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RE: which class do you think is the best now

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7/17/2011 19:34:37   

Hey guys is it Monday yet?

Look forward to seeing how they do the next balance update lol

< Message edited by DeathSpawn -- 7/17/2011 19:35:28 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 26
7/17/2011 19:34:52   

BH for now.
Post #: 27
7/17/2011 19:37:25   

@Mr. Bones, I know that while BH str builds work well, they however due to frenzy, and the requirements put on a few of their skills, they just use delta maul, and use smoke themselves, and due to hybrid armor they keep the same ammount of points in str, which then boost the effectiveness of frenzy. So I'm afraid I have to say that TLMs are on the top of the ED heap
Epic  Post #: 28
7/17/2011 20:42:13   

The best is tac merc indeed BUT Bh and TM are not dead like the other classes, TM's support build works really good for me but I prefer a balance build while Bh has it deadly comobo with high strength+smoke. TM is not the best class, such reasons are the disordered skill tree it has and the few build options it has to compete agaisnt other classes, but like most say the builds makes the player and is kind of true, you may have the best build but if you used it in a noobish way, prepare yourself for a hard defeat waiting you.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 29
7/17/2011 20:59:38   

5 focus Bounty Hunter
Str Bounty hunter(vix built looks awesome!!)
Post #: 30
7/17/2011 21:31:06   

Oped class/build: strength tactical mercenary ( very fast win/average %)
Oped class/build: strength bounty hunter (fast win/highish %)
balanced classes: tech mage/blood mage (slow win/very high %)
Slightly mentally retarded/adopted child class: cyber hunter (slow win/average %)
AQW Epic  Post #: 31
7/18/2011 0:29:31   

@voidance cyber hunter is a good class if you know how to use it so I'm only lvl 19 and I'm starting to get more wins maybe not in like 3 rounds but not like 10. It takes about 6 and I have a build to be slightly more defense than offense
AQW  Post #: 32
7/18/2011 0:52:43   
Mr. Black OP


Think Twice, circle of pain, energy eggzooka,stun blaster, bunny borg E, gamma bot.. With malf Acting like smoke they are just as good if not better than the strength bounty. They even have an overlooked attack that regains energy and in my opinion thats better than frenzy witch just got nerfed :p adding shadow arts and defense matrix to this makes a deadly build. And they even have technician! What more do I need to say other than OP!

too bad all the weapons except blades are rare lol, its good but smoke beats malf because it makes it easier to block, if ur goin str CH DM is useless, since u cant lower the chance for ur opponent to block the static charge missing could ruin ur strat, Sa is their only passive which is completely luck based and u wld need 42 support at max making a str CH very difficult to use effectively
i still say T merc followed by bh, the nerf t merc to level of bh and buff up the rest till the level of bh the game is balanced :D
Epic  Post #: 33
7/18/2011 1:32:33   

tac merc of course. even though i keep losing to bh's who block 3/3 times when they only have an apperent '18%' block chance against me
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 34
7/18/2011 16:01:10   

Tactical Mercenaries have taken over Epic Duel. I think Tech Mages should get a little more notice. They are being overrun, but not defeated. Wah.
Epic  Post #: 35
7/18/2011 16:11:31   

BH FTW!!! :D

People that think that CH is horrible should try a different build. Keep in mind that a hunter's best friend is their EMP grenade. XD
What's better? Now since they got technician, well, I guess we need to rest in pieces... plus, the point in CH is more of static charge than shadow arts where bounty hunters fit perfectly fine with both their passives.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 36
7/18/2011 17:09:23   

tactical merc- if merc is good, how can this class be worse?
bh- good ol' trusty moveset
merc- does well with it's hybrid armor
tm- i can get good win % but slow battles
bm- glass cannon with too little gunpowder...
ch- no one knows how to put it to use and even then it's mediocre with SA as a passive
Post #: 37
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