Huh, new page, new post! Yay! Considering the lack of Herosmash villains with style, politeness and sophistication, I decided to make one. Take a look at my description and tell me what you think: Will do! quote:
My chracter, whose name is The Dealer(not his real name, but noone knows what it really is) is simple: he is a mortal man who runs a company specificly dedicated to providing villains with weapons, minion, evil services, councling to decide what kind of villain you wish to be, that kind of thing. His sole power is that he has a sliver tounge. He can convince almost anyone of almost anything. He carries a few Shadowcorp (The company's) acesssories with him to level the playing feild, such as a Power Deactivator Ring and an Invisiblity Cloak, as well as a few one of a kind surprises not on sale.... He wears a buisness suit and a mask that covers his face and racts to his feelings, so if he was surprised it would turn into a shocked face and is he was angry it would turn denomic. Also, he does not do buisness with those who wish to destroy the world. Other worlds on the other hand are dealt with on a case by case basis. Universe, Multiverse, and all reality are right out. I like it! It is unique, not many villain characters I have seen are like that. Rather than using raw power on the front lines, I see him as a slippery backstage villain. I will certainly be reading whatever you choose to write with him :) And another point of interest, I recently broke into the L and L with a short story on The Dealer. You can tell me what you think on the comments thread. Tyops will ensue. Yay! :D He might be a intreguing persona for any forays into the world of Herosmash. Unless you don't like him. Oh I like him a lot :) Now if only the Who wants to be an NPC contest allowed story entires and descriptions... hahaha tis a shame, that is for sure :) But enough of my shameless self promotion. What are your fav video games aside from Halo? Project Gothem was fun, so was Call of Duty though I didn't play them much compared to Halo :) Bye (fades into shadows leaving a basket of cookies behind and a apologetic note for the sameless self promotion) *waves goobye and noms on cookies*
< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 1:06:23 >