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RE: =PVP= Pony Test Realm Bug Reports

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11/17/2011 12:34:00   

Please Follow this format:


Multiple pets active. I'm not sure if this is a game feature, but I'm pretty sure this sort of thing is usually illegal in most games.

Pony ID:



This appears to be repeatable. I took a screenshot below in case you cannot manage to repeat it.


Windows XP professional (not the computer I usually play with)


Firefox 3.6.8

Flash Version:

WIN 10,1,82,76

(screenshot below)

  • The first thing I did was buy the Red RAZberry Ice while Rocky Raccoon was still active. I noticed that the raccoon still appeared to be active, but the popsicle floated behind me as well. I clicked purchase and they both stayed.
  • Then I got curious and played around. I was able to activate all three pets simply by checking off all three of them in my inventory.
  • I played a game against somepony else just to see if they would disappear. They didn't. They would randomly change order though, and the one floating closest to my pony would change. I did not pay attention to when this change happens, but I think they switch places every time I chain the blue bubbles. I don't know if they had any effect on gameplay. I'm usually too busy paying attention to the bubbles to think about what my pet does. They stayed even when I lost and clicked rematch.
  • I logged out of the computer (because I didn't realize I was logged in under someone else's name), and logged back in, got back into the game, and all my multiple pets were still active when I got back. I tried turning them all off, and back on again, and they all still followed me.

    EDIT: I did not notice this until now, but my pony page only shows the popsicle as active, even though I currently have all three pets active in game.

< Message edited by alphabetsoup -- 11/17/2011 12:39:45 >
Post #: 51
11/17/2011 12:53:46   

@alphabetsoup: That is a normal game feature on the test realm. Arm up to 3 pets and then hit save to keep them armed. They do not show up on your pony page but they do show up on the test realm on your friends page.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 52
11/18/2011 0:44:14   


Bug Description

I hit level 10, went to the shop which opened fine but when I try to purchase anything it says "error, not high enough level" and boots me out of the game. I logged in again on regular server and same thing happened there.

Problem Can Be Consistently Reproduced (i.e. Repeatable)

YES the same thing happened to me on regular and test server even after clearing my cache and restarting IE

If YES, Explain Step by Step How To Reproduce Bug (i.e. Details)

1) Hit level 10
2) Enter level 10 shop
3) Attempt to spend hard earned gems only to be thwarted by a bug.
4) Game resets with pony with poor grammar telling me "I can has error" Not high enough level.
5) Reset button appears, I log back in and repeat steps. (the definition of insanity comes to mind)

Operating System
Windows XP Professional

Web Browser
IE 9

Flash Player Version

And, if I might add, I think there's a few ">" points in the shop code that need to be changed to ">="...

< Message edited by Xanaomin -- 11/18/2011 0:45:05 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 53
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