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Overpowered Build Cycle

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3/28/2011 16:41:55   

As we all know no matter how things are going there is always atleast 1 class and build that seems overpowered. When this happens for an extended period of time the dev usually step in to "fix" the problem, but no matter what they do it those overpowered build find there way back mainly because of gear(stat inflation). Str Bounties have always seemed to be around they've been nerfed a couple times but they alway manage to find there way back. Mercs curently have 3 builds that seem extremely powerful mostly the str merc, sup merc, and 5 focus tech merc, str mercs and sup mercs have been nerfed in the past but they still found there way back. Mages dont currently have a "overpowered build" they have good builds but no overpowed build. mages use to have heal looping but that was pretty much destroyed, and they are the only ones that this has happend to. Why? because when a build is overpowered its overpowered because of abuseing a specific stat and skill. when the devs step in to "fix" the problem they usually nerf the skill thats bein abused. but in the case of mages they did something that they never did before they nerfed the skill that they were abusing(field medic) and they nerfed the stat that they were abusing(Health). and thats the reason y mages overpowered build has been unable to return.

So doesnt it seem a bit unfair that the mages had there overpowered build completely taken away because of a stat and skill nerf. and the other classes have only had there abused skill nerfed, thus allowing there overpowered builds to make a comback. what are your thoughts? what do u think should be done?

Personaly i think that they either need to remove agility or bring the Feild Medic cooldown back to 3. (not that it would realy matter cuz im pretty sure we still wouldnt be able to keep up with mercs and bountys)

or they could give the other classes a double nerf. but i dont realy like that idea

< Message edited by BloodRainbow -- 3/29/2011 22:39:46 >
Epic  Post #: 1
3/29/2011 7:35:41   

1st Mages should do healloop
Reason : Mages are slow , so their ratio has to be more higher than Fast builds

2nd STR BH isnt OPED
Reason: Most of the time i lose to varium players because of luck factor

3rd STR Mercs OPED

Reason: They are super fast and their ratio is +%85 this means they are OPED than healloop :S
Im %100 sure admins will not nerf them because Cyber Shillelagh nobody can explain me this wep basicly designed for making Str mercs oped ,When admins need money they always do 1 class oped for earn money from class changes :S , this is the reality


Epic  Post #: 2
3/29/2011 11:12:07   
King FrostLich

I think heal looping should return :3. Take a look, high hp builds would mean very low defenses and that would mean easy to hit, but high in healing. AT the same time, there have been rage nerfs, block nerfs, even a crit nerf. Have this as an example:

Str mercs can take down people with their so called 2 turn stun, berserk move. They can take out over more than 100+ hp. Mages with heal loop builds always have 130-150 builds. If the mage has 21-26 defense(63 dexterity)against a merc who has 124 str with a physical weapon whose base damage is 32(31-38 +32 strength damage) If I calculate the damage of maul with its 20% defense and mage gets stunned. Maul's damage would reach over 48-52 damage. Add berserker with the 15% defense ignore since mage gets stunned. The merc can simply do a 15,15,47 damage and if you add all the total damage....the mage gets damaged by 125-129 damage which ALMOST kills him/her in combat. ANd even if heal will save them for now. The merc can always use their gun(lets say physical in this example) which does 45 at minimum damage which is still very overpowered.
Epic  Post #: 3
3/29/2011 11:24:26   

I think heal looping should come back so then str mercs (who were originally made to kill HL mages anyways) can pwn them and then people can go back to whining...

< Message edited by 8rlx0 -- 3/29/2011 15:22:51 >


Epic  Post #: 4
3/29/2011 11:43:33   

Heal loop is very irritating in 2v2 get 2 heal loopers and gg have fun enjoy an uber long battle which have unknown results. i made my mage a uber heal looping 2v2 mage when heal loop was around. I say agi,focus and heal cool down are bad cause they restrict builds i rather the devs give reroute an energy requirment mages hate so it is way better cause they waste stats to get thier 8-10 reroute i think agi should be removed but teh heal cool down still stays. and the devs just add in a energy requiment on reroute.


