price: 2 460 590 Gold
    Sellback: 1 230 295 Gold
    Location: Today's Event: Morningstar set! (Link and permanent location to be added)
    Element: Earth

    Melee: 47
    Ranged: 52
    Magic: 47

    Fire: 92%
    Water: 92%
    Wind: 92%
    Ice: 92%
    Earth: 44%
    Energy: 92%
    Light: 92%
    Darkness: 71%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 252.4% Base, 252.4% Random and 495.6% Stats each
    BTH: +16 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 252.4% Base, 252.4% Random and 495.6% Stats each
    BTH: +16 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    When you land a successful hit with the armor, the next hit will do 106% of the listed Base, Random and Stat damage. This only applies to normal attacks (not weapon specials). This does not stack with itself, but continues between battles.

    The armor of the Beaumont clan feeds some of the power of a successful hit into the next attack! With the Flail and Helm, it can unleash a massive dazing boulder attack!

    Image thanks to UltraGuy. Numbers thanks to Aelthai and In Media Res. Write-up thanks to big E. Correction thanks to Xrai (via Dev and Rixuel).
  • Got it thanks. ~Aces

    < Message edited by BlackAces -- 11/12/2011 18:40:13 >
    AQ  Post #: 204
    11/4/2011 2:32:19   
    Legendary Miss Fixit


    Morningstar FSB

    The FSB is that when the weapon specials, it uses the attack with the rock instead of the normal special.
    The Special deals *= 1.2 damage (as compared to a normal special)

    If the FSB hits, it should attempt to impose a Daze. This Daze should be a 75% chance of not acting, and should last 1 round. It should be an Almost Trivial (Save Bonus +20) save, main stat derived from the weapon (it's a Special), second stat LUK, opposed by END / LUK.



    MC bonus:
    On each hit, if the previous attack with the armor hit (will need to be tracked in the armor; should default to "no"), the attack should deal *= 1.06 damage.
    "Each successful hit lends power to the next attack."
    This DOES NOT build over time, it's just a small bonus whenever you hit with the previous attack.

    Lvl	11	45	60	75	90	105	120	135
    Type	Z	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
    PLvl	45	45	60	75	90	105	120	135
    BR	294	294	350	406	463	519	575	631
    S	496	496	620	744	868	991	1115	1239
    BtH	5	5	7	9	11	13	15	16
    Fire	-3	-3	-5	-6	-6	-7	-7	-8
    Water	-3	-3	-5	-6	-6	-7	-7	-8
    Ice	-3	-3	-5	-6	-6	-7	-7	-8
    Wind	-3	-3	-5	-6	-6	-7	-7	-8
    Earth	-25	-25	-33	-38	-42	-47	-49	-56
    Energy	-3	-3	-5	-6	-6	-7	-7	-8
    Light	-3	-3	-5	-6	-6	-7	-7	-8
    Dark	-14	-14	-18	-20	-21	-23	-25	-29
    Melee	34	34	37	39	41	43	45	47
    Ranged	37	37	40	42	45	47	50	52
    Magic	34	34	37	39	41	43	45	47
    Price	715	12870	40370	125510	269940	553190	1160170	2460590
    Sell	Z	6435	20185	62755	134970	276595	580085	1230295
    Got it thanks. ~Aces

    < Message edited by BlackAces -- 11/12/2011 18:41:00 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 205
    11/4/2011 2:35:05   



    Description: The armor of the Beaumont clan feeds some of the power of a successful hit into the next attack! With the Flail and Helm, it can unleash a massive dazing boulder attack!
    Got it thanks. ~Aces

    < Message edited by BlackAces -- 11/12/2011 18:41:21 >
    AQ DF Epic  Post #: 206
    11/4/2011 2:40:04   
     formerly In Media Res



    Morningstar Plate

    Fully offensive Earth armour.

    Attack #1 is two hits. Attack #2 is three hits. They occur equally often and all hits do equal damage (so 1/2.5 damage on all hits).

