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RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption)

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6/1/2011 11:34:34   
Jet Silver

I am back! And on my computer this time! >:D
*glomps Jet* Welcome back! :D
1. Do you want a purple cloud hat goes "Yeah!"?
2. I will give you it if you sign here.
*signs Sepulchure's her name*
3. Did you sign?
4. Ok here is your cloud.
5. It will go "Yeah!" when you are excited, or happy. Or doing a rad activity such as water skiing.
6. What was the contract for? Oh, don't worry, it was just a sign up for a purple gift each year. FREE!
Oh it was? The last time someone tried to get me to sign a contract, he was after my soul. *goes back to change the name*
7. But...
Always a catch.
8. You have to grab the hand of the person next to you, and TOSS HIM AS FAR AS YOU CAN!
*grabs Jet's hand and tosses him into Cysero's shop* Hey, you were closest to me :P
9. And then you wait a year for the next awesome purple gift to arrive.
An entire year? *has a sad*
10. That cloud "might" become annoying in the future. At times. You can turn it off at night by going "No!".
Yay! :D

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/1/2011 12:13:09 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 151
6/1/2011 12:29:44   
Tiago X

Missed me?
Of course! :)
Of course you didnt >_>
I got more funny questions, and you HAVE to answer!!
Did you ever notice that if you blow in a dogs face it goes mad, yet when you take him on a car ride he sticks his head straight out the window?
Yes I have, rather amusing :P
When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?
Why isn’t the number 11 pronounced onety one?
Cause its a mouthful to say :P
If it’s true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?
To help us!
If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes?
I love that argument. *did NOT evolve from apes and/or monkeys*
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too?
I hope not lol
If you choke a smurf, what color would he turn into?
What disease did cured ham actually have?
The aliveness disease
Why do we say "heads up" when we actually duck?
because we look up as we dive down
Well, I hope you enjoy, those were not made by me, but I had a great time reading them, and I hope you do aswell.
hahaha I did enjoy reading them :)
Once again, congratulations on your ArchKnight-ship.(I'll say this everytime.)
Thank you!
And I'm out, I'll be checking in 5 minutes for your answers, HURRY!

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/1/2011 13:22:56 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 152
6/1/2011 12:29:57   
San Robin

Hi Mritha
Answering questions huh?
You're not done yet :P
Does it look like I am?
I still have a question for you...
Hit me with it :P
what would you do if the colour purple became illegal?
Get thrown in prison for painting the world purple :P
no more questions here
That wasnt so bad, was it?
Nope :)
Good luck with your AKiness
Thank you!
*waves goodbye*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/1/2011 13:24:37 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 153
6/1/2011 12:31:51   

How are you O purple pal of mine?
Doing aweshum!
do you perchance have a favourite flavour of cookie?
Double Dark Chocolate Chip :P With some milk.
Whats the best type of purple?
ALL muahahaha
Do you like my sig?
and finally...
*rolls a drum*
how mad at me are you now that you have to answer more questions >:D
Seeing as how I had JUST finished answering all the questions......*paints his sponge purple* muahahaha

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/1/2011 13:26:23 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 154
6/1/2011 12:35:43   

1)Guess what?
I painted my room a Dark Purple!
2) How do you feel about that?
*hugs the killer of all paperclips*
3) What is the math you use to calculate war waves?
I'm not sure, but it involves numbers :P
4) Should I look up all that information that you were scared by and find more?
5) *POKE* I poked you, how does it feel?
*pokes back*
6) How many War waves have you done?
I stopped counting after 4k
7) Do you like these new DFGD Shackles?
Its getting harder to move, but yes :)
8) *POKE* I poked you again, I bet that's annoying. Is it?
9) I don't know what I should ask. What should I ask?
You should ask me if you could join the forces of purple.
10) *Insert Question that you create for me to ask**grins* Mritha, can I please join the forces or purple and devote my life to destroying all things yellow?
*highfives paperclipkiller* Of course! Welcome aboard soldier! :D

Anyway congrats the AKship for the DFGD, I am sure you will do a fine job.
Thanks man :)

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/1/2011 13:30:42 >
DF MQ  Post #: 155
6/1/2011 12:36:23   