AQW Epic  Post #: 5
3/29/2011 16:23:20   

Everyone's just being byist towards their own class ..
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 6
3/29/2011 16:38:13   

well I play all 3 classes. to be successful with a mage you need to be skilled and understand the other players build and even then its no
cakewalk. im levelling a new merc and my 1v1 is 289 wins - 40 losses. and i dont think you can say im abusing any stat. heres my build
and i rarely use Field Commander http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y184/sn1gger/screenie1.png . a mage can beat me if he stuns and
then blasts me, or hes very shrewd and just uses bludgeon and aux/gun. otherwise i stomp all over em. only mercs who beat me are
double bunker buster mercs or those who mix BB/artillery strike and surgical strike together in a varied attack. and only bhs that beat
me have max smoke screen and usually need to go first. says to me their is some major balance issue especially with mercs and mages.

bounty hunters seem pretty balanced, they have good offensive and defensive plus at least 4 working builds. [Yes bounty is my main]

I dont think their is a single nerf that would make everything alot better, instead it needs a ton of tweaks IMO.
Post #: 7
3/30/2011 19:56:51   

The problem isn't JUST with overpowered builds the problem is that dex doesn't block anymore or at the very least it rarely does. Hence, we have Mercenaries with little dex smacking the life out of us even though our dex is double theirs and I don't mean just one hit I mean they can hit us every single time. Example for me the other day was a strength merc with 42 in dex and I had 93. We met in battle six times on one day and I didn't block him once ... not once. The next day I met him for one battle once again and I blocked all of his attempts just for that ONE battle. Far too inconsistent for my liking.
We have Bounty Hunters ... what can I say ... not only does their dex stink (not all but most) but they continue to hit us with bots or whatever they want to throw at us (even when we aren't smoked) then block, deflect and crit us. Go figure!

I have just gone back to being a mage (my original class) after changing to mercenary and reintroducing the merc strength build to combat the plague of strength bounty hunters. I made sure I gave my strength merc build to the appropriate people so that the plague of strength bounty hunters would dissipate. Aiding my attempt Titan and Nightwraith brought out the cyber shillelagh. Fine I thought ... I can now go back to mage.
I had an idea for a good mage build however Dex works so poorly in blocking anyone including lower levels with only 30 in dex.

So back to the overpowered discussion ... its not the builds that are overpowered its just that dex is failing so very badly. Far far too inconsistent in regards to blocking.
The game engine is in dire need of repair but I think that either our game developers have given up on trying or are maybe too stubborn to admit that there is a problem. I don't mean to sound harsh but blind freddy can see that the ingame problems are not being addressed adequately.
The battles themselves are not at all what this game started out like for me. It showed so much promise that I invested perhaps far more into it than I should have but then we were promised a lot more too which is still to be implemented a year later.

I just wish our game developers would bring back fair fights where investing points into certain stats would make you feel confident that you could go into battle with a certain build, knowing exactly how it would work, its strengths and its weaknesses and at the end of the battle be able to say Grrr8 game after a fair fight was had.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 8
3/30/2011 20:03:34   


As one of the moderators have said. In their system there is no such thing as "Luck" factor. Don't start convincing us that you're losing to B.H because of "Luck". I've already seen everyone start spamming saying Mercenaries are lucky with their stun. The stun has a max of 40% chance. It is Chance not Luck.

On Topic: Please don't whine about "Over-Powered Builds" you are just to lazy of making one yourself, as of everyone else. I've seen many good players that took hours making a build and there's always a large group that steals it. Point: Make your own Build!


ED~ Inception X
HS~ Chromium
AQW~ Deathblad
AQ3D~ Violent

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
3/30/2011 20:31:16   

I'm thinking we could end this problem forever just by Equalizing the Stat Values, Standardizing everything, and equalizing the skill ratios. It doesn't need to be some overdrawn and over-arduous process.

< Message edited by PD -- 3/30/2011 20:35:04 >


No more.
Post #: 10
3/30/2011 20:41:05   

Bravo PD. Yep just bring everything back to a level playing field. Stop the nerfs and buffs and ridiculous extra skills ... all the fancy schmancy stuff and bring on a fair fight. One where you stick your stats where you want and know your build is going to work like you meant it to.

Unfortunately, I asked the Dev's about this a fair while ago but they will NOT undo the things they have done. Therefore, its just a huge headache allround (well not for the dev's anyway) lol.

< Message edited by Shadronica -- 3/30/2011 20:51:30 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 11
3/30/2011 20:50:14   
Hun Kingq

People keep going on about luck factor when there is none. If you want to block against strength mercs and beat them raise your dex where it makes your defnse equal at least 29 or 30 and your tech where it has your resistance at 28 or 29, if you don't block at that level then increase it.

Why try to out power them with low defense and resistance? It is better to out last with good defense and resistance and win the battle then to complain about it.

Epic  Post #: 12
3/30/2011 20:52:29   

^ DOH! *facedesk*
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 13
3/30/2011 21:48:14   


On Topic: Please don't whine about "Over-Powered Builds" you are just to lazy of making one yourself, as of everyone else. I've seen many good players that took hours making a build and there's always a large group that steals it. Point: Make your own Build!

im not whining about "overpowered builds". and i said nothin of me havin problems with making builds. so where any of this come from, idk, but it has nothing to do with my origonal post.
Epic  Post #: 14
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