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RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption)

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5/30/2011 1:45:59   

You... purpled me?
*chuckles* You pinkify me, I purplefy you ;)
No-one changes my colour... don't force me to do terrible things to you again...
Don't have to, you are already purple! :D
Uh... just... ignore him...

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 12:45:22 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 76
5/30/2011 2:00:12   

Hi Mritha!
Heyas kittycat!
Thank you! :D
What type of purple do you wield?
All shades :)
Your favorite game?
See ya!
*waves goodbye*
*kittycat flies away in a blue ray of light, creating a meteor shower.*
Pretty! *gets purple popcorn and watches*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 14:30:20 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 77
5/30/2011 2:35:45   

Hi there!
Just out of interest, did you happen to read my short story? If so what did ya think? And longer comments can be put on the thread. The Dealer can also be found in the story Two Evils by Atlian, where I am assured will have a large part.
Yes I did! Short, but sweet. It has a lot of potentialfor a great story :)
Glad you like him by the way?
Aye, I do like him :)
Did you hear about the villain ban that LANDIS has put down? I PM'ed him/her/whatever saying that villains can be usefull if they are polite and more along the lines of "Well, the lady's dead. That must suck for you guys. She was indeed a worthy foe" rather then "MUHAHAHA MY MASTER SEPPY SHALL RULE ALL!"
LANDIS is a guy, and yes I do know about it. It is a sad turn of events, but one that was neccesary.
Look at me, sticking up for villain rights. Who would have thought it?
Have you ever seen Red Vs Blue? it's a comedy machinima set in the Halo Universe. It's quite rude in places thoughso I can't provide a link. It gets better the further on it gets.
I have heard of it, but never seen it
That's all. Bye!
Edit: Just wrote a new story involvin The Dealer. It's gonna be slightly longer then my short story, but still only small chapters. Here ya go: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=19061373&mpage=1&key=?
Bye for real this time! (Fades into shadow)
*waves goodbye*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 14:33:34 >
DF  Post #: 78
5/30/2011 4:18:31   
~Cursed Hero~

Welcome back! *glomps*
As i forgot to say in the third page, CONGRATZ on AK-Ship!!
Thank you! :D
1.You lovin' the job?
Ohhh yea!
2.Why so serious?
I'm not being seriously serious :P
3.What's your favorite DF Class?
4.You play AQ?
5.About Skillet, We share the same opinion about them! , What's your favorite song of skillet? (Mine's are Dead inside and Whispers in the dark)
Totally Whispers in the Dark! I have the best video played to that song linked in my sig :P
6.Ask me a question and i will answer it in the next page!
Why did you pick TheChosen1 as your usename? :)
*noms purple popcorn*
*gives some to Odgne*
10.What do you think about Rebecca Black ? :D
Reeeeealy not a fan of her

*waves goodbye*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 14:43:45 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 79
5/30/2011 4:52:21   
Alanna Zelen


*appears* I haz more questions.
Welcome back!
Have you seen my missing left socks? Cysero doesn’t have them.
Wow if Cysero doesn't have the socks.....OH NO! Maybe Cysero cloned himself and not his clones are stealing the socks too! D:
Sum up your job in 50 words or more! (not less, definitely no less then 50 or I'll use the glitter!)
Yay glitter! Tis something shiney! :D Ahh me job. Well, my day as an AK conists of having three tabs open in the forums, one for L&L, one for DFGD, an the third I use in case I need to send a pm or want to check another part of the forums. Then throughout the day, I simply refresh the page and make sure all gears are spinning smoothly :) I leave the forums open all day long, though I am usually doing other things such as writing or cleaning the house/yard. Every time I pass my computer I make a point to read up on the posts I missed and every time I make a post I always double check to make sure I am pressing the right button I'm not sure how many words that is.....but meh
How many heads have rolled now you're a DFGD mod? (that includes bans and warnings)
I have had to edit and delete a few posts, but you guys have been good. No bans or warnings from me! And please try to keep it that way......I don't want to ban someone, it will make me sad :(
*thinks, takes out long list of interview questions* OOh, here's one of my favorites (that I loaned off my old arch-nemesis. I get so lonely without him around sometimes) You're in a car and the radio suddenly tells you to accelerate to 60 miles (or 100 kms) an hour. What do you do?
Check to make sure there are no cops around, get on the nearest highway and floor it! :D
What's better? Coke, Pepsi or Dr. Pepper? *grins*
Dr. Pepper! :D
Well, I'll come back and pester you tomorrow. Good hunting!
*waves goodbye* See you later!