Laos! *glomps*
Congrats'n'good Luck! :)
Thank you! :D
That's all from me. Short'n'sweet. :P Bye!
Yays! *waves goodbye*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/1/2011 13:31:44 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 156
6/1/2011 12:56:51   

when i asked how does mtak thing work i meant how do people become a dfgd
You are asked, simple as that. :)
do youever go on you tube if so check out my page i love DF so much i even made DF part of my name!
do you want a cookie?
ME TO have you ever met the team
Not in person :)
how do people become a DFGD i play DF every day so im just wondering
As I said, you are asked
wait a second shouldnt you be out fighting seppys minion!?!?!?! wait uh should to wistles*
I am fighting, I type between animations :)
how do i change my typing color i want mine blueeeeeeee
It would seem you already know lol
if you had the choice to join king alteon or sepulchre in the final battle who would it bE
Whichever side offers me the most purple
DO MTAKS have special powers in-game
A MTAK is a forum thread and has no relation to the game whatsoever. However if you are talking about AKs....then still no :)
how do i become A MTAK or DFGD?!?!?!

You want to become a forum thread? Odd desire lol

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/1/2011 13:53:49 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 157
6/1/2011 13:19:32   
~Cursed Hero~

1.Do you like 'Tis song? Clickiez
Yea, it was pretty good!
2.Why so purple?!?!
Cause purple ish aweshum!
3.Wanna hear secrets?!?!
4.Will you NOT tell anyone?
Of course not!
5.Pinky swear?
Pinky swear

I stole a fish from chisagen


This is the image before editing! (Made by zork knight) : http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/iamawesome00/purple1.jpg No liez!

Somehow I am not suprised at that
8.Wanna hear moar?

My laptop charger is glowing purple!

O_O Cool!

Liez it was blue

EDIT : btw, i have battled your character alot in PvP...is it stalking me? 0.o
My character is stalking herself, I fight her a LOT in random battles.
Bai >:)

*waves goodbye*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/3/2011 11:09:36 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 158
6/1/2011 13:47:14   

Hullo, m'Lady o' purple diamonds. I said that i'd come back.
*glomps GalaXy* Welcome back!
dot dot dot
*Faceplalm* This is hopeless.
I know, I know, Mirth but- CAN YOU WRITE YELLOW?!?
Guess which colour a saphire is? Hint: It's a gem.
The ones I see have been blue

Yellow. *Grin*

Not the ones my sister has
The end Time for more YELLOW! ...
Should I convert to ...Purple?
Fins? Like fishies?

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/3/2011 11:11:48 >
AQW  Post #: 159
6/1/2011 14:08:05   
Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

*A projection of a cloaked figure appears in front of you.*
*waves hello*
Greetings again Mritha.
I forgot to mention, do not paint the moglin purple after midnight. Luckily for the both of us, you were certainly smart enough not to or well .... DoomWood would become a less crowded place, then Amityvayle would be next, followed by Moonridge till Falconreach would be utterly destroyed.
The destruction of Lore is worth it. I will not have a pink compainion.
1.So, I understand you would like it to become a Chaos lord/lady?
Yes and no
You do realise that it would end with you to yell "Ow!" as you are beaten and besides, Vath already took the spot of Chaos Dragonlord.
Chaos EVOLVED Dragonlord has not been taken, and besides. Purple armors, weapons, capes, and helms would drop from my quests as well as could be bought in stores. Then people would wear them and unknowingly spread more purple corruption. I may lose the boss battle, however that is no matter as my intention was never to win, it was to spread the purple. ;)
2.As for my verbal talent, don't you have a Dragon Amulet for you to understand draconic?
Actually no I don't. Odgne was an adult when I bonded with her so there was no need to get one
For the record, Odgne thinks to be superior to you as she agreed with the statement.
In many ways she is, in many ways she isn't
3.Now tell me, the three Runes those of the D.U.M. live by are ....
4.If you cannot answer me that, then at least tell me in what Rune you are.
5.Did you spot what I did?
6.Do you know what my weapon of choice is?
7.If all of Lore was to fall and you could go and save but one of your friends and allies? The warmongers can handle themselves.
Lore will not fall. And even if it does I will not be around to save anyone because I will die protecting it
The shadowscythe are a virus Mritha, they are the illness that plagues Lore, we are the medicine to either save or fail all ....
painting them purple would also help :D
Failure is certain, victory is but a chance .... it is time I gather a piece of my past.
No, it is victory that is a certain
*The cloaked figure turns around and the projection turns intensely bright, till you spot bamboo forest on the horizon and the projection fades.*
*waves goodbye*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/3/2011 11:18:48 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 160
6/1/2011 14:10:31   

