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Grats Balanced Build Whiners, you got what you wanted!! XD

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5/7/2011 11:04:03   

To all of you whiners out there who have whined, complained and begged for this or that build to be nerfed, and made to go away, congratulations, you have gotten what you wanted.

Allow me to explain this burst of sarcasm. I am sick of everyone complaining about 5-focus build, But guess what, it's all your fault complainers, because when you did, instead of saying,

for example:

well you know devs, heel-looping is really hard to beat, but instead of completely ending a form of playing the game from ever being worth it again and thus lowering creativity around for all us players to enjoy, why don't you make it so that it simply make it so that heals on a mage heal less than other classes, because mages can gain mp from reroute, nd they would still be able to do it multiple times, it would just level the playing field a bit more

but no, everyone one of you guys simply wanted the build destroied, and that's exactly what you got, in the form of agility and and an extra cool-down time on feild medic, this has gone on for many builds, most notably the merc str build of maul-stun then berzerker, str bh, support tanks zooka and srtilary strike, and five focus tanks, mercs and bh's because of extra damage due to five-focus. And you know what, to each of these problems there are many ways that can easily be made around them. However at this point and time, I would like to say that I agree it was a good move to take away the extra damage that 5-focus did, that was a well deserved bit of balance that everyone can agree on.

For str bh and merc, believe it or not, it was the merc who had the most advantage over them, because of the ability to intimidate(which directly lowers str), next comes the mages with defense matrix because it will block the most damages at lower lvls on the skill tree, and lastly, the bhs with reflex boost (only becomes worthwhile when you put extra points on it to boost it) this once specifically raises dex, and while ative, allows for the gain of mp from 15% of your damage taken , but again, only becomes worth while if actually devoted points to it.

For the support mercs, they have two magor weaknesses, their low defences and low mp, the mp is the easiest one to aim for, and while it is a hassle for mercs to boost up atom smasher, it can bedone, but then that leads to less creativity in builds to get even one atom smasher, and it's still blockable to boot, so here to the bh for their emp grenade. This is really great,and is why most support mercsstay out of 1v1 (it's basically bh territory, check the top winners for any of the 1v1, and you will only see bh in the tope three slots (or at the very least two, cuz daily 1v1 can get wonky from time to time), so then lets go for the sup mercs low defense, this time mages get a call in, they can power up their powerful plasma bolt, or even lower defenses even more with malf, and go to town on them and really put the heat on them, as can other mercs with a full bunker or artillary, and while the bh's can technically come in with a smoke, the point is rather moot because sup mercs are a 2v2 thing really, and even when you see a bh in 2v2 they are a total noob who doesn't realize that even lvl 1 smoke has more reprocussions than just lowering def (because it lowers their chance to hit you, increases your chance to hit them, and makes ur phys weps stronger against them).

As for heel-looping mages, dear sweet *deity that i believe in*, even when it was first made, before ANY magor nerfs that all players take for just normal game play now, they were not oped at all. They were only considered oped, because at that point in time no-one really took the game seriously enough to make super-serl builds, and while it was an extraordinarily GOOD build (not the best, I must point out here) it was easily taken over when it was delt lots of damage very quickly, so in 1v1 str mercs and bhs had the advantage, when 5-focus was introduced along side the heel-looping build (for that short time) they had an advantage of a balanced build plus some extra damage for big boom strikes, and in 2v2, if you were specifically pick out to die first, you would, but only to competant players, which back then were few and far between, but now with the increased ammount of gamers, this has become less of a problem to find. Quite frankly if heal-looping were to come back now, it would barely make a scatch because people realize what it takes to have a balanced build, wether that means extra on the energy sheild, technican, or switching of hybrid armor, so be it, the truely smart gamers realize this.


So the point of all this is, because I know that many of you simply want to know the jist of this, I just needed to put in those examples to prove a point, is that the mods have done exactly what you complainers have said, which is entirely sumed up in this statment, "End this build permanently, and make sure it never comes back to anything resembling its former glory". The reason that 5-focus builds are even more proliferent these days then ever is because it is ,BASICALLY, the only build left that is viable and is extremely well versed in dealing with multiple threat types (even with the bot being able to do less damage). But also because of all of the hardcore stat nerfs which make putting all (or near to it) of your enhancement points in one disiplne, because it becomes more and more of a waste of time, so speading it out become the only real VIABLE option. In short, quit complaining, THINK, but also THINK, but after that please be sure to think, this is what happens when you give less ideas then you complain. This game is too money grubing and too many players complain on builds, you know what, this game needs buffs, not nerfs. And you know what else, if ur not good enough to think up a build yourself t you can do one (or both, i do, and with excelent results) of two things, post up on battle strat and ask for some build help (or to tweek your build) or flat out copy and paste someones build in the game over on to yourself, I do, and with fantastic results (especially when the other player uses entirely different gear than i do, not only damage wise but using energy attacks instead of phys attk knid of ways) it's crazy fun and if anyone says ur a noob for it, SO WHAT, it's a game and ur trying to have fun with it, just don't be a jerk back because it then by default makes you the better person, mmmm( I can feel my ego expanding for all the times that has happend XD ). Also, all of this to say is that I never complain myself, but I ALWAYS make it a point to wiat awhile see what others say, see what I really think about it, then post ways that a build or some such can be nerfed, but in a fiar a productive way that doesn't end all lines of creativity.

