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RE: A Comprehensive Balance Discussion

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2/10/2011 9:47:42   
Hun Kingq

I was actually talking about both since they go hand in hand.

Well then a change is needed and with that formula I should be blocking more with higher dex then a player with lower dex but it is the other way around. When I put on defense matrix it is more than luck that I block more often with it on then with it off, something has been changed within the code. Another thing that should be included in the formula is reflex boost (increases dex and converts 15% damage back to energy).

As reroute for the mage only gives back energy, why not have it give dex points as well (Players will say that is excessive as well).

Support deals with deflection, the higher the Support the more you should deflect, as an experiment I had my total support at 108 out of 20 battles I only deflected once but players with lower support I seen deflect the sidearms and the Aux much more often.

Tigura that is one thing I suggested to reduce the amount of energy the Atom Smasher and the EMP should take away Level 10 only 10 points just like Assimilation but that was excessive and if those two got nerfed then Assimilation should get nerfed as well.
Epic  Post #: 201
2/10/2011 9:58:18   


A debuff for support will make strong STR builds More stronger.Idk did you see but 1vs1 leaderboard is almost all STR BH


Notice that i said it would solve 50% of the unbalanced problem. I was implying the support merc problem that amost everyone seems to be so greatly obsessive (for a lack of a better word) about.

< Message edited by Larcell -- 2/10/2011 9:59:52 >
Epic  Post #: 202
2/10/2011 10:24:26   
Silver Sky Magician

@ Hun Kingq

Reflex Boost is a support skill. It cannot be compared to reroute, which is a passive skill. It's like comparing deadly aim to double strike. It's a false comparison. As for you blocking more with defense matrix, I observe that I block more when I don't have Shadow Arts as compared to when I had it. Does that imply that adding to Shadow Srts not only does not increase your block chance, but in fact decreases it?

< Message edited by Silver Sky Magician -- 2/10/2011 10:29:52 >
Post #: 203
2/10/2011 10:29:24   


Yes, i meaned only support nerf will make STR build Oped for 1 week , we should get both Str nerf and Support nerf in same time for making %100 balance.

< Message edited by TurkishIncubus -- 2/10/2011 10:33:12 >


Epic  Post #: 204
2/10/2011 10:32:16   

A little balance can be achieved by making it so ,that no one can be stunned during the 1st turn
AQW Epic  Post #: 205
2/10/2011 11:21:12   
Hun Kingq

Silver Sky Magician during one battle before the recent upgrade I looked at a level 32 bounty hunters stats and seen energy required for level 1 massacre (32) after the recent up grade I seen it back up to 33, that does not make one to be ignorant and only reason this came into the discussion is someone mention taking away 1 energy point will ruin a persons build, for that too happened the bounty hunter has to be at 33.

There is a big difference in keeping the class down and squashing the class.

There is no such thing as luck factor because in computer programming you can not put luck into the program. Th game mechanic are flawed and when you and others see this maybe you will gain more knowledge. When I put on defense matriix my block rate increses even though my defense increases but my dex does not. I go in and battle an NPC don't put on defense matrix strike is 1,1,3, then after I put on defense matrix block, block, block.

As I wrote before as the skills of bounty hunters improves as specific stats increase more for them it does not for the mage.

I have more insight into the game then you could ever have. Only reason you think my suggestions are bad is because they are to improve the mage class and that scares you. There is a big difference in one skill draining 39 points of energy at level 7 and the other draining 10 points of energy at level 10, do you understand that difference.

Why can't the mage have an hybrid armor? What's wrong with that and the consequences will be increased defense and resistance, not having to guess which armor to use in battle. Since the merc has defense ignoring skills and carries energy weapons as well.

To say that all facts are flawed based on one thing shows how prejudice and closed minded you are.

To say, "someone who cannot even grasp the workings of this game after 11000 battles, how can we accept your arguments, especially such unreasonable ones?" shows that you cannot grasp that I might have more insight to the game then you think I have. "how can we accept your arguments" You cannot accept my arguments for evryone because you are not a spokesmen for everyone in the game.

If you know anything about computer programing then you too would understand the game more. In programing language the computer uses more then just basic math to do calculations and make a determinations of what to do, just a misplaced punctuation or lack there of can either prevent the program from running or the outcome of the program to be what you did not expect.

Too me, Silver Sky Magician, you are one of many who wants to keep the mage class down if not then tell us your suggestions to make things fair and balanced in the game.

