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RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion

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11/7/2011 23:10:12   

New chapter is up.
DF MQ  Post #: 126
11/8/2011 1:10:29   

Alright so I'm caught up. Hm...Lawrence feels so out of place to me, but whatever, maybe she can work right. To soon to tell.
DF MQ  Post #: 127
11/8/2011 1:42:46   

In what way, glaisaurus?
DF MQ  Post #: 128
11/8/2011 1:45:35   

I don't know. Part of it is intentional (for reasons you and I have already discussed)...I think in part, it may just be her up personality, so different from the Imperium* Inquisition. Plus, she seems to just...stick out. Her whole air draws the story to her.

*That was a legitimate mistake xP Imperium came to mind instead of Inquisition for some reason...
DF MQ  Post #: 129
11/8/2011 1:51:17   

Like you said, her eccentricity is intentional. Now wait till you see Jeanne's reaction upon knowing that the Inquisition's very own Librarian is an eldtrich being summoner.
DF MQ  Post #: 130
11/8/2011 1:53:24   

I actually like that part (not so much that it literally IS Cthulhu(Mythos), I would've rather'd it be more original) but the fact they were "dark formless blobs" or something like that, reminds me of my own "Demons" which I am very fond of :D

Plus, if she can summon Cosmic Horrors, then that means naturally, there will be an enemy she NEEDS to use them against.

< Message edited by glaisaurus_x -- 11/8/2011 1:55:45 >
DF MQ  Post #: 131
11/8/2011 2:11:34   

Well, I think by now you would be wary of who she is, especially after saying that infamous quote at the end. Anyway, dont expect her to do anything big though as she's pretty much what you call OP. One of the spells she can conjure is Vision of Atlantis, an anti civilization magic that can destroy an entire continent as long as the target is the most advanced race in the planet. Because of this she'll be sitting this one out.
DF MQ  Post #: 132
11/8/2011 2:16:24   

Well I mean, I think it'll be useful eventually. As it doesn't make sense to me to have OP characters that don't use their powers at some point. Wasted potential you know?
DF MQ  Post #: 133
11/8/2011 2:36:10   

Not unless you want them stealing the spot light. Later on, I'll be dealing with normal people (by Lore's standards) at best. Jeanne herself may be nigh immortal, but that's just about it. She still needs her army to take down evil beasts, which is the essence of her growth- leading a team.

The powerlevels and super powered battles come much later when the focus turns to our second protagonist, Noir. She's a loner so she's not restricted, fights independently and can unleash incredible feats which is why she bests Jeanne in a one on one battle.

At the moment, Lawrence despite being backed up by Terra's magic, won't be doing much until the end of this story.


Oh and it's going to be BIG. You do not mess with Lovecraft.

< Message edited by lordkaho -- 11/8/2011 2:45:46 >
DF MQ  Post #: 134
11/8/2011 2:49:05   

I figured as much. And I don't mean for her to be using her powers all the time, but eventually in one big showing. No need for it to go to waste.

Figured as much, still wish it was something original, but I guess Cthulhuverse can work
DF MQ  Post #: 135
11/8/2011 3:06:10   


As for originality, well unlike everywhere, in this universe; Earth's magic>Lore's magic. And Earth's myths are all true in this universe, which the Cthulhu mythos count for as well as the Arthurian legends.

Genderbent Howard Lovecraft will be a testament to this as she shows that Earthen/Terran mythology and legends out right trump anything Lore (she possesses every magic tome from Terra) can dish out.

During the character concept, I wanted to give her the Greek cult of Ancient Heroes Scroll wherein she can call forth powerful heroes from the past using various catalysts; i.e. A surviving piece of Hoplite red cape found in Thermopylae will allow Lawrence to summon King Leonidas- Who gains an EX bonus proportional to the number and strength of the enemy, but will be defeated after 3 turns (time is irrelevant here, it just means that Leonidas and his 300 can be ordered three times). Or say an Oda Crest pendant salvaged from Honno-Ji will allow her to summon Oda Nobunaga who can plunge any kingdom, empire or nation into civil strife.

But after realizing how potentially awesome she can be that she might eclipse other characters, well...You know the idea.

< Message edited by lordkaho -- 11/8/2011 3:18:18 >
DF MQ  Post #: 136
11/8/2011 10:44:31   


Earthen/Terran mythology and legends out right trump anything Lore

Hm, that's a different take. But yeah with how OP she is, I'm thinking she'd deeeefinitely eclipse the other characters. Maybe impose a sort of limit making it logical? *And not some stupid Captain Atom limit..."Bleeeyugh, I have the power to create and destroy universe, so I'll just limit my mind so I can't do it!"*
DF MQ  Post #: 137
11/8/2011 11:16:32   

Loving the new chapter and how many references there are involving Lawrence... how did I not see that before? *facepalms*
Now I'm very curious about Jeanne, I was waiting for her to learn of her Terran counterpart. Not human, eh?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 138
11/8/2011 11:24:51   

She has definite limits. Aside from summoning Eldritch gods being too dangerous (she prefers to call on eldritch spawn like the deep ones instead), Lawrence is still human who can get sick from a mere flu. And another difference is that unlike Lorian magic that is free and natural, Terran magi noticeably suffer from spell casting lag. Sometimes taking a couple of minutes to cast a spell. In Lawrence's case, had she not been a master magus, drawing upon the ruined city of Irem from Terra to Lore would have taken months. And last but not least, like in true Lovecraftian fashion, further seeking of the unknown will curse the seeker with insanity. Crazy as she is, Lawrence is wary of the temptations of Azathoth.
DF MQ  Post #: 139
11/8/2011 12:36:42   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

Jeanne knows surprisingly little about the Order seeing she lived at their H.Q. for at least a year. You'd think she would at least know (of) the librarian and the fact it was a woman.


