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RE: Enhancements my thoughts

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7/31/2011 1:25:10   

*agrees with everything giras says*
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 51
7/31/2011 1:30:25   
Elf Priest JZaanu

Giras summed up the history. Many who did not have access to the old edf or part of the game when enhancements were established, Giras did a fabulous writing of its history.

The original idea, I think was a weapon trade in feature where if you had a lvl 22 weapon, you would take it to a npc, to see what the cap level version looked like and you had the choice to get it. There were so many varied ideas, but no one expected this version of enhancements.
AQW Epic  Post #: 52
7/31/2011 1:32:34   

i did, but i was young and naive at the time. i assumed enhancements would be a free option the make weapons more versitile. i never once expected the money sucking abomination that it turned out to be.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 53
7/31/2011 1:40:46   

How can they continually ignore wonderfully said posts like Jzaanu's and Giras? Its an echo of sentiments that have been continually posted or said in-game.

Here we are practically begging them to make our enhancements cost no more than $5 each item is that honestly too much to ask? Same for the credit enhancements its a ridiculous grind for a month to pay to enhance 1 item.

EpicDuel game developers brought in these ludicrous enhancements on everything now its time for them to fix it. Don't nerf our stats then sell us something else to boost them either!! That was truly a slap in the face to all the varium customers when Titan and Nightwraith brought that idea in.

I am starting to wonder if we do have humans running this game. Maybe they are daleks from Dr Who or klingons from Star Trek :P

< Message edited by Shadronica -- 7/31/2011 1:46:12 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 54
7/31/2011 2:17:18   

I support 100%

Enhacements has been one of the worst mistakes the ED team has made.
Epic  Post #: 55
7/31/2011 2:22:15   
Elf Priest JZaanu

When they were first introduced, it seemed like a fresh idea because they were only limited to 4 stat points. They were mainly used to supplement a basic build, so the player can interchange weapons without retraining. They really didn't impact the game that much. Now, you truly can't be successful without them added.
AQW Epic  Post #: 56
7/31/2011 2:34:13   

I knew about this many many months ago. I personally discussed this with Xendran back in Beta.

Though I'm still wondering whether I should still say anything about it. It really does get depressing telling people about something only so they forget it 3 hours later. :P
Post #: 57
7/31/2011 2:37:38   

PD its probably not worth it since seem like you don't care about it.
AQ Epic  Post #: 58
7/31/2011 2:38:14   
Elf Priest JZaanu

PD, I do remember, and many, like myself, we supported a thinning down of the stats. I am still amazed that nothing was done to deal with the issue then, yet the opposite happened and became more bloated.
AQW Epic  Post #: 59
7/31/2011 2:40:11   

Oops look who we got to come back from retirement??!! It can't be can it?

Welcome back SUP.

Did the pomeranium sniff out a juicy post? hehe
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 60
7/31/2011 2:48:22   

Laughs so maniacally hard that his internal organs gush out of his out, then composes himself back to order

@mir: Me, not care? I was the FIRST to care for your information. I made not one but TWO public manifesto's against Enhancements and Stat Inflation. (Which are both in my sig for reference)

@Jzaanu: That's because back then nobody had a definitive solution that had no negative long term consequences. It takes time and trials to make 100% non-lethal ideas and concepts.

And No Shad, I've been here longer than you have. I've just done some MQ stuff so you don't see me around in ED.

< Message edited by PD -- 7/31/2011 2:49:23 >
Post #: 61
7/31/2011 2:52:07   


I knew about this many many months ago. I personally discussed this with Xendran back in Beta. Though I'm still wondering whether I should still say anything about it. It really does get depressing telling people about something only so they forget it 3 hours later. :P
thats your post and just doesn't seem like you care to talk about it.
AQ Epic  Post #: 62
7/31/2011 2:58:00   

I agree with you JZaanu. But there is one problem: many players will scream "Enhancements or not, I want to preserve the advantage I have already paid for." Once this issue is overcome, varium-hungry enhancements can go.
AQW Epic  Post #: 63
7/31/2011 8:00:45   


I support 100%

Enhacements has been one of the worst mistakes the ED team has made.

i agree
Epic  Post #: 64
7/31/2011 8:47:47   
  Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

I wouldn't say it's the worst mistake in all honestly. Now, sooner or later everyone will have saved up credits (or varium) enough to enhance their items. Now obviously people who can get the enhancements done for their items in one go are going to have a greater benefit over players who either, a. do not have the Varium do so all at once, or b. Those who decide to purchase theirs through credits which in the long run will take a longer time and thus be behind those in power/defense as opposed to those who buy theirs quicker.

People who do who will gain a significant advantage but could have saved their Varium, even though doing so by credits will take a much longer time.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 65
7/31/2011 9:33:24   


Think totally trashing the feature is too extreme? Then lower the price to something less hideously unfair. Ten slots should be 1000 varium, TOPS.

Simple solution. I like it. Enhancements are here to stay.


