RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (Full Version)

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Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/13/2011 22:29:29)

Crystal: So I wasn't the only one who saw that.
Vector: You could also go with the "bad ending(s)" that came across my mind, although I doubt you would.

Hmmm good so far... Pretty interesting choice by using Psi, any reason behind that?

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/13/2011 22:51:31)

Wow, Strebor sounds so mature. I might have to make him more so once I rewrite WNaML...

EDIT: Plus, I like how you make the relationship seem totally organic and believable. Kudos to you, sir.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/13/2011 22:58:26)

@Goldstein: looks like those pills are doing wonders for him :P (EDIT: i do remember writing that experimental was one heck of an expensive project... in order to, at the very least, make a somewhat modern version of frankenstein's 'monster', so there was a lot of time, effort, sweat, tears, and of course, the cash to pull it off. i'd say its a success seeing as it's pretty darn good at copying organic life)

@SL9K: I won't lie to you... i actually am considering it, though it's times like these where i wish the polls were back :( EDIT2: since omega is supposedly the best of the best... i think... i thought psi could be a step below, because of the one weakness that (literally) threatens him.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/13/2011 23:21:54)

Vector: I hope you don't decide to put a bad ending, although.....nah that's just a plain stupid idea I just came up with now regarding a bad ending. I am pretty sure that the letters don't symbolize power in such a way but hey it's your story.

It seems I have a gift for coming up with bad endings as I now have 3.5 bad endings that can be used in this story.

EDIT: Typo fix.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/13/2011 23:30:07)

more like believing they are power symbols than anything else, shadow. i know theyre only ancient letters

3.5 bad endings?! geez, mr doom and gloom, start focusing on the good endings once in a while! [:D]

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/13/2011 23:33:56)

Vector: That kinda makes sense, I wonder if any other letters shall appear. That's why it's 3.5 instead of 4.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/13/2011 23:50:19)

just 2 more. no prizes for guessing which two they are.

EDIT: omega's right. zeta aint

EDIT2: lemme clarify, if they appear as codenames for players, then i'll be asking the two most powerful villians if they want in (whoever they are) else, they are just symbols for someone super powerful... more than likely I'll have to use one from one of AE's minigames if that's allowed

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/13/2011 23:55:42)

Vector: I'm going with Zeta and Omega as the 2 who will appear.

Crystal Lion -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/14/2011 3:44:34)

Err, yes, as I said, an illustration.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/14/2011 10:48:05)

i have to admit, crystal, i was totally speechless when you offered to make a draw--- *ahem* illustration of that special scene. Sure it might not be the best in the world, but then again, i'm lucky i can draw stick figures right, so i cant complain XD
seriously though, that made me feel happy. i thought i was just gonna get 'aww, so cute' then me going back to working on my story, really. ^^;

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/14/2011 18:12:35)

@vector: Nice story you got here and also I will be using your character for my crossover story.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/14/2011 18:25:36)

can i ask why you're using him?

late EDIT: out of curiosity, i tried looking for pandora in the hswiki and for the character page, but i only found references to her in the items and some conversations in addition to the statue in the park. did she actually appear in the game at all? because i'm kinda thinking of making (at the least) a cameo appearance for her in the story... [>:]

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/16/2011 1:17:22)

Vector: Well seeing that the statue implies that Pandora died, I do not think she will make Many ingame appearances.

Do not read the rest of the comment until you've read the story...but them again who reads the discussion thread first? It's just spoiling it all, anyway: COMMENTARY AWAY!


Interesting chapter as usual, I wonder if everyone will magically know he is now called Psi, or if some will still refer to him as Experimental...


"Nothing makes a challenge more interesting, and more true to its namesake, than charging through without backup. It would be the best condition to put you past your limits."
It's also very suicidal, just ask Leeroy.

If Death knows then who else would? Makes me wonder if they installed some form of spy tech on Experimental.

Oh it appears that there is either a typo or a word I've never heard of in there. Is "ibterrupted" a typo or Is it intentional?

Kinda odd that nobody seems to have wanted to oh I don't know REMOVE THE (assumedly) DORMANT VOLCANO FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET honestly, it's just unsightly and it's blocking the shops there. Meh I guess it would be a job for the losing side though...

Villains: Breaking important plot-related zones since the creation of TNT.
Wonder what happened to the slimes though...

Question: Will Psi ever get upgrades? (e.g. Non-clawed hands, etc.)

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/16/2011 7:00:59)

dont you dare make me use a leeroy reference in my story! im afraid i might hurt somebody from laughing too hard. :P
im sure he'll need a few upgrades when the war comes by [:)]
thanks for catching the typo... i need to talk with my keyboard about this...
more than likely the villains got to the other slimes first. who knows what happened to them?
oh and before i forget, death is practically all-knowing (or he thinks he is) since he always keeps his eye on us... how does he watch us anyway? [&:]

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/16/2011 15:16:10)

I'm not making you use any references, just pointing it out.
That sounds...interesting.
So it was a typo!
Who knows indeed.....
I'm guessing that omniscient goes with being death.

Celestin123 -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/16/2011 20:59:25)

Egads! Great flying pancakes! Crystal Lion...that's a beautiful illustration!

Sure, you might not have drawn them kissing exactly but I consider your illustration a true masterpiece!

It really is good. You sure do have talent. If only I had artistic ability.....

And yes, I think Psi and Demo make a pretty cute couple.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/16/2011 21:05:57)

das zwei! das zwei! two people support the pairing! [:D]

...wait... where are the people who dont support them, i wonder? [>:]

EDIT: mayhaps C.L. could attempt drawing that very kiss if confidence is high...

Crystal Lion -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/17/2011 9:46:06)

Actually, I would have drawn the kiss if I didn't keep going beet red each time I tried!

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/17/2011 10:07:39)

aww... pwetty pweese? *makes a sad puppy face*

Crystal Lion -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/17/2011 10:32:21)

It might look awkward, and you'd see Psi's head from the back if I drew it now. Until I get more practice at drawing lip-locking and not going beet red each time, I'm afraid that will have to wait.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/17/2011 10:42:30)

alrighty then, just dont forget to practice once in a while ;)
maybe you could make people assume theyre kissing by drawing a different angle? (err... i meant from behind 'Psi' ^^;)

(edit: just realized... gonna need to come up with a 'real' name for demolicious, since it almost sounds like a secret identity of sorts)

Crystal Lion -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/17/2011 21:51:20)

I called her Toriko in my story, even though that name is rather made-up too. One of my friends suggested calling her Akiye. Then again, I'm still of the opinion that she's part Japanese.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/17/2011 22:06:58)

i'm going with a japanese name, no doubt, but I also want the name to go along with the fact that she would care about the cyborg even if he went back to being evil. thats the hard part [>:]

Crystal Lion -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/17/2011 22:14:17)

Hmm, I guess a name with Ai in it could work. Something like Aimi? I'm not too familiar with Japanese names, actually.

Edit: Found Hisae and Ea on Google. Hisae means "Eternal Blessing," and Ea "Eternal Love." Not sure how accurate Ea is, but I'd suggest Hisae if Ai and its variants are too cliche for you.

Vector -> RE: (HS) Trials of Morality Discussion (9/17/2011 22:22:32)

same here, or i wouldve bragged about how smart i think i am :P


ha ha! no spoiler for you! >:) anyway, do you know if modo has a forum account? I need a super powerful villain for later and i'm thinking about using him... or maybe ancient darkness, if he's available.

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