Hello. I'm Sylvir, an artist "from" AdventureQuest forums. I started my art career here many years ago, roughly 2003-2004. I was a frequent poster of the then titled "AQDAAS (Adventure Quest Digital Arts and Signatures" thread, as well as one of the many blooming artists willing to call it home. After a massive 3 year break, I've come back to see massive changes to the forums. I was here for the beginning of the more strict reforms placed upon the "Creative Arts" section of the forums, such as the approved artist ideal, but never saw it through to the end. I'm glad to call this forum home, but in it's current state, it doesn't foster proper creativity and is restrictive as opposed to helpful to any prospective poster. The fact that it takes two threads, one of which is entirely pointless, to have a proper gallery on the section, is sort of redundant. A discussion thread is unneeded, as discussion can and should take place in the forum. (Which is, essentially, the point of posting in the forum at all.) It's a massive inconvenience for any "regulars" we still have to post a comment on a gallery. It requires multiple tabs, jumping around on the forums, all to properly assess and comment on someone's artwork. Additionally, the format of the Creative Arts section of the forums is, in my opinion, all wrong. It should be divided into three to four subforums. Essentially, it should follow this architecture. Creative Arts -Digital Arts & Signatures (Contains ONE[1] thread per person for galleries, where comments remain attached. This is convenient for moderators, posters, and original thread starters alike. It alleviates the thread spam, and condenses the forum. Additionally, galleries that are inactive will be kicked to the back where they belong, regardless how good your art is, if you're not updating it, you don't deserve to be on the front page.) --Battle (Contains the "Signature/Art" battle thread.) -Flash -Drawing -Resources (Contains Help, Stock Packs, etc.) This would help condense the art forums into an easier to read format, while helping to maintain a constant base of posters. The layout just doesn't make sense in a forum, where the entire purpose is to discuss the original post. (And any relevant posts after that.) This also allows more decisive moderating. Moderators interested in posting and maintaining resources for the Digital Art community would be in the Resources, as opposed to just Creative Art, etc. Ideally, I'd like to see AQDAAS or "Creative Art" back to it's former glory, a founding place, a stepping stone for budding artists, as it was for so many of us already. I'd gladly help any admins think this out or set this up. The Creative Arts section should foster creativity, not stifle it, in it's current state. I appreciate the opportunity to post this and hope it's not falling on deaf ears. Thank you.