I rarely post on this forum because some people don't take the time to read the whole post they just read some of it, read half or less and doesn't know the whole story and makes an ignorant post later. The reason I play ED is because of the community. I like the community. Its really good, but sometimes these new gamma players ruin it almost. Not ALL OF THEM ruin it, but some of them do. It makes me really sad :( Sometimes Im having lots of fun and this guy says something very rude to me thinking he is being funny. I do not have very good grammer, but I try , because I am chinese ^^. Oh and one time, this guy was being EXTREMELY racist at oz 7. I rarely go there just to have a normal convo and all I see is "f4f" "titan ruined my build!" "can i have var?" "DOES ANYONE HAVE A LVL 20+ ACCOUNT TO GIVE ME" Today I was happy though, I had a normal convo with this guy in oz and it made my day xD. The new fame thing too... Everyone spams. Now I know MOST people have spammed at least ONCE after the fame thing. Its because we all want fame. Now if the people that spam it all the time just stopped spamming then no one would spam except for those ignorant ones and no one would fame them. I say that because most people who say fame is stupid swallow their pride and beg for fame just to keep up their reputation or to win rising star.I can't really explain what I mean in words.. but its like... you see this guy with 1000 fame and you only have 300.. you wanna get more fame than them.. YES I know it now! Jealousy! I don't know why the admins invented fame. It was suggest on forums and everyone agreed it was gonna be a bad idea. Then like 3 weeks later fame comes. xD Oh well. I think they should block "ff4f" the word "fame" and the only way you can fame people is if you lose or win a battle and then just like how when you beat a boss npc ur facebook thing pops up, there should be a fame button that pops up, and you can fame them or not to fame them by clicking cancel. That way, people will be more encouraged to fight, rather than sit all day and beg for fame. Everyone wins then! People who want fame still get fame, they might play more to become better so they win more, therefore getting more fame, and people won't get annoyed by the people who used to spam fame, because... the word "fame" is blocked! ;D There should still be the fame button on the char page though, so you ED can attract more people. I know lots of people who would agree with shad.. Epicness tells me everyday on what he feels about the ED community. I still like the community because there is still a chance they can change. Some will change for the better, some will change for the worse. Sorry if this confused you because my grammer was bad... but I took a long time typing this so you can have a better reading experience :) ~ iamawesome