< Message edited by PumKing -- 5/7/2011 12:24:17 >


Carpe Dium--grab a carp, slap him around XD
Epic  Post #: 1
5/7/2011 11:08:04   

This was too good. Hope these complainers read this and stop whining


< Message edited by xXx83xXx -- 5/7/2011 11:17:21 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
5/7/2011 11:24:23   

I haven't been complaining about 5 Focus Builds... I've just been complaining that Tech Mages are Underpowered

By the way, they are Underpowered


Le Chevalier Mal Fet (AQ)
Lectrix (HS)

Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure. ~Rowena Raven
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
5/7/2011 11:33:58   

Ummm just image...

ED has NO BALANCE change for 5 years
who stay?
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 4
5/7/2011 11:37:15   


Srry, didn't mean to make you feel guilty about complaining about something without any suggestions whatsoever about how to improve it without once again having the devs destroy another line of creativity in anything, but it sounds like you feel guilty over something, which means that my post is having it's desired effect so maybe now others like urself will think before they post XD
Oh, btw, the "srry about making you feel guilty" was sarcasm, the whole point of my original post is to guilt trip many of the imbeciles on this game to at least attempt to have an open mind


please try not to be ignorant, my original post is used to highlight all the nerfing form of balancing that has gone on throughout this game, there has always been "balancing" per say, but only has it been in the form of nerfing, my eventual goal is to have people be open minded, and to not just blast out mindless pratter on how they hate this or that build that arises with no recompence on how it might possibly be fixed so that the entirety of the game has to suffer for it, if you have a problem in real life you try to fix it, you don't just blow it out of existence (this is the smart way to do it <- preempting any trolls but mostly imbeciles from trying to point out military matters of dealing with problems, if humans on a whole weren't then war wouldn't EVER occur)

< Message edited by PumKing -- 5/7/2011 11:44:57 >


Carpe Dium--grab a carp, slap him around XD
Epic  Post #: 5
5/7/2011 11:44:48   

well the first post was the biggest whine ive read in ages.
Post #: 6
5/7/2011 11:50:22   

grats for the one-liner of trolldom, it is people like yourself which help to perpetuate the closemindedness of the gaming community as a whole.

If you weren't then you would have added to your comment something along the lines of, "wow, you feel really strong about this, but I however think that even with the many people who complain about the game it is ultimately up to the devs to change the game" or some other fasion to try and make my topic moot, as you seem to think that anyone who puts up a case to try and raise awareness and open mindedness is a bad thing, but of course it could just be that I hit too close to home with this post to you and this was some form of retaliation because you know I'm right

< Message edited by PumKing -- 5/7/2011 11:51:29 >
Epic  Post #: 7
5/7/2011 11:54:41   

Strength BH can still beat 5 focus. Making that the most powerful build.


AQW Epic  Post #: 8
5/7/2011 11:57:01   

i could link 10 topics in a similar vein. please highlight one line from your paragraphs that is treading new ground.
the fact is, YOUR topic title is aggressive, offensive, and not what I'd call mature or well thought out.

it doesnt matter how many "creative builds" are available, the majority still navigate to the easiest ones. thats why
heal looping still makes people angry, [that it was nerfed] why support mercs are still owning in 2v2 and STILL
complaining that they arent OP, and why str bounty hunters still rule 1v1 while complaining about being blocked etc.

this is the most balanced its been since i joined and I only see it getting better.
Post #: 9
5/7/2011 11:57:24   

@ dillbagel

Str bh vs 5 focus bh are kinda equal now tho, but st bh are way faster in wins.


Rogue Ninja
Post #: 10
5/7/2011 12:01:43   

It can, but my build, which someone else showed me and I copy and pasted it onto myself, easily beats str bhs, I being a bh myself, but still, and here it is
hp95, mp49, str45(+8), dex45(+32), tech45(+54), sup45(+18)
skill tree
thanks for perpetuating rumors of impossibility, also my build can be wrecked against a support merc, support mage, or tank merc which all pose difficult challenges

