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Promotionally Rare Items- Rate of Change (POST Testing)

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9/25/2011 11:32:46   

I have edited this thread to make my discussion more clear.

After EpicDuel is out of their 'testing phases' what will you think about the rate of change for the promotional releases? Should it be slower, faster or stay the same?

I think that after we are done 'testing' we should increase the rate of change for promotional items. Three reasons: Overstock when buying the larger varium packages more than twice in the same phase. Advertises and displays EpicDuel more colorfully. Keeps up the pace with the present time.

< Message edited by greenrain13 -- 9/25/2011 22:13:41 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 1
9/25/2011 12:31:03   

Gamma was messed up, they released new promo like every 2-3 months. I hope that delta weapons will be only promo in delta. (old seasonal rare promos like frostbane and azreal bane should get released next year, but only in shops, not as promos.)
Epic  Post #: 2
9/25/2011 12:48:00   

i dont care promo rate if Devs add them in game , but high promo change rate + no in game = 50$ every week which is ridiculous


Epic  Post #: 3
9/25/2011 12:50:01   

@8rlx0 I would agree, but the items are ins such a high demand, removing them is not the smartest decision the team could make. For the sake of everyone, I think they should stay promo items for those events. The team could make more money leaving the items as they are, and them making money should ultimately benefit us.
This isn't because I don't have them. The only one I want is Azrael's bane, because I sold it, and it is definitely my favorite weapon.

Frostbane, on the other hand, should no longer be a seasonal promo. Seeing as there is some good gear up for grabs on christmas, especially energy weapons, I think it should just be available in shops.


players feel they are missing out if they don't buy Varium frequently

I'm fairly certain AE's goal is to make money. No disrespect intended, but if the players feel left out, well they either buy varium or man up and deal with it. The team couldn't possibly make TOO much money, and many players love promotional items. Yes, it is ridiculous how many Promo's there were in gamma (Bike and bot, frostbane, azrael's bane, Celtic cleaver, Eggzookas, stun guns) but if their goal is to both dish out good items and make money, everyone wins. There are downsides, but seeing as my time is limited here, I won't go into them.

< Message edited by nico0las -- 9/26/2011 18:37:23 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
9/25/2011 13:26:26   

Promo rate compared to useful life is too high, take the Delta weapons they were just outpowered by the recent TLaPD weapons and could now be called redundant!

Where are all the other features in the game, the concentration is on weapons and getting us to buy new every 2-4 weeks. What happened to Robots, missions, house items and the many ever promised features...

Lets hope that now that the lag monkey has been lifted from Titans back some of the other parts of the game could be enhanced in the next few months. It would be great if NightWraith could draw some more NPC's, map areas, house items and just give us a break from the constant stream of new weapons... Just my opinion and I know that some people want new weapons all the time!
Epic  Post #: 5
9/25/2011 21:27:31   

I think Delta weapons should be the only promo this phase. This way they can focus on things that gooney mentioned above, especially robots.
AQW Epic  Post #: 6
9/25/2011 21:32:35   
One Winged Angel1357

Promos should be atleast 5 months apart to allow people to do surveys for points to get the next one and to allows others to stock up a little cash to buy the new promos. This also allows the promos to have a nice long and full life of use
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 7
9/25/2011 21:37:15   

I really dont care If they make one every week but as long as they are sold in-game as a LQS or LTS
Post #: 8
9/25/2011 22:15:36   

Edited main post to fit the scope of EpicDuel after the testing phases (eg. alpha, beta, gamma, delta phases).
AQ Epic  Post #: 9
9/26/2011 1:30:19   


After EpicDuel is out of their 'testing phases' what will you think about the rate of change for the promotional releases? Should it be slower, faster or stay the same?

I think that after we are done 'testing' we should increase the rate of change for promotional items. Three reasons: Overstock when buying the larger varium packages more than twice in the same phase. Advertises and displays EpicDuel more colorfully. Keeps up the pace with the present time.

I think it should be 1 promo per year when ED is done with testing.
Epic  Post #: 10
9/26/2011 2:21:32   

I think there should be either reduced frequency of promotional items that comes with the 49.95 package or make the promo items available in-game with an increased price.
AQ MQ  Post #: 11
9/26/2011 2:46:35   

It does pose a problem, too many promotions and players feel they are missing out if they don't buy Varium frequently. Too few, and players feel the package is devalued if they already have the promotional item and buy another Varium package. Having longer promotions does have its benefits though. When a promotion, like the Delta Set is predicted to a few months to a year, then the promotional items can be made higher level so they remain useful beyond the current level cap. With shorter promotions, those items aren't intended to remain top-of-the-line months in the future, so they'll likely be more on par with current equipment.

Too many promos does also ruin the specialness of these items. It's looking very likely that other promos will carry on the trend of having special effects without any penalty to stats, but if there is a ton of equipment available with special effects, then that little perk loses its value.

I should note that most future promotional items will probably not be available in-game like past promotions such as Frostbane, so that's something to consider when you're asking for more frequent promotions. I think having a different promotion every few months would not be welcome since people would feel they're being forced to buy Varium to get the latest equipment. That time spent creating the promotion items could also be put to use making non-promotional items available to everyone instead!

Personally, I think the promos were a bit too often prior to Delta. Every seasonal event doesn't need a promotional offer. The Delta promotion hasn't been here too long in my opinion (it's only been 3 months); a good interval to switch out promos should be every 5-6 months so we have 2-3 promotions a year. This makes them stand out, and you'll know that the item you're getting won't be outclasses for several months.

