Hun Kingq
I tried a low 5 focus build and it was crap because it lowered my defense and resistance so much I was easily defeated by lower levels, I tried reflex boost at max against George Lowe and all other tough NPCs and that was crap because when they attacked I did not block once and they got huge damage as if it was not active. For a 5 focus to work you have to have low health and energy high tech and dex but since the tact merc could smoke you Dex is useless. They took away malfunction, reroute, then to put a nail in the coffin, Assimilation, for Assimilation all what they had to do was to lower the cool down make it unblockable and increase the energy return. Intimidation is a joke, I tried it against George Lowe and the new bosses and their fire power with sidearm and strikes were the same damage. All you people that are Tact mercs you know nothing of the Blood mage because you do not play that class at all or everyday so telling people 5 focus is great it is not great, to tell everyone that the class is just fine it is not just fine, you just don't want to see improvments made to the Blood Mage. If one new class can't have a good debuff then no new class should have a good debuff so take away smoke from tact mercs, malfunction from Cyber Hunters, Intimidation from Blood Mages (we don't use it anyway so we won't miss it). Give Blood Mages back what was rightfully theirs to begin with, reroute. Without reroute the only battles the Blood Mage can compete in now is 1vs1 and NPCs, Titan and the programming staff, you are the ones that did this so find a way to unscrew this screw up. Before Delta I fought in all types of battles but now I am limited, why limit one class to what battles they can be competitive in? It is not a buffing that Blood Mages need in the power area we need something that does not cost energy or health to increase defense and resistance.