@XxEDpwnerz!xX 1st-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa 2nd- indeed, however, when was the last time that ever happend, not just to you, but anyone, I'm sure that it CAN technically happen, but due to the fact that even the most incompetant merc will have full bunker and/or artillary, which has led to there owning of the 2v2 realm of this game, the chances are so slim of someone actually facing that combo are slim to none, and don't try to get everyones sympathy by preying on the less inteligent, and here is why no one should ever feel srry for a merc who faces this combo, --because a merc in jugg mode will have BOTH bunker and artillary on max to make sure that max damage is done to both opponents and once the smoke and malf are done, even if they both went first, the merc will still have the hybrid armor to block the smokes major losses, and the COMPETANT merc will also be fine against malf because, due to hybrid, and will thus spam tech because dex wil be fine, so then both will be slightly negated and not as bad as it would be against either a bh or mage, and let us not forget that at this point in the game the merc will then bunker and art, and because the 2 person team will want to kill the merc quickly, they wont heal from the first attck(bunker) and so will be killed on the mercs second turn due to artillary, and in perfect lucky conditions the merc will kill the other due to a crit strike, and will not have to go for more than 5 turns because by then even if one of the opponents gets lucky for 2 turns after the artillary strike, the merc will just rage them into submission