Constructively Friendly!
Request tiime!! This description of Mechajin is courtesy of nield, written for one of his stories, Animosity, Please Ignore the odd skin and tongue color though, that's just artistic license. He wore his armour in a fashion dissimilar to most Technomancers. Instead of wearing the breastplate over the coat, as most do, he wears it beneath. Also, rather than tearing the sleeve off at the shoulder on his left arm where he wore his Technomancer's Gauntlet, he had it removed in a precise manner, such that the Gauntlet appears to be an extension of the sleeve. His silver hair comes down to his shoulders at the back in a rigid manner, while at the sides it comes down to his chin and no further. While most of his hair is parted away from his forehead, three bunches came down in varying lengths, but extended no further than his eyebrows, which were also silver. The scarf common to all Technomancers, rather than the usual red was coloured teal. On the right shoulder, the arm with which a Technomancer wields his weapon, is a rank badge. The rank is Spongemaster, denoted by three horizontal lines topped by a sponge at the center of which is a gold star. His weapon is a Silver Katana, a weapon that seems to the eye to curve with far more grace than any other katana. The blade of the katana is silver, with runes inlaid of wisps of smoke, coloured teal. Indeed, if you look at the katana right, there actually appears to be teal smoke floating around it. Whether this is by trick of the eyes or design is unknown to me. The guard of the katana, coloured black, has lines of teal that run from its bottom up to meet the start of the smoke runes. There are two parts on the guard, where it extends. These occur on the bladed side of the katana and curl back towards the hand of the weilder, curling up on themselves at the end. Down these are runes in the same manner of those on the blade, lending to the illusion of smoke around the weapon and are also coloured teal. The hilt itself of the blade is teal. Mechajin's face is an odd one. While to look it straight on, you would see it as tanned. However, peripheral vision reveals it to be a curious mixture of teal and silver, one that blends so well it is hard to say where teal ends and silver begins, with the reverse also true. His eyes are a kindly shade of teal, one that inspires a want to trust. His nose is pointed, but in such a fashion that it appears to be rounded at its end. When he speaks he does so in a melodious tone, one that is referred to as Silvertongue. That his tongue is coloured silver may have lent itself to the naming.