From the novel the Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, I quote: quote:
Life isa game?.. Game my ass. Some game. If you get on the side where all the hot-shots are, then it's a game, all right.--I'll admit that. But if you get on the other side, where there aren't any hot-shots, then what's a game about it? Nothing. No game. This is a game but when you are weak, UPed or outnumbered by OPed players, what's a game about it? Nothing! This continuation of haves and have nots, UPed and OPed, varium and non-varium just makes this game sad and unplayable for the vast majority of new players. They will almost always fall into the have not UPed team and have to suffer. Making some system to allow players to mature instead of making them lambs to the slaughter would certainly increase the player population. The current threshold is too high so players quit before they get to be hot-shots. Make the matching system more fair, close the gap at the top to 3/6 levels so a level 34 will never fight a level 30 in 1v1 or a level 27 in 2v2. Have the matching system sort out totally non-varium players and match them up preferentially. Have the matching system choose nearest level matches preferentially so 34 v 34 and 31 v 31 are more common matches.