hey mritha its me again!!!!
now that i think about it i have been asking about DFGDs but i haveaaqqawwaa no idea what one is lol what is a DFGD
It is the forum you are typing in right now. It stands for Dragon Fable General Discussion
IWAS then ate me i was so scared i my pants then sepulchre appeared and sked for because he was having trouble slleping then a ate tomix then it ate me and i said galanoth is this a again
I sees no blanks......
what is your favorite song by skillet?
Whispers in the Dark
what is your favorite ae game? do you have to be really really rrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyy good to be sked to becoME A DFGD?
Df. I'm not sure what you mean by that
what level are you in DF
My main character is level 67, however my other 5 characters are between 50ish and 20ish
WHat is your favorite orb saga mine is earth/nature
wht is your favorite quest?
The one with the two way titan fight
whatdo DFGDS do?
Keep the forums clean
can i please become a purple soldier i will devote my life to destroy anything yellow i will even suggest on the forums
Of course you can join the forces of purple! However a quest chain is not needed, those will only go to staff members. I am just a forum AK :) And to be honest, even if the staff decided to give out quest chains to the forum AKs and Mods, they should pick those who have been working in DFGD longer. People like LANDIS and Myra and those who were here first IMO. It just would not be fair for the new girl to get special treatment. :)

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/3/2011 11:26:29 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 161
6/1/2011 15:00:17   
extreme wizard

Hello yet again.
What is your most painful farming experience? This could be an item or DMs or gold...anything.
The LPF. Darn troglomite refused to drop what I needed.
Which NPC do you wish you could play as in DF? *cough* Decair *cough*
Sepulchure. A quest like the one we had in the fire war when we played at Xan was so much fun! :D
When my plan is executed and Sepulchure dies-Er, is sent to the happy land of corn people, can you get the Energy Orb for me? Yes, I know, shocking question, but I would like to use it to blow stuff up.
Only if you get the Darkness Orb for me
If you could combine any two classes in-game, what would you make? TechnoRanger would be awesome, I think.
DmK and EDL
Nice rhyming earlier, you accomplished your mission. *gives purple flurp*
Finals are finally done! WOOOOO! Um, I need to ask a question so, uh. Do you like waffles?
Congrats! And not really, I prefer pancakes.
Dark side or Light side? (Both sides have purple)
Well I am in the pillar of Light on the BoH, but Darkness has black which is my favorite color and looks SOOOOO epic with purple.....
What is your dragon's (forgot his/her name) favorite food?
Her name is Odgne, and she likes evil undead penguins the most
That's all I have for now, see you later!
See ya!
*flies away on Shruikan*
*waves goodbye*
EDIT: I have to ask if you think this is the biggest fail in the history of DF. I was doing AExtras, and got 2000 points, which took several months. So, thinking I would never get to my 4000 goal for a DA, I bought the 2000 DC package. What I didn't know was that my old offers were coming through at a much slower rate than the ones I saw at first, so I ended up getting another 2000 points from those old offers...after I already spent 2000 points on DCs. So I could have a DA right now. /eternalfacepalm. -end rant.
Dawww thats sad :(

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/3/2011 11:31:39 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 162
6/1/2011 15:06:43   
Street Halo

Hey there.
Congratulations on the title.
Thank you!
Use them well.
Will do :)
See ya later, then.
*waves goodbye*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/3/2011 11:32:44 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 163
6/1/2011 15:21:50   
Killing time softly

Hi Mritha!
Hiyas Myra! :D
It seems like yesterday that I posted in your fist MtAK! They grow up so fast :D
haha I know right?
I hope you enjoy DFGD as much as I do! Not to disparage any of the other forums but I'm 99% sure this one is the best of them all :)
Oh DFGD is so much fun, I LOVE it here!
I don't really have questions for you but I don't think you will run out of questions to answer anytime soon ...
*looks at all the posts still left unanwered* Yea, your right about that haha!

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/3/2011 11:34:04 >
DF MQ  Post #: 164
6/1/2011 15:25:50   

Hi again
Question one was....................RIGHT
Question two was.....................RIGHT
Question three was surprisingly.................RIGHT
Question four was............................RIGHT
Question 5 was Partly RIGHT (i also would have excepted BLUE OR BLACK)
*grins* Close enough :D
Question 7 was RIGHT
you can live now and continue making things purple.