I am kind of a big deal, so don't act like you're not impressed.
- Abraham Lincoln
Epic  Post #: 66
7/31/2011 10:50:10   

Digital x,

Your are only looking at one negative impact enhecements has done and that is price.

But their are many more less obvious effects that enhacements has caused.
- The creation of too powerful builds, now battles are about who has the most power rather then who has the better strategy.
- Worsining the effects of Luck.
- Makes balancing really hard to achieve.
- Makes it easy to abuse a stat without having many side effects.
- Increases varium non var. gap.
- Long term will make buying wepons too expansive.
- Causes alot of blance problems.
- Loses incentive to buy new wepons / armour.
- Makes the wepon / armour placements of stats less important (Bad if you already stashed a bunch of wepons to give needed stats.)

Now a list of the bad thing isn't complete without a list of all the good.
- allows rares to be buffed (providing the player pays the same amount extra as it would cost to buy another wepon.
- Allows freedom in build's stats. (though this is the main problem to many balance problems)

I find it odd how almos evryone agrees that ED was much enjoyable during beta etc.
Yet the same people support enhacements, when it was enhacements that has led to this change from beta to now.
Don't belive me? Then imagine how the battles were like without all this power (back in the beta times) and now look what the battles of the most powerful builds have led to.
No or little creativity , No or little rewards for strategy, And increasingly interfearing luck.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 7/31/2011 10:56:07 >
Epic  Post #: 67
7/31/2011 14:58:52   
Elf Priest JZaanu

The individuals who support enhancements are not viewing the long term effects. This feature has been around for a year, and the lvl increase has only been 3.

As players continue to enhance with either alternative, every point will be valued less. Bottom line, if you are spending hours and hours to earn credit enhancements, or if you choose to pay for them, your points will be valued less. The inflation of stat encumbrance, the de-value of our time and money. It is another way the game will absorb time or money by balancing a bloated system that never needed balance.

The game created every single issue for the sake of sales, and now all players are participating in our current state of the game. If many players understood the bulk stat ramifications in the past, then AE/ED did too. They took a risk by ignoring it. Now they are forced to use encumbrance to continue to sell their enhancements and buffed weapons just to keep level as the game would be without no enhancements.

Unless honest true varium features are introduced, this sole revenue strategy will leave the game with no supporting player base.

Is credits currency valid, no
Is battle token currency valid, no
Is varium currency valid, no
Is stat currency valid, a strong Yes.

A person can pay 1200 varium for a shipping box as an armor, as long as the stats are strong. We value power/success in this game by how many stats we can attribute to our builds.

The only strongest currency in this game rotates varium (monies) into stats. This will be a failed strategy within a year, cause as every weapon levels up, the encumbrance will devalue your money. You will need more varium to power your weapons, and eventually you will not be able to afford or spend the time to earn credits.

< Message edited by JZaanu -- 7/31/2011 15:13:28 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 68
7/31/2011 15:06:15   
One Winged Angel1357

Jz you are correct the "power" of a player is measured by shear number of stat modifers and with Tesla Armor Delta whatever Eggzooka and Stun gun you get an extra 34 stats from modifers alone which is equal to buy 8.5 levels for your character

AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 69
7/31/2011 15:38:19   

The silence is glaringly deafening from our AE/ED admin.

I have actively sought to get answers from our game developers and or Artix for such a long time now. I have even sent a personal message to Artix about the enhancements and cost back in November 2010 to which he replied in early February this year. He told me he was going to sit down with Titan and Nightwraith to discuss my letter and to address the balance issue. Nothing has changed except we got stat diminishment and the subsequent sale of enhancements on our guns. More revenue raising!

Surely Titan and Nightwraith can see clearly what has happened with the ongoing enhancement issue yet not one single acknowledgement from them. Even if they said they were looking to improve the enhancement issue would be better than nothing at all after all this time.

DF AQW Epic  Post #: 70
7/31/2011 15:38:29   

I started right b4 enhancements started taking over epic duel, which was frostbane.
AQW Epic  Post #: 71
7/31/2011 15:46:16   
Giras Wolfe

Enhancements giving build freedom is clearly self defeating, seeing as if you didn't have to pay for enhancements you'd have more weapons which gives you far more build freedom.

This game could be so much better if you could have a wide arsenal of weaponry to pick from, but enhancements make this nearly impossible.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 72
7/31/2011 16:43:04   

I disagree. Removing enhancements would just be another nerf to about 70% of ED community on top of that flaming would increase and even more people(Including me) have used tons of credits and varuim(real money) on enhancements. You cant just remove it and act like everything is ok. All they need to do is fix the enhancement price lower the credits and varuim prices. Credit prices should be 2,500 and varuim prices should stay the same but the maxuim 10 enhancement slot varuim price should be lowered down to maybe 900 varuim. But eliminating them is just far to late and expect rage quits if that happens.
AQW Epic  Post #: 73
7/31/2011 17:38:39   

Not if they refund everyone's varium/credits =_="
AQ  Post #: 74
7/31/2011 20:39:05   

@Isaiah If enhancements were removed, then the stat diminishment would probably lose some of it's effect.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 75
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