the devs should have replaced super crap srry i mean super charge with reflex boost. and ch should get static charge to be passive. and tlc merc skill tree should be changed to this TLC mercs skill tree modified Tier 1: field medic, double strike, Hybrid armor Tier 2: Maul,Blood shield/energy shield, Frenzy Tier 3: atom,surgical strike, artillery strike Tier 4: smoke,reroute,poison grenade Links field medic-maul-atom-smoke double strike- bs/es-surgical-reroute double strike- bs/es-surgical-poison grenade hybrid-frenzy-arty Bm skill tree should be like this Tier 1: field medic, fire-bolt,reflex boost Tier 2:plasma cannon,bloodlust, overload Tier 3:zerk,intimidate,plasma rain Tier 4:asim,technician/field commander,deadly aim Links Field medic-plasma cannon fire bolt-blood lust-intimidate fire bolt-blood lust- zerk zerk-asim intimidate-deadly aim intimidate-technician/field commander Reflex boost-overload-plasma rain