Creative! Constructive!
This reminds me of a song... It sortof goes like this... *ahem* : Friday night I crashed your party; Saturday I said I'm sorry; Sunday I crashed it out agaaain... I was only having fuuun... wasn't hurting anyooone; And we all enjoyed the weekend for a chaaaange! I was stranded in the combat zone. I walked through Bedford Stuy alone; I even rode my motorcycle in the raaain... and you told me not to driiive, but I made it home alive! And you say that only proves that I'm insaaaane!!! You may be right! I may be crazy... OH! But it just might be a luuunatic you're looking fooor! Turn out the light! Don't try to save meee... You may be wrong; FOR ALL I KNOW you may be right... Remember how I found you there: alone in your electric chair; I told you dirty jokes until you smiiiled... You were lonely for a maaan... I said TAKE ME AS I AAAM!!! 'Cause you might enjoy some madness for a whiile... Now think of all those years you tried to- FIND SOMEONE TO SATISFY YOU! I might be as craaazy as you saaay... If I'm CRAZY then it's truuue... That it's ALL BECAUSE OF YOOOU!!! And you wouldn't have it any other WAAAAAY!!! YOU MAY BE RIIIIGHT!!!!! I MAY BE CRAZY! OH!!! But it just might be a luuunatic you're looking fooor... IT'S TOO LATE TO FIGHT!!! OH, don't try to change meee... YOu may be wrong, but LORD I KNOW that you may be right... YOU MAY BE RIGHT!!! I MAY BE CRAZYYY!!! But it just might be a lunatic you're looking for... TURN OUT THE LIGHT! Don't try to save meee... You may be wrooong; FOR ALL I KNOW you may be right!!! You may be wrong, but you may be riiight... you may be wrong, but you may be right... you may be wrong, but you may be riiight... you may be wrong but you may be riiight... you may be wrong but you may be right... you may be wrong; But you may be right! (Credit goes to Billy Joel for the lyrics and theme, and all that) I expect that song to totally comprise the main overarching story behind the story almost entirely. Anywho... To the story, perhaps? I think I'll post this first. Nice idea to include that quandary about food... it would be interesting if you had some mechanical setup to convert the raw materials into energy like, say... the human body does... although probably more effeicient... Wonder where you'd get upgrades.. I suppose there are quite a few Super Genii laying around (such as me), with probably nothing better to do at the time... Meh. Pocket supernova (lol)? Neutron bomb? <- Preferred by me over an atomic, hydrogen, otherwise explosive, or thermobaric bomb, any day... Personally, I had always had the thought of it possibly being a neuclear weapon, but idk... a more personal weapon has always been in the back of my mind, like some sort of gun, or something... Then again, there are other ways you could be defeated, which I will keep to myself... along with other ideas for the weakness-type thingimawhatsits you have lying around, or whatever... *sigh* Indeed... Sadly, for those educated enough to know, the Frankenstein story of oldentimes had the "monster" as a thinking, reasoning, rather nice invidual... If anyone actually thinks of him that way, and not like the movie version of the monster, than they are either arrogant jerks, evil, or both... :/ Misunderstanding... I suppose I probably should have been more thourough/considerate in my statement/planning, in regards to emotions... Then again... let us see... Emotional anxiety, as is to be expected, check... Aww... I like armors that include pointy projectile weapons sticking out of random places... Makes me sad to see the knife taken out... /me chooses to to comment on the lack of dialogue for said mysterious invisible person, do to his undersanding of good story structure
< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 9/24/2011 9:17:25 >