Yes Silver Sky Magician it improves with support, I am looking at a screen shot of it now and this is what it shows (reflex boost (increases dex and converts 15% damage back to energy).) So you can compare it to reroute because reroute restores energy but improves with nothing and only reason reflex boost has a cool down of 2 as reroute had a cool down of 1 before the recent upgrade but after the upgrade has no cool down and because the blood lust has no cool down and restores health as you strike that is why reflex boost has a cool down of 2. Both don't require a weapon or a stat and yes the other difference is energy required.
So the bounty hunter has base dex and to add to that reflex boost, shadow arts, and enhancements from weapons and Armour, lets adding something else to help increase the dex of the bounty class to make things even more fair and balanced then it is. Since reflex boost does not require a stat you cannot say it is a supoort skill, support just improves it.

I have battle bounties with shadow arts on and with shadow arts off and with it on they blocked basically 90% of the battle with it off they did not block and Assimilation was not blocked so your comparison is flawed.

So again you have proved to me that you want to hold the mage class down.

Posts merged, please do not double post as it is considered spam; please use the button to add any additional information to your post. ~Illuminator

< Message edited by Illuminator -- 2/10/2011 19:31:39 >
Epic  Post #: 206
2/10/2011 16:34:42   

@Hun King You know what even after the moderators proved you wrong you continue to insist your right.You have eliminated the possibility that you can ever be wrong for a change.I have accpeeted that you have not.You still keep saying defence improves blocking chance it does not.And you say there is no luck factor in this game?Anything that has a chance is a chance you can get lucky and have that chance work for you.This game does have a luck factor you also fail again.I am done with discussion with ignorant players such as yourself who even try to prove the mods wrong.My comment was deleete because it was harsh but it was true.That is exactly how I see you based on your arguements.
AQW Epic  Post #: 207
2/10/2011 18:46:17   

@hun kingq- you continue to believe that all others (including mods) are incorrect. You continuously deny that the game works in certain ways (for example, def. Matrix only increases defense, not blocking chance) and are therefore denying the math of the game. Myself and others have tried to help you really understand the game and you have continued to deny us. You believe that things are unfairly balanced against mages. You need to realize that the things that happen in the game are caused by the RNG (random number generator). Certain skills and stats affect the outcome of the RNG, but They do not guarantee anything. Unfortunately I cannot make you think, believe, or understand anything that myself and everyone else is attemtping to prove to you. And I am not trying to make mages weaker than any other class as I plan on becoming a mage. I hope that someday you will comprehend the way the game works.
DF Epic  Post #: 208
2/10/2011 18:54:27   
Hun Kingq

IsaiahtheMage no one proved me wrong for one and I never wrote I was right I wrote what happened and what did not happened when I did one thing and did not do another. That equation cannot determine the correct block percentage because there is too many variables to be considered. So tell me this why every time I put on defense matrix and it only increases defense I block ten times more then without defense matrix. In computer programing there is no luck factor, you tell the computer what to do and it does. So your done with the discussion with yourself and to through derogatory statements towards someone because you disagree with them, shows the lack of maturity you do have.

I believe in making things fair and fun for all not for some so if one or two classes could takae away 30 plus points of energy then the other class should not be short changed but only players that don't want things to be fair and balanced out is mercs, bounty hunters, and players that are not truly mages but only become mages when they see things will improve for them. I became a mage from the begining and will stay a mage to an end and if I see things being unfair and flaws in the program I will point it out even though players don't like it, it does not matter because it has to be brought up.
Epic  Post #: 209
2/10/2011 18:58:46   

@hun kingq- We all want things to be fair, but what you seem to be suggesting is that all the classes be the same. How would that be fun? All the builds would be alike. It is possible to have fairness AND diversity. please try to understand this.
DF Epic  Post #: 210
2/10/2011 19:27:37   

@Hun King I said I was done but now your calling me immature.How am I the immature one here when I dont accuse everyone of being wrong when I was proved wrong?How your the one who shows the TRUE lack of maturity threw your actions of what you think is acceptable.To insist you are right when the mods even proved you wrong I finally realized what reruote did when a mod PMed me and told me and I believed the mod obviously yet you even go beyond my stubborness to listen to even refute the mods.I may be some bit stubborn and annoying some times but not to your extent.I want fairness for the mages to who I think are UPed but you cant even make suggestions on balance and fairness when you cant even understand the basics of this game.

