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RE: =ED= The Controversy of Fame

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4/8/2011 15:12:45   

@Cinderella: I do understand the intended purpose of the Fame feature but seeing as it is not functioning as intended I was merely offering an alternative use. The feature is clearly not intended as a way to get free achievements from players in game. I can understand if we were all asked to refer our friends to our player pages to show off our stuff and invite them to add "Fame" and then perhaps interest them in playing for a while. Since that's not what's happening I was just thinking of a new use for a flawed feature. BTW, having a thread that encourages fame for fame makes this worse and promotes less outside interaction, not more. Perhaps a re-think of that thread is in order. I agree that removing the feature in game is a good idea but how do you stop begging? The genie is out of the bottle on that one. Given the easy access we all have to player pages from this forum and in game, I do not see a simple way to stop it. Also it would have been nice if we were asked in advance of the features launch to use it in the manner you intended it to be used and gave incentives (achievement badge?) for referring a friend like many of the other AE games do on occasion. Just a thought.


@Sparticus- the problem with restricting fame to battle is that it undermines the entire purpose of fame, which is to stretch the advertising budget. it's supposed to expose people to EpicDuel who wouldn't otherwise be exposed to the game. Maybe taking fame out of the in-game interactions would be better (and make my job easier, but I love anything that makes my job easier, lol)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 101
4/10/2011 3:23:19   

How do you feel about fame? absolutely something to curse about
Do you want fame gone completely? don't think so
Do you feel that fame can stay if there are certain limitations imposed? affirmitive
If so, what are limitations on fame you would place? ban begging talk on ED

AQW Epic  Post #: 102
4/10/2011 5:13:46   

it sucks, i got insulted because i didnt fame him, look at this screenie.


i feel sad now.

< Message edited by Shredder150 -- 4/10/2011 5:17:23 >
DF  Post #: 103
4/10/2011 5:20:34   

1. How do you feel about fame?
Its not a bad idea, but functionality-wise it was horribly implemented.

2. Do you want fame gone completely?
I wouldn't mind if this would happen, I don't care about my fame or other people's at all.

3. Do you feel that fame can stay if there are certain limitations imposed?
Above answer fits here too.

4. If so, what are limitations on fame you would place?
- Only players should be able to fame other players, thus we should be able to fame someone only in-game and not on char webpage, and limit the number of fame clicks to 3 per day. This way a certain player won't be able to ask for F4Fs any longer because he could only fame back 3 people a day.
- Fame points should remain displayed on char page, but the voting button must go in order to prevent anonymous vote abusing.

< Message edited by Drianx -- 4/10/2011 5:21:59 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 104
4/10/2011 5:21:01   

@Above above I know how it feels, just because they won you, they think they could just pick on you, theres lots of hurtful people out there. You can PM the Lawman with the screenie.

The thing about fame is people overexagerate about it. As soon as you go in a fight, you will see at least one person crying "Fame me please". EpicDuel is PvP and have fun, not being famous. Nothing very special about fame, all you can get from it is an achiement, and to be on the leaderboards, which I find completely useless, I mean, your famous and you get an achiement from it... makes no total sense.

The chat log is now spamed with the word "fame". Its annoying to see people spam "fame me", especially the higher levels like to pick on the little ones.

My idea is too remove it, end of my speech.

EDIT: @below confusing with all those words, so your saying it was both of your fault?

< Message edited by DarkNight1223 -- 4/10/2011 5:25:50 >
Post #: 105
4/10/2011 5:23:00   

actually, he begged me for fame and then he said i reported him for no reason and then said i will be banned =.=" . i said no to fame because i said fame me first. then he said no, i wont fame you.he asked for the fame first.

they should make the word fame spam so noone can type it ;D

< Message edited by Shredder150 -- 4/10/2011 5:25:56 >
DF  Post #: 106
4/22/2011 17:44:25   
Thylek Shran

How do you feel about fame? It gives people goals and something to do beside duels
Do you want fame gone completely? No, that would piss off people that worked on fame
Do you feel that fame can stay if there are certain limitations imposed? Yes
If so, what are limitations on fame you would place? Mute players that use the words "fame" and "f4f" during a duel


v.35.3 (2016-01-23) ~ beam.to/shran
DF Epic  Post #: 107
7/11/2011 11:21:56   

Is someone really famous when all they have done is asked people for fames anoying the whole ED community...??