Her wore this tall cylindrical brimmed hat and over his shoulders draped a long flowing great coat and what seems to be a leather vest strapped to his abdomen but the craftsmanship of the clothing was of fine quality compared to what common leather tanners could produce.

AQ DF AQW  Post #: 140
11/8/2011 15:06:52   

Jeanne is actually quite mid tier in the ranking system so they virtually know nothing of the higher ups except anything in their Jurisdiction. Think of it as being employed to a big company where you are just thrown into your work cubicle and the only info you are given is about your boss and your assignment. Everything else you just learn from gossips with your co workers. No staff orientation whatsoever. And now Jeanne discovers a "dark" magic user amongst their ranks, someone of high stature no less. She must feel stupid for playing knight templar the past years when her Order itself isnt even that strict on protocol.
DF MQ  Post #: 141
11/8/2011 15:12:35   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

@lordkaho: You mean Jeanne never visited the libraseum before? I can imagine Azer lecturing Jeanne right now about the value of knowledge. He is a scholar after all.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 142
11/8/2011 15:30:29   

She wasn't sure what to expect inside it. Very few mention venturing in it, and Jeanne is not particularly friendly with scribes and scholars. Some say that she might in fact be illiterate. Haha, now that would be quite the scenario. Azer would be go bald from pulling his hair out by the end of the day though, Jeanne is one stubborn girl.
DF MQ  Post #: 143
11/8/2011 17:28:45   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

@lordkaho: You mean she wouldn't pay attention to his descriptions on weak spots of various monsters? Azer knows how to deal with soldiers and warriors. By the time he'd be done, Jeanne would be "reading"* books on monster anatomy.

*Regardless if she's illiterate or not, there's always pictures to look at.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 144
11/8/2011 18:50:42   

I just realized a second reason why Lawrence feels out of place. Herself is fine, but with all the abilities and such, it makes the story "Why focus on Lore? Earth is obviously better." I mean, what with everything she can do, and how Earth is outright superior, it almost seems useless to base this on Lore, save for the fact that Jeanne's there.
DF MQ  Post #: 145
11/8/2011 20:57:50   

As much as I'm tempted to, Lore as a setting is crucial to the plot especially as it branches off to Blood and Sand. And just as I feared Lawrence is starting to steal the show, having sparked more interest than either of the two main characters when she herself is a minor badass bookworm character. Oh and glaisaurus, I kinda disagree with the notion that X is better/stronger than Y, so I should just stick with X. In the past I have had demi god characters killed by mere humans and recently, a potentially OP character, Zan Silvermane, who can warp space and alter reality to a degree was killed by a 14 year old assassin in a few moves.
DF MQ  Post #: 146
11/8/2011 21:14:08   

Which is why I stand by "tiers aren't absolute" which strangely enough, the series you did a request for me for will prove again and again. So I agree with you there.
SilverMane didn't have enough buildup, I never even knew what his powers were or what he was doing till you told me xD

Anyways, that's what I mean:Lawrence's different-ness steals the show. It's like a new toy, but not just any new toy. One that can do everything the rest could and better. It'll get boring after a while, but not any time soon.
DF MQ  Post #: 147
11/8/2011 22:34:53   


You mean she wouldn't pay attention to his descriptions on weak spots of various monsters?

Oh THAT kind of knowledge. I thought you meant something around the lines of higher magic and philosophy. If it's a means to improve combat prowess, she's very eager to learn.

It's just that she's a great believer of the saying "Blessed is the mind too small for doubt". Other than increased knowledge of the truth makes you sway from Faith, she has personal experience to back this up. Almost all traitors and heretics she killed are all magi of high intellect who proposed revolutionary ideas that would conflict with the current laws. In a normal persons eyes, some of them were nothing more than extremists, revolutionaries, visionaries and the sort but in the eyes of the Inquisition (Jeanne's actually) they needed to be silenced.


Like I said, the only probably remedy for her accidental ensemble darkhorse-ness, is to limit her screen time*. But don't worry, unlike other authors I'm not going to be the one who will kill her off because she was too cool to live.

*Actually...I'm not sure if this is going to help her case.

DF MQ  Post #: 148
11/9/2011 3:39:20   

I don't think it will. And it's not Lawrence per se, but the fact that she's just so much BETTER than everything else. It really does steal the show.
DF MQ  Post #: 149
11/9/2011 3:54:51   


she's just so much BETTER than everything else

I'll ask it again. In what way? Yes, we have agreed that she's very powerful, but what else do you like about her? Personality? Manner of speech? The way she dresses like Willy Wonka?

But in your defense though, I did put much though into her when I conceptualized her character.
DF MQ  Post #: 150
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