*gives you a fuzzle purple ball that is vey cute and eats anything yellow(mwhaha to yellow ps i hate yellow too)*
Aww thank you!
im also giving you a lazer beam that can turn anything purple
also i did destroy the purpleannilator
Thank you!
now read this: (and post what it says)
Read what?

4,1 3,2 5,3 5,3 6,3/6,1 7,3 4,3 8,1 4,2 2,1/7,1 8,2 7,3 7,1 5,3 3,2/7,3 8,2 5,3 3,2 7,4

heres three hints
Good, cause I have no idea what those numbers lol

the slash means new word


notice how i only used 9 different #'s for the first coorornades and up to 4 (but only on 7) in the second


look at a phone
My cell phone has a keyboard, not numbers like the old phones

mwhahahaha i posted no questions and yes i am testing your smarticleness
haha smooth :)

< Message edited by griffin88 -- 6/3/2011 14:57:25 >
AQ DF  Post #: 165
6/1/2011 16:49:50   

hey p-you know what? im going to call you purple-O's from now on!
sooo...hey purple-O's!
Purple-Os? hahaha sounds like something I'd eat for breakfast
What did you mean when you said yes and no about my question related to chaos?
Yes because painting Lore only one color would cause chaos and imbalence between the other colors, and no because........I forgot why
Dont worry,from now on no more digging questions.
haha yay!
Is this: purple?
Heeeey it is!
It does have a little pink in it....but its purple!
noooo i finished the cookies from the last posts!
double noooo! My sister just told me her fav colour is now pink!
JK! she still likes purple best!
*sighs in relief*
i still have a cookie problem...
Well I made some cupcakes a few minutes ago....
I guess I could share one.....
*hands him one* :D
oh! im going to post a cookie thread XD
There is a cookie thread?
you probably said wat so ill answer with nothing.
I think i spammed u enough
c u next page!
*waves goodbye*
*does the whole laughing thing*(only without cookies,cuz i dont have them )
Ahh but now you have a cupcake! :D

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/4/2011 11:53:24 >


DF AQW Epic  Post #: 166
6/1/2011 17:08:35   
Dantae darkflare

hello again Mritha, how was your meeting with Ios?
Heyas! It was.....intersting
now to answer some answers from the pre post.
*crosses her fingers*

Like his clone?

well yes and no, it's kinda complicated, he's is my clone......well I'm actually His clone but were also the same person as well, he's sorta like my inner persona.

I'd say Firearms

that's only 65% true, i do use alot of fire arms but i also use other weapons too, like my fists and legs.
Mostly right yay!

Hmm that video won't load for me....

then can i ask another question? have you ever watched red vs blue?
if no then give it a try, it involves alot of halo and alot of comedy in the first few seasons then epic things in the last few seasons, did i mention it also has a lot of mature humor?
*grins* I will look into it then :)
now onto the other stuff, that's.......... entertaining........*wide grin of calmness*
would you consider me a good or horrible general or lieutenant? (p.s To be continued, and enjoy the yellowness)
Your using yellow text right now, so horrible! Had you been using another color *coughs* purple *coughs* I'd say you are a good general or lieutenant

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/4/2011 11:57:17 >
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 167
6/1/2011 17:48:44   

On you dragon did you want any fin/scale or jaw horns coming out of it's jaw?
Small horns coming out of the jaw :)

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/4/2011 11:57:52 >
DF AQW  Post #: 168
6/1/2011 18:01:47   

