Creative! Constructive!
Quote:Oh, you know, making deals, toying with things man was not meant to understand, crossing ethical lines so much that they started creating new ones for me to cross, that kind of thing. Reminds me of me... an evil me who is more pasive than agressive... You still haven't gotten artificial powers perfected? At this point I could do that with powers or tech.... Albeit the powers way is easier to figure out if you know the precise details and have the power to do so... Personally, I don't use that much, anywho... meh. Why do you have second thoughts about the monicker SHadow Corp.? Dr. Von Crazy? MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You hav to be kiding me... THAT GUY?!?! /whisper Don't trust him as far as you can throw him.