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 19:29:04 >
Post #: 80
5/30/2011 6:53:59   

Hi again!
*glomps* Heyas!
I'm back with more randomness! >:D
I got one question this time. Promise! :3
What's Goku's favorite food?
I don't watch DBZ so I'm just going to guess......tacos?

Double Baconator. Ever watch DBZ Abridged? :)

mmmm bacon
See, I told you it was just one question.
haha aye you did
And if you're still wondering where I got that thing I told you to guess from, it's off of a song called Blood Sugar by Pendulum. :)
Ahh! Ok
*waves goodbye*

And here's a box of cookies to made up for what I did yesterday. *gives Mritha a box of (insert whatever flavor(s) of cookies I ate yesterday here)*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 19:35:06 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 81
5/30/2011 6:57:51   
Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

Mritha :D
Heyas Digi! :D
Sorry i'm late, here's a purple Moglin to make up for it :D
Yay! *hugs the moglin*
Favourite shade of purple?
psychedelic purple :P
What would happen if purple didn't exist at all, for one whole week?
I would cry
Favourite DF War?
Storm or the Fire war with Akriloth. I loooved how we could use out titan dragons to fight waves :)
Favourite fast food restaurant?
Cook Out!
Least favourite sport?
Least favorite.....I'd say monster. Its good but powerade and gatorade are better :)
Hot drinks or cold drinks, which do you prefer?
All from me, cya around!
*waves goodbye* :)

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 19:40:03 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 82
5/30/2011 8:42:17   
Jet Silver

I'm back! And I think my line break works! >:D
Well the line break doesn't show up on the thread, but when I invade you post it is there :)
1. For every purple minion you make, I will turn it YELLOW! MUHAHA!
Nuuuu! D:
2. Or worse, give you yellow eye.
3. Has the line break worked so far?
Eh, yes and no
4. I won't do anything yellow if you give me the Darkness Orb.
NO! As soon as I get my lovely purple minion creator back, I will NEVER let it out of my sight!
5. Favorite weapon? (I'm running out of questions/statements I can think of! D:)
Gravity Hammer!
6. Did you read The Dragon's Secret? It was good.
I heard it was, but I have never read it :)
7. I know what you did...
No you dont......>_>
8. Necromancer, Death Knight, or Doom Knight?
DoomKnight FTW!
9. Favorite DF villain(s)?
Well Vayle and Aspar are puple, and Sepulchure has proven to be a very good bad guy these past few weeks, so those three :)
10. And I finish with a... "GLOMP"
*is glomped*
EDIT: From what I see on my screen, it hasn't worked so far.
It kinda did, kinda didn't :)

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 19:49:08 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 83
5/30/2011 8:46:58   

*sneaks at her back* BOOO!
Gotcha? haha
Gratz newest AK ^^
Thank you!
You look familiar i think i've seen you >.>
haha you probably have :)
BTW cool sig eh ^^
You like purple and i like red!
Hey! who's that peeping on the window?
oh its..
Oh well we have to finish the war see you there!

Aww nawww a clif hanger!