*I have Cat Ears.* Never touch Melissa's Fairy dust!
Twilly: I want Kitty Cat Ears like you, Katana...
Actually Melissa showed me how to make her dust :D Tis very useful. *nods*
Me: You know Twilly...throughout all the time we have been friends, this is the closest I have ever been to punting you.
Twilly: I just want Kitty Cat Ears-
Me: Unleash the Punting Togs of War!!!! *Togs with robotic boots rage in and Twilly is punted to Sepulchure's forces.* He should be back in...oh say 13 weeks.
Twilly: I'll be back!!!!!!
That takes care of that
haha aye it does
Was my Fallen Heroes spoiler really that shocking?
Aye it was. I can hardly wait to read it :)
...Good thing I didn't tell Twilight's Legacy's plot...That alone, oughta leave you breathless.
Back to the show... (Oh and I'll let you "rewind" and switch your answer... Just try not to do it too much.)
haha will do :)
*The Soul Stream suddenly transforms into a castle, where you and the others still wait in the waiting hall. Everyone you beat is glaring at you...except Seth, Seth is eating
Ice Cream waiting for the next battle!*
*steals the cheery on top and noms*
Zero: Really...I'm up against you. *Zero puts on a black blindfold.* Guess this will make this fair, and its better training.
Now thats just insulting
*The battle starts and Zero just holds his blade and waits.*
A. Dragonheart!
B. No...he is up to something.
C. Gravity Hammer Strike!
Yeeeea I don't trust him. B.
A- No way! He just dodges every single one of your attacks, making it look like child's play. Once you throw your blast at him, he disappears and you find him right behind you...
striking you down. Sorry, you lost.
B- Smart move! You wait and realize that he is studying your movements without seeing you...feeling your movements through the floor, while still being able to hear you when
in the air. You shoot two blasts to distract him, but he doesn't move, and when the smoke clears...he is right behind you and almost comes closes to striking you down. Good move
C- Hammer it up. You rush at him with your Gravity Hammer, and he actually LETS you hit him with it, but he is unaffected as if made of some unbreakable steel. You continue
to hit him, but he takes your Gravity Hammer and breaks it. (Don't worry, everything that breaks in this Spar, will be fixed after the battle!)
If you didn't choose A... the battle still continues
A. Blast barrage! Shoot hundreds of blasts at Zero in hopes of breaking his defense.
B. Defend!
A- You blast him, and it actually does phase him, but not as much as it should. He falls to the ground. "I guess I have no choice. But to release the Dark Power that I have been
holding back." His Blindfold falls to the ground, and his eyes start sparking. Your blade disappears and ends up in his hands, He holds his blade up to the sky, and thousands and thousands of blades rise and start striking you.
B- ...He teleports behind you, and kicks you in the air. He teleports and kicks you constantly, making a game out of it. Sorry you lose...and became a game.
Oh snap
If you chose A...
A. Defend against it!
B. Shadow Speed! Go through the blades!
Probably going to regret this.....but B!
A- Are you Insane!? You choose to defend against thousands and thousands of blades...Although your defense doesn't hold up, and you get pinned to the floor by blades. Zero
takes your Blade and puts it in the ground right beside your head. "You were better than I thought." You almost won...but lost!
B- You turn into a blurry shadow jumping on or pass each blade and to Zero, pinning him to the floor. You grab your blade, and each of you jump back, preparing for another
strike, while the crowd still cheers on. You hear people cheering for you, some for Zero too, and you also see Odgne cheering for you the loudest of all. Zero finally jumps up,
shooting thousands of Dark Blasts at you, smiling and then disappearing. What is he up to?
Heeey it actually worked! :D
A. Defend against the blasts!
B. Dodge the Blasts!
C. Stand your Ground.
Well the crazy idea worked last round. C!
A- Once they hit, they go right through you! It was a mirage! You realize that Zero has been in the sky, Defenseless, charging a huge Spiritual Twilight Bomb! (Like a light bomb)
You race to attack Zero before he fires it, but alas, you are too late and the bomb hits... Literally ripping Soul Stream, and the fabric of reality apart, although you did push Zero to
his limit, thats a good thing. But sorry, you lost this match.
B- You dodge the blasts, while avoiding every single one of them, you notice that Zero has been in the sky, Defenseless charging a huge Spiritual Twilight Bomb!
(like a light bomb), he struggles to throw it at you immediately, and boy does it hit you directly! You see your whole life flash before your eyes, and finally the Soul Stream
and some parts of reality rip apart. You are caught in the direct blast of it, it will take weeks to get the ashes and heal you!
