Soldato J
Griffin, isn't an acronym intended to make a long phrase easier to say? Having more advanced diction only encourages that end. If it's a translation you want, I assume the words in question are "obvolutive" and "spatiotemporal." The former means "overlapping," which makes sense in the context of armour plating and defense in general. The latter is based on the Latin "spatium" and "tempus" - space and time. In other words, its "stall" tactics make it a defender of space that can prolong the battle (the usage of time)to its advantage. So, the name is "Awe-Inspiring Overlapped-Defense Titan, the Durable User of Delaying Tactics." As you can see, the way I have it lends itself to being made an acronym. On the other hand, yours feels haphazard in its wording, at least to me. The words you chose don't seem to mesh well, nor capture the essence of the mecha. "Omega" implies final - I certainly hope this is not the last SCMM. The use of "Rock-Hard" does not do justice to the defensive capabilities of a 40+ foot tall machine. Besides, how hard is a "rock?" There are hundreds of different "rocks." "Rocket-Resistant," "Epic," and "Super" are just plain desperate. They possess hardly any descriptive merit. And then, as I've said, you incorporate another acronym within an acronym. I seem to have forgotten to respond to the "Kaptain (Captain) Kasteel" idea. In general, bringing in another language is risky because the intended meaning can easily be lost. With "Kasteel", however, I think it is close enough to a cognate that players will be able to make the connection, especially since the mecha will be defensive. And with that naming scheme, it would be easier to name level variants.