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RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish]

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5/8/2011 23:50:27   
steel blade

Hiya Steel :D
I'd love some haha
Nah, my dragon ate it.
Oh look, he threw up. Do you still want it?
I'll pass....
Oh, okay.
Why do you like fish?
easy to smack someone with it :D
What pastry will fish go with very well?
Chocolate cake :D
Hmm, wise decision.
thanks :D
You're welcome.

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/9/2011 16:41:28 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 76
5/9/2011 2:19:44   

*slaps chisagen with a deftly sharpened battle herring* THIS IS FOR NOT SHARING!!!
Ouchies that hurt Q_Q
Now that I've got that out of my system, I must Congratulation on the ArchKnightShip.
Thanks buddy :D
... You're not still mad at me, are you? Fine, I'll ask a few questions so you'll forgive me.
Nope not at all :P
1: Do you KNOW the secret to the universe?
2: Pi divided by infinity does not equal Infinity divided by Pi?
Fish with PI
3: If you could transmute one land animal into a corresponding fish, which one, and describe your choice in 100 words. You have 30 seconds...
umm let's see I would pick*time runs out and ends up falling down a giant tube*
4: Would you be such a fan of fish if they didn't live in an awesome BLUE ocean?
probably not XD
5: This is completely a legitimate question. And don't let them try to tell you otherwise!
k :)
6: I think I know you from somewhere. You were that guy dressed as the guy disguised as another guy who was the cousin to the first guy who's really the second guy's brother... Right? RIGHT?
o_o Who told you!
7: Did you really believe me? REALLY?
yes I did ._.
8: This is also a legit question. Really. I definitely wasn't going to ask yet another question about Shock and Aww...
aww :/ I wanted to explain it to you haha
9: Don't eat the fish. Fish are our friends. Who else are we going to talk to when we're drowning 500 fee below the sea surface. D=
...Oh wait...

I believe that wraps it up, my trusty fishmonger. I shall be leaving your a present on my departure. No fear, my fee has already been deducted from your account. Take care.
XD wait what account ._.
*jumps into a rift, leaving behind the (now flash-frozen) deftly sharpened battle herring. Score!*
haha awesome thanks Ultima :D

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/9/2011 16:48:46 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 77
5/9/2011 2:29:15   

*As You walk by Nothing but Darkness Comes & Out of The Shadow Comes The Skrall *again** Hello Again Fish man
:O hello there again Skrall good seeing you again
I Need To Ask You 6 More things
Awesome *puts on his party hat*
How Many Fishes Have You had over Your Life Time
about 25-30
I Use To have 57 Fishes Not lieing Is that More Than You had
Haha awesome :D
If Your Town Was being attack by Flying Fishes Would You make Friends with tham & save everyone Or will You beat tham & Save everyone
I would try making friends with them
Is Your Tv Water Proof?
I sure hope so but there is only one way to find out :D
If It is Do You live under water?
Nope :P I live above the water haha
I Have a Cookie that Looks Like, Taste like, & feels like a Fish Thats on FIRE!!!! Have Fun with it It will Come in handy one day
:D awesome thanks :)
IF YOU R Reading This That Means Im Asking You One More Thing
:D piņata time!
do - you - like *Evil song starts to play & every one runs & hide* ............. Star Fishes?

I love them they are awesome haha

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/9/2011 16:52:16 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 78
5/9/2011 2:36:29   

Hey, me again, I need you to do me a favor, answer these questions!
it would be my honor :D
1. If you were any SoulWeaver (Besides Tomix..) Which Soulweaver would you be?
the awesomest soulweaver ever known :P
2. THIS SCENTENCE IS FALSE. (Know your paradoxes incase of a rogue AI robot!)
3. How often do you visit Lolosia?
3-4 days a week
4. If you were a fly, would you go Fly Fishin'?
Of course :D
5. If you could go back in time, and stop yourself from doing one thing, what would you do?
I would stop myself from falling down the stairs Q_Q
6. Droid or iPhone?
iphone since I've never played with a droid before
7. If you answered iPhone you may want to concider that Droids are far superior...
:O sounds cool
8. The game!
That is all, hope that question number two helped :D
I'm sure it will come in handy one day haha
(PS. x˛ + y˛ = z˛, x= 1, y= 2, and z= 2.2359 (when rounding), of course this one was just an assumption, since there wasn't enough information, and there are more answers :P)

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/9/2011 16:56:07 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 79
5/9/2011 2:39:17   

Hey there Chisagen!
Hiya 204 :D
Favorite fish?
Tiger shark :D
Favorite number??
Dr.P or Coke?

