@BlueKatz Great! I'll PM you the link. Also, I read your stat process, but I must disagree on you about strength. IMO, I think strength is the skill that you use as a standard for everything else. It converts the stat directly to damage, and its the easiest way to compare other stats. Also, strength is balanced by two other skills, dex and support(Blocks and deflections). The way to prevent stat abuse of str is encumbrence, which the staff has already added. As for other stats, you have multiple effects, so its kind of like working with weighted averages. I'm going to give an example with dex. Let's say that damage increased with every 4 str, and defense increased with every 3 dex. Because 1 defense is equal to 1/2 a damage(a bit hard to explain, but its basically because you can either hit physical or energy, so its technically only worth half as much), if dex only increased defense, then 4 dex only equals 2/3 of a damage.(1/2 + 1/6) This is when you add in blocks. Since every 4 dex needs 1/3 damage more, it means that 12 dex should prevent one damage. Now, to factor in blocks, we must know how much damage is done on an average strike. I'll assume that to be 20 damage, just because its a nice number, but its also what I got when I calculated for it at lvl 34. Now, to find how much we need to increase the block percentage, we can use 19=20*(1-Block%). 19 is used because it is one damage lost from 20. After solving for for the Block%, you get that for every damage lost, you need to increase the block percentage by 5. This means that for every 12 dex, you need to increase the block% by 5 if damage increases every 4 str, defense increases every 3 dex, and the average strike does 20 damage. So you have to do this for all the other stats and find suitable numbers for everything. I think having an increase of 5 block% for every 12 dex is a bit to high (I think its like 3% increase right now), so, the numbers need to be tweeked. Either defense needs to increase faster to lower the block%, or str needs to increase slower. Doing this for support would be extremely difficult since you have to factor in deflect%, crit%, rage, aux damage, and start first%, but its doable. (Just take a while xD) Also, I think blocks are pretty necessary. It's one of the few ways to gain that extra turn back from starting second, and its the only way for weaker opponents to beat stronger opponents. Noone should have a 100% winning percentage, even if its against weaker opponents(as long as their not TOO weak). I think the most broken thing right now is energy. Skills are way off what they should be, and I haven't really wrapped my brain around how energy should be increased, but I think it conflicts with skills as of now. (Not quite positive I did my calculations right D:) Also, HP needs encumbrence instead of agility. Agility has the right intention, but it attacks the wrong thing. Encumbrence should solve the problem. Just my thoughts. -okdude