formerly In Media Res
Guardian Gnome Stampede VI «Standard Light spell. As a Mastercraft bonus, it can attempt to Daze the monster.» See other Gnome Stampedes ( I, II, II-Z, III, IV, V, VI). Level: 135 Power Level: 138 Mastercraft MP Level: 137 Price: N/A Sellback: 161,630 2,299,549 Location: Guardian Gift Box Golem VI Element: Light Cost: 569 MP Hits: 4 Type: Magic Element: Light Damage: 3 hits of 61.(66)-144 plus 337% Stats each; 1 hit of 0 damage. BTH: +34 plus Stats each Effect: If the last hit connects, then it attempts to Daze the monster (1 round; 28% chance of not acting; bugged -- is currently a 33% chance)*. Light-element monsters are immune to the daze**. The monster gets a +20 bonus to its save***:Level: 138 vs MonsterLevel Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK *The lichtgnomens' winter mushrooms cause your foe to hallucinate! **Creatures aligned with Light are immune to this spell's effects! ***Your foe is unaffected by the mushrooms. DESCRIPTION Call on Tydlee Wynx's gnomes to bash your enemy - they may even leave your enemy seeing all the pretty colors! Image from Minion of Squirrels. Stats from Aelthai. Bug from AbGehtDiePost. New effect message thanks to FallenAngel.
< Message edited by Carandor -- 9/16/2017 11:32:54 >