Favorite color?
Blue for sure :D
Potato or 2?
Potatoes =D
Favorite hobby?
That's it from me, Congratulations!
thanks haha
Have a good one!
thanks you to buddy :)

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/9/2011 17:01:52 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 80
5/9/2011 2:42:14   

This time... I brought the nuke... The spam nu-... Uh-oh...
o_o what?
I dropped it.
Uuh... Either running really fast or some very high grade earplugs might help.
Them chainz burning?
they sure are :P
I got nothing.
wow this is a first haha
I take my leave! For now... More to come after this! *starts the commercials*

XD alrighty

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/9/2011 17:06:49 >
DF AQW  Post #: 81
5/9/2011 3:42:36   

Yay new page!
I know haha
Call of the sea...

*The Water Elf summons 100 hydras, each closing in on you. Decide what to do quick!*
A. Bubble Blower! *Shoot bubbles that explode at the hydras.
B. Kill them with puns...
C. Slap them wall with a fish.
D. Um...Fishy Super Sayian transformation! (Comes with fishyhameha!)
B. :D
*You beat up the hydras, and the water elf turns into a tadpole.*
Elf: The other keepers will destroy ya! And your meddling friends too.
Me: Hey, does anyone want a Twiggy snack!
I would love some :D
*pulls out box of Ice Cream fish snacks...Twig attacks me and steals the box, giving you 15 while he keeps the other 45.*
Me: ...must never...carry...those with me again. *wipes bite marks off.* Okay, looks like we will need to swim our way from here.
*Once we go down, a whirlpool sweeps up across a new part of the dungeon. The Wish Star lies in front of Four Bosses, but in the middle there is a shady elf, he had grey hair. His red eye looked at your soul, and you felt a deep chill run through your spine. His other black eye looking at Me, twig and twilly.*
Middle elf: My name, is Exodus. The great, ruler of time and space. I have been he-
A. Interrupt him and slap him with a fish!
B. Let him finish his speech, and then slap him with a fish!
C. Wait and see.
D. Eat some popcorn and drink some soda.
*He floats in mid-air, closing his eyes and then opening them creating a spark through his eyes.*
Exodus: I have been here before you, or this world existed. Maybe I have been here for even longer than that.
Through vessels, I have lived for centuries and more. *he holds up anti-matter and throws it on the ground exploding
the whole dungeon and...The sun...DISAPPEARED?*
what in the world ._.
*He throws a Ice Spear at you, freezing you and then exploding, all in one shot. You fall to his shoes,
he seems so calm and laid-back, you decide to hit him while his guard is down.*
A. Kame...Hame...Fish!!! (Shoot thousands of fish at Exodus.)
B. Fish Barrage! (You knock him into the air, and knock him back down by slapping him with a fish.)
C. Fish Blade!!!! (Charge a water power through your hand and slash Exodus.)
D. Fish Rain! (Fish fall down from the sky and hits Exodus.)
A. :D
*He...reverses time, and your attack hits yourself!?*
Exodus: I created time, no mortal can stand up to my power.
Me: No mortal, but we mortals can!
ouchies that hurt!
A. "Breaking my limit!" (Jump in the air and shoot 10 water spells that explode around Exodus.)
B. Tsunami Kick! (Kick Exodus up in the air, and a Tsunami hits him afterwards.)
C. Ultimate Fish Cannon! (Your Fish sword turns HUGE and shoots more fish out of it.)
D. Sonic Water Wave! (Shoot several water waves at Exodus and finally hit him with sonic speed.)
A. :D
Exodus: Such...incredible...power, I have underestimated you. But no more!
haha we beat him :D
*He traps you with chains that pin you to the dungeon floor, it eats away at your life as you try to break out.*
-_- hey no fair!
*While Exodus is distracted Twilly sneaks pass the other four bosses, and throws the Wish Star at you. It nearly reaches you, and as you reach for it Exodus grabs it.*
Exodus: Nice try... *he laughs evily.*
Darn -_-
*A sudden warp in the universe happens and Exodus and his minions retreat leaving the Wish Star. The chains break and
you hear Lim screaming and yelling at Cyerso.*
Me: Well, we got the Wish star...just what to do with it?
I have an idea :D
Wishes (list your three wishes here!)
1.world peace
2.Lim and Cysero to get along with each other
3.the power to protect my friends :)

Hope you enjoyed the story, and happy AKship!
I loved it :D thanks for the awesome story haha

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/9/2011 17:26:03 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 82
5/9/2011 7:21:57   
~Cursed Hero~