< Message edited by IsaiahtheMage -- 2/10/2011 19:28:05 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 211
2/10/2011 20:50:57   

I want to remind everyone to keep this discussion civil, I don't want to have to warn people for flaming.

Hun Kingq:
The validity of what someone says has absolutely nothing to do with what class they are. Saying that mercs and bounty hunters only want to make the game so they win more is an assumption that cannot be proven. Similarly saying that only mages want to balance it and make is fair is an assumption that cannot be proven either. There are many players (such as myself) who don't care about their personal win % and just want the game to be fun and fair.

The way blocking is determined is: (taken from here)
Block Chance Adjustment = (Defender's Dexterity - Attacker's Dexterity) / 2
Block chance = 10% + Block Chance Adjustment
The chance to block can never be less than 4%
The chance to block can never be more than 45%

The fact is that there is luck involved in EpicDuel. No, you can't program luck into anything, however it is present by definition.
Luck: "A force that brings good fortune or adversity"

To show my point I'm going to use the example of a die.
A standard 6 sided die has an equal 16.667% chance to land on any of the 6 numbers. However that doesn't mean that you can't roll three 5s in a row. Each possible outcome is mutually exclusive and rolling a number from 1-6 is collectively exhaustive. (only one can happen at a time, and one of them MUST happen)

Let's say you have 100 dexterity and your opponent has 60 dexterity.
Your chance to block is: [(100-60)/2]+10=30%
Their chance to block is: [(60-100)/2]+10=-10% Since the minimum chance to block is 4% their chance to block=4%

Now let's say the game engine (random number generator) rolls a 100 sided die to determine whether an attack is a block or not. When they attack you if the number rolled is less than or equal to 30 then you block, if it is greater than 30 then you don't block. When you attack them if the number rolled is less than or equal to 4 then they block, if it is greater than 4 then they don't block.

Now, even if the battle lasted 200 rounds, and only blockable attacks were used it is entirely possible (though improbable) that when they attack you the number rolled is always greater than 30 and when you attack them the number rolled is always less than or equal to 4. (you never block, they always block)
The reason this can happen is because if a number is rolled the chance of it being rolled again is still exactly the same. If that situation above did happen then that is what we call luck.
Luck is a force that affects absolutely everything that isn't 100% insured to happen. Since block chance can never=100% or 0% luck will always effect it.

My point: No you cannot program luck into something, but it is still there because luck is not something that people put there, luck is simply a name that people gave to the event of something happening that they cannot control. Since you have no control over what number the RNG rolls, it is called luck. Luck is present in EpicDuel, you cannot deny it.

I have used all 3 classes, and have used all skills available to those classes; I have also done over 17,000 fights. In my experience neither hybrid armor nor defense matrix increase the chance to block. When I use them all it does is make them do less damage.
Based on the way you're proving your point that defense matrix increases the chance to block, I have successfully disproven your point with that last statement.
To prove that defense matrix increases the chance to block you would have to write down every turn in every fight you do and have the following information:

  • your dexterity and their dexterity
  • how many times each person blocked
  • whether or not defense matrix was activated at the time of the block
  • how many of the attacks were unblockable attacks (sidearm, aux, some skills)
  • If reflex boost or smokescreen was active at anytime during the fight and if so how much dexterity it gave or took away
  • If they had Shadow Arts, and if so what level it was

If you do that over the course of say 100 fights, and there in fact were more blocks when defense matrix was activated, then and only then will you have proven that defense matrix increases the chance to block.
Also note that generally anything fewer than 10 fights is not accepted as a valid sample size due to luck.

Now you're probably wondering why you have to prove that defense matrix effects block rates, but I don't have to prove that it doesn't. The answer to that is simple. Titan (the game designer) has said that only dexterity effects block rates. Since defense matrix doesn't increase your dexterity it does not effect block rates.

< Message edited by Illuminator -- 2/10/2011 20:52:41 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 212
2/10/2011 21:26:53   

Have fun and I'll cya on the battlefield :)

Edit: Deleted comment due to lack of evidence...

Is this discussion resolving anything?