< Message edited by Ashari -- 9/26/2011 2:47:20 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
9/26/2011 5:47:12   

I agree with Ashari 2 promos a year would be the reasonable way to go.
Seasonal rares should not be promos, only available ingame.

< Message edited by Matgon -- 9/26/2011 13:02:03 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 13
9/26/2011 10:07:34   

When celebrating holidays, just create seasonal rares.
AQ MQ  Post #: 14
9/26/2011 10:12:11   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

I think the reason for a lot of Promos that we've had IS because it is still in testing (Gamma, Stun Guns, Azrael, Celtic Cleaver, Delta) have i missed any? It's enticing to players which may think " well, it's a nice item/set of items i'll think i'll purchase them and i'll support the game etc) But once it is out of testing stages it may decrease. But at the moment Promo's have been a little often for my liking and many players such as myself may not be able to get every one that comes out.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
9/26/2011 16:33:20   

OK OK, maybe people will not be able to get every single promo that releases with the varium, but would that demote the game in any pivotal way? I would argue that people could fill their inventory much faster by procuring items in this fashion. With the discrepancy of owning random items in different short time frames, people make that item even more special by being one of the select few to own it; in the event that the current promo dissipates, players become potentially inclined to own the next very 'special' promo. - Counters doubt of the buy

We could have a universal clock on the homepage telling members the time left for the current promotional items, and a reassurance of items that will be just as good if not better than the previous.

I read from posters a few issues I will address. One of them being that each new item that becomes a promo, will, outclass the currently used items. Well, one very mutual element to releases of new content which developers know is: Balancing the quantity of the time of release, to the effectiveness of the content. When we ever start releasing promos much faster, the difference between your delta destroyer and your halloween sword is simply a rearrangement of stats, one extra stat point or enhancement at the most, or the weapon's damage. I believe the level of improvement of our weapons is climbing at a good slow rate for EpicDuel. When we release content faster, will not necessarily mean the need to buff the weapons dramatically. On another point of interest, no one weapon has been the champ for such a very long time. Excluding the alpha and beta sets, we came across seasonal rares which gave different benefits for players. Would you still be using frostbane if we did not have it buffed annually? I'm not sure as of why we buffed seasonal rares as such to improve them, as it takes merit away from the content our developers make shortly preceding the buff of weapons like frostbane. Did you buy the dark heartbreaker? Most likely not, frostbane was buffed and it was 'much better' than our new weapons.

There is the other issue being what the team works on aside from item content. I respect what choices they make and I am not involved in their affairs so I will simply say whatever balance is needed to achieve the best EpicDuel state they can do is good.

< Message edited by greenrain13 -- 9/26/2011 18:40:46 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 16
9/26/2011 16:43:58   


Gamma was messed up, they released new promo like every 2-3 months. I hope that delta weapons will be only promo in delta. (old seasonal rare promos like frostbane and azreal bane should get released next year, but only in shops, not as promos.)

ill agree to that only as long as they make delta weps sellable NOW during delta so we can sell them back and get maximum juice before buying another package.
AQW Epic  Post #: 17
9/26/2011 16:59:08   
Lord Nub

Finished testing???

Anyones mind click that perhaps when testing is done so is this game?

Online MMOs like this are always in testing. Once they stop updating the game or call it quits because there is no player base, then we will be out of the testing phase.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
9/26/2011 16:59:32   
Spectating from the Sidelines

One thing about promos with virtually every game is that a player wants promos to prove they were there at that certain point in the game. Therfor, if they release a christmas promo, many people get it to prove they were there etc.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
9/26/2011 18:17:14   

@Lord Nub,

Theoretically we have finished testing EpicDuel after the Beta (and potentially Alpha) phase which in its own sense is the time when games have their fan-base communicate to the creators the bugs, compliments, rants, and rating of the game etc. etc...

What EpicDuel has done is extended the testing phase to make it seem as if the game hasn't been released which it has. The game is always updating but it may not necessarily be testing, as long as we have a group still working on EpicDuel . So yes we are still testing according to Nightwraith and Titan but we are essentially released.

It gets even better when ED gets as much power as AQW.

@Holiday Practel,

That is a very insightful point why players buy promos. Many a time little kids and adults may think alike and in this case thinking about how their presentation of themselves ego-wise goes. I myself buy promos for the sole benefits toward gameplay. It is cheap (in contrast to buying in-game), and adds a touch of delight being what I would call a reward for my actions. I wouldn't mind when people brag because I am not interested about what you own, but what you got.

< Message edited by greenrain13 -- 9/26/2011 18:25:50 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 20
9/26/2011 18:28:23   

But having no promo is not really fair is it? Those who started lastyearmanage to get much through promos so why stop the new players?even im saving to buy the largest package twice more this year,halloween and christmas,im sure many others are thinking the same way.
Post #: 21
9/26/2011 18:37:19   


But having no promo is not really fair is it? Those who started last year manage to get much through promos so why stop the new players? Even I'm saving to buy the largest package twice more this year, Halloween and Christmas, I'm sure many others are thinking the same way.

I would agree, not having promos for the entire community to choose upon will slightly limit their potential to play well if they can rely on their gaming skill but not their in-game status and equipment.

Although could you restate this following line in a different context for me, I can't understand it well:


Those who started last year manage to get much through promos so why stop the new players?

Sorry .
AQ Epic  Post #: 22
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