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RE: The Rationale Behind Criticals

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8/9/2011 2:18:26   

hell no then tanks will run rampant -.- and low support people wont care. i might as well just put all my stats into dex and then put up technician if im fighting against tech mage -.-
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 26
8/9/2011 2:35:10   

The crits are fine as they are. No need to change. Just get enough support. If you don't want crits, get the right build to avoid crits.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 27
8/9/2011 2:55:11   

^ Yep

2% doesn't mean your going to crit 2 out of 100 times. It could crit all day at 2% no matter how unlikely it is. At times I also feel like it may need to be looked at to see if the percentages are set correctly but in the end it always evens out.

Crits shouldn't be lowered at all IMO otherwise support builds will vanish altogether and face it, there's not enough builds as it is. We need as much variety as we can get.
AQW Epic  Post #: 28
8/9/2011 6:40:38   
King FrostLich

I feel that crits happen more often than ever. Although I see myself blocking most of the time in 2v2, I just see crits coming along even if a support merc has 13% crit rate with zooka, they always crit me more than me blocking their strikes.
Epic  Post #: 29
8/9/2011 13:00:22   

@ DS:

Reducing the percentage of defense-ignore on Crits would lead people to abandon Support builds?

Um, overly dramatic much?
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 30
8/9/2011 14:03:27   

^ Very dramatic because if that happened I would just switch back to my str build like the rest of the population.

@Below, That's mainly based on perception. Think about the amount of times you strike over time. Only right to be blocked especially when 4% is the absolute minimum to be blocked. Once you see it occur you remember it much easier because they have such low dex or sup and it upsets you. That then stacks in your mind and makes it appear to be higher than it really is.

It definitely wouldn't hurt for Titan to take a look and make sure all the percentages are correct though. I have the same problem at times especially when I'm crit multiple times in a match with 147 support.

< Message edited by DeathSpawn -- 8/9/2011 14:11:08 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 31
8/9/2011 14:04:51   

In my opinion all luck factor is out of control , low dex-supp ppl keep blocking and critting more than the high stat ones.

This happen less in crit but in blocking Low dex ppl blocks more than the higher ones.

< Message edited by TurkishIncubus -- 8/9/2011 14:05:56 >


Epic  Post #: 32
8/9/2011 14:06:45   

Actually, against tanks, crits save my life. A LOT. I say theres nothing wrong with crits. Well... they're a little too powerful. Just a little.
DF Epic  Post #: 33
8/9/2011 15:29:19   


Crits ignore 75% of defenses. If it were lowered to 45%, you'd switch builds?

You realize what you're saying, right?
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 34
8/9/2011 15:45:52   

Perhaps the fact that support plays a role in this (criticals), might be the real problem..

Before there were bazookas (in which we could equip and improved with "support"), support wasn't really a popular stat, which might be why it is so "important".
It might not have been said from anyone developer, even being just a theory, it doesn't mean it is untrue.

Not sure about lowering the effectiveness of critical, after all, it is supposed to be "Critical" to the opponent?
I really think it shouldn't be affected by any stat or buff, such power shouldn't be controlled and should be "rare".

If it was meant to help the underdog, perhaps should work more frequent with them? I dunno, every choice apparently is the wrong choice now days..
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 35
8/9/2011 15:55:57   

A crit jsut kills a good-game though.

AH... heres a good idea. People with higher stats overall gets critted more (lol)

< Message edited by edwardvulture -- 8/9/2011 17:40:19 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 36
8/9/2011 17:11:10   
Elf Priest JZaanu

I think crits are a fun addition to the game, but it should be a varied formula. Support is a stat of too many responsibilities. From Rage speed, medic, shielding, less chance of being stunned, class skills, deflects, and crits; why does this one stat carry so many responsibilities?

The one single stat that can carry a match if put abundance amount of points. It is not the player's fault for investing in a system of play that works. The developers chose this path, and now the game has issues now with it.

This game needs to overhaul the entire stat distribution system. Once this is done, depending on one stat to compete will be more of a challenge.

< Message edited by JZaanu -- 8/9/2011 19:44:33 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 37
8/9/2011 17:29:13   

These random crits are not just a support base anymore. Anyone who fails to see that is crazy. I have a support mage that gets just as many crits as she gives.

The problem is far too many tweaks from the original coding which has caused a flow on effect in most aspects of PvP.

Frogbones is correct also that the reason given for the boosted Criticals that were introduced was so that the lower levels had a greater chance to beat the higher levels. I also agree that it was flawed logic.

The lower levels could quite easily have done the NPC's to level up the last bit to the level cap if it was such a problem for them. In many games the lower levels have to farm their way up to the level cap.

EpicDuel fails to respect level cap players for the hard work that they have put in to get there = gives lower levels a chance to beat them.

EpicDuel fails to respect the last few remaining long loyal players that it has left = alpha, founder and beta weapons left to rot just because the new players don't have them. There is more flawed logic. 1000 varium doesn't make up for it either.

Yes Criticals are annoying battle breakers but these are not the only problems that need to be addressed to bring back fair fights again.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 38
8/9/2011 18:08:01   
Sipping Cider


why does this one stat carry so many responsibilities?

Very good question. I think the main reason why is because all of its responsibilities are small and hard to improve much (rage rate, crit chance, chance of not being stunned, chance of deflecting). However, shielding and field medic are big responsibilities, and when put together with all of those other small responsibilities it adds up.

One good thing about critical is that they give hope to a player that would otherwise for surely lose. They make a battle unpredictable and uncontrollable. This is good for those fights were a far more experienced player fights a beginner player or a non-varium fights a varium.

For those battles that are fairly equal and both players are hoping to play a strategic game, it is unwanted.

I would like to see critical improve with the win percentage difference between the players and the base chance become 0.

Win percentage difference--------------Chance of critical

*Note that this chance is only for the player who has less win percentage. Also, Azreal's Bane still effects whoever has its chance to critical.

This would nerf support, still give inexperienced players a chance, and make people happy for those battles that players want to be strategically based.

< Message edited by theSunguardian -- 8/9/2011 18:10:37 >
Epic  Post #: 39
8/10/2011 1:31:33   

Perhaps you should make it 5% every 100 battles 5 crits. :)
Post #: 40
8/10/2011 22:16:31   
Lord Barrius

Locking. All balance discussion from this point on will be restricted to a single thread, to be created soon. Thanks!
Post #: 41
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