< Message edited by Goony -- 2/11/2011 3:27:34 >
Epic  Post #: 213
2/10/2011 21:36:07   

i doubt hybrid increase block rate.
but in a way i do think defense matrix does because i remember always using defense matrix in 2 v s2 and i always ended up blocking a few times.
however shadow arts is just OP i mean i seen people with 45 dex and full shadow arts block 4 times in a row. (against a lvl 27, and the 4 blocks were only from blockable attacks i could only kill him with unblockables.)
so basicaly that dude had a 100% block because all i was using was unblockable for the kill.
AQW Epic  Post #: 214
2/10/2011 21:40:25   

@goony- thats a very interesting point, and I think ill do some testing, just to see what happens ;)
DF Epic  Post #: 215
2/10/2011 23:04:03   

@Goony: Unless you can get the statistical data to prove that, your idea is just a baseless guess right now.

Titan stated that Dexterity is the only thing affecting Block (this was prior to Shadow Arts being introduced). Unless he says otherwise (or you can prove otherwise), we should focus on known game mechanics when discussing balance. If we start conjecture what mechanics could be in place rather than what we know is in place, then we might as well throw out all the math behind balance because this will just be a guessing game. If you want to prove your point statistically, there lies the problem. You'll need to sample at least 298 unblockable attacks with Defense Matrix (and another 298 without it) to get your percent error to less than 5%. If you have the time to do these tests please do, but I don't have the time to do this, so I'll stick to the known and proven mechanics.

Our current knowledge of game mechanics show that you get +1% block rate for every 2 Dexterity you have greater than your opponent. That along with Shadow Arts are the only factors we should consider if we're going to discuss block rate. An attack that does minimum damage doesn't act differently than any other attack, so we don't need to consider a different block chance if we're dealing with minimum damage.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 216
2/11/2011 5:28:50   
Hun Kingq

Illuminator the equation is flawed because I battled many where they had extremely lower dex then I had they blocked and I did not, With over 11000 battles so I did battle over 100 strength mercs without defense matrix on I did not block but when I put defense matrix on I blocked and when I put defense matrix on and they knew this, instead of striking, they used the sidearm and was waiting for the defense matrix to disappear and when itdid, they struck I did not block. So when a person sees defense matrix on, block, defense matrix off, no block, so one can assume the defense matrix has an affect on the block rate.

I know what each stat pertains to and what it does and I looked at all the information on the game, I know about the equation and still no one has proven that defense matrix does not help increase the chance to block.

IsaiahtheMage when you call people names, curse someone or make a derogatory statement because you disagree with someone it shows lack of maturity. According to a lot of other players of the non-mage class I noticed majority of them think the mage class is not under powered and when suggestions are made to give the mage better defense like the one with the armor or having reroute give extra points to dexterity, look at what players write, indicating to me they don't want the mage class to improve but want to keep that class down. To make the perception that I don't know the basics of the game is a huge lack of judgement on your part.

tigura: What is wrong with making the amount on energy that EMP and Atom smasher take at level 10 equal to what assimilation takes at level 10, when not blocked, when I see that at level 10 the EMP is to take away only 29 points of energy but at level 7 it took away 39 points of energy that brings a huge lack of fairnes into the battle especially if the class that the energy is taken away from needs energy for basically every skill he or she has. You can't make the build exactly the same because each skill does a different function so to make the assumption that you did it is quite clear that you do not understand any of my suggestions. The Random Number Generator appears to be flawed or broken if one or two classes could block more often then the other with lower dex and high defense.

People may believe luck is present in Epic Duel but it isn't and you can't prove it exists.
Epic  Post #: 217
3/7/2011 11:26:18   
Crovile V2

Luck is an integral part of any event occurring. Just like Illuminator stated above luck is like a roll of dice, the chance of any event occurring is more or less the same. The difference of dex only increases those chances. True that at times there might be people who might possess about 30 dex lower to you, but the minimal chances of the event of block occuring is still retained to a minimum of 4%. I am no great at maths but I do know some small essentials of it. If anyone has ever come across a particular chapter called Permutation & Combination in maths, you will know more of what Illuminator had stated above. Neither Defense Matrix nor Hybrid Armor contributes to dex which is the only factor affecting blocks. Both DM & HA are however equivalent to only a particular amount of Dex points, for eg. +1 added defense is equivalent to 3 stat points on dex. But neither of them influence dex at all in any way.

Deflects, Blocks, Crits, Stun & First Strike are all the same & occur in the same fashion & all retain a particular chance of either occurring or not. The build we make only influences those factors. And none of them can ever be reduced to zero.

