all these players and factions were a vital part to the epic duel game. just correcting ur spelling :) Edit: Just saying next time when you have a huge piece of text put it through word i found multiple mistakes i corrected them all I wanted to create this thread for the old members of epic duel and to make a shout out to them and how we will never forget them. Rules. The Epic Duel Discussion Forum Rules and Universal Forum Rules APPLY here. No spamming * No flaming * No asking to be upgraded * No mini-modding * No Woot first post, it's considered spam. You may use ONLY one signature per page. You may use ONLY three smileys per post. Do not quote the person above you. Double/triple/quadruple or higher post is NOT allowed, use the Edit button instead. Or post it after someone else posts a new one. If you post an image or a screenshot, please make it a link only. Do not post YouTube links unless it has to do with this thread Things to post:. . Old Members of this game. . Old factions . Old weapons. . Pretty much anything that is gone or inactive today. I created this thread, because i was looking up old friends on the character pages, and made me think of all the old members that are gone, and i was wondering who/what do you guys miss? some things i miss are... 1.) Legit, although they are still here, and are pretty active. i miss the days were i could look at the leader board and see the Blue and White colors of legit in first place. 2.) Trizkial... all though we did not talk much, i still considered you as a good friend. And a legit ally. Good luck at knight of the round, hope things turn out the way you wanted. 3.) bunjira, we still talk sometimes, but not as much as before.. And i will never forget the days were we would stay up for hours and hours, talking about who we are fighting xD. 4.)Skellz, you were a great friend. 5.) Legit again, and I’m not talking about the days where they were on the lb. but also right now. as that is my number one faction. And always will be no matter what. i miss being in it, and i will return home soon ;D and for now that is all i could think of.. But I will think of more and add on to it later. so comment it if you have any shout outs, and old members you miss : ) also i think they should make this like the accomplishment thread and congratulation thread, because all these players and factions were a vital part to the epic duel game.
< Message edited by jegaggin -- 4/8/2011 4:59:23 >