Why not change the fame feature to only be able to fame those after the end of a battle right next to the victory/ Defeat sign their should be a Fame your opponent button, This way players can only obtain fames if their opponenet thinks they did well in a battle or if thier oppenent thinks the person they just faught is famous. If this where the only way to fame people, maybe obtaining large amounts of fame would reliey less on swapping fames and more on immpressing your oppenenet with smart strategies etc.

What do you guys think???

< Message edited by Remorse -- 7/11/2011 11:43:36 >
Epic  Post #: 108
7/11/2011 11:25:34   
TTG Sean

im Surprised it doesn't cost varium to fame
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 109
7/11/2011 11:30:40   

^ shhhhh!!! don't give them the idea xD
Epic  Post #: 110
7/11/2011 11:34:38   
Epic Pwnser

I'm amazed that the devs haven't found a solution to this f4f madness.
I guess it will stay as ED's most annoying feature to date.

I think your suggestion remorse, would help with the faming, the question is, if it will stop people from asking f4f?


im Surprised it doesn't cost varium to fame

Me too lol. Every update it seems has a varium twinge to it.
Why can't they make more free content?
They already killed the heck out of $50 overpriced packages.
With all that profit, why can't they hire more people and make more features more REGULARLY.

So I like the idea of the fame button at the end of battles.


Epic  Post #: 111
7/11/2011 11:35:54   
TTG Sean

Fame is Dumb Every 2v2 Game I Go In I get three kids going oH AI THERE SEAN WANT TO FAME ME FOR MORE FAME! Its A Stupid Tool and Utterly USELESS To This Game /rant
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 112
7/11/2011 11:41:21   

@epic, I think it will stop the asking or at least minimize it, as it would be alot harder to swap fames if my idea was going ahead. After all who would fame the other person back if their was no way of checking in time before the other players is gone ?? I can imagine fame swapping would be stopped but as for asking for fames at the end of a fight that might still continue , but hey it's a start :P

@sean, thats exactly what i think it should be about, respecting your oppenet. I know I for one would fame all those who manage to defeat me in a fair battle, i'd even fame those who put up an amazing fight but maybe got unlucky, who knows. But it would be alot better than the current fame feature.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 7/11/2011 11:47:45 >
Epic  Post #: 113
7/11/2011 11:46:12   
Lord Barrius

Merged related topics.

Keep the discussion of Fame and your like/dislike in this thread, don't go branching into other threads.
Post #: 114
7/11/2011 12:53:24   

This fame feature is crap. If the Dev's ain't gonna change it, get rid of it, it's useless.
I guess the fame thing was a alright thing for like 2 minutes, then it just went lame.

You got people like Zeal & the rest of the parrots keep on spamming the samething over & over & it does nothing than pee of people constantly, still nothing is happening about this fame thing.
How are we supose to stop these parrots? Virtual Crackers just don't work.
Rules won't work, cause it's the Dev's fault for releasing something so silly. New Rule! 'You beg for Fame in-game & you will be muted for 24 hours.' Wouldn't work. It's already started, we need a new system for it or just get rid of it all together.

Are the Dev's discussing a new system for this Fame feature or had it been forgotten & we have to stick with it now?
Also, when I report this beggers for harrassing me, what happens?

AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 115
7/11/2011 12:58:30   

Humm... Thing is, the cheevos related to fame are free. I think this is what makes them so appealing. If you compare how it cost to fire cannons and get the 2 cheevos related to that or the one for owning houses...
Epic  Post #: 116
7/11/2011 13:19:09   

How do you feel about fame? It's Ok, the only bad part is when they swear if you don't fame them.
Do you want fame gone completely? No, free cheevos are nice. And (some)people get pissed off if it's gone, due to their hard work.
Do you feel that fame can stay if there are certain limitations imposed? Yes, improve the chat filter.
If so, what are limitations on fame you would place? Above.

I ask for fame in battles too (rarely though, I mainly NPC), but I don't get rude if people say no. I fame back if someone asks me to. I actually like fame because of the cheevos, but I don't really see the point in it. Fame for clicking? Seriously? But if you go on the leaderboards, you're famous, if you go to FB/twitter etc. and post your name and Char Page link you get famous with the community somewhat, and people may get interested in ED, meaning more profit. Makes sense innit? It's the effort you put in to spreading your character page link that makes you 'famous'.