    If your last hit connects, then your next hit deals *1.06 damage. (This does not stack with itself.) This only applies to/counts hits from the armour. It doesn't count weapon specials or anything.
    Lvl	11Z	45	60	75	90	105	120	135
    PLvl	45	45	60	75	90	105	120	135
    BR	294	294	350	406	463	519	575	631
    S	496	496	620	744	868	991	1115	1239
    BtH	5	5	7	9	11	13	15	16
    Fire	97	97	95	94	94	93	93	92
    Water	97	97	95	94	94	93	93	92
    Ice	97	97	95	94	94	93	93	92
    Wind	97	97	95	94	94	93	93	92
    Earth	75	75	67	62	58	53	51	44
    Energy	97	97	95	94	94	93	93	92
    Light	97	97	95	94	94	93	93	92
    Dark	86	86	82	80	79	77	75	71
    Melee	34	34	37	39	41	43	45	47
    Ranged	37	37	40	42	45	47	50	52
    Magic	34	34	37	39	41	43	45	47
    Price	715	12870	40370	125510	269940	553190	1160170	2460590
    Sell	Z	6435	20185	62755	134970	276595	580085	1230295
    Taken care of thanks. ~Aces

    < Message edited by BlackAces -- 11/12/2011 18:41:52 >
    AQ  Post #: 207
    11/4/2011 3:00:12   

    In Media Res, define "If your last hit connects, then your next hit deals *1.06 damage. (This does not stack with itself.)".
    AQ DF Epic  Post #: 208
    11/4/2011 3:02:41   

    Last hit of the first attack will make the first hit of the next attack do 1.06 damage.

    That, or any subsequent hit after a successful hit will do 1.06 damage.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 209
    11/4/2011 3:07:16   
     formerly In Media Res


    So, you're attacking. You get the three-hit attack.

    The first hit of the attack does normal damage, and hits.
    The second hit does *1.06 damage (since the last hit connected), and hits.
    The third hit does *1.06 damage (since the last hit connected), and hits.

    Next turn, you attack again. You get the two-hit attack.

    The first hit does *1.06 damage (since the last hit connected) and misses.
    The second hit does normal damage (since the last attack missed) and does whatever, since I'm going to bed.
    AQ  Post #: 210
    11/4/2011 3:24:01   
    Kogane No Kishi

    there's chance to do void damage if u use full set?
    AQW  Post #: 211
    11/4/2011 3:29:32   

    Of course there is.
    AQ DF Epic  Post #: 212
    11/4/2011 4:10:22   


    Nope you do not need the full set to do the void damage. The weapon's MC bonus gives a 5% chance to deal void, and it's not the full set bonus.

    Edit: Is it that this armor is currently bugged? It's dealing about the same damage as I used with and without CIT.
    It has been fixed. ~Aces

    < Message edited by BlackAces -- 11/12/2011 18:42:22 >
    Post #: 213
    11/4/2011 4:26:47   

    yeah its currently bugged
    they will fix it later on
    AQ  Post #: 214
    11/4/2011 9:26:10   

    The Question

    Why is the sellback so low? Compared to other MCs whose sellbacks are approx. 66% of the buying price, this one's at half-price like normal armours. VCC for example buys at 1,100,000 and sellback at 730,000.
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 215
    11/4/2011 12:49:26   

    in the MSS.. whts the FULL SET?.... Armor, weapon, misc and pet? or i can have full set without the pet or the misc?
    Post #: 216
    11/4/2011 12:50:32   

    weapon, armour and misc
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 217
    11/4/2011 22:01:16   

    What's the chance of a 2-Hit attack or a 3-Hit Attack happening? I seem to be doing 3-hits more.

    Also, I noticed that the prices for the armors are a bit odd. They're priced like a gold-based Salvation Armor. Is it discounted?
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 218
    11/4/2011 22:07:28   


    Attack #1 is two hits. Attack #2 is three hits. They occur equally often and all hits do equal damage (so 1/2.5 damage on all hits).

    50/50 chance of each attack.
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 219
    11/4/2011 22:14:57   

    @majesticstar3800: There have been new standards for armor prices recently. This is not discounted.
    Post #: 220
    11/5/2011 8:05:16   

    Aaaah. Thx both.
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 221
    11/5/2011 13:15:05   
    Guardian Patrick

    Is it just me or the Fire Water Wind Ice Energy Light resistance are now at 93%?
    AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 222
    11/5/2011 13:30:31   
    Dreiko Shadrack

    Are you sure you didn't just buy the 120 version?
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 223
    11/5/2011 17:52:53   
    Nex del Vida

    Nope--I have the L135 version and mine are at 93 also. Hmm.
    AQ  Post #: 224
    11/5/2011 18:01:07   

    Oh wow, mine is ALSO at 93% :O but I also have 44% earth resistance, I wonder what could be wrong?
    AQ  Post #: 225
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