C- C stands for, you are INSANE LIKE CYERSO!!!!!!!!!!!! You stand there, you don't defend or dodge. You stand your ground and wait, the blasts go right through you. You notice Zero quickly charging the Spiritual Twilight Bomb, and bring him back down to the platform with
a strike of your Gravity Hammer, and he falls down hard. He goes through his backpack looking for one of his Health Potions, but alas, this time he is too late, and he is at the
mercy of your blade. Just as it seems you have won, he proves he still has more up his sleeve, he has Phantom Blades right behind you. Man does Zero ever quit? He releases
them, and agrees to let you be the victor of the match...but could Zero have kept going? You'll never know.. but I will :P
YESSSSSS!!! I survived! (barely) and didn't use rewind! :D
*You go out of the Arena and back to the waiting hall. After a good rest and heal from the fight you are ready to fight your next opponent. You look on the boards looking for
Fractra's name, but he isn't there, in his place is someone else named Ventus. Then...a unexpected boy that you didn't see earlier suddenly pops out surprising you.*
I have to fight a kid?
Ventus: Mritha right? Hey I'm Ventus, your opponent for the semi-finals! Finally once I beat you, I get to take on Fractra!
Beat me? Bring it, half pint.
*Ventus's black hair was combed back, his blue eyes staring right at you, as physced as his attitude was. He was wearing his Knight Uniform with Pactogonal Shoulder Pads.*
Ventus: You know, once I really do win. I'll be a Hero, a true Hero. Like...
PvP doesn't make you a hero
*He stared at you.* Ventus: You, you are just what I imagined a Hero to be like...not the way you look...but there is Something else about you.
Ventus: Ah well, thats enough with the drama, see you in the ring!
*you walk to the Arena, and he is ready for the battle. And in the Seats, you see Fractra waiting impatiently, Odgne and Heroes cheering you on. Ventus takes out his blade.*
*glares at Fractra*
A. Dragonheart!
B. Purple Rush! *Strike through him with a purple rush!
PURPLE ANNIHILATION!!!! (if this kills me I am going to be very sad)
A. Ventus is easily beaten before Dragonheart really even begins... You are victorious!
b. Ventus is out with the Purple Rush and he falls down.
*You hold up your Blade victorious, but you see Fractra out of the corner of your eye chanting a spell. Suddenly Ventus gets up surrounded by a dark aura, rivaling that of
any you've seen!*
I should have known it wouldn't be this easy....
*Ventus charges toward you swing his sword and nearly knocking your sword out if your hands. He charges toward you once more, jumping up and striking you. You manage to use your sword to defend against it. He was a Pushover before...but now he is rivaling your strength!*
Ventus: "I"m not...fighting...I'm not the one...doing this." *Ventus looks like he is in pain, while he is still fighting you.*
Fractra: See Mritha, this is the power of the Fragment Crystal. The power that could be yours, just give in to the Darkness within you. And become my new Minion of Darkness.
*hiss* Fool, I am already Darkness! And I am NO ONE'S MINION!
*You manage to knock Ventus back enough, to finally do a real attack against him. Fractra disappeared, and you are left with his...New minion.*
Cheater! *grumbles at how villains always leave their minions to do their dirty work* And THAT is why I am no one's minion!
A. Attack him Head on!
B. Shoot a blast!
HEAD ON! *coughs* I mean B!
A- He teleports to the back of you and kicks you all the way up in the air, and attacks you with his sword hitting you higher, and higher. He finally appears above you and pierces
his sword through you, hitting you all the way to the ground breaking the platform. You barely escape with your life.
B- You get shot yourself with one of his Darkness Blasts. Which, causes you to fall to the Floor of the Arena. Ventus prepares to make the finishing blow.
*uses rewind* Chronomancer FTW!
*You lay on one of the Platform's shards, and Ventus appears ready to end the match. Odgne swoops in and saves your life, Ventus looks at your Dragon, and summons a
Dracolich and chases after you.*
Sic em Odgne!
*Your Dragons aligns with the Light of the Soul Stream, blinding everyone, and then quickly rushes down ramming Ventus's Dracolich and breaking its bones. You manage
to catch Ventus and head back to the (Now-fixed) platform.*
Wow, the repair crew must be on a sugar high. That was fast!
*Finally your crystal turns purple and twinkles. Once you hold it up, it leads you to the Door...The Door to where Fractra is waiting on his throne. Odgne is ready to fight alongside
you in this final battle. You feel an incredible amount of aura behind that door, threatening dark aura.*
Plasma and Frag Grenades? Check. One of each MOD for the MJOLNIR armor? Check. Gravity hammer? Check. Various other weapons from Halo? muahahaha
*Everyone is rooting for you, except Kotaro...who was too busy trying to open a unopenable can of soda, and missed ALL of your fights...he is still trying to open it.*
Idiot hero.....