*Suddenly appears with a DOOOOOOM Fish in his hand and EATS IT!*
New Page <3
I now it has that new page smell haha
hey there again :D
1.Ask me a question and ill answer it in the next post!
let's what is your favorite weapon in DF and why?
2.Guess what?
3.No guess.
chicken butt
4.I ate Fish for lunch :D
very nice dude :)
5.Yes it was delicious...want some?
I would love some :D
6.Well doesn't matter cause i won't give you, you sad now? :D
XD nope not sad
7.Can you solve a math problem?
I can try
8.Can You?
yes :D
9.Can You?
Sure :D
10.Common Tell me!
I can!
11.Here it is : 10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 = 10!
Can this be true?! Why or why not?
Not try because I said so XD
I iz happies :D
I'm hungry ._.
Nope :P
15.Can i Haz your ichigo sword D:< iz really amazing.
Sure you can it's available in Cysero's DC shop
Aw this is goodbye for now :(
:/ oh well there is always next time
haha alrighty see ya then :D
*Disappears Doomishly*

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/9/2011 17:32:09 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 83
5/9/2011 10:43:17   

*ominously fades in* Hi Chis.
hiya Sinis :D
I have been sp-eye-ing you.
*slams a fish on your face* Want it?
Sure :D
*an ENORMOUS fish swallows you*
._. don't worry this has happened before!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/9/2011 17:34:57 >
DF  Post #: 84
5/9/2011 11:15:05   
Orange Squire

yay, new page, more questions ;)
Yay more partay time :D
1) whats your fav NPC?
*coughs* TM *coughs*
2) Fav weapon
Holier Smackeral :D
3) Fav town?
Falconreach :)
4) Fav AE game?
well thats about it for now, ill cya next page ;)
see you then :D

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/9/2011 17:36:26 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 85
5/9/2011 11:25:59   
epic pie

Im back, and even worse then sainsbo...
haha come on he wasn't that bad :P
I would love some :D

is it chocolate :D


later haha

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/9/2011 17:38:46 >
DF MQ  Post #: 86
5/9/2011 13:50:46   

*talks to chisagen in the warp* still wondering where are whe, well it's called the eye of terror, but I won't spoil much about it, ask it to Dorn, but don't believe her/his lies, is Dorn female or male?, ya know it's difficult to know only bassing on their characters, right?
XD I'll let you take a guess haha
How it is doing the servant I gave you?
Pretty cool :D we went to Disney world yesterday :D
Do you like the putrid fish?
Haven't been able t use it yet :P
Care to post a pic with all your new buttons?
I'll pass haha
Are you ready for the 5.13.11?
I am ecstatic :D
Well that's all bye *glomps chisagen out of the eye of terror throught a warp portal*
haha later :D

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/9/2011 17:42:37 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 87
5/9/2011 15:55:41   
Zork Knight

*Comes back from the ocean* Once again I rise from the deepness of the sea to ask you insane, weird and funny questions.
:D awesome
From now on, the questions that I'm gonna ask you were generated by the "Zorkian Random Question Generator". Neither Zork Knight or ZorKorp will be responsabilized whatever questions are asked.
"What's your favorite color?"
Blue :)
"What's your favorite movie?"
don't really have one
"What's your favorite TV show?"
Adventure time!
"What's your favorite anime/manga?"
tie between Naruto and Bleach
"What's your favorite food?"
Pizza :D
"What would you do if light saber-wielding fire-breathing zombie pirate robot dinosaur werewolf dragons attacked you IN SPACE?"
:o I would smack them with a fish haha
"Can I haz Fishburger?"
*gives Zork a fishburger*
"A wild Sepulchure appeared! What will you do?"
Smack him with a fish!
"What would you do if a 6.25 ft. tall guy wearing a hockey mask and wielding a machete attacked you?"
what all cool people do blow him up
I guess I asked enough questions now...
aww no keep asking :D
That's all... For now... But I will not be back... Or I will? We will see... But for now, goodb-*Gets swallowed by a shark, that jumps to the ocean*
o_o Are you ok XD

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/9/2011 17:48:10 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 88
5/9/2011 17:02:55   

CONGRATS my fishy friend.
XD thanks paper haha
1) What is with you and Fish?
the same thing there is between you and paperclips :P
2) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?
An entire forest
3) How did you happen upon AE games?
an ad :P
4) What will you do with your new found power?
Try to help out as much as I can
5)Did you answer to cover the world in Fish? That's the answer I was suspecting.
6) By the way, I stole your dinner, it was tasty. Delicious Fish. Are you hungry now?
Actually yes,very Q_Q
7) That's all for now, and remember: "May the Fish be with you".
haha may the fish be with you as well pal :D