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 20:15:59 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 84
5/30/2011 10:06:50   
Lupus the Wolf
Heres How We Roll Winner
July 2014

Well Hi there. ICE to meet you.
haha likewise :)
You may need a CHILL pill, because I'm gonna assault you with random comments.
Apples are red, Zorbak is blue
Chaos are purple and so is you.
That......was cool! *loves the poem* :)
If the cakes are a lie, does that mean they're extraterrestrial?
Could be
Be warned, It's the deadly.....BRAINFREEZE!
So if you like purple, what kind of purple flower do you like?
Any kind!
If you wish you have a cool armor, what would it be like?
In real life? My black and purple EDL armor! I would sooooo wear that
Which is your preferred weapon of choice? Sword, scythe or staff?
That's all.....for now >:D


< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 20:19:49 >


A calculated tragedy, miracles are foolish
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 85
5/30/2011 10:10:16   
Acer DeVille

Acer Deville, Slash, and Six at your service. Maybe you can answer these questions,
Lots of names!
1. Why do people call us be each other's name?
No clue
2. I mean we don't look anything alike, and they get confused on who they are talking too.
Triplets? Or clones.....
3. Is it weird that when I am talking to Slash, and Six, nobody else can see them?
4. Why do they give me such weird looks when that happens?
Because they think you are more insaine than normal
5. Don't worry about Acer, he is losing his mind, and he imagines a lot.
6. Slash, I've told you don't be so mean, Acer needs our help, not us making fun of him.
Needs help with what?
7. Would you two hush, I'm trying to talk to Mritha. I am so sorry if Slash, and Six said anything ugly. They may be my best friends, but they can be so rude sometimes.
*chuckes* Naw they are fine :)
Acer, you are just way to sensitive. Yeah what Six said, not to mention you wear your feelings on your sleeve.
*looks at Acer's sleeve* Orly? I don't see any feelings here
If you two don't hush, I'm gonna put a sleep spell on you. Just try it, and see what happens. And when he gets done, what's left is mine.
EDIT:Just how is your name pronounced?
Mrrr-ith-ah The "i" makes the 'i' sound like in "milk", not like in "eye"
Acer I can't believe you asked that.
Hey he isn't the first one :)
Why not? If you want to know something the only way is too ask.
Aye this is true
IF you two don't stop fighting....I swear ya'll get on my nerves.

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 20:27:17 >


DF MQ  Post #: 86
5/30/2011 10:15:27   

It's (n)ice to meet you again.
Chill out, I'm not going to torture you. Or am I?
I hope not! D:
I found an odd purple cave with yellow monsters destroying it. Want to destroy them?
Go on, I'm not stopping you.
*throws a purple bomb at the yellow monsters*
*holds a purple gem*
Technically, the inverse of purple is green.
How so? The color wheel says it is yellow. Unless you are talking about hex colors, I don't know much about those
I know, the color wheel.
Bye, yellowmancer.
*looks around* yellowmancer? Where! *fingers a purple bomb*
I'm not leaving soon.
OK, NOW I'm leaving.
*waves goodbye*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 20:30:13 >
DF  Post #: 87
5/30/2011 10:30:13   
Tiago X

I'm back again.
*glomps Tiago* Welcome back!
So, can I ask some questions?
Of course I can >_>
Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
So they can fit little sauces inthe corners for breadsticks
Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours?
Only the fusy babies, I have cared for many who slept like rocks!
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
Ever wonder what the speed of lightning would be if it didn't zigzag?
Even faster!
How much deeper would the ocean be if sponges didn't live there?
3.14 feet
If a cow laughed, would milk come out of it's nose?
WOuld be funny if it did!
How come abbreviated is such a long word?
Because they ran out of small letter combonations :P
Meh, that's pretty much it, now here's a cool quote:

A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station.


< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 20:45:19 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 88
5/30/2011 11:24:18   
Zork Knight

I'm back!
*glomps Zork* Welcome back!
So, let the questionnaire begin!
Favorite movie?
What do you prefer: Vampires or Werewolfs or Dragons or Knights or Gladiators or Robots or Ninjas or Zombies or Pirates or Dwarfs or Bears?
Werewolves, Dragons, and Pirates
x²¹ + y²² = z²³, knowing that z>y+x, y<x and 3x>4y
Did you know... that Peter I Island was the first land to be discovered south of the Antarctic Circle?
No did not
Did you know... that that the 68.98-kg Welcome Nugget found in Ballarat, Victoria in 1858 was the largest gold nugget found, until eclipsed by the Welcome Stranger 11 years later?
Did you know... That I knew that Sepulchure was going to steal the Darkness Orb from the bank and I didn't warned you just to see your face when you discovered that Sepulchure stole it?
*paints Zork purple*
*Destroys a door* I love to do this!
*fixes the door and hits Zork with it*
Well, that's all for now. Maybe I will be back later. Maybe not. Anyway, bye!
*waves goodbye*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 20:54:27 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 89
5/30/2011 11:40:14   
epic pie

*is poked*
So...you like pie?
Whats your favorite type?
I really like your fan-fiction about your warthog...DF needs chain guns...doncha think??
hahaha that would be epic :D
What is better cake or pie
*old knight guy from Indiana Jones, quest for the holy grail, pops out saying, "She chose...poorly"*
butbutbut the cake is a lie!
So...your a BoH?
Thank you!
Oh, nice to see our favorite purple AK getting a promotion.
Aww thanks :)
*waves goodbye*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 20:56:30 >


DF MQ  Post #: 90
5/30/2011 12:43:10   
extreme wizard

Hello once again.
What is your favorite combat animation? (Kathool Adept's "Red Tide" for me. Explosions are cool :3)
I like Dragonheart for DLs and DoomSpike for DmKs :) Chronomancer has some good animations as well....
The story about yellow was...interesting. I see why you hate the color now.
Favorite in-game pun/funny moment? I love Cysero's potty dance easter egg.
When Cysero makes the mayonaise cube talking picture and hangs it in Warlic's room XD
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you hate finals? They start tomorrow...
10 -_-
How much more amazing does a DA make DF? I can't get one right now because of money issues, and it took months for me to scrape together enough AExtra points for KAA. So, it could take a very, very long time. Ok, backstory done. :P
Oh it is sooooo amazing! I can so so much with my dragon! D
What's your favorite player-suggested item?
The turtle riding sneevil pet. I think it is a rare now, but it was still cool! :D
I'm out. Peace grenade awaaaaaaaay!...(BOOM!)
*waves goodbye*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 21:01:11 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 91
5/30/2011 12:45:32   

Hello, Mritha!
Heyas yeadudes! :D
You're purple too!
Aye. Purplemongers unite! *highfives*
So... how's it goin'?
Ging aweshum!
I'm too bored to ask another question (sorry)
lol its no worries :)
*hops into skullcrusher mecha and walks away*
*waves goodbye*
P.S. If you change my font color I'll Ninja'd you
Why would I change your color? Tis purple! :D
P.P.S I has Spy-eyes.


< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/31/2011 12:34:46 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 92
5/30/2011 13:10:52   

I think that i have seen you before...
*grins* You probably have :)
Anyway, hi.
Are you staring at me?
Because I look at people when they speak :)
*dances to the music in her head*
Stop stare at me!
You aren't staring at me, right?
Not anymore :P
Right :)

*waves goodbye*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/31/2011 12:38:41 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 93
5/30/2011 13:39:58   

What's your favorite Star Wars movie?
I'd say the 3rd one. The ending makes me cry but the graphics are stunning :D
Since you've met Sepulchure, what does his voice sound like?
How....did you know I met him? D: He sounds very deep and doomy
Is Algebra necessary? ( )
I wish it wasn't -_-
What's xyz + x + y +z if x = 1/2; y = 2 squared, and z=1 cubed?
*head explodes*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/31/2011 12:43:11 >
DF  Post #: 94
5/30/2011 13:45:05   
Constructively Friendly!

