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RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2

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8/9/2011 16:00:50   
Angels Holocaust

I've noticed some great suggestions on this thread but there's one solution to all of our problems, and the solution is to allow us to select our partners. When we enter battle we should feel confident and safe that someone will have our back and that's what friends are there for. Who the hell relies of strangers anyway? You wouldn't ask a stranger to watch your baby, so why let a stranger watch your back in battle?
Post #: 126
8/9/2011 16:16:05   

Open up a level 33 only server, make it the last server since that one seems to be closed almost all the time, then you can do 2v2 with the knowledge you can ONLY get a level 33 player and the lag will be minimal because the number of players on that server will be few. If you have to wait an hour for a match that is your choice and I think you should be allowed to make it. If your partner disconnects more then twice from the 33 only server, their computer isn't up to par or they are doing it on purpose so they are banned from that server for the day. Too bad so sad. Everything solved.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 127
8/9/2011 16:27:08   

ok some people suggested that picking our partners is good.
some said its bad.
so we should make a chart of pros and cons.
u wont have a newb with default wep on ur team.
u wont have a lower lvl.
u will have someone who listens to u.
u will have better strategy.
more teamwork.

u fight againts others who aren't in teams.
u wont have a lower lvl and the enemy could
ratios could be inflated, or get worse.

now as u all know
2 vs 2 factions complain about their facs not being able to put up as much influence a s1 vs 1 facs.
so in 2 vs 2 it would take alot more strategy for 2 vs 2 factions to win. and a bigger reward.
this would also include strategies like, always being partnered with a faction mem so that when u win, u get 2 wins, and double the influence as u would solo (when combined, so its 10 influence when partner combined)
this would help 2 vs 2 and the strategies of 2vs 2 faction.
AQW Epic  Post #: 128
8/9/2011 21:09:04   


I agree on being able to link your partners to a 2 vs 2. But it should be that you'll only be able to invite friends a number of times a day, as linking could/will get abused
Post #: 129
8/9/2011 21:45:14   

SPARTICUS, I like it.
Epic  Post #: 130
8/9/2011 21:49:16   
Elf Priest JZaanu

I can envision all Tact Support Mercs teaming with one another. Other teams will form to try to counter the Tact Merc Support team.

It could cause some issues, but it also adds a duel strategy. Sounds fun.
AQW Epic  Post #: 131
8/10/2011 1:26:43   

If you truly wish to do that plz make sure its blaanced. I would not like to find two lv 33s with a epic stratagy with two non variums.


(link)two 33 variums vs 1 non varium 32 1 lv 27 (not linked)
Post #: 132
8/10/2011 5:28:27   

Well, just reminded myself that the gap of 5 lvls is too much. Today, our opponent had 1 hp left, and instead of my lvl 28 partner healing and waiting for his zooka next turn, he decides to primary an unsmoked opponent resulting in blocking, and our loss. Heck, lvl 30's even make mistakes like this. So its swaying me to the idea of linking partners even more.
Post #: 133
8/10/2011 22:14:09   
Lord Barrius

Locking. All balance discussion from this point on will be restricted to a single thread, to be created soon. Thanks!
Post #: 134
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