Moving Mountains
Your suggestion is noted, but I did want to mention the differences between ED Suggestions and the Suggestions board for AQ. The reason a Suggestions board is generally reply only is primarily for the ease of the developers. If the design team would like some weapon ideas for instance, they'd have to look through one thread and it'd be very easy to find what they're looking for. AQ Suggestions allows for a different format than the other games because the design team (in this case, the Knights of Order) are so involved in the board. They read over each thread, and this is the only reason this system is really feasible. I share your concern with the amount of suggestions posted in the GD area of the ED forums. The forum staff is aware of this problem, and we are taking steps to correct this dilemma. Therefore, it's possible anything could happen, including a change in the format of the Suggestions board; it's more likely different measures are taken, however.