*Throws an Energy Grenade at Mritha*
*swings her gravity hammer like a bat and launches the grenade back at Mecha*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/31/2011 12:44:02 >
DF  Post #: 95
5/30/2011 13:50:11   

That does it paladin! I have brought an army this time."No one is around him but his statues" "Paladin Laughs" Well watch this! "All the staues warp 100 clones of Dragonknight!" "Paladin runs fast" March army! After this i'll clear a few thousand waves. I have to tell mritha!
Run forest paladin run!
oh, how did you get here?
I live here. How did you get in here?
Looks amazing, Doesn't it.
Well i have a few last questions,
*gets a comfy chair*
Do you think the doomknight armor and items are worth it? I can buy it in december.
TOTALLY worth it. And if you don't like the armor, the 40k DCs is a lovely bonus ;)
I just played Halo reach for the first time yesterday, ITS AWESOME! Thought i had fun spawnkillng my friend.
hahaha aye that it is!
Spartan or Elite? After this, less game questions
Spartan. Elites are fun but very....meh....in comparison
Ever heard of a band called blind Guardian? Its my favorite.
I love summer because of no school but winter is my favorite season. Whats yours?
Fall. The changing leaves are so cool!
Ever read the inkheart series? they are one of my favorites.
I watched the movie but never read the books.
Well im throwing a party for me finally killing that guy. Im inviting mine and his friends. Dont eat the cake thought, its poisoned.
Aww I likes cake
Well thanks for helping me, i got you a paint set of every shade of purple.
I have to go, you can keep my army. I can make more. Seya
Woohoo! *uses her new paint set to paint the army purple*
Edit: Dark Twig, The answer is 7 and 1/2. Im a smart 13 year old. Need me to show my work?
Edit: Zork, yours is harder

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/31/2011 12:48:01 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 96
5/30/2011 14:18:08   

are ypu really gonna pain more lore purple?
I'm going to try!
are you a comerad of sepulchure by anychance?
Umm.....yes and no...... *coughs*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/31/2011 12:48:48 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 97
5/30/2011 14:21:58   
Master K

*Mrbk encounters Foe Mritha! What will he do?!*
Give tacos!
*Mrbk uses PURPLE POWER! Text is now purple!*
*What will Foe Mritha do?!*
foe? D:
Heh, I see your conquering more land?
Aye ;)
Which enemy would you rather fight?! Unspeakable Durr or Bob the Hamster?!
Ever heard of the OHRRPGCE Game Making Engine? Its awesome. Look into it if you ever get interested in game making.
I will remember that, thank you :)
Favorite shade of purple?
Do you have shackles, collar, or ankle weight?
Depends on the day, it changes often
Finally, do you like dragons?
Of course! :D
*What will Foe Mritha do?!*
I is not a foe! D:
*Its super effective! Mrbk flees!*

*waves goodbye*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/31/2011 12:51:30 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 98
5/30/2011 14:40:56   

Riprose likes chesse!!
Do you like cheese?
mmhmm, pepper jack. yummeh
Do you think sepulcher is rly my third cousin twice removed on my mother's side??
You know that teddy bear your guarding for me?
You can have it!
Yay! :D
*waves goodbye*
*Snaps finger's and dissappears. There is cheese were he was standing.*
*noms the cheese*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/31/2011 13:04:03 >
DF MQ  Post #: 99
5/30/2011 14:58:14   

Ola Mritha,
congrajuletions on being a AK.
Thank you! :D
chaotic purple vs normal purple
hmm chaotic has purple armors so lets go with that :P
*arkilioth tries to steal my sandwich again, ow no i aint leting that happen again, mwahahahahaha, arkilioth steales my sandwitchgain. i knew arkilioth will be dumb enough to fall for the old switch ur sandwiches place by a sandwitch--now i can finally enjoy my sandwich.wait , whres my sandwich OMG that sandwitch stole my sandwich* Curses to u arkilioth*
*hands another sandwich*
i wish u good luck with ur AK ship.
Thank you! :D
arikatou gozaimasu and sayonara

*waves goodbye*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/31/2011 13:06:04 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 100
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