< Message edited by AVA -- 3/7/2011 11:26:18 >
Post #: 218
2/11/2011 7:54:19   
Silver Sky Magician

@ Hun Kingq

Luck is present of EpicDuel in the form of variables. Every turn, there is a chance of you critting, being blocked or being deflected. I am NOT scared of the mage class being buffed. Why would I be so? I don't play EpicDuel for the sake of winning battles brainlessly. I play for the challenge, and if I want to be domineering and just easily defeating everyone, I would not be here.

Your conclusions are completely illogical. How does me criticising your flawed understanding and logic have anything to do with me wanting the mage class to 'stay the weakest', which they are not? It is simply harder to make an efficient build for mages. And isn't EpicDuel all about challenging oneself to do just that? Currently the 'heal loop build' is considered dead and unviable, however some experienced mages, through strategising, have found an improved heal loop build here. Do you think mages are being squashed? Or unable to evolve and adapt?

How exactly did my posts prove that I want mages to stay 'overwhelmingly underpowered'? Moreover I made the extremely flawed Shadow Arts comparison as a parallel to your equally flawed Defense Matrix one. Blocking more with the absence of Shadow Arts is an exception to general rule, just like your Defense Matrix experiences.

Why do you conclude my experiences are false and flawed, but yours are correct and reliable? How can you conclude this? What makes my experiences less reliable than yours? And if you notice, I did not conclude that Shadow Arts decreases blocking rate based on my observations. You cannot conclude that Defense Matrix affects blocking chance because other variables are present. This is very basic. You should have learnt this in primary school.

Again, not all factors should be the same. Since bounty hunters have an unblockable stun and energy drain, shouldn't mercs have the same thing? Since mercs have hybrid armour, shouldn't bounty hunter and mages have the same thing? Since bounty hunters have bloodlust, why can't mercs and mages have it too? The same applies for reroute, right?

Why are bounty hunters the only class with a DoT skill? What about mercs and mages? Why are plasma bolt and overload and plasma rain all energy? Shouldn't they be physical like bunker buster and artillery strike? Why do mages have a skill that buffs gun damage? Bounty hunters and mercs should have this too, right? Since dexterity improves blocking chance and technology does not, why can't mages have smokescreen? Isn't this downright unfair?

So just what do you think will happen if you want all these skills to be the same? What will be the difference between bounty hunters, mercs and mages? Looks?

And the reason I said Reflex Boost was a support skill is because it has to be activated using a turn. There are three types of skills: active or offensive, like Overload, supportive, like Field Medic, and passive, like Reroute. Would you call blood shield a passive skill? Thus how can a passive skill like Reroute be compared to a supportive skill like Reflex Boost? Can you compare an active skill like Double Strike to a passive skill like Deadly Aim, as they both improve damage (Double Strike the damage of that attack, Deadly Aim the base gun damage)?

Mages' skills increase with stats just as much or even more than bounty hunters. Please quote specific examples and explanations when emphasizing your 'incredibly great insight' into this game, which I seriously doubt now that you even claim that there is no luck, or random factor, in this game. You don't even understand why strength mercs use their sidearms when you activate defense matrix. It is because their usage of limited energy will not be as efficient with the presence of defense matrix, so they use energy unblockables instead. Not because they are scared of being blocked. Even if they are it is probably due to your high 96 dex, not your defense matrix.

You use the overriding and overgeneralised claim that 'whoever criticises my awesome suggestions is wrong and a mage-hater', while failing to logically and directly refute arguments. Kindly do so.

< Message edited by Silver Sky Magician -- 2/11/2011 8:25:29 >
Post #: 219
2/11/2011 17:03:56   


luck is like a roll of dice

actualy dude if ur a pro at rolling dice u can make it land on the same number every time.
it all depends on how ur dice is positioned on ur hand and how u throw it aswell as how much power ur using.
so if u can angle it right on ur hand and use right amount of power and do it right WITH SKILL.
then u can make a dice land on six every time.
AQW Epic  Post #: 220
2/11/2011 17:10:24   

@goldslayer1: This is true, however in this situation you are not the one rolling the dice, the dealer/game master is the one rolling the dice. Further, how many people do you know that can do that? That can consistently make it land on the number they want, I don't know any myself.