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/9/2011 17:50:44 >


DF MQ  Post #: 89
5/9/2011 17:14:50   
Dantae darkflare

hey chiss!
Hey there Dantae :D
this is my first time doing this so expect alot of questions i don't know how i came up with.
Alrighty haha
1) favorite thing to do in a war other than warring?
give hope to my fellow warmongers :D
2) what it like to be a AK?
It's pretty cool a lot of things to learn :D
3) fists, sword or guns?
4) since when have you been considered the fishmonger?
haha hard to remember :P I think since Popsprocket
5) where did you come up with the name chiagen?
just typed in random names until I found one that fit haha
6) ice, water or soul?
soul for sure :D
7) if you could make any class what would it be?
Fishmonger class :D
8) *shuffles some cards and pulls out 4 random ones* The sea knight with the fish in the sky, the blademaster surfing tsunami's and cutting them in half with a shark pet, the gunslinger that shoots meteor size whirlpools with piranhas in them , the aqua mage that can use ice and water and summon a giant whale-like fish monster,
which one describes you?
the fish knight :D

thanks for answering *disappears*
no prob haha :)

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/9/2011 17:54:41 >
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 90
5/10/2011 5:55:49   

OMG this is an AK invasion! run for your lifes!!!
*runs away*

Hi Chis and congrat on become an AK!
hello Night, and thanks haha

Glomp or pun?

glomp :D
So now start with the questions, ready set go!
Partay time!

What did u do when u got the message where they ask u to be an AK?

I was pretty surprised actually haha I can honestly say that I was very excited :D
A curiosity.... what's the result of fishmonger powers combined with AK powers?

an Archfishknightmonger :D
What's the best tecnique to catch a fish?
patience lots and lots of patience ;)

*In the meantime take a fishpizza*

Tell the truth, you are aquaman?
maybe......maybe not.....

Finally i ask this to everybody: What's your favorite movie and song?

favorite movie has to be I am legend and favorite song is Viva la Vida by coldplay :D
Well, thats all. See yaaa in the Q&A *Runs before u can fishslap me*

Oh darn :P maybe next time haha
Nightslayer - Oracle and sometimes gambler
Chisagen-Fishmonger and sometimes hero :P

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/10/2011 16:32:12 >
DF  Post #: 91
5/10/2011 6:04:42   
steel blade

Hiyas, again, Chis.
Hiya, Steel :D
Say, can I join the MOP?
haha that's not really up for me to decide :P
Oh, okay.
*turns on a clock*
What requirements do I need to join then? Asides from fish? (Dun worry, once I get in, I'll probably bring one or more.)
I guess it would be be ready for anything and I mean anything... *places the clock near Steel*
I'm on it!
I'm going to wear my Angler armor to get some fish fer ya!
thanks haha
You're welcome.
*counts down to 10*
Oh, by the way, how's fishing life?
pretty good except recently all I've been catching are these Doomified fishes
Favorite kind of transportation in fictional RPGs?
Flying :D
Favorite themed place in fictional RPGs?
I guess near a waterfall :D *clock explodes and millions of fishes come out of it*
Favorite kind of monster in fictional RPGs?
That's all for now.
haha later :)
If I do return, I'll be giving some fish.
I'll be waiting for you to return then :D
*coding a notification when you approach Steel*
throws some fish at Steel*

"Gone fishing."

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/10/2011 16:37:00 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 92
5/11/2011 14:39:55   

Hiya again Dragon :D
Alright so you asked how I came up with my name last time. Easy I like half-dragons. I am male. 66 is an easy number lol
:O makes sense
Question time! (I love that this is in Q&A Thread
Partay time!
1.Which are better Pirates or Ninjas?
Ninjas :P
2.If a tree falls down in the forest, does it still fall down?
no it gets burned down ._.
3.When Life gives you lemons what do you make?
Yellow crayon!
4.Answer:Grilled Fish with Lemon
darn :P
5.Did you get the question right?
No but i was close XD
6.How do you prenounce your name?
7.Any last words?
Nope :P
Yup haha
9.You sure?
well I have one haste la viste :D
Ok I guess if you are done... (Walks into the shadows).
Aww don't leave :(
11.(walks out of the shadows) Why did I just do that?
:D yay you're back
12.What question number is this?
11.Did you know it was actually 10?
:o your kidding right?
12.Is my bad numbering confusing you?
noez Q_Q
1314. Is it Ok if I skip question 13?
15.Can I ask another question?
depends if you have fish :P
>9000!!! oday ouyay understanday igpay- atinlay?
Iay understanday igpay aintlay :D
(Steals your good-bye) haha later
:o now I can't say bye buy I can say later

