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RE: Thanks for listening.

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1/27/2011 15:45:15   
Giras Wolfe

Wow, Nightwraith is somewhat open to the idea of varium sellback. Cool!

Its good to know he actually cares, but he didn't really say very much about any of the issues. Most of his explanations were brief and unsatisfying.

Another thing is that he didn't address enhancement slot price creeping at all, which is a major deal.

Also his somewhat liberal interpretation of "section 4-k" was rather worrisome.

Well I still can't say either way. Nightwraith has broken the trust of his loyalest core of players many times, but I'm willing to forgive. His ending statement, "if you don't like it go away." seemed a little bit uncaring to me. That's the sort of thing an irritated fellow gamer would say, not a freaking lead developer. I know I'm not going to waste my time hating this game, but seeing as I have invested so much money in it I'll be checking back every update at least.

Overall, I agree with Deadly Poison and Angels Holocaust.

< Message edited by Giras Wolfe -- 1/27/2011 15:59:19 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 26
1/27/2011 17:06:10   
Fay Beeee


To those of you who read this and are still committed to the belief than Titan and myself are completely out of touch with the EpicDuel community and only interested in money, all I can say is if EpicDuel makes you so unhappy, maybe you should stop playing. Life is too short to get worked up over a browser game that you evidently stopped enjoying a long time ago. If you decide to change your mind, your characters will still be waiting for you.

I didnt read it as 'go away'
to me it is saying we have a choice. Which we always have had.
Epic  Post #: 27
1/27/2011 17:18:45   

Majestic Feline of AQ3D & ED



It's too bad this guy quitted and sold all his stuff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWcmtmorrQ0 I guess he wasnt patient enough, oh well :/.

Wait, I didn't quit.. Or sell all my stuff. I have a feeling you got the wrong video linked xD
AQW Epic  Post #: 28
1/27/2011 17:19:45   
One Winged Angel1357

Funny how i quit and under a week later this shows up

anyway i read it all and the things that stuck me were the comment about the first amendment which i have been saying for awhile you agreed to follow the rules your first amendment rights are voided(and any other right you could think of)

also the whole thing about if you dont believe us quit well i followed that one i remember back when gamma came around Titna promised Earnable achievements and retrain revamp that was in july its now january and those dont even show up on teh up and coming list anymore

also the trying to convince members not to buy varium there are times when the devs dont need our help by telling people not to buy varium they seem to do it themselfs and thats the truth of the matter unfortunitly
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 29
1/27/2011 23:37:27   

I'm glad they've actually been reading some stuff, even if they never replied. I just hope they'll take some of our suggestions into account...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 30
1/28/2011 0:23:30   
Baron Dante


I play this game for fun not for the pleasure of beating people worldwide.

Well. For some people, the beating is the fun.

Then again, if you think about it.... I play it to see how good build can I make. I also started as a Tech Mage, and in that I will stay (Okay, I class changed and class changed again for the achievement, but :P). I use Varium, yes. I bought 20k few weeks ago... most went on getting few achievements. And then, I just attempt to make the best build. Succeed or not, that's where the fun is.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 31
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