I never once claimed that I was breaking new ground, indeed, your last post is more along the lines of keeping an open mind, and by standing behind actual proofs to back up your claims XD *yay people using brains*, I too agree that it is the most balanced this game has been as of late, but one of the main points of my post is that it has happend by NERFING, this is the least fun way for the players to have to deal with problems in the game becuase it curtails creativity, what I would like to happen with more consistency is for a problem to be looked at(like oped build, which I'm sure is also behind the fire in your post) and to have players truely look at it and say, "hey this is really quite a bit too powerful and many players can't deal with this, if we did this and this, it would lower the effectiveness of that particular build but still make it viable and would allow others to make builds that can counter it but also still make the former build to exists and make the combinations of possible game winning builde increase" it is varitey of possible viable game winning builds which gives a game more life and more fun. And as for players gravitating to easier builds, I also address problems like that in my original post, asking for help on the forums, and also just flat out copying and pasting builds onto yourself, this of course also becomes limited due to the possible viable builds that can win due to all the recent nerfing of many of the game winning builds. The problem is too much nerfing for all, it needs to be done in increments to fix minor problems, like one particular kind of build, and for general buffing of near everything else to once again encourage diversity in builds. Also, the title is meant to be aggressive, because this is a serious problem and people need to put an end to complaining for complaining sake and to bring about a rise in constructive critisim (which by its very being means that people write possible solutions to a proble).

< Message edited by PumKing -- 5/7/2011 12:31:09 >
Epic  Post #: 11
5/7/2011 12:09:28   
Angels Holocaust

It's too late now, the game has already been ruined. This is like the story of the Lorax, in the end nothing will be left.
Post #: 12
5/7/2011 14:06:24   

Don't look at me. I did not complained. Any updates that the staff makes, I go along with it. If something is not going my way, I just have to change my playing style a little bit. Nothing is wrong with that. XD There's always Dragonfable and AQWorlds.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 13
5/7/2011 14:47:34   

You really like to write, don't ya?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
5/7/2011 16:21:42   

1. Heal looping was oped and i spent well over 50k creds retraining trying to beat them as a merc in beta, in the end i made a good build for them but it took 50k credits, is that fair that they could have some stats misplaced and i had to have precise stats?

Heal looping was beat when you could do constant high hits, but with mages having 150hp 40+ heal, you would have to not get blocked and not get critted to win, also defense matrix took out strength BH's pretty easily. No-one took the game seriously enough to make good builds because they were all losing to mages so they changed to mages and all they knew what to do is heal loop.

5 focus had a huge advantage when the gamma bot was released, if heal looping was reintroduced, trust me it would be hard to beat, they would be able to have 150 hp, good defenses, and good support due to all the enhancements.

2. We didnt want builds like heal looping or strength builds destroyed or nerfed to having to actually use strategy and planning to win. Strength takes no strategy because its usually, smoke, attack, attack, mass, or stun, zerk, attack, rage. Same with heal looping where it was gun, aux, heal if needed, repeat......

3. Merc dont have a big advantage over strength BH's today because you will either win to str builds and lose to 5 focus, vise versa. Intimidate is useless due to the assult bot and it is only useful for strength abusers. Mages defense matrix at low level isnt that good and i learned that from experiance, most low level merc now have hybrid so you cant out tank, in the low levels you basically have to hit the highest damage instead of outlasting. Bh reflex boost is usually only used for when ur smoked or full physical.

4. Support merc tend to stay to 2v2 because its hard to outlast 5 focus builds, also support merc will have a hard time killing strength bh's. for 2v2 its Merc>Mage=BH (theres good bh's in 2v2 too)
for 1v1 its BH>Merc>Mages the difference between bh and merc arent that great but still, because of bh's strength builds being better than merc's, they come out on top. tech mages arent too weak against merc either.

5. The BIGGEST reason why people wanted all those builds destroyed is because when you tried to negotiate with 90% of heal loopers back then, only 3% admitted it. We said, lower reroute, more energy for heal for mages, ect but they all wont do it unless it affected all classes. Most would even whine about reroute getting lowered by 1%. Theres no point to try to beat a oped build if you were one of the 20 merc out of 100 trying to beat a build since its too slow.

Ive been a varium merc for over a year now and never have changed so i have a stronger sense on whats oped about a merc and whats fair compared to other mercs.
Post #: 15
5/7/2011 21:00:33   

Nice spelling.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
5/7/2011 21:50:40   

I think balanced builds were good, but the idea of robots doing 6X focus damage was bad.
Epic  Post #: 17
5/7/2011 22:02:33   


I haven't been complaining about 5 Focus Builds... I've just been complaining that Tech Mages are Underpowered By the way, they areUnderpowered

I was same just want mages with healing loop built back. btw I am against copying paste healing loop built. Ilike to see healing cool down back to 3. sorry I went off topic my last two sentenced.
AQ Epic  Post #: 18
5/7/2011 23:33:53   
Chosen 0ne

I read it all O.O

Lol thats a good attention span for a 13 year old....

I completely agree.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 19
5/8/2011 11:55:07   

Are you saying the Devs blindly implement what people in the forums request without testing it? You mean if I got enough people to say that plasma rain was OP in the forums, then the next week it would get nerfed? Simply because people complained?
Post #: 20
5/8/2011 12:06:40   
Atomic garden

Umm... not trying to flame but is english you second language? Or are you purposely trolling with bad spelling? But otherwise it was a well put together post that says a lot.
Post #: 21
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