Kotaro: I paid 28,000 Gold and 2,800 DCs for "The Greatest Drink Ever" that won't even open! Wait till I get my hands on that B.M. moglin, Oooh he is going to get some Kotaro fury!
Remind me to bring purple popcorn for that, it will be amusing to watch
Kotaro: Oh wait...did I miss anything?
Next time...You finally face Fractra. Be prepared!
Oh and I couldn't come up with a new system. Anything I can do to make the fights more exciting?
Be prePAAAAAAAAARED! I like what you have done so far, though I'd say leave more options for injury rather than death or life. :)
Anything I can do to make my writing and Fragment more exciting?
None that I can think of right now
*Forgets to run away from glomp .* Its like I'm forgetting something...
muahahaha *glomps* :D

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/4/2011 12:44:08 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 169
6/1/2011 20:11:33   

What's your favorite class in DF?????
Color Custom Evolved DragonLord! FTW!!!
Cookie time! *Cookies appear*
Yay cookies!
*Likes BLUE*
*like purple*
*waves goodbye*
P.S. You still owe me five gold!
I do? For what? D:

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/5/2011 13:38:06 >
DF MQ  Post #: 170
6/1/2011 21:30:07   

*escapes* told you
so anywhat how does u like it to be an AK??
I loves it!
do you like it???
Aye, tis fun!
If you were a super hero would you have a cape
Nope! I'd have wings :D
would you be good or evil
Umm...... Honesly I don't know. I'd like to say good but evil always has the best stuff
*mritha sees that she is in the cage* heheh houdini!!!
*calmly walks out* You forgot to close the door.
anyway *rubs paint off but its stuck on* <_<
heh heh
I dont liek you no more
*mritha breaks cage* ok thats unfair
I dun liek cages!

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/5/2011 13:42:07 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 171
6/2/2011 7:54:41   

I just realised I havn't asked you any questions yet...
So I should.
*gets purple popcorn*
Let's start with one that's easy.
Do you think huge half-undead rat with no fur is cute?
But if it was purple?
I don't know.....
It has feelings too!
Oh fine he's cute!
Are you proud of fighting Sepulchures undead army?
And slaying those poor, poor, defensless undead?
Defenseless? DEFENSLESS! They attacked me first!
That is forced to fight and die for Sepulchure?
According to Arix, killing them is saving them from enslavement
That was once people, maybe even heros, like you?
Still proud of it?
Well, I should go. I got work to do. *Discrete makes her way down to Necropolis*

*waves goodbye*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/5/2011 13:57:46 >
DF  Post #: 172
6/2/2011 8:40:35   

*glares at Odgne*
*Odgne glares back*
Now, I shall be evil.
If you going to do what I think your going to do, don't do it.
OK, no yellow weapons. IF I'm n(ice).
*Insert Question that you create for me to ask*
*insterts answer she creates to answer* ;)

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/5/2011 17:58:58 >
DF  Post #: 173
6/2/2011 15:14:44   
Zork Knight

A wild Zork Knight reappeared! What will you do?
> Attack
Say Hello
Use an item
Run away
Say hello!
This is the perfect occasion... for my revenge! *Paints you and Odgne white and yellow*
*paints Zork purple and washes off the paint from herself and her dragon*
Wait a minute... I might be equal or weirder than Mortarion? How's that possible?
This is Lore, ANYTHING is possible.
Anyway, time for some questions...
1. Coke or Pepsi?
2. Cake or pie?
3. KFC or McDonald's?
Taco Bell
4. Violet or Purple?
5. Bacon.
With Cheesy Grits is really yummeh
Well, that's all for now. I might be back later. But, for now *breaks a door* bye!
*fixes the door and beats Zork with it*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/5/2011 18:03:38 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 174
6/2/2011 23:45:47   
Prince of Thunder

Bienvenidos, my good Archknight! Congrats! Address me as one of the three titles in my signature if you would.
Heyas! Your sig doesn't have titles, just a war speech :P
I have only the three questions in my mind for you:
*gets purple popcorn*
1) Would you mind if was your counterpart White Dragonlord?
Well I did try to create Ahtirm as my couterpart, though that didn't turn out as expected..... I guess I don't mind, it would be interesing to RP like that sometime :)
2) My lightning happens to be black as midnight. Thoughts?
Vereh nice. Black is awesome!
3) How many waves have you killed of Sepulchure's sinister forces?
Honestly? I have no idea. I hit 4k the first week and stopped counting lol
*waves* Adieu, my fair and noble purple Archknight! Onwards Unmei! *Flys off to war*
*waves goodbye*

< Message edited by Mritha -- 6/5/2011 18:24:36 >


The Shadowscythe shall not claim Lore!
We the Heroes WILL prevail!
Join, every able comrade, and take up thy blade and thy staff
Post #: 175
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