Scrambled Egg Equip Slot: Body Damage Ranges: 71 Damage Type: Ballistic Hits: 2 or 5 Energy: 61 Cooldown: 0 Bonuses: Dodge +5, Boost +5 Special Effects: (Attack 1 - 2 hits) "Damage DoT", 2 turns, Bonus/Boost -25 then -50 for opponent. "Damage increasing over time", 2 turns, your bonus +20, then +40. (Attack 2 - 2 hits) "Accuracy DoT", 2 turns, Bonus -25 then -50. (5 hits) 2x Accuracy increased by 20 for 3 turns for you. [Boost/Bonus +40] "Scrambled Circuitry" - 2x HP DoT for 2 turns Combos: None Note: All hits need to be successful for full effects as shown. Description: Chooses randomly from the three attacks of the Egg. That's scrambled! Attack Images: Attacking 1!, Attacking 2!, Attacking 3! *Thanks to #13 for infos and attacking images!*