Illuminator the equation is flawed because I battled many where they had extremely lower dex then I had they blocked and I did not, With over 11000 battles so I did battle over 100 strength mercs without defense matrix on I did not block but when I put defense matrix on I blocked and when I put defense matrix on and they knew this, instead of striking, they used the sidearm and was waiting for the defense matrix to disappear and when itdid, they struck I did not block. So when a person sees defense matrix on, block, defense matrix off, no block, so one can assume the defense matrix has an affect on the block rate.

"The plural of 'anecdote' is not 'data'" ~Frank Kotsonis.
The AQ balance team ran into a similar problem in the balance section for AQ and they addressed it here.
I'm sure there are many cases like that, however I'm also sure there are many cases with the exact opposite hence giving the statistical average. Also is it at all possible that they used their sidearm because it was energy while their primary was physical and they didn't want to hit your higher defense? If so many people know that defense matrix increase the chance to block then why is no one agreeing with you?


I know what each stat pertains to and what it does and I looked at all the information on the game, I know about the equation and still no one has proven that defense matrix does not help increase the chance to block.

The reason no one has proven that it doesn't is because the burden of proof lies upon the one asserting the claim that is different from the accepted norm. It is accepted that defense matrix does not increase the chance to block, as such the burden of proof rests solely upon the shoulders of those who think it does increase the chance to block.

Burden of Proof: "When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on the person asserting a claim"
legal definition of Burden of Proof: "The burden of proof is the obligation to shift the accepted conclusion away from an oppositional opinion to one's own position."

As such we do not have to prove that it doesn't effect it because the game devs have said that it doesn't so it is accepted that it doesn't. Do the testing and present your data and then people will accept that defense matrix increases the chance to block (if it does).


tigura: What is wrong with making the amount on energy that EMP and Atom smasher take at level 10 equal to what assimilation takes at level 10, when not blocked, when I see that at level 10 the EMP is to take away only 29 points of energy but at level 7 it took away 39 points of energy that brings a huge lack of fairnes into the battle especially if the class that the energy is taken away from needs energy for basically every skill he or she has.

Because EMP and Atom Smasher do not deal damage as well as take energy, due to this neither gives the attacker any rage points while assimilation DOES give the attacker rage points. Further, assimilation not only costs the mage 0 energy but also gives some of that back to them. EMP and Atom Smasher do neither. If you want to make EMP and Atom Smasher equal to assimilation then they would need to also cause damage, cost 0 energy, and give some energy back to the attacker. Or you could make assimilation cost energy and not do damage (which means no rage build) but make it take more energy.


People may believe luck is present in Epic Duel but it isn't and you can't prove it exists.

I think I proved very thoroughly that luck exists and is present in EpicDuel.

I fear that we may be drifting off topic. This thread is for discussing ways to make ED more balanced, so let's stick to that, not how the game works now.
AQ Epic  Post #: 221
2/11/2011 18:37:18   

@hun kingq- I was going to comment on your statement, illuminator has taken the words out of my mouth.Basically, assimilate has effects that EMP and atom smash do not. Therefore, if you want them to take away only 10 energy (or have assimilate take away a higher amount), then all of assimilate's other effects would have to apply to the other two as well.
DF Epic  Post #: 222
2/12/2011 12:49:32   
The Doctor

For the record, luck is technically a part of balance.
At least, the amount of an effect it has on balance is.

Now, I think it would be better if it had less of an effect.
After all, no one can be "good" at luck... it just doesn't work that way.

Thank you,
~The Doctor
Epic  Post #: 223
2/12/2011 13:20:51   
Quantum Mod

I saw a suggestion for awhile back for people to be able to see the actual chances they had to hit,block,deflect, or crit their opponent while also being able to see their opponents ability to do the same towards them. I believe such a change would be very beneficial for multiple reasons. The first being that it's not information that's not supposed to be known, it simply isn't calculated for us like our damage and defense/resistance. The second being that it would add another element of planning and risk taking, such as knowingly using strike instead of a gun because their chance to block is lower than their chance to deflect. Being able to see these factors would allow players to play smarter as well as not be so hateful towards these invisible forces they seemingly can't control.

< Message edited by Omni -- 2/12/2011 13:21:09 >
Post #: 224
2/13/2011 8:38:25   

@Illuminator regarding the armor issue: It's no more of a disadvantage than not having a gun or aux. The reason armors would need a considerable buff is because without it, strength builds would still dominate. Armors should be similar to weapons in power.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 225
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