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/11/2011 15:12:00 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 93
5/13/2011 8:49:42   

Chisagen! Congrats on AKship!
thanks Brega :D
I remember you from a while back. The FishMonger in wars as I used to call you.
haha I remember seeing you as well :D
Question Time!
Time for the partay to begin!
Favorite Food?
Pizza :D
Favorite type of computer?
ummm..any computer that lets me play DF :P
Favorite game other then DragonFable?
Dragons of Atlantis
Do you play Minecraft?
Nope but it seems pretty fun
Favorite Class in DragonFable?
Warrior or snugglebear :D
How do you feel about Mermaids/Mermen?
Pretty jealous haha they get fins ;P
Favorite Disney movie?
Lion King
I love them :D
haha later :D

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/13/2011 13:13:50 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 94
5/13/2011 12:51:10   
Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

If you know me I ask the same questions on every mtak thread so prepare yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!
*takes out his fishsword*
Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
Haha thanks Stephen :D
Who gave you the deadly task on becoming an AK?
Skydrite :)
How the shackles.....what color are yours?
They sure are tight XD mine are blue
Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
good of course haha
Ready to play?
You ready to partay?
I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best I can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you
._. I won't take that the wrong way then XD
Whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
Does this shirt make me look fat?
Does it make you look fat?
........yesh O-O
What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I smiled :D
What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
Fish slapped and locked :D
I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix! May the undead penguins eat you alive! MAY THE BOH........crumble under my fins!
haha how many times do I have to tell you this buddy there is no way we will let the BoH fall!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/13/2011 13:32:10 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 95
5/13/2011 16:45:16   

Hehehe, another fishnommer in Q&A! :D
haha yay fishmongers ftw!
Congrats on the AK-ship!
thankies Hogo :D
How's them shackles?
They sure are tight :P
Where do purple elephants come from?
From purple dinosaurs :D
Why do we die?
good question still trying to figure that out myself haha
No, I mean in the game?
:O haha technically we just get knocked out
Where was Alexander Pope when I needed him? Thursday, last week.
He was eaten :P
How is ice cream created?
From ice and cream ;)
What colour are your shackles?
blue :P
How have you pimped them?
Not yet but I'm starting today :D
Want an ice cream sundae the size of a mountain with fish topping? It'z my fav :D
I would love some buddy :D
Side note: I am in your MtAK, eatinz allz ur phish!!! :d
XD no not the phish!
Cheerio! And good luck with the answeringz! :)
thankies :D
P.S. If you put your colour in code in the first post I can add that for you when I post next time ;)
:P not really catching what you mean here haha

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/15/2011 20:32:25 >
AQ DF  Post #: 96
5/13/2011 21:47:53   

WOOT WOOT!!! Congratz in AK-ship bud! Ur always friendly :D and I remember you joining the last part of the Mostly Harmless War+helping me with guides for DF.
haha thanks,and I remember you as well friend if you ever have another war in AQ let me know :D!
I'm surprised because I never venture into the DF side of the forums ever (shame on me)
Hah you really should it's really fun :)
I likes fish too. Fried, steamed, and made into sticks XD
yummeh! can I have some?
Congratz again :D
Thanks bro :D

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/17/2011 8:24:32 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 97
5/15/2011 16:20:09   

i hate fish.....

to eat they are too awesome!
Yay haha you scared me there for a second :P

i have 2 pet ninja fish and they just had eggs do you want one?

:O it would be my honor!
oh nevermind my dragon just ate them.

aha he missed 3 eggs!

*hides in corner of tank under rocks*

now do you want one?
of course!

if you said yes here you go if you said no...... just don't go ANYWHERE alone i'll be waiting (unless you already have ninja fish but still take one or else)
haha good thing I said yes then :P

is your favorite element water??
of course :D

what is the anwser to everything ever and to be
later,and FISH FTW!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 5/17/2011 8:26:28 >
AQ DF  Post #: 98
5/17/2011 8:31:30   

Well guys it's been a blast but seeing as how it has been longer than a week(my bad haha) it's to to lock this thread :D I seriously hope you guys have had as much fun as I had answering these questions!Thanks for all of the congrats, comments,and fishies :D
I hope to talk to all you later :D

fish slapped and locked ~Chisagen
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 99
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