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The Bizarre Flecks Saga: 2011 Preview

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12/16/2010 0:43:26   
Times Silent Keeper

Hall of Memories 2011

Falerin was killed by Seth Cay Dhows. A name that, like much of Dhows's actions, has been a lie. All that is known for sure is that he is a shadowy figure with unknown motives, and that his past apparently involved taking the place of a being who was known to our Lore as the Mysterious Stranger, and altering his position as he saw fit. Somehow Dhows appears to have replaced him completely throughout the timeline of our Lore's history without actually damaging that timeline. Falerin has now returned to the world of the living but in fragments. The fragment in control of his body has been nursed on the poison that Dhows has spewed... And the others? Well things are going to get very interesting...

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    «Scene: Falerin's Bier, with Falerin lying atop it. The Scene zooms in.»

    Ardendor: Oh... what's this then?
    Ardendor: Hmm...
    Ardendor: Hmmm... but what am I... hmmm...

    «Scene zooms out, Falerin gets up with a lit staff. He then teleports away. When only sparks remain, a fragment of Falerin on the right remains, speaking.»

    Falerin: I keep coming back to this event... what am I missing...
    Abode: You are being metaphorical, yes? I assume you mean other than pieces of yourself...
    Falerin: Dude?! Of course I am being metaphorical... Golly Gee Case...
    Abode: I am not that analog, Fal. You know that...
    Falerin: Analog... If I do not get myself together I might fragment into analogs... That "might" be what he wants...
    Falerin: He is a false analog... so perhaps he wants to make one of me too...
    Abode: He does seem to want to make things in his own image. they would not be false analogs though... just fragmented pieces of yourself.
    Abode: Artificially created, "perhaps," but you yourself have done that with magic before as have others. They are no less real...
    Falerin: Well... right... but artificial or natural it would be an analog under his influence. that cannot be tolerated. I need to figure out a way to remove the problem.
    Falerin: Nor can we tolerate his incursions into your workings.
    Abode: Perhaps play both sides against the "middle"? With Dhows as the unfortunate middle?
    Falerin: You mean grant access to Donovan and his camp too...
    Abode: Why not? He is no fonder of Dhows than Cenara. Their war is not our war whatever the cause. You granted access to Cenara as a favor... Why not extend that to him?
    Abode: More activity in the hall will cast greater light on his involvement... Light drives out shadow...
    Falerin: Yes, but shadows also depend on light, Dhows has been known to manipulate light very well indeed. Donovan also has some very misguided goals. Still...
    Falerin: The more open the Hall is to others the harder it becomes for Dhows to hide within.
    Falerin: I think you have it right... open access to the facility makes it much harder for him. At least so long as we stay away from his own memories.
    Falerin: Eventually, we will need access to those memories as well. Once I figure out how to exclude him. Though in the meantime...
    Falerin: In the meantime. I also need someone to counter his whispering in my ears. I cannot do this alone... Fortunately, I think I know just the individual to smack some sense into me...

    «Scene fades. Scene briefly transitions to Greenguard forest, where a Fleck falls from the sky. That scene then fades and transitions to the alternate Battleon, in which the Guardian Tower was destroyed. Minister Bree-Ha is there, looking at an energy source in the ruined tower..»

    Minister Bree-Ha: Aha! My search through Lores at last bears fruit. I have found a very interesting energy source. G'hup, prepare to stream me back to our own Lore for analysis.
    (on Radio) G'Hup: Yes, Minister.

    «Scene fades. Ardendor and the Mysterious Stranger stand on a teleportation device on a ship - specifically, the ship from Star Blecch!

    Ardendor: Oops, this is not the world we were trying for. Tell me why you cannot do this yourself, again?
    Dhows: I trapped a part of myself there purposefully already. This interferes with my ability to home in on it cleanly as I already exist there. Besides, fragments remain near my prison.
    Ardendor: That's kind of weird, dude. Locking up parts of yourself. Are you a lich, or something?
    Dhows: No no thing... Nothing... at all like a Lich. We can discuss the particularities of my nonbeingbeing later, Ardendor.
    Ardendor: Right so... let's see... uh... something or someone is interfering with my teleportation...
    Dhows: You are a deity. Do not be absurd... actually, there is some powerful force moving this way... I can sense it.
    Ardendor: Yes... very strong... "I"? YOU used an "I" statement?! See, I told you you had self identity!
    Ardendor: Now we just need to work on... uh oh...
    Ardendor: It's heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere...

    «E appears.»

    E: E. There you are, renegade. You will be coming with me.
    Captain Turk: (on intercom) Slock to Transporter room. We are detecting strangely high levels of "E"-lemental energy.
    Ardendor: E?
    E: Now!

    «E raises a hand and teleports himself and Ardendor away as Slock enters.»

    Dhows: Well... this makes the game a bit more interesting...
    Mr. Slock: Interesting? Hey! That's my line! Just who are you, sir?
    Dhows: You can call me Ving...
    Captain Turk: (interrupting on intercom) What, Slock?
    Mr. Slock: No, WHO, not what, Captain. Sensors say WHAT he is. He is a transelemental-transdimensional shadow. Who is what is unknown.
    Mr. Slock: Ving? What sort of name is Ving for a shadow...
    Dhows: Well, it's Justel Ving, actually, Justel E. Ving, and that's my cue...
    Dhows: Definitely more interesting...

    «Dhows suddenly disappears.»

    Mr. Slock: Whoever that odd shadow was, he was not the source of the "E"-lemental energy, captain.

    «Scene fades.»

    Was Only
    The Beginning
    The Flecks
    You had better prepare.

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  • Guardian Tower!
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    Entry by Archmagus Orodalf. Update by Skull Kid.

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 6/27/2013 15:22:13 >
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