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How can something be OP?

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5/6/2011 12:25:15   
Lord GaGa

Why do people whine about OPness when if everyone uses bot builds its equal.
"evolve or die"
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
5/6/2011 12:31:20   

wonder who is bored today :) nice troll thread.

if you didnt notice [yes ill bite] the only way for a non varium player to get a robot is the arcade.
and besides, your missing the point. i use a robot in my build because I have to, to compete.
i definitely dont like gamma bot and id love each robot ability to only be used once per fight.

< Message edited by Jehannum -- 5/6/2011 12:32:12 >
Post #: 2
5/6/2011 12:45:14   

It's not equal at all.

The Stats do not have equal value and have many problems. Technically Support and Dexterity have higher values, but as time goes on, with more stats, Strength and Tech overtake Support and Dexterity. It's because Support is 72% Dynamic (Luck Factors) and 28% Static (Axillary Damage). Dexterity is 50% Static (Defense) and 50% Dynamic (Blocks). Also, the way things are now, *technically* (using experimental Numbers) you gain +35% more for -10% less. Should be +10% for -10%.

Also, Skill Ratios aren't equal at all. Skills like Massacre, Bezerk, Cheap Shot and Double Strike Increase in power exponentially due to it's % increase rather than statistical increase. Other things like Poison get worse over time because it doesn't increase at all. Skills like Plasma Bolt and Bunk Buster do increase in power, but it's a linear growth rather than Static or Exponential. Ideally all skills should increase in a linear relation.

Technically Bots aren't very good until you get 4-5 Focus. This is because Bot Damage increases ever 5 Technology, which means over time, Bot Damage gets significantly worse as Strength overtakes Bots in Damage. Also, the way the Base Damage Works, 1-3 Focus doesn't do much in the scope of damage due to Stat Inflation.

Weapons aren't balanced because they're not lined up to an an ideal standard where power is determined by price, or vise versa. This causes huge power tier differences and exacerbated level differences. There's a Stat Inflation that I've gone over the public multiple times but have been forgotten. People generally lose sight of what's important.

Inflammatory comment removed. Do not target others, regardless of how your opinion may differ from theirs. ~Everest

< Message edited by Everest -- 5/6/2011 13:32:00 >
Post #: 3
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