Acer DeVille
Acer Deville, Slash, and Six at your service. Maybe you can answer these questions, Lots of names! 1. Why do people call us be each other's name? No clue 2. I mean we don't look anything alike, and they get confused on who they are talking too. Triplets? Or clones..... 3. Is it weird that when I am talking to Slash, and Six, nobody else can see them? Yes 4. Why do they give me such weird looks when that happens? Because they think you are more insaine than normal 5. Don't worry about Acer, he is losing his mind, and he imagines a lot. haha! 6. Slash, I've told you don't be so mean, Acer needs our help, not us making fun of him. Needs help with what? 7. Would you two hush, I'm trying to talk to Mritha. I am so sorry if Slash, and Six said anything ugly. They may be my best friends, but they can be so rude sometimes. *chuckes* Naw they are fine :) Acer, you are just way to sensitive. Yeah what Six said, not to mention you wear your feelings on your sleeve. *looks at Acer's sleeve* Orly? I don't see any feelings here If you two don't hush, I'm gonna put a sleep spell on you. Just try it, and see what happens. And when he gets done, what's left is mine. Sleeeepy...... EDIT:Just how is your name pronounced? Mrrr-ith-ah The "i" makes the 'i' sound like in "milk", not like in "eye" Acer I can't believe you asked that. Hey he isn't the first one :) Why not? If you want to know something the only way is too ask. Aye this is true IF you two don't stop fighting....I swear ya'll get on my nerves. *grins*
< Message edited by Mritha -- 5/30/2011 20:27:17 >