Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (8/19/2011 17:17:45)
i didn't pick my title just so i can make my story about something else though, zafara. hopefully in a few chapters i'll-- hey you changed your avvy! ...anyways, hopefully in a few chapters i'll switch the setting so i can really get down to business. oh! anyone know what demo's dad got sick with? (say a cold or chickenpox) or is it not mentioned anywhere and i have to use my brain again? EDIT: quote:
Heheheh. Well maybe it'll call in the help of a certain alien as well, of course I wouldn't dare force you to put me in your story, but I just wantde to let you know that you DO have that option. I mean, just imagine.... you've heard of double teaming, right? Well how about triple teaming!? Experimental, Celestin, and Goldenstein! Ones a cyborg, the other a doctor, and the other's an alien! i might have need of your services, celestin... but not until later in the story. expect an invitation of some sort in later chapters.