Increasing outside interactions and advertisements with fame is good, but we have to lower the in-game interactions with fame.
EDIT: Remorse's idea is VERY, VERY good. Add this to Xendran and Khimera's stat suggestions and instant happiness form all players.
My twist to Remorse's idea:
Allow faming on Char pages so that outside interaction can be secured. But remove the character page link from in-game (Character webpage button in stat page), and you can only fame people once a day, like the current system. Also remove fame requests in-game and improve the chat system.

< Message edited by Monstrocon -- 7/11/2011 13:52:57 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 117
7/11/2011 15:06:24   

I had this idea a while ago and it got lost somewhere in here...

How about a hourly fame rate for people on the leaderboard ?

Maybe 5 fame/per hour in any top 15 board and 10 fame/per hour if first.

That is one constructive way to earn fame... I'm sure you guys can come up with something else
Epic  Post #: 118
7/19/2011 1:41:45   
Sipping Cider

How do you feel about fame?I think it is a great way to get new players to join epic duel and i am happy with that so i have more people to battle and stuff,However, the begging is annoying and like others said it has nothing to do with dueling
Do you want fame gone completely? sorta but i am ok with it for now
Do you feel that fame can stay if there are certain limitations imposed? yes
If so, what are the limitations on fame you would place? Some one already had this idea, but if you could only fame after a you fought someone so the idea is that you fame people that are good battlers and you could not beg as much when just walking around, although begging during battle would still occur. I also think it takes up room on the leaderboards and should be removed

Epic  Post #: 119
7/23/2011 21:02:57   

How do you feel about fame? I got use to it.
Do you want fame gone completely? Ehh i think it can stay now.
Do you feel that fame can stay if there are certain limitations imposed? It's fine as it is.


AQW Epic  Post #: 120
8/23/2011 13:29:28   

The word Fame should be blocked, or f4f. Anything close to that should be blocked too, then there would be some real "deserving" fame going on instead of the begging done by most people. Fame shouldn't be mentioned, it should be silently given without obligation and only because you fell that another person deserves it.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 121
8/23/2011 13:47:58   
Synbad Syndicated

well like the ignore button you all so eagerly asked for. it should have a three/fourth way system for all players. one, there's a small circular colored button next to the character indicating the ignore feature has been turned on by that player. two, while it is on everyone will know not to talk to you and no comments can be made be made what so ever by the player either. three, the button will appear in multiple places. your friends list, your faction, and lastly directly next to the icon of the players character.

edit: instead the black circle should turn a certain color when the ignore feature is activated. as well as render any clicking on you or any other players character page utterly useless.

< Message edited by phrax -- 8/23/2011 13:51:02 >
Post #: 122
10/2/2011 17:56:59   

How do you feel about fame? Meh, it's alright.
Do you want fame gone completely? No. It's a good idea, it simply didn't work at all.
Do you feel that fame can stay if there are certain limitations imposed? Maybe...
If so, what are limitations on fame you would place? Kill off facebook comments entirely. Somehow block begging and asking for fame IN-GAME. Remove the daily leaderboard.

The word "fame" says it all. Why is there a daily leaderboard for who got the most fame?
Fame should be for really FAMOUS people (nightangel, Zeal overlord, EndTime, among others). Fame has torn apart the game into a competition to see who can get the most little numbers on a screen. This game isn't a social network, it's a battle engine. And if we can't all understand that, I fear for the future of ED.
If it weren't for fame, maybe we could have:

New battle modes
Bag slots for credits
Many more.

Fame should stay ONLY to recognize those who contributed something worthwhile to the community, not just sit there and copy paste "f4f" into every battle.

Post edited, since the part that was directed at another post has been deleted. ~Mecha

< Message edited by Mecha Mario -- 10/2/2011 20:12:27 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 123
10/2/2011 17:58:28   
Fay Beeee

+ 1 and good luck


Epic  Post #: 124
10/2/2011 18:07:59   

i think it should be disabled....don't like it and the lag associated with it is huge....it adds nothing
AQW Epic  Post #: 125
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